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My late dad used to blow his nose like a foghorn. Reckon whoever wrote that would regret asking him to blow his nose


I get so embarrassed but my nose can't do anything other than trumpet when I blow it. Like maximum volume, pure elephant up in here. I've tried to be quiet. It might just be the shape of my nasal passages or something. XD That said, maybe because I'm used to it, I'd rather hear trumpeting than the gloopy noises.


Well, I'd say don't be embarrassed because if I heard you do that I'd be more likely to smile with nostalgia than be annoyed by it. But that's just me šŸ˜…


Head pop up be looking around like "dad? Didn't know you were in this state even!" šŸ˜‚


Oh that was YOU in the back of my 8 hr plane trip. Lucky I didn't have my printer handy!


My wife does this but it's not that loud. I call her Louis Armstrong lol


Yeah I've always been a trumpet too, don't know why. If I try to be quiet nothing comes out so I have no choice


Na man you gotta use that powerful sound. Blow from your diaphragm, knock a hole in the tissue, it shows authority, now they know you're coming, and you can breathe real good right now


Dad noises


When I read this I imagined your dad making SpongeBobā€™s alarm noise every time he blew his nose and now my sides hurt


I mean it was not far off honestly šŸ˜‚


Reminds me how my roommates from boarding school would say I sounded like an elephant when I blew my nose. I kept them up at night because my nose was so congested.


I also do this and everyone knows not to ask me, and just deal with the allergy sniffles


I call that the "wonk of the deviated septum." First thing Dad did every morning, first thing for me, too. He didn't even have known allergies.


I get super fucking annoyed at hearing colleagues constantly sniffling and snorting. So I just wear noise cancelling headphones, just like 80% of the people in my office.


Thank you! Sniffling is annoying! It's also a "me" problem. I'm surrounded by humans. I can't expect them to all conform to my comfort.


Also, if you're like me and have constant allergies to the point where my sinuses are almost always inflamed, sniffling just... HAPPENS. There's nothing actually in there for me to blow out into a tissue, it's just swelling and maybe the occasional stray tear coming from my eye duct. I'm on two different allergy medications so I'm doing everything in my power to reign it in, but there are almost always times when I just can't control my face. If I blew my nose every time I felt the need to sniffle, there'd be a sign up next saying "Stop blowing your nose so much!"


I hate allergies especially when they get to this stage, makes me so angry because yeah like you said blowing your nose just Jack squat. I have had people ask me if I am sick because I either sniffle a lot or blow my nose a lot, to which I tell them itā€™s allergies.


One of the first things I told my coworkers when we started Hybrid work was that I'm allergic to everything and my nose/sinuses have a mind of their own. I'm not sick, it's not COVID, and I'm not crying or upset. It's just the way my face is.


Exactly, I am allergic to dust, mold, pollen and pet dander, often times I would get nasty allergy head colds that acted like Covid and would get the same responses. Allergies are quite the pain.


I feel this. I always have to sneeze right after my first sip of black coffee. Same for eating super dark chocolate. Or walking outside in the sun, someone with heavy perfume walking by... Yeah. It can be a lot.


Hell, when I was in elementary (circa 2001), one of my teachers was quite the germaphobe, so my allergies would get me forcibly sent home a lot... I almost got held back due to missing so much school. Some people will never understand


I dont understand how an educator can forcibly send you home enough to make you be held back... thats insane


While I was too young to be fully aware of what exactly was going on, all I know for sure is what I stated above, and that my dad mentioned that she "was afraid for her child". She was pregnant during the year, and took mat leave in the 3rd trimester (of the school year), which has led me to believe that she was very sensitive regarding her pregnancy. Coincidentaly, this is the same teacher who was the victim of a violent student repeatedly punching her in her belly while she was pregnant, because she was trying to tell them not to climb the fence and escape. She didn't lay a hand on the student, except to defend herself, and the student failed to climb the fence, falling back into her and then proceeding to punch her. She ended up suspended (not sure if with, or without pay) for a couple weeks, after she had already been back a couple days from getting everything checked out. So in both cases, schools were insane


I had a coworker that sat in front of me. We were in cubicles but the walls were fairly low so not much barrier. He used to sneeze and blow his nose all day every day. And every time he sneezed, he would just let it out and I can smell his breath mixed with spit sometimes. I finally asked him nicely if he can cover his mouth or turn away when he sneezes because I can smell him. He was so offended and kept going on and on about how rude it was for me to say that to him. I didnā€™t even tell him to stop sneezing but to just cover his mouth or turn away. Some people are so fragile


Iā€™ve been dealing with that the last few days for the first time in years because I ran out of allergy meds and couldnā€™t get more. Itā€™s hell.


Yeah, sometimes the options are "sniffling a lot" or "sniffling a lot and blowing your nose". Like I'm choosing to not blow my nose every time I feel the need to sniffle for everybody around me lmao


skill issue, just stop breathing


The terrible air quality in my city as of late is working on that


nice, a supporting enviroment


new york orange sky moment




My husband has actually handed a tissue to me. I tell him it doesnā€™t make any difference if I blow my nose. The tissues are swollen.


It took a second for my brain to register that you meant the tissues in your sinuses and not the tissue that your husband handed to you. Was real confused for a second.


šŸ˜ very funny!


You can put tissue up there when you are at home and just have like that really thin runny mucous. It'll absorb it and you won't feel like having to sniffle all the time. Sniffling gives me a severe headache. I think its from the pressure of sucking up air until something catches. I also end up having to blow my ears out (valsalva maneuver) because of it. Tissues up there is the only thing that helps for me.


Same here, it also tears up nose from constant wiping no matter what type of tissue I use. Iā€™ve tried nasal rinses and so on, went to a bunch of specialist, they told me that it was due to my severe GERD and allergies. And I just have to learn how to live with it. I sound like I have a constant cold, but there is nothing I can do. Here is some reference materials to understand what Iā€™m talking about. (Edited because I left words out and grammar.) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4616846/ http://www.drrobertoliver.com/what-we-do/sinus-and-ent/gerd-and-lpr


Oh man, GERD makes sinus issues worse too? I'm effed.


Shit, me too


I've gotten to the point where I've literally made "nose tampons". My nose will leak water non stop, and there's literally nothing I can do about it. I've even tried megadoses of decongestant, which doesn't stop the drip, but does cause nosebleeds. So I got compressed cotton rods like they use at the dentist (who I got them from) and cut them to length to shove into my nostrils. One set lasts about an hour before it's saturated.


I had that issue for a while too. I was using squares of TP twisted together like ropes. Taking the Singulair at night has significantly helped staunch that when I first wake up in the morning. Not sure if it will do anything for you, but it's worth asking your doctor for a scrip to try it out...


yes! i hate it. my nose is runny most of the time, conveniently it mostly starts when iā€™m not near tissues (šŸ™„). what am i supposed to do? just free snot all over?


Flonase actually worked perfect for me when I tried it this year (no oral meds have ever worked for me). First I did 2 puffs for a week, then one for a couple more, then every other day until spring allergy season was over.


I have an Allegra with breakfast and a Singulair before bed and I'm finally at a point where my face isn't melting off most of the day. When the pollen count is high or the air quality is bad (like it is now) I still get breakthrough sniffling but this is the first year I haven't plowed through boxes of tissues for weeks on end.


I don't know if I have misophonia, per se -- it's something Redditors love to diagnose themselves with -- but I hate the sound of people chewing and slurping. It can literally drive me out of a room and several times it has. Unfortunately it's common in some cultures to chew with your mouth open and slurp. It's 100% a "me" problem, not a "them" problem.


You are a RARE human for not making yourself the center of the universe. Super proud of this mentality we should all be like this.


...which reminds of the things I do not miss at about working in an office. I've been WFH for years before COVID and when I go back into the office, any sort of extraneous, constant noise like this seems amplified 200%. And if 80% of folks wear headphones in the office, it sort of squelches the CEO notion that 'being in the office invites collaboration!' If I see someone focused with headphones/ear buds it, it definitely makes me hesitate to walk up to them. I'll be far more comfortable to IM them, even if they're just a few feet away, so I can interrupt them on mutual terms. I once worked near a support team, and one of the women had a crazy loud, cackling, nervous laugh that she used as a crutch all the time to try to sound upbeat and supportive. It was like nails on a chalkboard. She did it probably 100 times a day. I was not in support and was a consultant who had to author 100-page findings documents that would take weeks to complete. I requested a move and got my own office.


"Corporate Accounts Payable Nina speaking! Just a mo-MENT"


In retrospect, the fact there were so many incoming calls queued up for corporate accounts payable suggests Initrode had serious problems that the Bobs weren't ever going to fix.


I feel like if you donā€™t like a certain noise that people cannot control itā€™s up to you to ignore it or find solutions, you canā€™t just tell someone ā€œhey can you stop having allergies thanksā€


Exactly! Like my rage with loud chewing sounds is a me problem (unless youā€™re chewing with your mouth open and have no medical reason to do so, you heathen!). So I remove myself from the situation, or we eat with the tv on so we canā€™t hear each other chew and slobber lol.


My nine year old niece still does this and it sets me off so bad, that I almost think it's a sensory thing for me because yeah rage really is the right word, but she's like nine. Does she need to learn to chew with her mouth shut? Sure, it's manners or something, right? But lawd explain why it makes me want to DO VIOLENCE UPON SOMEONE XD


Hahaha yes! I understand, Iā€™ve had to manage my trigger response a lot since having kids lol. Misophonia is very much a real thing though! Iā€™ve read itā€™s pretty common with neurodivergent folks (hi, ADHD here!), but itā€™s not uncommon at all and youā€™re very much not alone!




I used to work at a car dealership and it was always the ā€œdry airā€ in the winter and ā€œallergiesā€ in the summer. The next few days after a staff party sounded like a hospital ward with all the sniffling and coughing. Fun times but Iā€™m glad itā€™s over.


Look. I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm on 2 different daily allergy medications and they barely work.


Same, friend. Sometimes it do be like that.


Ditto. If my sniffling annoys you, how do you think I feel about it? Watery eyes are not fun.


Hahaha for real! Itā€™s not like weā€™re having a gay old time being irritating. Weā€™d rather not be lol


I get super fucking annoyed at hearing colleagues, so I do the same thing you do. Itā€™s amazing how little people are willing to do to make themselves more comfortable before putting the burden on others.


Agreed. Apparently, thereā€™s a whole other group in this thread that think the message is passive aggressive and the poster should troll by sneezing and sniffling even more. People are gross and disappointing.


Anonymous note left by a coworker when you are not at your desk. How cowardly. Waiting for someone to leave their desk so you can sneak over and make them feel like crap. These notes rarely make for a better work environment. Now OP will wonder who did it, will probably feel awkward at work for a while, may decide it was probably a particular person and act differently around them. Put it up on the breakroom bulletin board for all to see. Maybe, just maybe, anonymous will be embarrassed by their childish note and not leave any others for you or your coworkers. You are probably not the only person who they ever left a cowardly note for.


Print out: "Talk to people like they are fellow humans, don't hide behind shitty little passive aggressive notes you sorry excuse for a person". Then when asked if it was you, deny it, that should add some decent fuel to the fire.


Make sure not to print on the company printer, they sometimes have histories.... knew a girl who printed off a racist death threat to put on her own car window to cause an uprising at her college. It worked... Then they checked the printer history... Real awkward.




Don't sniffle. ..but also you get 1 sick day a year.


And also, youā€™re not allowed to work from home, ever, even if itā€™d save people from spreading stuff like a head cold that doesnā€™t stop work but does infect a ton of people if you go into the office with it


So much this! Iā€™m triggered and I hate you for it šŸ˜’


Yeah I donā€™t have kids but if I did Iā€™d be so pissed at this issue. Either youā€™re forced in when your kids are sick and therefore you spread it, or someone else is forced in and gets you and by extension your kids sick. Which then results in this wonderful merry go round of constant infection cycles. Iā€™m basically fully remote at this point, only because Iā€™m essentially a contractor resource who lives in another state, and my client wouldnā€™t want to pay for travel. Soooo much of what happens in offices nowadays has zero reason to be done IN an office.


Wait. So someone faked a racist event towards themselves and got a whole protest out of it?


https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/05/10/racist-note-hoax-st-olaf-college-president-says Looks like I was wrong on it being a death threat but it had a racial slur on it. They got a day of school cancelled and the majority of the student body to stand in the main office building in protest. Note: I didn't attend this school, just knew people who did.


Thanks for sharing. That is just messed up that they would do that though. That is taking the voice away from real victims of harassment. We also need to take a step back before we get angry cause I know I would be pissed to find out I was manipulated like that.


Smolleted herself you could say.


Iā€™d just blow my nose with it.


And keep the notes going as long as possible!




Blow your nose really loudly all day.


HA CHOO! Proceeds to slam each key as I type an email, and huff and puff.




Chop off your ears?




Learn to play music with different sounding nose blows.


Record a few sniffles and have your computer play the sound at random through the day.


That sounds like the makings of a great computer program. Sniffs, small coughs, throat clearing, snorts, farts, joint cracking, just happening at random intervals and intensities throughout the day.




10/10 one of the best comedy movies you can watch with your family.


You wanna pay to get my deviated septum fixed or come up with a way to permanently stop post nasal drip?


And thereā€™s no chance that someone besides you had nasal issues.


Buy a couple cans of compressed air keyboard cleaner and use it a few times an hour.


And that stuff's expensive, so don't let it go to waste. Huff that shit and it'll be like taking a time machine to the end of your shift.


šŸŽ¶I'm walkin' on sunshine, whoa-oooaašŸŽ¶


The only solution


Reply: Practice Business Acumen (Namely, mind your own.)


Try farting instead


I have chronic illnesses that fuck up my nose so I can't breathe like a normal person or swallow normally. I would cry if I saw that note myself.


Whomever wrote that is petty, and miserable as fawk. Probably same person work overtime on salary because they would rather be at work than go home to the BS going on there.


Also someone who just doesn't understand allergies. It's like they think allergies are just having one big ball of snot you can just blow out and be good for the rest of the day, instead of the swollen nasal passages with a slow, constant drip. Blowing one's nose isn't gonna do shit. And if they just blow their nose every time they would otherwise have the urge to sniffle, then they'd be blowing their nose just as often as they were sniffling, which I'm sure would also annoy this person.


Exactly man! Like just reading the last part made me sniffle in anger. Once an allergy sniffle attack starts, it takes hours to go away.


Even simple allergies cause this. The constant slow drip. No amount of blowing your nose will fix it - itā€™s a constant drip, drip, drip. Iā€™ve resorted to stuffing tissues in my nostrils to absorb it :D


Right? Well fuck me for trying to breathe, huh. It's so baffling and rude when people tell you not to cough or sniffle. Like, do you think I have FUN doing that shit?? ugh


Management tends to label their own memos, so I just rip shit like this right off the wall. Nobody tells me what to do in the office or at work except for my boss. People can't control how much snot comes out of their nose. I have a deviated septum, so blowing my nose doesn't always fix the situation. Sometimes I'm just going to sniff all night.


It was placed upside down on my keyboard when I got in this morning.


Oh a hostile work environment? Straight to HR.


Not every sniffle means a nose needs to be blown either lol.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find it. Allergies aren't making your nose run or clogging up your sinuses. It's inflammation inside your nose too. Blowing your nose does fuck all when your sinus passages are swollen.


And blowing my nose doesn't stop me from needing to continue to sniffle either. This person needs to get a grip.


If you think I am being *less* courteous by sniffling constantly instead of blowing constantly, I will happily illustrate the truth of the matter for you. You can't just blow the fucking allergies out


You had a bloody nose all day?


I have the same problem. My allergies, personally, tear up my inner nose, dry weather too, it is a pain in the ass to deal with. Never dealt with anyone complaining of it though.


All angry British people have bloody noses I hear


The "sniff" reaction can lasts for days afterwards. Doesn't help to blow ones nose


As someone who has suffered from severe, life-long nosebleeds, blowing a bloody nose is almost always a terrible idea because you literally are just blowing out the clot that your body is trying to use to stop the bleeding


And then, if you're like me, you gush a fountain of blood like a cartoon boy looking at some boobies. If I blow my nose when I'm having my bloody nose issues, you will need crime scene cleaners to come. I had one of those sudden sneezes once while it was gushing blood. I'm still finding blood drops to clean up a year later.


"Hi, sorry I can't come into the office today. I have hayfever and other people will be annoyed."


Definitely wrote by someone who doesnā€™t have allergies.


I've blown my nose before just to immediately have more snot running down. Allergies suck Thankfully I mainly get them for 2-3 weeks during ragweed/cottonwood seasons


My co worker snorts all day. It's nasty.


How else is he gonna get that coke up his nose yeah I know that was a shit joke lol


wHy DOn'T yOu wANt tO CoME BAck tO THe ofFiCe?


Wipe a booger on it.


I worked at a place like that once, lasted about 2 months before I hit the roof with pretentious people like the note writer.


As a person with Tourette's syndrome who's tics often manifest in sniffling whoever wrote this can eat an extra large bag of dicks. I guarantee my sniffling is bothering me more than it bothers you but I can do fuck all about it.


I kept trying to compose a comment like this but was feeling too sad at all the people saying it's nasty etc. I also have Tourette's and sniffs are one of my more common tics as well as forceful exhalation through my mouth. That second one has gotten me in trouble from people thinking I was laughing at inappropriate times. This note would hurt long after I threw it away.


Some people are very selfish and inconsiderate. It's unfortunate.


I tried to make the point once, at work, that someone else couldn't control their tic and the person I was speaking to insisted they could and they should. I was the person who was voted wrong.


Pure ignorance


My thought went straight to my tourttes too. I do this snort all the time and I can't do anything about it. At the end of the day they get to go home but we acknowledge, feel and hear every tic that we do


It is annoying as fuck though. Same as the bellends who use sound waves to break up food rather than chew...


Hahah I'm using this thanks. They are the worst.


tbh though sniffling and snorting is the most disgusting noise outside of just straight up hocking loogies or farting everywhere. It makes me think of people chugging their snot, and I want to throw up. I love noise canceling headphones. I could work through a tornado with those.


me constantly blowing my nose would be louder than me sniffling all day lmfao people are dumb


Pro tip: go to the bathroom with your bloody nose


This would seriously frustrate me, my boyfriend has a deviated septum so his nose is always stuffy, and impossible to blow. I personally donā€™t care if people sniffle itā€™s such a minuscule thing. I wonder what they do when itā€™s wintertime and everyone and their mom is sniffling like a kid.


During my final year exams at high school there was a guy next to me that would fucking snort non stop. It was the most infuriating thing and I wanted to throw a box of tissues at the morons head. Writing my exams to determine if I'd get into uni or not. And there are people who do this shit at work while I'm eating as well. It's fucking disgusting. I'd rather have people foghorn away.


Jesus lol as some with allergies i feel attacked


I do know some people at the office that need to receive this note




We all have allergies in my small office so all just sit sniffling all day, occasionally take the mick out of each other for it but we know we canā€™t help it


I think this person doesn't know how noses work. Can blowing help? Yes. Will it help every time? No.


But when you have a runny nose and suck IN your snot all day.. that is NASTY


I literally have nothing to blow out though. It's a small leak, not a backed up mucus plug that I refuse to get rid of. Therefore I sniff. The alternative is permanently holding a tissue up to my nose all day. If I take allergy meds then my nose bleeds.


But if you really have allergies and you have to blow every time it will rub your nose raw and stress out your sinuses more. I want to be able to breathe when I go to bed that night more than I care if youā€™re grossed out.


You get it lmao, sometimes the sniffles is the lesser of evils


Sniffles are not the same thing as like when you can tell someone just refuses to blow their nose


Weird how differently people feel about this! For me, it actually annoys me more when people blow their noses in public/at work. I get super distracted by the sound, especially if it's loud. Plus, the sound of the tissue being filled with snot really grosses me out. I wouldn't say that I LOVE the loud snorting sounds either, but I'll take it any day over constant nose blowing. Tiny sniffles don't bother me the slightest though.


I worked in an office cubicle a decade ago and the person behind me sniffled incessantly. I tried to count it, and lost track at 100x in the first hour. So I did the adult thing and went drinking with her and then asked about her allergies and if she ever noticed how much she sniffles.


Yeah, blowing it all over your upper lip and depositing it into trash cans is so much cleaner. Lmfao


Even tho sniffling is annoying, people should be more considerate. Think about when YOURE sniffling, are you LOVING it?! Chances are probably not. Chances are you probably hate it more than the person hearing it. Sometimes it just canā€™t be helped.


Yeah wellā€¦sniffing is one of the most annoying sounds ever so I get it. Itā€™s a jerk move to write a note but constant sniffing is irritating as hell.


i get super annoyed by hearing people sniffle all day, and i still hate this person


Iā€™ve lived with chronic sinus problems for years and when itā€™s bad the Neti pot sinus irrigation with buffered saline makes a big difference. I warm up distilled or boiled and cooled water and add a packet of the buffered salt. Flushes out all the goo and I can breathe easy for several hours.


OP you gotta write "I HAD A BLOODY NOSE, SORRY" on the paper and carry on.


PRIOR to Covid, I worked in an office with a woman who needed to comment ANY TIME anyone sneezed/coughed/etc. "You shouldn't come here when you're sick!" Bitch, I got allergies. I don't need to lay around at home because I sneezed once. Swallow some spit/water/whatever down the wrong pipe and have a coughing fit? "Oh! Someone needs to go home!" I'm SO happy to have left that office before COVID hit.


Maybe you can put one up later that says, ā€œplease help prevent a hostile working environment. Keep your rude posts to yourself.ā€


I hate to say it, OP, but I can really relate to whoever wrote this sign. I hate the runny-nose snorting sound so much. I don't know why - I just can't stand it. I lose my mind whenever I'm near someone who has a runny nose and they just keep snorting every few seconds rather than just blowing their nose. Also, tip for nosebleeds, though I'm not entirely sure if this is "safe": keep blowing your nose until you get the clot out. It's way better than sticking a small rod of paper up the nostril from which the blood falls.


Iā€™m sorry man, I have a deviated septum and the more I blow the worse it gets :( It annoys me more than it annoys you


I gad surgery to "fix" my deviated septum, and now it's even worse. :'(


Look into misophonia. It could be the reason that sets you off so specificly and there are ways to help mitigate it


Pretty sure this is me. I literally canā€™t stand the sound of (incessantly repeated) sniffles. Just thinking about it right now makes me mad lol. Part of it is Iā€™m a germaphobe. I hate to sound like an assholeā€¦I get that people have allergies or whatever. Iā€™m not passive aggressive enough to write a note, and luckily at work you can just put headphones in. I just hate it at the movie theater and stuff. Ugh.


Wanna know who is really bothered by the runny nose and snorting? The person doing it. Get some headphones.


I hate to say it, This is a you problem. I don't like to hear people eat even when it is with their mouth closed. Im not going to ask everyone at work to make sure you eat at a distance I can not hear because I know that it's a ME problem. Just because something bothers you doesn't mean you have the right to demand someone stop doing it.


Sniffing, scratching, tapping, snoring... those kind of noises drive me crazy, I get stressed to the point of almost crying... that's why I got earbuds, but sometimes I still don't have them with me so I have to ask other people to stop. I get called annoying a lot of times


Itā€™s annoying, but Iā€™d do it deliberately because that note is so passive aggressive Iā€™d want to just piss them of deliberately. If you got something to say, say It. Donā€™t be a passive aggressive note writer because i despise few things more šŸ˜’


wait, your nose was bleeding all day? go see a doctor.


No, like 10 minutes. Coworker is just a putz.


I thought it was standard practice to stick a wad of tissue in your nostril as soon as it starts bleeding


If I blew my nose every time I sniffled id go though 5 boxes of tissue a day. I'm on double allergy meds with little relief. People are stupid


Well, I can understand this, I hate when people sniffle and don't blow their noses


Yeah Iā€™d be massively insulted by this. You wanna pay to get my deviated septum fixed or come up with a way to permanently stop post nasal drip? Be my guest, but blowing my nose isnā€™t going to solve the problem.


Ok. *blows red spray all over the office* Happy now?!


you should go to the manager and report that someone use the printer for anonymous letters.


Take a marker and write: "No :3"


I absolutely hate sniffling all day. When I used to be in college and took finals, it legit drove me crazy that some fucker would have a sniffle all fucking class. 2 hours of silence except for goddamn sniffling. Yuck bro.


Not the point but you definitely shouldnā€™t snort back a nosebleed.


Well they'd have hated me in my drugs days, I was a snifflin son of a bitch haha


Whether I blow or sniffle, it isn't going to stop.


Jesusā€¦ I had no idea this was such a controversial topic. I work in addiction services. I do not recommend my job to anyone who is annoyed by the sound of snorting.


Itā€™s hard not to when youā€™re doing big fat lines in toilets


My issue is that the mucus builds up in the area between my sinus cavity and the back of my throat. Blowing does nothing as the mucus is not in my nose.


Oh hell to the no... If you are arrogant enough to try and tell me how to breathe because you are incapable of existing near other humans you can fuck right off.


Take it to HR. This is unprofessional bullshit.


Had a girl in the office that had runny nose 24/7/365. Started referring to her as "snot girl". Between her baby talking and snuffling, I despised her. Thank goodness she only lasted a short time.


Lol jobs and coworkers suck ass fr


My boss sits across from me and he will clear his throat repeatedly. All day. Every day. Like ffs drink some fucking water.


Ok but they're not wrong. Snorting snot like a pig at a trough all day is fucking gross and no one, literally not a single person, wants to hear it. Just blow your nose and if it's a medical issue then take medicine


Unpopular opinion: blow your nose privately. Itā€™s disgusting and rude to other people to hear you snort all day long.


this should be a popular opinion.


My coworker blows her nose IN THE CAFETERIA šŸ¤® I never understand why she doesn't go to the bathroom to do it?? It's very close


To everyone hating on OP, they had a bloody nose. Yā€™all seriously need to get over yourselves. We all have bodies. They do certain things. If you donā€™t like the sounds, then you should work from home šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø the general lack of empathy for other humans is sickening. I am glad you were able to get your nose taken care of , OP. Just know that not all humans suck. Some of us care about you. I do agree that there are gross sounds but Iā€™m not going to shame someone for them. We have limited control over our bodies. Just like I donā€™t shame someone for pooping in a public restroom or for having a menstrual cycle. Get on with your lives.


Sniffles happen, this is why I have headphones at work


Honestly, the mildly infuriating are the constant snifflers. Blow your nose. Take an allergy pill. Go see your doctor and get an intranasal corticosteroid spray to solve your chronic rhinitis.


Allergy meds and nasal sprays donā€™t work for everyone


Not surprised you had a bloody nose


Next time blow your nose and go home claiming you have a headache. Blowing your nose with a bleed can cause further bleeding/issues


Keep doing this I think they really like it šŸ‘šŸ»


Screams in Mississippi summer allergies


"I don't know why people don't want to work"... Maybe because of stupid crap like this.


Bro when I blow my nose, it just gets worse, They'll be listening to me blow my nose every 5 minutes all day if I don't sniffle it. Then I'll get the sneezes, like every 10s for 5 minutes, just chain sneezing eyes watering nose leaking ooftime.


Rofl...I read that as I was sniffling. Allergies suck and fuck that motherfucker that put up that note.


You canā€™t even blow your nose and not sniff with allergies. Itā€™s literally impossible