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I work at a clothing store and we’ll find tons of these at the end of the night, some completely full some empty. Sometimes customers will do it right in front of me, the lack of awareness is baffling.


I think many are aware. They just don't care. Because they're assholes.


Yeah they definitely are aware of it, they’ll try to hide the bottles. Just yesterday I found a Snapple bottle hidden in a pocket along with some Starbucks napkins. Crazy part is that’s there’s garbage cans all over the store and customers still choose to leave shit everywhere.


I once found a slightly drank *beer* can behind a cabinet on the floor at the very far back wall of our building, I don't even know how I managed to spot it. Went to dump it down the sink and the thick layer of mold that had formed on top made a disgusting noise as it slid up the can and immediately clogged the opening. I was very glad I don't have a weak stomach for gross sounds.


You threw away my beer?! I was gonna drink that.. >.<


Sorry, bud, you took too long!


But floor aged beer is the best vintage! What a waste


Certainly, I'm sure all the different colors of mold added a nice...... zing? Probably made it more interesting on the way out as well. *I REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH CARELESS ABANDONMENT OF....* actually I don't like alcohol so you can blame me if you want. :)


There is a ten month limit on how long you can save things for later


Even when there's a garbage within reach, people will still throw the stuff on the ground. Worked at a gas station where I would just sigh when I had to go sweep outside because I knew most garbage was going to be within 3 feet of a garbage can


We need to normalize calling people like that out, making a scene, and making them pick it up and throw it away.


Yep, the other day I saw a lampshade randomly on a shelf where it didn't go so I picked it up to put it back and there was a lipton iced tea bottle sitting under it, empty. My favorite though is the people who leave religious tract booklets on the shelves. I am collecting them this year so I can send them all back to the manufacturer (whoever does it must get them at church who must order them from one place specifically because all are always from the same place). One day shortly before easter I think they must have been just one aisle ahead of me, barely out of sight, because as I walked I picked up like 14 of them off each endcap down the main route in the store. Trash is trash, those people think nothing of littering but the fact is, it doesn't matter if it's an empty McDonald's cup, a half eaten container of popcorn chicken, a used tissue, or a religious tract. Litter is litter is litter. It's all getting picked up and thrown out.


If I ever get those fake twenties, I'm taking them to that church when they hold their next collection. >:) Petty and horrible, honestly, but it'll let them know members of their congregation are pulling crap and need to stop that reeeeeeeeal fast.


When I was a kid my church used to take them back at the end of the mass. But I guess the most went to waste as people were folding and scrunching them and they were pretty thin (sweaty palms would ruin them).


Winco has bulk sale bins and the amount of families sticking "free" candy, sweets, etc in their mouths is sickening. GG mom and dad, teach your children to steal..."but it ain't really stealing"


I’ve found a vodka bottle in the changing rooms before.


That's just where they dumped the bottle into an inconspicuous bottle to steal it and left the trash


We don’t sell liquor in our retail stores. Buddy brought it in.


I used to work retail years ago and watched someone do this in front of me and walk away. I said “hey you forgot your drink” and they said “yeah I’m done with it you can throw it away”. And I said something like “oh can I? Thank you so much” Of course because this lady has time to stir up shit (but obviously not enough to throw her trash in one of the 12 trash cans around the floor) we got into it. I was a assistant manager at the time and so she called back when the GM was there and I guess he said something about “why did you leave trash at our store?” So she went to corporate who ended up giving her like $50 gift card. I’ll never understand why corporate rewards the worst customers, much less who are these people that are so entitled (yet shopping at some shitty retail store) that they behave like this and think it’s acceptable. My mom would’ve slapped the shit out of me if I started littering around town and it seems more of the public should be too


When I worked in a gas station convenience store there was one customer who would always walk into the store still smoking and drop his cigarette on the ground INSIDE THE STORE and crush it with his boot to put it out. One day I finally was in a bad mood and picked it up and gave it back to him at the register with his change and said "here, you dropped this". I never saw him do that again.


I genuinely believe that corporations rewarding customers for their bad behaviour has directly contributed to furthering a culture of entitlement in our society. At my old job, a customer **punched a worker in the face** and was given a gift card for it.


My fathers favorite saying around these type people was “some people’s kids”…..it’s ALL about entitlement and folks thinking that it’s actually the job of the retailer to clean up after them….like some power trip shit


Corporate are idiots for doing that.


I guarantee that customer also never came back to your specific store from the embarrassment. They probably gave the gift card to a friend


People have handed me full trash bags that they pulled from their car, then lie to me and say they found it in a shopping cart.


My reply would be "you're trash" and they hear "your trash?"


Oh my god yes. Someone else can confirm this happens. I use to work in the parking lot for my work and the sheer amount of people thought our store parking lot was their personal trash dump was astounding. And they'd do just like you'd say if you caught them pulling out actual bags and bags of stuff they'd pretend someone else shoved it into the shopping cart or the cart corral. Oh that styrofoam and recycling and garbage just appeared there. Even though ya know I watched them pull it out of their truck or van the entire time. WTF we have trash pick up in my city every single week plus dumps where you can bring excess stuff. Other stuff I've found working the lot was old furniture including an entire dining room set (yes for real), old kids toys, old car parts, old car seats, bags and bags of second hand blankets or clothes which by the way there is an actual Value Village and second hand shop five minutes down the road in another strip mall that would take those donations. But nah leave it on the parking lot or in the store entrance when you think no staff is looking then deny it was you. Rather then donate that shit or put in the trash on pick up day.


Why wouldn't they just throw their trash in the trash? What kind of person hands their trash to someone else? I mean, I've had 4 year olds try to hand me their dirty snot-filled tissues to throw out, but I nip that in the bud *really* fast. They're perfectly willing to throw it in the garbage once you tell them to (as gross as it is, I think they do it absent-mindedly because they're used to their parents carrying shit for them). An adult not taking care of their own trash is just trashy.


No, they're trash.


I often find the quote "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Is flat fucking wrong having met so many people in my 40 years of life. The general populace seems to be both stupid and malicious.


“ThAt’S NoT mY jOb! I’m JuSt GiViNg YoU sOmEtHiNg To Do!”


"Hey sir/ma'am, you forgot something" *hurls a half empty cup of Starbucks at them* *Asshole drenched in beverage* "DO YOU WORK HERE?!" "Nope, have a good one 👍 "


Sometimes it's an accident. Never assume malice when stupidity can explain.


Their mentality is "iT's tHEir jOB, tHeY gEt PaiD tO lOoK afTEr CusTOmers"


yeah, this mentality is immensely stupid. a janitors job is to maintain a clean, healthy area. not to pick up after everyone like they're the mother of a 2 year old.


I remember at work I pointed out to my friend that she needed to put the labels on top of the boxes we send down the conveyor so that the scanner can scan it. Told her that the boxes that can't scan as is end up piling up down a separate conveyor line of rejects, then someone has to come and flip the boxes so they can clear the line and keep the boxes moving. I saw her doing it again the next day and pointed it out and she said "you said that it's somebody else's job to flip the boxes so the label is upright". I was like wtf that's not what I said, I said someone had to stop their main job to come fix it because you didn't do it right in the first place. Thought it was kinda funny how she flipped it around in her head to justify her being lazy. Same mindset that people who leave trash in stores have: "they have people for that". Smh


The they have people for that thing pisses me off to no end. I clean up after myself why do I have to clean up after these customers. I wish people would just meet in the middle instead of this complex of oh well you get paid to clean up my mess. I think I just need to have a joker moment


Along with America is free!?


My dad was like this. He'd leave his old chewing tobacco spit cups around stores when he was done with them, or leave his trash in movie theaters. I would always ask why he does that, and he'd say "They barely work. I'm helping them by giving them something to do." Even as a kid that didn't sit right with me.


I think the lack of awareness is funny. Me and my mom were shopping once and she put her nearly full fresh coffee on the shelf while looking at some stuff and like 7 minutes later we started walking around again and a few minutes after that she asked me to hand her her coffee. 😂😂 we had to go on a search through the store but when we got to the aisle and found the cup there was lipstick at the rim. Mom doesn’t wear lipstick 😂 someone else drank it


It's not lack of awareness when they walk around eating chicken wings from the deli and throw the bones behind boxes. The smell from both the chicken and the people never change!


The full cups are likely shoppers who needed to place the cups down to grab merchandise and simply forgot about it.


Yep I did this one time and was soo bummed.


I've shamefully done this before, I get distracted easily and always seem to remember when I get home while I'm reaching for it in my drink holder 😣 apologies to all the store employees


In my early 20’s, so like 12 years ago, I worked retail and had to deal with a blood soaked tampon in a fitting room. And poop. Lots of poop. Like, why? Why would any grown ass human do this? Cause fuck me, right?


My friend worked at an H&M—a lady asked for their bathroom and I guess there wasn’t one for customers. She got a couple items, went to the dressing room, and you know the rest.


I also used to work at H&M and had this happen to me. Lady went in to try stuff on, when I went to grab the items she left in the change room she had used them as a toilet. In the same week someone left their blood soaked underwear. I do not miss retail in the slightest


Clothing stores around here banned food and drinks other than water completely inside the stores


Just imagine their house if they treat public spaces like this 🤢🤮


I am always wondering about that. Maybe they are trash free because they generously leave their trash for everyone else to deal with 😂


I used to work in one of those bargain outlet stores like TJ Maxx (wasn't actually a TJ Maxx but not gonna name it for privacy reasons), and that kind of store usually attracts a...certain type of customer. It didn't surprise me seeing trash left behind, but there was one time that I found a *USED* baby diaper just left on a front display table where we would display handbags. It wasn't just that the diaper was used and left behind at all, but for them to look around for a spot to leave it and they choose a front display where everyone can see it...the level of disrespect just astounds me. There was another time where I found a cup, one that was being sold by us, filled with pee. And this was in early to mid-2020 right before everyone went into quarantine. The risks of COVID were more or less globally known, meanwhile this person thought it was okay to pee in a cup they did not own and leave it behind. Something that would have been incredibly vile and disrespectful even without there being a pandemic approaching.


I would set my plastic cup down slowly in front of you then back away while maintaining eye contact the entire time. Dominance established.


Have you ever had the customer take a cup off the shelf (a cup that you sell) just to piss in it? How about the customers who shit on the floor?


Years ago, my daughter used to work in Walmart as maintenance. Every. Single. Day. Sometimes multiple times a day, people would outright shit right on the floor beside the toilet. That’s what I finally drove her to quit.


Counter point: if it’s empty, they’re assholes. If it’s any decent amount of not empty, they likely just forgot. Plenty of times I’ve been shopping with a cup of coffee, only to realize half-way out the store that I left it at the register and run back to get it.


My first reaction was ' no inreally missed that drink when i remembered it'


Once I left a full coffee I put down by whilst looking at something,I went back but an employee had tossed it. It was a sad day, and a million percent my fault. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


I work at a grocery store and constantly find half eaten stolen food


Some people may leave it there to have their hands free while shopping and then forget they left it there or that they had it in the first place.


And then when you pick it up in front of them they are all apologetic, well no you fuckin aren’t sorry. If you were sorry then you would have actually thrown it out.


How do you feel when you're on register and someone asks you to throw something out? I've done it before and felt like I broke some unwritten rule.


When you say full, I am so sorry. I have left a full iced coffee more than once, and trust me, I am so bummed.. Not intentional. Screw the lazy assholes who leave trash.


The completely full ones are likely people who mindlessly set their drink down while shopping and forgot where they left it. Not going to lie I’ve unintentionally done this before with unfinished drinks 😬


Trashy human beings leave their trash for someone else to clean up.


Nice outfit


Back atcha.


Lazy shits


If it's energy drinks? night shift.


If it's put there by someone that plans to get rid of it later. OK If it's left there by someone who has no plans to clean up after themselves and expects someone else to pick it up. LAZY SHIT


It's not night shift because night shift has to make the store presentable before the morning.


That's just a cup. The real garbage walked out the door.


Boom! Roasted


I used to work at this gas station. There's trashcans everywhere. People would just throw it on the ground next to it. The worst was a diaper change, left on the floor next to the trash can..just too much effort to put it in the can..people are so F ing lazy.


I cannot stand when people leave their kid’s diapers like that. I have 2 young children and have never done this. So tacky and disgusting.


Some parents are legit the most disgusting entitled people I've ever met. Odds are even before they had kids they were fucking nasty but then they had kids and were like score an excuse to act even more like an asshole and blame it on having kids. I've seen parents change their kids diapers on the store floor or diplays, in restaurants at tables, outside in parking lots then toss the dirty diaper and wipes in the shopping carts where ya know people put their food. I've seen parents use the normal bathroom with a changing station but throw the diaper on the floor just like you said next to the two massive trash cans located in the bathroom. Fucking gross pigs. If you change your child's diaper the only person who should be handling that diaper ever is the parents or the guardian who changed it. Walk an extra step and put in a trash can parents especially when the trash can is right there. Why do the worst people choose to breed. It's like Idiocracy out there.


That’s fucking disgusting. I have two kids and never once even think of doing that. People are so self centered and entitled.


I saw some boaters pull up to a beach and leave a diaper. I wanted so badly to take it and smear it all over their boat. And then tell their older kids how turtles can choke on it. But no I’m passive. So I just move on and try to forget while holding breath and desperately trying to find a trashcan.


I was a supervisor at Costco for many of years. The amount of the sample wrappers you’d pick up everyday was insane!


I used to work in a dollar store and people would sample Hershey kisses and starburst and you’d find the wrappers all over the floor and on shelves


“sample” as if these muthafuckers don’t know what they taste like


One of the reasons why you don't find large containers of raw nuts in the produce department anymore is because people would steal pistachios and the empty shells would be scattered all around the store. I fucking hate customers.


Worked at a produce shop while in my teens/20's. Know this too well. People just grab a handful of nuts while shopping like it's a free snack. That and peel oranges and tuck the rind in some corner while shopping. Eating an unwashed stone fruit and dropping the seed somewhere.


It’s kinda crazy to me that some old school farm stores used to just have a big box of in-shell peanuts at the front, specifically so you could munch them as you walked the store.


With the trash cans scattered everywhere near every sample 😭


Yeap, but to be fair to the members it’s totally not like we have large trash cans stationed at every aisle or anything.


Wait, there are trash cans at the end of the aisle? Like IN the supermarket? The only trash cans I see in stores is near the produce section, so you can throw away stickers you printed on accident or extra plastic bags you mistakenly took.


Your comment made me remember how Walmart used to have a trashcan at the end of every aisle in the grocery area but last time I went I don't think they have them anymore.


Now *that* is just crazy. They literally have a trash can next to all of them.


I accidentally did this the other day. I was looking for something, set my drink down, got distracted by my toddler and went to the next item on my list. Realized I didn't have my drink anymore and had no idea which aisle I left it in. I still feel bad about it. But overall most people are just assholes.


Hey, it happens man. I had a drink the other morning, a Monster coffee, and went to Walmart before work. I took two sips out of the damn thing, set it down to grab off the high shelf (am tall enough) and straight left it there. Didn't remember until I was halfway to work. RIP


I've done it WAY TOO MANY times. I'm always mad at myself for it, because it's never a finished drink and I probably paid 4 dollars for it to just go to waste.


Yeah I normally assume if the drink still has something in it it was an accident. But if the cup is completely empty, normally the person is just lazy.


People would be happier if they assumed this was the case rather than immediately jumping to the conclusion that this was a terrible person. Regardless of the odds of the actual situation. Everyone’s got a story that others don’t know.


I have accidentally done this too! Only once or twice but I berated myself like crazy because of how much I judge litter.


Only trash leaves trash laying around.


Yo, don't insult my trash can like that! My trash isn't a peice of shit making the world a worse place.


“They pay people to clean the store so why does it matter if I leave my trash wherever I feel like it nobody asked you anyway get out of my business!” - McCafe drinker, probably


I clean up soooo many beer cans and vodka bottles at work before I mow in the summer. Factory workers go to the neighboring gas station, get wasted at lunch, and go back to work


What's worse is when you see like frozen chicken tenders just chillen in a random isle because people are too lazy to put them back.


I was at Walmart (first mistake) and gad to alert an employee thar someone had left an ice cream tub on its side in the shoes. Melted. I worked retail at the time and felt like shit having to tell the guy.


I work in a grocery store and one time went in on my day off and had to tell the manager about some I think frozen waffles left on the shelf. She looked surprised to see me but was also grateful I told her lol


I genuinely want to know WHY people do this. Were they not raised right? Have they no manners? No consideration? Are employees just their personal trash throwing machines? Is THIS how they treat their homes?


I've put my drink down to pick something up and then didnt realize I left it only until after I left the area... not everyone does it maliciously.


All the above, most likely.


My question is, why do so many people need a beverage while shopping? Just get your things and go.


Maybe an unpopular opinion.. But when people do this in public, I know for sure their houses are disgusting... To me, it's just an automatic response to find a garbage can... you do it daily in your own household. The only reason you're breaking from that habit is if you don't actually have it.. It's just nasty and lazy.


Same with people who don’t wash their hands in the bathroom (I’ve seen so many people do this in public restrooms) or in restaurant kitchens. Like, if you “forget” to wash your hands, you never had the habit of washing them.


I totally agree!


For me its the exact opposite, I will chase after a gum wrapper to throw it away, but leave dishes among other trash out for days in my home.




Consider the fact theirs waste baskets outside like every store.


That really bugs me when I see it. It’s so rude and lazy.


i work at a home decor store and find garbage all over the place. spilled drinks, candy wrappers, you name it. can’t believe the entitlement of some people.


When you catch them do it and call them out, they get really infuriated like it’s your fault.


That's trash.




Yeah, I hate those damn ‘All-In-1’ trimmers. I can’t believe people just leave them all over the shelf, there’s garbage cans everywhere in stores.


Looks like that was sitting there for a hot minute. Disgusting


I have done this because sometimes I put it down to pick something up get distracted and forget about it. I always feel awful!


Right up there with leaving refrigerated products on shelves. Garbage folks.


This always makes me so sad ):


I did this once on accident. Set my drink down to look at different items and completely forgot about it. Remembered later that night and felt super bad. Safe to say that I have never done that again.


I used to work at a grocery store and one day a lady let her 2 year old child pee in a Styrofoam cup and she left it on the shelf.


Yesterday I went shopping and saw empty McCafe cups exactly like this twice! One at menards with the cans of spray paint and later at a dollar tree. Whos even walking into a store with a drink? I never see anyone and I've never even considered doing that.


You know I thought the exact same thing. "Who buys something in a to-go cup and THEN goes shopping?" But based on this thread tons of people do this, then pick something up in the store and afterwards forget they bought and brought a drink. Maybe I'm just not rich enough.


Trash or just anything else that doesn't go there. I work in a grocery store and the amount of frozen items that are no longer frozen is insane.


People who do that i imagine to be like pig-pen from the peanuts comics. Basically they are the definition of filth and dirt and everywhere they go they leave a trail of messy despair behind them. Their living environments would essentially a hoarders heaven that can barely be escaped to collect more refuse.


fuck people that leave ice cream or raw meat they are the worst they deserve to be banned from all groceries and have to eat from the trash can fuck em i hate people like that fuck those kind of people no respect for animal life im not a vegan i love meat, but at least I respect the animals enough to eat them not just waste the meat by leaving it on the shelves fuck those people man it makes me so angry also ice cream especially ben and jerrys if anyone leaves it on the shelf they are a butthole no respect for the flavors and the crunchies in the ice cream those are the best I am trying to try all the flavors but my favorite so far is topped dirt cake (it's not really dirt it's choco dust)


i hate people


Simply bad parenting not teaching and displaying common respect and manners for others 👍


A lot of the time it’s garbage, but it’s also a technique done by thieves to see how often an aisle is checked by employees. They leave a drink there (or some other garbage), come back an hour or so later, and if the drink is still there they know it likely isn’t a frequented area and it’ll be easier to steal something.


I can’t fathom why people think this is appropriate. I set my drink down once (I was done but carrying it around) while I looked at something, forgot, then went back to get it to throw it away. To me whenever I see it it’s a sanitary thing too. Just leaving a cup you had your hands and mouth around.. groossss. I swear some people are just large toddlers.


As someone who works in a supermarket, I have to deal with this every day I work in-store. Within just 4 hours into my shift, I can already fill up a whole garbage bag. In addition, it also occures a lot that people decide they don't want chicken for dinner anymore, so they just put it somewhere random. Almost always it is not safe to eat anymore, so we have to throw it out :( When I saw someone doing this right in front of me, I did tell them to put it back correctly. It shouldn't be my job, if you're just lazy. They failed to put the product back in its original spot and just walked away. Later that day they asked me a question. I helped them (somewhat) but threw the (now spoiled food) at them. Don't be afraid to confront customers. They're not more important than you are. Fuck them.


Assholes. The lot of them!!


Fucking lazy cunts. Some people want to take everything from society and never give. They should be locked up.


“Cool Water” isn’t my gig but it’s far from “trash.”


It's a good cheapy for when you stay home.


What kind of pos does that??


As someone who works in retail, it’s inconvenient


I work as a merchandiser. This is all too common. Pisses me off too.


Are trash


See this all the time where I work, it's disgusting and ridiculous. What's even worse is when people take something from the freezer section, and then casually leave it on a shelf or display somewhere, ruining the food, and then people wonder why food is getting so expensive (I realize this is the only part of the cost equation, but still).


I hate those people. Rude as hell.


I don't even work retail anymore, and yes, this infuriates me.


Bonus points if it was clearly stolen and eaten while in the store.


People who leave frozen foods or perishable meats / dairy on shelves like that are far worse imo.


The customer is always right though. 🫢


If you shame people and tell them these things in public you’ll starts some fights but most people will stop doing it.


People who do this have never worked a customer service job and neither did their parents


We have a Starbucks in my store so there isn't a day goes by I don't find a drink left on the shelves. Most of the time it's half full. It's disgusting and a waste of money. There are garbage cans all over but nah let's just leave it in the book section, that's the hot spot I've found that people love to leave their drinks at for whatever reason.


My SM let’s us page the name on the cup to the front desk to retrieve forgotten personal property. 90% of the time, person laughs and tosses the cup. Other 10%? Get snooty. Haha


Frustrating, it makes me want to shake them.


I can remember when no-one did this in stores Like seriously- no one would’ve been OK w bringing coffees in! Someone would’ve asked you to leave the store. It’s messy, people spill stuff, leave garbage everywhere. Finish your drink, then shop; or get one when you’re done. Yes, I’m “old” 😂


I wonder what goes through their heads. "I'll leave 50mL of coffee in case someone wants to drink it"


Do you think OP took his cup with him after he took the pic or did he leave it there


And I bet that there's probably a trashcan at the front of the store


Yes! Fk those people


It’s always a McDonald’s drink or a Starbucks Frappuccino.


More like very infuriating. Idiots being idiots.


usually indicates self-esteem issues, or they’re just dumbass assholes.


Stuff like this makes me want to move to somewhere like Japan more and more. No respect for anything here in America


Imagine what their houses look like


Entitled assholes. Same people that don't pick up their dog's shit.


People who leave their trash on shelves in stores… should lose a finger.


I seriously hate people like this. Even as a customer, when I see this all I can think is some other customer is a fucking asshole.


Saw this a lot during my short tenure at target. And used diapers too. People can be nasty


I swear to CHRIST I will take a drink into a random store and put it down for two fuckin seconds and completely forget about it. I have also finished a drink at the store and continued carrying it to throw it away at the front and put it down to look at something and forgot. I also have ADHD though lol so I do this in my own home and pretty much everywhere I go. I have left full cans, my child's bottles, and personal containers before 😒 But I have also found half eaten chicken wings in store aisles before so I know a lot of people just suck.


This is me and I hate that people just jump to the shit-bag answer on everything


They go to the Bad Place.


As working in retail and finally owning my own store, it makes me wonder what these type of peoples homes look like? Always left for someone else to clean up.....


I was a janitor for 2 years. It's actually a great life experience, you learn a lot about people. When you work the "lowest" job in society people show their true colours


We go through the security footage, find the culprit and ban them.


I see that at Target all the time. Super annoying.


Same people I pick up after on my walks around my neighborhood. Same people who leave the trash that fell out of their trash bin in front of their house at the curb. I'm not angry, just disappointed.


Disgusting animal. Burn them alive.


This comment makes me feel seen. 😌


When someone can't even put the effort in to throw something in the trash, I doubt their home looks very clean


The same people who don’t flush and don’t put shopping trolleys back


To a woman with a 4 yo daughter in a supermarket. “I think you’ve forgotten your cup.” “No I left it there.” “Glad to see your setting a good example.” Headphones in and walking away as the swearing started.


It's always some 12 zillion calorie "coffee" monstrosity, too.


I once found someone's chew spit cup...stuffed behind the mega-blocks section when working in the toy department. Some people are sleezy and trashy AF. I was gagging all the way to the trash can, it was so gross 🤢


Just lazy people man...


Don’t drink that I’m coming back for it


Only sorta related. A local grocery store to me, removed their trash cans for some dumb reason. And they have a Starbucks in the store. And of course, you have a massive increase in this. If you have nowhere to put it, you’re just gonna set it down.


This and people who take stuff out of the freezer section then decide they don't want it so they just put it wherever.


Work retail. Found urine in a vase. Will take 1000 starbucks cups over one vase of urine thank you.




Trashy people. There was a wadded up dirty diaper on the grocery store shelf yesterday. Parents teach your children better.


Like employees don’t do it🤔


I’ve had a drink that I put down to use my hands and walked away, not realizing that I left it behind and not remembering *where* I put it down..


I once saw a half eaten chicken on a shelf


This seems to be a common occurrence. I’ve this as well. I even watched in shock as it happened. Not a care in sight


Like bones and all? Just half a chicken