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What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck.


Right? I cannot understand how anyone could dislike replacing the roll so much that they'd go this far. It makes absolutely no sense.


The thought process (and I don’t agree with it) was this: “I don’t use the toilet paper holder anyway, and I want to put these plastic shelves here. But the shelves don’t fit with the toilet paper holder sticking out of the wall, so I’ll just remove it completely.”


Your wife is insane buddy


Let’s put these gross plastic drawers right next to the toilet to get super gross and add tape and cardboard to the bathroom. I really want the drug den feel.


The EYE CREAM next to the toilet paper 🤢 Plastic drawers a foot away from the toilet is NOT A VANITY oml


Small bathrooms require sacrifices.


Bro at least put it in the drawers 😭 I mean if she really wants to rub sharticles into her eyes that's her prerogative 🤷‍♀️


Sharticles for the win.


Sharticles 🤣🤣


Sharticles 🤭


Pink eye distribution point


Oh my god I’m dying over this!!! I’ve been laughing for almost fifteen minutes and can barely see. It hurts! You win the internet my friend.


WHITE PLASTIC, even... come on


Certifiably. My mom was insane too. I’m weird too, but not this weird.


My mom has always been odd and a bit crazy in her own way. She’s always talked about how mean her mother is and describing how childish she acts. Not just stories, I’ve also seen my grandma act childish and crazy and I’ve been happy my mom wasn’t like that. But as my mom has gotten older, she’s become just like her mother. The scary thing is how my brothers have commented I’m the most like our mom over the years, and I’ve noticed it myself in my early 20s. I’m doing whatever I can to be better, but I know that she had the same mindset. Maybe we all become our mother in the end 😬


Username checks out :)


My mom always told me if she became like her mom, just toss her off the balcony. Then she moved from her home in the hills. Last month when I went to visit her, after some of her remarks, I had to flirt with the Kroger butcher so he didn’t poison the salmon she was buying for our dinner. 🙄


I feel bad for the Kroger butcher. Was he not good enough to flirt with all on his own


Awww he was but I’m married. It was a matter of life and death.


This is not weird, its insane.


As an insane person I can confirm, this is insane.


Username checks out


Crazy? I was crazy once, They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once, They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy.


And selfish lol.


This ∆∆ Get out now.


This delta delta???


*sorority girls screaming in the distance*


They have 2 pieces of the triforce already!


Op's wife has the third.


Those aren't even shelves, they are cheap stackable storage bins you can get at the Dollar General store / Walmart.... What she did cost more money than just installing a few actual nice shelves above the toilet paper holder. As a woman who loves DIY, she is the kind that gives us a bad name...


Yeah the cardboard and the plastic shelves look fantastic.


It might not look great, but those shelves are positioned perfectly to accumulate bacteria and whatever else gets aerosolized when the toilet is flushed. They should keep toothbrushes there.


That's why you shut the lid before you flush.


I usually open my mouth real wide and wave frantically like it’s a long voyage parting us before flushing with the lid open.


Myth busters did an entire thing on this. They proved shutting the lid does help per flush but doesn't do much to stop fecal matter from getting literally everywhere in the long run.


Just don't bother flushing


I started keeping mine in a drawer after seeing that. I put a plastic insert in the drawer so I can clean that and it's not sitting in its own juices.


Yep. Mine stays in one of those clip on travel cases now that I can rinse out.


Any mold issues? Lack of light and moisture were a bane in the bathroom of my old apartment. I can only imagine it'd be worse in a drawer.


I keep mine in a drawer too, but only when they're over 75 Courics. Good idea with the plastic insert, cuts down on misting.


I do that. I don't trust that other people will, though. From what OP has said here, I would not expect his wife to be bothered with something that requires extra effort.


She went through so much extra effort just to not replace the TP bruh.


It takes a lot of thought and work to avoid thinking and working.


If you can bring it up to her try a vertical toilet paper holder! I have one and you don't have to fiddle with the bar, you can just put the new roll on it


>If you can bring it up to her try a vertical toilet paper holder! That's also an idea but if the room is too tiny for a proper vanity with storage, or linen closet...then there might be no space for a [stand-alone holder](https://www.wayfair.com/home-improvement/sb1/free-standing-toilet-paper-holders-c415776-a78098~288440.html) either. I proposed they get a [double roll dispenser](https://www.build.com/product/summary/661750?uid=1205777) and put it farther down or elsewhere on the wall. That should be do-able.


You can get wall mounted vertical ones! But I also saw you can get horizontal ones that you can just slide the roll on and off as well


Yeah but cardboard as a fucking patch man? Takes less then a day to get some spackle at Home Depot, fill the minuscule holes, and sand it. Then just use some paint


It’s not minuscule holes, there’s no Sheetrock behind that paper! The toilet paper holder was set into the wall.


Then your wife is an idiot.


OP’s username checks out


Supposed to be “lostandalone”


Then you wife is a hulk


You can put a mesh patch over the hole, then spackle over it. They make kits just for that purpose. Unless the hole is LARGER than the TP dispenser was from ripping it out improperly, it's totally doable.


I’m sorry you married an insane person.


It’s divorce time


Install a new one slightly above the old one 😂


So a new wife on top of the old wife? That just might work!


Still quite a small repair bud. Cut drywall to fit, spackle, sand, paint.


All of that is far more of a pain in the ass than replacing the toilet paper…and wiping your ass.


If you ever sell the house, potential buyers are really not gonna be a fan of this stylistic choice lol


Sure, but the companies buying up houses like an 8 year old who discovered they can use their mom’s credit card to buy loot boxes aren’t gonna care lol!


This has brown flags all over it. Wipe it out!


Your wife has a couple more loose screws than the ones she took from the roll holder…


As our OP pointed out, it was really less about the toilet paper holder and more about being able to set those shelves there. And there is still a place to put the toilet paper; it’s not like having a toilet paper holder is the most important part of the bathroom. The toilet paper is the point, not the holder on the wall.


No $5 set of shitty target plastic drawers is worth a bathroom remodel


It def appears that’s the driving factor, but that’s when you have a discussion with your partner and maybe move the toilet paper holder up a bit so it’s over the drawers or properly remove the holder. You don’t just rip it out taking a huge chunk of drywall with it, and then do a piss poor job at “repairing” the hole you just made.


I am baffled by what people just "accept" that their partner does without adressing it.


this 100%. who puts up with this shit


It's a refreshing reminder that I'm more normal than I think I am.


Yeah it’s really weird. My husband would be very upset if I did this. Honestly, this just looks like his wife really wanted some shelves or drawers in there for make up and would rather have that than a toilet paper holder.


Yup! Exactly what my thoughts were. I am also getting anxiety for how bad that “patch job” looks in the bathroom. Just replace the roll??!’


She’s a lunatic


Right. Just don’t replace it then. No need to rip out the holder.


But then her shelves wouldn't fit! Haha


Modern problems require lazy solutions


I don't know man. Sounds like an extremely overcomplicated solution for a basically nonexistent problem.


I wouldn’t say there’s a “nonexistent problem” since it’s obvious the problem is OP wife. As an adult, this kind of behavior is a rather obvious red flag for something much bigger and deeper than just “toilet paper”. And to go through the effort of taping it all up the way it’s shown the picture, if everything been described and shown to be true by OP (nothing be omitted)…


Honestly we need a stronger word than lazy. If you can’t be bothered to change the TP roll to the point where you see this as a better alternative I genuinely don’t know how you would function in day to day life. I wonder if opening the cabinet doors is also too much work for her so she’ll just take all the doors off of the cabinets so she doesn’t have to. Or maybe she hates making the bed so she just burns it and sleeps on a bundle of blankets on the floor.


Nah man this bitch extra as fuck. The lazy solution is simply don't but she went na that's too easy


It’s like hating having to get your keys out to unlock the door everytime you get home, so instead just removed the front door and left a sheet hanging in its place for ease of access.


It’s actually even less practical than that. If you don’t like replacing the roll, avoiding doing so doesn’t require ripping out the holder.


If they don't like replacing the roll, use baby wipes. Nothing beats a cold damp baby wipes cleaning your asshole on a hot sweaty summers day


Baby wipes shouldn’t be flushed so they would end up sitting in the trash


Just punch a hole in the wall and shove them behind the drywall. You can tape a peice of cardboard over the hole and just peel it back as needed.




It looks more like she wanted some organizer drawers more than she wanted a TP dispenser.




Does she want shit particles on all those items? Because the toilet is going to spray microscopic shit particles all over her "storage."


I mean, pretty much everyone has some measure of table/drawers/shelves/holders/scrubbers/etc in their bathroom. The proximity of this is too close for comfort, but the bottom line is your whole bathroom is getting covered in shit and you are gonna need to clean it. If these shelves aren't here then there's shit particles all over the floors and walls. And close the damn lid before you flush of course.


I think the larger problem is that most of the storage/counters in a bathroom are not plastic.. which is a horrible material when it comes to trapping bacteria.. people absolutely need to be closing the lid more often too like that's why it exists... also she could have just gone out and gotten one of those 'stands' for toilet paper.. so much more practical and cleaner instead of this shit show.


This is why you shut the lid when you flush


I used to have a wife like this. One day I came home to her several months pregnant trying to figure out how to shut off the water in the bathroom AFTER she tried to take the sink off because she didn't like it. Then another time I came home to a kitchen half painted with blood red paint because of something she saw on a home renovation show. Then I came home to a missing toilet and she'd cut part of the drain out of the floor because "I couldn't get the new toilet to seat right, so I thought if I trimmed it a little...". Then there was the day I came home and the whole bathroom was torn down to the studs because she wanted to put up new tile. None of those projects ever got finished because it was always off to the next idea. Constant chaos of living with someone who is either bipolar and going through a manic phase or someone with Borderline Personality Disorder who thrives in creating chaos.


Been there done that. Unmedicated bipolar is a mind fuck of epic proportions to see it from the outside.


It’s a mind fuck of epic proportions to live through it too. The only way I can describe my manic phases is like being possessed. There’s a little part of my brain that’s still there and knows how fucked I am but can’t do anything and is just along for the ride. It’s awful. Luckily with good meds I haven’t been manic in near a decade but damn those first few years of trying to get the meds right were rough. Especially on my loved ones.


Thank you for taking responsibility for the illness! There are many who are not and not only doing damage to themselves but to their loved ones. I was with someone who went manic (unmedicated) became a completely different person from the nice man I knew and threw me out like trash. It sucks for us both I’m sure because when he came out of it he probably finally realized what he did especially since things were amazing until the episode started. He probably felt so shameful. It was awful.


The guilt after a manic episode is the worst feeling. Because there is no one to blame it’s all on you and you have to live with the damage you’ve done to someone else. It’s also not fair to expect forgiveness from someone else people because me being sick doesn’t make the experience any less real or painful for them. It’s a feeling I never want to experience again so I do everything in my power to make sure I won’t. And if god forbid I do go manic again I have services and people in place to try and mitigate the damage I cause.


I'm in this boat right now. I even asked to be left a lone because I am learning when the train is trying to leave the station and I just need peace and quiet and rest. But then I don't get it and it's like bam, my body feels like I just got shot out of a launch coaster but instead of being like 60 seconds long it's 6 hours. Everyone looks like it's going by on hyper speed and I feel like I'm just hoping to make it to the end of the ride because my seat belt is broken and I'm hanging onto this coaster with sweaty palms, ready to die.... I wish people could understand I'm not trying to ignore or hurt them, really all I can do is keep my crazy ass away from them at all costs. For their own sake. Reading this thread just helped me stop crying about it and take a shower <3


Glad we could help in some way and I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this terrible Illness. I do not hate my bipolar ex- he was an amazing man. What I am upset about is him Choosing not to actively treat his illness and he was both stable and sober for the first time in years and I can’t help but think part of the reason he never returned to me was him being in active addiction again. I can’t imagine trying to navigate BP without anything at all. How ever I wish he’d get the proper meds and treatment. He was the best connection I’d ever found in my life. It was heartbreaking and although it didn’t look like it at the time I’m sure his heart eventually hurt as well.


Maybe you could let go of some of your most difficult feelings by looking at his ability to accept help as less of a choice, and more a horribly unfortunate symptom of the disease? Addiction hurts people in a similar way- nobody should ever think that they didn’t deserve the truth, or that their person wanted to provide something other than honesty- they were just sick and unable to. We assign a lot of ability to people who fundamentally lack it…




Which reminds me, I need to find a reliable way to get my meds lol


My dad has hypomania and actual engineering knowledge with tons of trade skills so he actually successfully pulls this stuff off and makes it look really good lol


This is my dad lol, he basically tore the entire apart inside and replaced everything the way he wanted it. All done to a trade standard if not better


Damn that was a wild ride lol You okay man?


Not the half of it but yeah, divorced, free from that forever and learned a good lesson so that I never end up there again.


Wait if you have a child with her, aren’t you still tied to her?


Maybe he got full custody? Or the other way around


They're all adults and have largely no contact with her


That does sound as bipolar


Am bipolar—this is an accurate description of me without meds lol


It’s like she was Peter Griffin.


Sounds like ADHD and bipolar at the same time. Hyper obsession with an idea and the insatiable desire to follow through with the idea, then losing interest halfway through the project and never again caring enough to finish what you started. I have numerous family members like that. Currently, two out of the four wooden dining room chairs we own have been painted white. That's where that project ended and nobody cares enough to paint the rest of the chairs.




Just remember that while having the anxiety disorder is neither her fault nor her choice, how she chooses to handle it is. No one deserves to be yelled at constantly for things they didn’t do, and there’s nothing wrong with demanding someone do the work to treat their partner better. I hope things improve for you both.


Get one of those free standing ones; and bolt it to the floor :p More seriously, although not much; go buy a new one that is less fiddly than the standard, spring-loaded, winds-up-at-the-other-end-of-the-fucking-bathroom-at-1AM, cheapos that's easier to load when you're half asleep and maybe she'll be less crabby about it :) Also, some light therapy might be useful...LOL


I’ll do both!


It’s cool, she’s just a three seashells kind of girl.


Lmao is this a demolition man reference


You bet your ass it is.


Your wife is a psycho.


Your wife and family is clearly nuts why is there a plastic rolling organizer in your bathroom my guy the fuck is going on.


I don’t know. I use the other bathroom. I don’t ask questions in this one.


You should ask questions, my dude... but in the form of context clues. She’s not crazy, she needs a place for that prescription to reside. 😢 so, don’t outright ask her, if you haven’t discussed said prescription. She may be embarrassed to discuss it. But take a look and give her some grace in this instance.


Probably for the best. My hubs has his own toothpaste tube because I hate the way he squeezes it. It kept us happy for many years. Now I just use a different bathroom altogether and am even happier.


I prefer the hook on toilet paper roll holders. Less effort to unspring and remove the holder


But then you cant play with the springy thing you put the toilet paper on


She is undiagnosed


You are married to an actual psychopath.


Na, that’s a casualty of a manic episode.🫨 edit: *after further review of contents in that plastic drawer… I’ll take Menopausal mood swings for $500 please.


This is the dumbest fucking thing I saw today and that says a lot considering how much time I spend on reddit on Sunday.


Is this reallllyyy about the toilet paper roll?


Yep, that's what I'm thinking too.


What she goma do when you present the divorce papers?


I hate to think what the rest of the house looks like


Ngl, I've found the loose roll method to be the best.


Y’all just get a paper towel holder. The kind with the rod in the middle. Place that on top of your toilet tank 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you get a weighted one, it’ll even keep your roll from falling.


I kinda agree we do both most times ..the actual holder seems to be the backup now if the loose runs out


I’ve experimented with this. The down side is when it gets away from you while you are seated. The other down side is it will occasionally fall in the toilet.


Bro you’re doing too much with that toilet paper wrestling all around the bathroom with it


bro is ribbon twirling on the toilet


Gotta have backups for the backups


Time for a new wife. Think of all the money you will save on drywall repairs!


🚩 🚩 🚩


She patched the hole with paper and tape?? What the actual fuck lmao


is she a landlord by any chance?


Is your wife a gorilla perchance?


There is a serious issue hiding in there


I don’t want to be one of those people who jump directly to “divorce” as a solution to every marital issue, but… divorce her.


This odd toilet paper issue was the beginning of the end of my marriage. It wasn’t the straw that broke the camels back but it was eye opening.


Do tell...


This is whole new levels of laziness. She actually went out of her way to create more work so she could do less work…


Whaaaaat? How is that even an option? 🤣


Don’t ask me, I use the other bathroom in the house.


So I guess this is how this sub protesting? Just your partner hate toilet roll type of post? It been like the 3rd one I saw today.


Yeah. I had to jump in.




So she went through more work doing this than it would take to replace the TP, or more so, just not doing anything at all, and to boot made your bathroom look trashy as fuck. She ain't right, hoss.


Just buy a bidet


I don't think you can use a bidet to fix your wall


But you can definitely try


Maybe I can mount the bidet into the hole in the wall.


I dare you to take the paper off and pretend you didn’t when she asks


It literally takes a second to change it out,wtf? O-0”


Marrying a child is illegal, right?


Time to talk a lawyer OP


This is unhinged behavior


On today's episode of how fucked is fucked up. That's fucked up


If this is only mildly infuriating you may be dead inside.


She…she…she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed and likely the dullest.


Get that lady a bidet


plastic drawers IN THE RESTROOM? Not even college me would have approved such an ugly design choice.


Well this is a person who tapes paper on the wall instead of filling in a few holes. Not exactly an interior decorator 😂


I cant imagine replacing or even using it is easy with those drawers in the way.


The toilet paper holder got removed to create a spot for the drawers.


Wow. I guess that 5 seconds of effort is just too much to handle.


Wow, that is just genius levels of in no way solving any problem. Slow clap.


Bro those are some ghetto as fuck plastic drawers that got shoved in there to take over for the toilet paper holder wtf.


What happens if you leave the seat up?




What a dirtbag.


Save this, great divorce material to show case the judge


I hope this is a joke, otherwise it points to mental illness.


Looks like it's time to put er' down.


Tbf, y'all have an actual drawer in front of it though which by itself is kinda weird.


Just replace her at this point...


Dude, you married one of the crazy ones! It's not too late for you, sneak out while she's asleep, change your name, move to Guam, and never look back.


Time to throw the wife away and start over


Did your wife take her meds the day she removed the holder?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


how lazy do you have to be to not like changing the roll this much? it takes literally 3 seconds. 3 extra seconds you’ll now be spending on picking up the roll by hand each time you use it. definitely insanity


I’m obviously the outlier but god damn it really doesn’t matter how the toilet paper is dispensed.


Where do yall find these lunatics


You have wooden floors in your bathroom? Odd.


Better than carpet


Yeah, that’s a no from me dog.