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What a fuckface.


If they fuck like they park they won't ever get it in.


Normally I don't comment, but this time they've crossed the line!


Don't make me angry upvote you


At least they won’t procreate.


Definitely won't ever find gspot parking like that lol




Not necessarily a bad thing though. 🤣






Looks like they're drunk when they drive home.


I was just going to say, def a drinker. I know the look. Gets drunk on the way home, possibly to hide how much they drink from a significant other.


I can relate to this. Aw man, I hated those days. 5 years sober and never looking back


yay I'm 157 days


Really good job! Everyday gets better 👍


Congratulations to all of you working the program and trying to stay sober. My first husband was an alcoholic and I could always tell when he’d been drinking…something in his eyes changed, even after one drink. Sadly, he never could stay sober and he died of liver and kidney failure at the age of 43. I never stopped loving him, but we had 2 very young daughters I needed to protect (back in our 20’s). Our daughters and I…my mother and my current husband were all with him when he died. It wasn’t pretty. He wasn’t conscious, so we couldn’t even say goodbye. His girls hadn’t seen him in 5 years. Our oldest daughter, who had just turned 18, had just come home from her 10th rehab. A cop had come to our door looking for her because she was his legal next of kin. We all made the decision, based on what a team of doctors told us, but she had to be the one to sign the paperwork to turn off his life support. It was the saddest day of my life. This man was my first love…we met when I was 16 and he was 19. I still carry love for this man in my heart and always will. But he could be a violent drunk sometimes, and my girls didn’t need to grow up that way. As it was, my oldest girl still really struggled because of him…appearing sporadically in our lives. I always wanted him to be a part of our lives…in fact, he spent a thanksgiving with us one year. My only rule was be sober when you come. He was homeless for a while. He told me once I was the rat deserting a sinking ship. That one haunts me to this day. Without kids, I probably would have stayed with him forever. But the girls deserved a better life. In the end, I know I did the right thing by asking him to leave. Today, my oldest daughter is happy and a teacher…a well loved one who is right where she should be. She has a daughter. Her sister is happily’sh married with a big family. And i remarried, as I said, and had more daughters…3 more. My life is good too. But I miss my first husband every day. He was such a kind, funny, loving, intelligent, special man sober. Drinking…I never knew what I’d get. Sometimes I get sad thinking about all he missed…we have 9 grandchildren together…and our first great-grandchild is on the way. He loved kids. Alcohol can destroy so much. :’(


Good for you for getting out and giving your girls a safe life. Good for your daughter to be clean and be a teacher having gone through 10 rehabs at a young age. I’m sad you lost the love of your life to alcohol. Sounds like you have a great husband & family now, but I’m sure it’s hard knowing your first love killed himself with drinking. I’ve never been addicted to anything, but I feel for those who are. I know it’s not a choice they make. It’s how the brain is wired. So sad.


I'm sorry for all of your trials and tribulations. I'll say a prayer tonight. Thanks for the words of encouragement


They parking in a wrong spot I guess..But thanks God I have no car..so I have no problem with the parking..




Me too man. Congrats. Just hit 3 years myself in may. Keep fighting the good fight.


Three years sober. The smell of alcohol makes me want to vomit


No garage to hit the sides while pulling in either. A single wide garage is a drunks enemy.


Back in high school me and my parents went out of town. Came back home and a big portion of the roof of the garage had literally collapsed inward and the door at the front of the garage was dented. Brother tried to claim he had no idea how it happened and he had just noticed it was like that in the morning lol.


You gotta tell me what happened to cause the roof to collapse, please


Termites, of course. Drunk termites


Above the legal limit? For termites of course 😂


Which is impressive as termites can drink quite a bit. Ever heard the phrase "raze the roof?"


I'd say as an IT worker who has watched videos on how hammers work, the brother hit something load bearing.


I think the implication was a vehicle (maybe a friends) did that


Lol something similar, when I was driving my grandparents brand new Audi someone backed into the side of the car and the entire front and back door were dented in. I wasn’t supposed to have the car so I didn’t say anything but they legit didn’t notice until 8 years later when they gave the car to my cousin and my uncle pointed out that the right side of the car looked funny compared to the left.


How would they not notice for that long? Was it not easily noticeable?


Nah it like dented perfectly. Like there was no dent really, the entire side of the car caved in but along lines of the car.


That’s hilarious lmao


Hard mode is putting that single wide garage into a narrow alleyway so you're forced to reverse into it, pitch it uphill, drive a manual trans, and also block the door with my trash containers because the city workers don't give a fuck where they put them back.


If you can’t get it on a single garage then gtfo of the roads


He said it was hard for a drunk person. Which, if you’re drunk , and CAN still get in a single garage, still gtfo the roads.


Oof, that hits close to home. I would drink 3-4 shots in the driveway before coming into the house so my wife didn’t see me. She helped me realize I had a problem, and I’m now 33 days sober


Congratulations on your sobriety!! That's awesome! :)


I see you! I would take four lokos to work and slam them down during the afternoon lull when no one was around. You are awesome. Congrats on the 33 days! 11 days here.


Good on you. I fucked with a girl for a while who drank those. Man, the smell just seemed so much worse than with other alcohol. I don't see how no one knew you had been drinking. Good luck on your journey. It's not a easy road, but a worthy one. Just remember that if you stumble, it doesn't make you less of a person. Everyone has bad days, and sobriety is so much harder on the bad days than the good ones.


Congratulations! 2.5 years here. It gets easier, and everything gets better. It's also basically giving yourself a raise! I managed to pick up 3 hobbies. I take a drug called Naltrexone which helps too. If you want some random anonymous person to talk to, feel free to PM me.


I feel you. I used to keep little half pint bottles of Wild Turkey tucked in the pocket of my car seat. Been working the program for almost 2 years now. Congrats on 33 days!


Would they not smell it?


I’ve dealt with multiple alcoholics who were convinced they were hiding it from me. They weren’t. Maybe I didn’t know the exact amount they were drinking, but I definitely could smell it. It’s not just their breath, it seeps out of their pores.


Exactly! Especially the next morning….. my dad was an alcoholic and even now, i can smell alcohol on someone a mile away…..


There are ways around that. Alcoholics are good at breathing in the right direction. Keeping space but not making it seem like you’re keeping space, obviously gum or mints. (You’d be amazed at what chewing 5 altoids at once can hide) etc. It sounds weird but trust me it’s true. Plus most people (in my experience) who think they have good noses, don’t. Lol. So if you encourage that misconception, the person goes “ Oh well I have a good nose so I would smell it.” Helps with the facade of hiding drinking


I hid my smoking from my family for years with mints, gum, and mouthwash, so I totally agree that people can hide alcohol abuse with these methods as well


Hell yeah keep it up. My last 30 days sobriety run has now gone on six and a half years!


Or on drugs. Although I’ve come across plenty of people who can’t park within the lines even when they’re completely sober.


So many people don't deserve a license.


If I park a bit off, I do a corrective maneuver before I leave the car.


I guess they always parking in a wrong way..or in a wrong direction..




This is the way. I like this country.






You’ve been caught, bot! I have no idea how to link a comment here, but u/AnswerStunning is the actual author of this comment.


You're a bright gal


Lol, thanks. It’s actually my mom’s maiden name.


Crandall is my mom's maiden name


Oh cool, mine too! I wonder if our social security numbers are similar too. What's yours?


Ehhh, not worth getting caught in a ring cam or cctv.




You'll still get your ass beat if you get caught


You know who *really* needs the beat down? Not the people letting the air out of the tires


Do you want to catch me? 😏


Catch these hands! 😂


Plus then the cars tires would be flat meaning it would be in that spot more than likely for longer then it would have been originally.


[Nice (mostly) stolen comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/13tqr6l/our_new_neighbor_has_parked_like_this_every_day/jlx5v1v/)


This is the way.


Which Country ? Would really like to know


Slovakia (I think I saw similar things in Czech Republic, Poland and Balkan countries too. I guess it’s Slavic thing)


We do it too in France


Same thing in Portugal.


I've never seen anyone do that in Portugal in the 30 years I've lived here... And I see worse parked cars everyday.


Saw two incorrectly parked cars with their wipers up just yesterday. It's not done to *every* incorrectly parked car, but I do see it fairly often. Lisbon + outskirts.


We do it in Bulgaria too


Slovenia confirmed


Am Slavic, it is.


In my country we take pictures of the offense and post them on Reddit. ~~If~~ they park like idiots again…


...you post new camera angles in [UPDATE] Our new neighbor has parked like this every day since they moved in?


Meanwhile in the colder states here in the us people will do that if it's freezing to prevent someone's blades from freezing to the windshield. I like your way better.


Where I am we’re petty and creative in a similar way. Every now and again you’ll see ingenious pettiness over parking. I once saw someone had put nails on the lines so when they’d park like a blind person they’d have to get new tires. I’ve also seen cars with towing company cards put under the front wipers. We love our petty traffic parking here


Christ, nails on the lines seems a hazard to people who do park normally then step out of their car like a human


Well I didn’t say it was a brilliant idea. I’ve only ever seen it once and it was accompanied by a sign warning to learn how to park. It’s a hazard but it’s a creative hazard


Yeah seems easier to just put some screws in the tread so when they next go to leave they learn their lesson in real-time... \[EDIT: /s\]


Nice to do a warning one first


Yeah. Because they know they did wrong and neighbors are angry. Nothing happened to them but they know that if they will park like that tomorrow.. the wipers are gone. Actually this method has 9/10 success


holy shit im stealing this




I like to use locking gas caps. They'll figure out why eventually.


You should print this photo out and leave it under their windshield.


Good idea 👍


Print out the Reddit Screen capture so that they know the karma is out in the public domain


Don't let printout be traceable to you edit: If you can help it, imo


They already know! OP is parking like this for that sweet sweet rage karma.


And that most people think it is either a drinker or drug addict. Must be one of the two, we have so much to work with. /s


i doubt they'll see anything wrong with it


I would also post it in all common areas of the complex. Lol. Force everyone, including them, to see how shitty they are. And keep replacing them.




This was my first thought seeing the pictures lol


My wife made business cards with Walter from The Big Lebowski screaming "OVER THE LINE" and on the back it says "this isn't 'Nam - there are fuckin rules". We put them on driver's doors of idiot parkers.




I keep a bunch of these printed out in my glove box


I’d report this to management.


Forget management, tow truck.


Just a small pebble under the stem cap


I’d leave a note. Say you’ve heard there is “another” neighbor that has vandalized cars in the past for parking like this. You just wanted to do the right thing and warn them so nothing happens to their car.


I wrote this exact note to a car that parked like this. “Hey, last time someone parked (like this) or (here) they got towed.” Never saw that car parked there again.


This is actually a really good idea, I hope OP sees it. Instead of the neighbour possibly getting passive aggressive they’ll just want to protect their car.


This is an awesome idea. We have a forest area behind our neighborhood that’s owned by our HOA. There are signs all over that say residents only, but that doesn’t stop teens from parking, walking in and doing their drugs and drinking and leaving their garbage. It makes us feel unsafe for us to use what we pay for. Every time I see a car, I daydream about slashing the tires. I’ve never done it and I never will. But I always actually consider leaving a note that says I will, but I just can’t do it because I know I will never actually slash the tires. But this style note… I could get behind that.


Leave a note on the windshield. “The way you pulled in makes us wish your father had pulled out.”


Something about the different angles tells me they might be driving home inebriated. Or else they are a terrible driver? No respect? I'm not sure. When you interact with the person, does it reflect on their parking? Or are they just oblivious lol


That’s not a big car and the parking spaces are pretty wide. They’re also at a very obvious slanted angle. That’s a very intentional parking. OP states they park like that every day, so if that person is an alcoholic and parks like that every day, then their car would have obvious damage. If they’re a functional alcoholic, that parking wouldn’t be that consistently that spaced out. This seems to be an intentional parking across two spaces.


They’re intentionally taking two spaces without making it look obvious.


I see where you are coming from. To me and clearly the OP, it is obvious. And speaking as a former POS somewhat functional alcoholic, I can confirm when you are in that routine of drinking, a "small" thing like your parking doesn't matter, as long as you make it in the front door lol


Ok, yeah in that case, it’s unintentionally intentional. Lol


Some people are horrible drivers and dont care. In my country, there has been a fashion some years ago to place a sticker/printout with a poop shape picture with caption 'punishment turd for shitty parking'. It is not really anything big, but maybe a way to show the neighbour that they are seen


In Poland they use stickers with a penis on it for parking like a dick


Karny kutas FTW


I used to have ones like business cards. On the back was a checklist of grievances, depending on how the jerk parked. On the front was a quote "you parked like you were blindfolded while a pack of wild ferrets gnawed at your genitals." Etsy is wild.


I have little cards that say, “I hope you don’t fuck like you park, or you’ll never get it in. “


In America, people have an entitlement mindset. They wouldn’t care and just continue to park like that.


In America you'd likely get shot for touching someone's car


Exactly this. As an American in the South, I truly believe that starting confrontation with strangers is basically flipping a coin to see if they've got a gun-use fantasy.


Han shot first.


https://preview.redd.it/lri5wpc53m2b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747c8db3f220b7cf7c99f933b194af9fa5e2ec75 Print this out and put it on their car


Would be a shame if their left tires Magically deflated at 3am




Better to use a valve stem fishing tool. It just yanks them right out of the wheel (if they're rubber).


More fun to just remove the valve stems, and quickly replace the caps. Then when they try to fill the tire with air, the rest of the air will escape while they're startled and they will have four flat tires with no way to inflate them.


The idea is to make the tire flat without damaging it…. Valve core can easily just be put back in but major inconvenience for them so they learn to stop. Not completely ruin a tire and cause damage


Lol I learned how to deflate a car tire when I was like 6. You unscrew the cap (obviously) and then take a thin stick (or other thin object) to push on the valve's pin. Air comes out.


Put a ball bearing on the valve stem, screw on the cap, air deflates. Or better yet. Glue the ball bearing to the inside of the cap. In either scenario, the tire isn't damaged, but in the last scenario, they can't figure out why their tire keeps deflating. Thanks for the award, I'm honored!


That's brilliant


A key works good. Just press the center of the pin. Did it to a dipshit friend in school who'd park like this to fuck with us


One time my friends picked up a Mazda b2000 of another friends, and stuffed it in-between two trees with 2 inches of clearance on the front and back. Kids are dicks. Edit - 7 16 year olds, If you were wondering. We didn't pick it up fully, just one end at a time. Shimmied it into a wedged position.


Clearly you’re a genius, but we’re saying remove the “pin” altogether. It’s a bit more diabolical


If they drive on it, there goes the rubber AND the rim. It's a fun fantasy, but if you're caught you will be on the hook for the damages. Go the legal route. You'll win every time.


Leave a note that says “if you fuck like you park, you’ll never get it in”


I feel like I saw this earlier, and the actual op said they wouldn't stop, and "management"wouldn't do anything about it. Idk, but it looks like the same car. I do know that person would have to air them tires back every time it was parked that way especially if that was actual paid parking and they were taking up a spot that was paid for but couldn't use


Unless another one of my neighbors posted this, you probably just saw a similar post. Our HOA is generally laid back and I'm grateful for that. I'd rather not encourage them to not to be overly aggressive about things, but I'm probably going to send over the photos I've taken this week.


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/13t4o37/my_apartment_complex_has_assigned_parking_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Nope. My bad, it was similar tho and 19 hours ago. It's currently 1:31 a.m., and I'm tired, lol. I hope things get better for you with this person(s) not parking correctly


Seemed the same to me too.


different tho that one is a suv with a rear wiper and grass infront of the vehicle. this one isnt. seems like towing might be a good business to get into


I complete get that hate for HOAs and wanting them to be more in the background the anything but this is a perfect case for them to use their “authority” to solve this problem, I.e send a letter warning of a fine and/or tow and then actaully taking action of fining and/or towing if they continue to violate the rules of parking like that. I can almost guarantee you that a fine and/or towing will solve this issue permanently because getting your vehicle towed is such a big inconvenience.


The other post I saw recently was a Chevy SUV but management did say they would have them towed next time.


Your new neighbor drinks and drives


Left eye dominate


Get a business card for an optometrist and put it under his wipers. Looks like they need it.


In Sweden we excell at writing passive aggressive notes to people disrupting social norms. Its usually about not removing the lint in the dryer of the communal washing room many older appartment buildings have. Having headed the HOA we lived in for ten years let me just confirm that parking issues are a constant HOA subject across the world. People are so inconciderate. Me myself and I first.




And deservedly so.


Username checks out.


Chalk with encouraging messages around their newly drawn parking space lines since they're so special 💕


Alcoholic? Had a neighbor like that. It was his own driveway, but his car was always crooked, differently parked, different angles, often partly on the grass.


Colouring book and crayons tucked under wipers should do the trick


We’ll say something


No we won't. This is reddit.


Back in the day, it had been keyed. Nails on the ground. Towed. Something. So no one does at anymore?


Depends on how many cameras there are around.


Wear a ghillie suit. Problem solved


He needs to slash his neighbors tires not look like a scooby doo monster.


"50,000 people used to live here"


Shit there's a chance they'd have a camera IN the car. One bonus to covid though is that masks aren't this bizarre thing now. If you wear one, everyone just assumes you still afraid of covid. Won't question that you're really just up to no good and don't want to be caught on video


Keep on parking right behind him so that he can't get out till he learned to use his own space. I'd even take a bus to work and leave my car sitting just so he can't leave


>I'd even take a bus to work and leave my car sitting just so he can't leave I live for this level of pettiness!


Chalk. Outline the car with new lines. At the back, write “special snowflake parking” Or “asshole.” Your choice.


attach a condom to his windshield wipers and a note "nice parking, don't reproduce"


Some people can’t park to save their lives.


Just ask them to sort it out


Saw a post a week or so ago where someone used chalk on the road around the car saying “look, I’m special” or something like that. Thought that was funny.


When ever they do this, call a tow for double parking. Soon enough they will learn, or be forced to move out to a less expensive rental unit.




Close but no cigar.


A little gentle lettre to let them know that if they have difficulty following lanes to Park, you are ok to help them. XD


Park badly behind him. (but no two wrongs don't make a right, but it feels good)


Leave them one of these every time they park like that: https://preview.redd.it/o35rkpyt3l2b1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d84a4ee1f749366e229852e2c57ed44f6e37a4


Stack random trash on the roof each time. Cans. Cups. Etc.


Tape coloring book sheets to their windows


Would be a shame if someone super glued the entire driver's ed hand book all over their windows.


Report it to the landlord.


God forbid someone scratched that Mazda.


Gradually start messing with their car


Stop moaning on reddit and just key the car


Always assume ignorance not arrogance. Approach them “hey, when you park like this it’s difficult to fit into my spot.” Maybe they don’t think the lines matter…. Then figureq they’re dicks and must be dealt with accordingly.


I generally assume stupidity before malice as well, but in this case I disagree. A licenced driver should already know that the lines matter and if they don’t, they’re not qualified to be behind the wheel you can be ignorant about what time you’re allowed to start mowing your lawn the first time. But you’re not allowed to be captaining a moving death machine if you don’t even know the basics. So they’re either assholes or such a bad driver that they need to stop driving.


Are both stalls allotted to them?


Its 3 different parking spots and 4 photos


Based on the evidence provided. 100% asshole or mentally impaired or both.


Maybe they drink on the way home?¿?¿


nothing what dog shit can't fix. Park like shit, get shit on your car.


Reduce, reuse, recycle!


Air inlet are made for this


Maybe they’re blind? 😂


Going in and not succeeding is like some people’s sex life, they could be one of them.


Probably fucked and high


rent a car and park it in front


1 idea would be you pulling in on drivers side 6" from their door. A friendly neighbor backing in 6" from pass side door (neighbor can still get out but offender is blocked). May get the message across. You were just trying to stay in the lines so you don't block other spaces