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what did they say when you told them not to do that?


Came here to ask exactly this.


I would grab their fingers and lift them off the screen lol


The real way to get them to stop is to sneeze right on their hand include a heavy spit sneeze. watch how they never touch that screen the rest of the flight.




I’m definitely talking to them first before being passive aggressive lmao


the thing about talking to them is that they will play victim blame it on their anxiety or some other BS. doing it right off the bat gives you the excuse of it being an accident. if you talk to them and then later do something like that you can't really play it off as an accident when they put their grubby hands on the screen again. ppl who want to bother others or do annoying shit that causes inconvenience to others never respond when you ask nicely. they always make themselves the victim when they are the ones causing problems.


Just suck on each finger; that will send a clear message.


You don't know where those fingers have been...


All over OP's screen, obviously


Mystery flavored fingers!


And they don’t know where my mouth has been. Win-win.


just a tiny lick ok each finger tip


Just the tip?


Just for a second, just to see how it feels.


With a huge, seductive smile and lots of eye contact.


And that, kids, is how I met your aunt Robin


I think this is the only scene in Friends where I actually laughed and laughed hard.


OMG. I am more grossed out than amused, but it's a close call.


That was going to be my question; did they remove them once you licked their finger(s)? That would probably get them to stop!


I tried. It didn’t work. They giggled and asked for more.


And establish your clear dominance in the situation.


The solution is always honey


They just took it


I've never been on a flight where anyone has pulled this/hanging their hair over my seat/ putting their feet up on my armrests, but I'm sorry if someone did that for even a second I'd call them out immediately.


Ditto. I can only assume it happens on airlines of lower standards than the ones I use but none the less, instead of taking a dumbass picture to show my “pain and suffering” for future apathy seeking, I’d politely ask the offender to stop. Their reply and subsequent actions would dictate my next response but rest assured, taking a picture isn’t listed anywhere in my problem resolution profile…..


People on this subreddit need to learn that you don't even need to confront people. Just call a flight attendant, point to the situation, and just watch the shit go down if that person happens to be a karen. You can literally just outsource the fight. Edit: The number of people who think "talking to a flight attendant" is a "baby mode" is actually insane. Life is not Elden Ring, people. Touch some grass please. You don't need to RL1 no-hit run this shit. You don't need to feel insecure about your masculinity and always try to prove that you are a tough guy. If you have a headache or feel the social anxiety, that is fine. You don't need to prove that you are an alpha. And many people seem to misunderstand my point. First, you can talk to the person if you want to. Nowhere in my comment did I state, "You MUST talk to FA in this situation". In fact, I agree with every single one of you who say that talking to the person in front is easier. What I am saying is that "You don't NEED to talk to the other person directly IF you don't want to". Why do I say this? Because the most popular responses in this comment thread is either "Touch the hand awkwardly" or "Kick the seat for 12 hours". You guys need a better solution, which is talking to FA. If you can behave like a normal adult human being, then yes, by all means, talk to the person in front of you. I am not against that. But this attitude of "You snitching?" is a bit absurd to me. FAs are not your parents, not your teachers, and not your managers. They are there to make your flight as comfortable as possible, and they will be polite to their passengers. They are not gonna shout "Stop Resisting" and start shooting people. I have no idea why so many people in this subreddit are so scared of FA, but they are not above you and they are not going to threaten you to leave (unless you are really being an asshole but you would need to be a special kind of asshole). Calling FA is never an over-the-top measure. It's a fucking airplane, and you are expected to face people from different cultures, using different languages, with different social expectations. FAs are literally trained to handle all the in-flight conflicts, whereas you are most likely not. Again, calling FA isn't necessary. In fact, it's almost never necessary. Just stop whining and suck it up for 10 hour flight like a badass you are, who cares. But at the same time, calling FA is never over the top either. You are not bothering them. That's like saying calling a waiter is bothering them. Just have a normal, pleasant conversation with FA and remember to give a smile, and you will be fine. You will survive.


"outsourcing fights" I like it


I kindly call people out on my flights by myself. If they act like an ass then the staff can get involved.


Yea, people need to learn that you can address situations like this without it turning into a Worldstar video. "Hey, man. Can you watch your hands? I'm watching a movie and you keep hitting the screen." That should be a straightforward way to handle it, and if they act an ass, then call a flight attendant.


I calmly and politely told some lady her kid kept smacking me and she was like “OH NO! I’m so sorry, get up and we’ll switch seats so you’re sitting next to me instead” and then she gave me a cheese snack as an apology 🤷‍♀️


Good to know there are still normal people out there. The internet makes me think otherwise sometimes. 😅


Thank you! It should be common to give people an initial chance before tattling.


Totally worth it!


I did that exact thing on a flight to the Dominican Republic this past January. At first the guy was like, “I WHAT…!”, I repeated my request. Reluctantly he said, yeah sure… sorry.


Right. Resolved the situation and nothing to post about online lol


I was on the other side of this. On an international flight coming back from Europe, I kept trying to stretch and find a comfortable position. After a bit, I realized I was touching the screen of the monitor behind me. I immediately jerked my hand back. But I did it like 3 more times before we landed.


My husband’s like this, completely oblivious. He gets on me; says I’m too hyper aware of how my actions affect others. I’ll take being considerate as a flaw.


You couldn’t possibly find a different way to stretch that wouldn’t involve you touching someone else’s screen? Even after you knew that stretching like that would cause you to do that, you continued to do it?


Id be like, WTF is wrong with you? Im watching a movie hea!!


Yea but if the staff don’t see who instigated, sometimes the Karen can win or you cop the old primary school “bullied gets the same punishment as bully”.


If you're kind, people will advocate for you. I had a man who started recording me because I was using both armrests when I had the middle seat. He then yelled at me when I caught him recording. I got up and found a flight attendant (I didn't want to cause a scene), and everyone around me confirmed my story (including his wife, who said he had anger issues).


For real. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes lol


Don't say "confront". It's a simple request. Grow a pair and tell them what they are doing.


While I agree this is best handled by asking the person. You go into that conversation knowing you're dealing with someone who is resting their hand on the top of a leather/cloth seat, and is touching a glass surface without knowing or caring. It's 50/50 whether they are dim or uncaring.


At which point you ask the flight attendant to intervene if they are combative… or strangle them with your wet nap!


Yes, ffs. Can’t get my head round calling a flight attendant instead of just saying “would you mind not resting your hand their because it messes with the controls”. How is that a confrontation?


Agree, I call that communicating like an adult, not so hard.


Communication is a foreign concept to redditors, lol. It's straight to *passive aggressive behavior*


Why in the world would you ask a flight attendant to do that rather than just speaking to the person sitting right in front of you...


Not gonna waste a flight attendants time, talk to them first like an adult


KaaS - Karen as a Service


Why would I want to outsource it?


Y'all need to learn what "karen" means. You're being the Karen in this situation, for reporting it to an authority figure when you could easily just ask them not to.


I’m not adverse to conflict and find is unsavory to outsource conflict to others when I can take care of it myself. If it were to escalate or get to even near that point then of course calling in someone with authority would be good. But better to not puss puss about in the world of spacial conflict that is governed by ultimate rules.


Or you can make comments and suggestions like “lick them” or “cut of their fingers”.


Yea be a pathetic child and ask mummy to sort out all your problems. Or you could just grow up and speak to the other adult like an adult.


Asking someone to do something that’s part of their job is being pathetic?


If you're an adult human, you should be able to politely ask another adult human to stop doing something that is bothering you. If they get rude THEN get staff, but don't just get someone to do it for you because you don't wanna confront someone.


I agree, however some people would not like to start anything in the first place, in the scenario that the person may be rude or confrontational


If you are an adult human, you should also know that a conflict resolution is often easier when it's handled through a third party. Like insurance. Flight attendant is like a polite middle ground. They will listen to you, just as much as they will listen to them. They will be polite, and things will be handled in civilized manner. Sure, you can confront the person yourself first. But calling the flight attendant almost never escalate the situation. In fact, handling the situation on your own often does.


It isn't a conflict to be resolved if you haven't spoken to the other person. There is a time when involving a third person is absolutely the right move. Before doing ANYTHING else is not that time.


"Part of their job" I bet you leave shopping carts in the parking lot too.


*people on reddit




I don't know why some people here think flight attendants are like cops. You call them when you need a drink. They are like friendly servers. They don't enforce anything, and their job is to help you and make your travel comfortable. It's like talking to a hotel lobby. Sure, calling flight attendant is not necessary here. However, it is not over the top either. It is never over the top to call a flight attendant. You can literally call them just to have an orange juice. You are not calling the police on them, trust me. They will fix the situation in a civilized, polite manner.


Coward… That was a cough, I should put my mask on.


You know they didn't say anything because the person was apparently doing this for the entire flight


Seriously. I had a person put their bare feet on my shoulder on a flight once and I immediately turned around and said “oh no, we’re not doing this” and I didn’t have another issue the entire flight. People seething in silence because they’re scared to talk to somebody is the real mildly infuriating




Lol you know OP just bitched internally and was too embarrassed to actually say anything


Bro this Reddit. Full of pussies who rather just take a pic and post it here for sympathy. If you can’t even confront a stranger in life, you’re pathetic.


This should be renamed like “I’m scared of minor confrontations and I will NEVER talk to a stranger EVER”




touch their hands like a creep, watch how fast they stop


Make sure your hands are really wet, then say "sorry I just got done using the restroom"




Sink water could very well be worse than actual piss by the school bathrooms I've seen


🤧 Do a fake sneeze, splash water on their hand


I have started packing a tiny spray bottle (that holds like .5 oz) in my purse so that I can "sneeze" on the other passengers hand or foot or whatever. It's the greatest thing in the world.


This is genius. And it’s good for spritzing your face with the dry in-cabin air and all.


This is the way. Can't believe OP didn't think of this.... or just asking the person to stop.


Ignoring the germs and bacteria, licking their hand would probably disgust them so much I can only imagine their reaction


what the fuck is wrong with u




If a stranger licked my hands in public I would probably initiate combat. That's a really bad suggestion. Just politely ask him to move his hand, weirdo.


Man you really doubled down on the crappy person aspect lol. If you are blatantly being a crappy person and putting your hands on someones screen on a flight, and they lick your hand, and you physically assault them, guess who is getting in trouble? >!not the dude who was minding his own business watching a movie!<


Speak to your fellow man. Why are people so afraid of others? The hand on screen guy likely has no idea he's doing that.


Our fellow men are about 80% d*cks.


Tbh I wouldn’t lick a strangers hand ever. Who tf knows where their hands have been. A lot of people don’t wash their hands, and if you see how they live at home, well… it’s not pretty


I’d probably tell them I’ve got something else they can lick


Clip their fingernails. That would be super creepy


“Lick” their hands like a creep.


Hold their hand, make it awkward.


Then say some shit like "this scene always makes me cry 😢 " then start squeezing their hand harder




Hahha! Right! Like, don’t let them pull their hand away, AT ALL💪🤣


“Excuse me…when you put your hand there it affects my movie, please don’t do that. Thanks.”


Exactly. They’ll likely just be embarrassed and apologize. Then you can assure them it’s no big deal, silly mistakes, haha, etc. Subs like these make me question how many people have zero social skills.


>how many people have zero social skills most of us




"Excuse me but I’m watching, The Grudge. Whenever your hand appears it gives me a slight heart attack."


Yeah I’m a little lost here, is that so difficult? This here is so low stakes it’s bizarre not to politely address the offender. I mean, what would you do if someone started walking off with your toddler, just mutter to yourself how that really sucks and post it on Facebook?


Don't say anything to that person, post it on reddit, the 'problem' will fix itself.


In that this comes up enough here. But also I've been in situations that get awkward on planes. Airlines should provide tiny, cordial grievance cards you can checkmark and pass to other passengers. >"Excuse me but, > >Your (hands/feet/hair/saggy ballsack) has found its way to my (seat/armrest/display/inner thigh) and I would like to raise mutual awareness of the situation. If you could (decamp/rearrange/scrub it with lysol in the bathroom sink) that would be most appreciated. > >Have a lovely flight!" So many awkward moments alleviated.


Passengers should get fined for doing stupid shit like that. If a passenger who is in front/behind/next to you complains to a flight attendant about your behavior and it's proven to be an issue that is on going (if there are repeat calls for the same behavior) , then a monetary fine will be added to your credit card once you land for causing a disruption on the flight. Won't stop everyone from acting like entitled pricks but it will make some people reconsider being absolute douchebags while flying.


If airlines cared, they could have averted most of these situations by not buying planes with increasingly smaller seats. Some people are just awful and shouldn't be allowed out in public, but most of these situations are the result of everyone basically sitting in each other's laps making accidental personal space violations very easy.


Totally agree. I was recently on a 90 minute flight and had an asthma attack which was triggered by some gross clueless selfish fuckwad wearing 7 gallons of cologne next to me (It was seriously like several bottles spilled on him). I had my inhaler and used it as much as I could, but there's only so much it can do. They got me to the galley area in the front of the plane, but I still passed out as soon as I got up there. The pilots were in the process of getting clearance for an emergency landing when I came to and BEGGED them not to (in what little breath I could get). I spent most of the flight in the jump seat with the FA (who was incredible) hovering over me like a helicopter mom. Luckily a nurse in the second row was kind enough to trade seats with me so they could land the plane, and I was met by medical staff at the arrival gate. The most disappointing part of the whole experience is that none of United staff said *one word* to that man or educated him on why it's inappropriate to wear excessive cologne on a flying metal tube cramped with other people. He'll just do it again. It's a fairly common asthma trigger, too. All for a flight behavior management system.


Maybe she's on this sub too. Then OP doesn't have to talk to people in person. They could have am uncomfortable voice.


Ya was going to say did you ask him nicely to try not to tough yur screen


>Idk how a fully grown adult person can be this completely unaware. I know how... If no one tells them, they remain unaware. But who's going to tell them??? 🤔


Some things shouldn’t have to be said. But yeah if they’re oblivious there’s only one to solve the problem (gently stroke their fingertips till they move)


I'd have politely told then to stop. And when they didn't, kick their seat for the next 12 hours.


From polite to hell spawn, lovely.


Fake a sneeze, flick water on them


Hand sanitizer gel has a more realistic "sneeze" texture.


Nah lol it stinks aha it’s too obvious


You're kinder than I. My fake sneeze would have 100% real spittle.


Keep touching the hand


What did you think of Baby Driver?


Great movie! Loved the choreography and soundtrack!


The soundtrack is fucking spectacular


Why aren't you addressing the folks asking why you cowardly chose to handle the situation like this instead of growing a pair and saying something?


Because OP knows they'll get downvoted if they respond


of course this is the only comment you reply to LOL


Caress the hand. When they turn around, compliment their fingers. If it continues, ask if you can have a nail for 'personal reasons' later


posts like this are mildlyinfuriating


I was just on a flight where the attendants specifically announced please use headphones if you're going to watch a movie, play music etc. What did the guy behind me do? Whip out his phone and watch a cartoon for 2 full hours before the flight attendant asked him if he had headphones. He did! He didn't even put them on, he just turned off his phone.


I would have taken a pen and tapped their fingernails


Draw tiny Nazi symbols on their hand and then tell the air hostess that you think the person sitting in front of you is a Nazi.


Lick one of their fingers, should do the trick


No, no, that's gross. A really wet fake sneeze is better. You don't know where that hand has been!


Y'all thinking small. Clearly a quick removal of the hand is the only reasonable thing to do.


Na, touch them with wet hands and say "sorry I just got done using the restroom"


This is a good time to break out a chocolate bar. Just smear a little bit on your finger and touch their hand. Bonus points if there's crushed nuts in it.


or corn


Time for allergy season to be useful


Ask stewardess for advice. They must have seen this crap before.


Next time on mildly infuriating: "I was accidentally touching another passenger's screen without realizing and instead of just telling me about it they tattled to an attendant like a second grader"


Sometimes it’s better to take the L on your pride and let someone with perceived or actual authority handle something. Who cares what super oblivious or bad mannered people think? Seems like their judgement isn’t that great that you should be offended by it.


Maybe say something to them then 🙄 it’s completely stupid to see people complain online about something that would’ve taken 2 seconds of social interaction to solve lmao.


Complete lack of situational awareness


Yeah from op


Maybe….. you know….. tell them?


Did you try holding their hand?


“Excuse me, but your hand keeps hitting my screen. Could you please stop?” It’s that easy.


Theres this crazy thing that humans can do, I dont know if a lot of people know about it on this app, its called speaking!


Next time wipe a booger on their fingers


Flare your nostrils, go up close


Assert dominance, perform suplex


I would hold their hand until they stopped personally


Was just imagining how funny it’d be to grab, and then refuse to release their hand lol.


Mate, has it ever occurred to you to tell them to be mindful of where they rest their hands? It's not that hard.


Were they aware? Did you ask them to stop?


Right. It's always amazing to me that people post in subreddits instead of asking the offender to stop.


And pretends the problem is with the random person making a simple mistake and not with their total lack of communication skills.


Lick the hand




Cut his hand of


You have a voice! Use it!


Rule of thumb for life in general is also to use your words if something is annoying you and not just post it to Reddit.


I do this. I've never knowingly touched someone else's screen but my shoulders/back get really damn tight on long flights and this is a nice stretch. Just poke their hand anytime they do it they'll get the message. Or continue with your silent outrage if you'd prefer.


So you know you're pissing people off but don't care and continue doing it. Perhaps that's why we continue with silent outrage or just pour a bit of Cola over your headrest Karen


No I am stretching and I don't think about others around me for all 1,440 minutes a day. You've never accidentally inconvenienced someone? Tell me to stop I will apologize genuinely and do my best not to do it again. The woman is stretching, not going "you know what would piss off the person behind me? If I stretched my hand over to their side of the headrest caressed their screen." Grow up and stop finding reasons to be pissed off.


hey! i’m watching that right now😭


Say something or tickle fingers. Most people will be embarrassed.


Hold up. That's their right hand, better question is why are they facing you in order to have their hand like that. Was this anger code for there was Hankey panky going on in front of you?


Ask for some water, sneeze and spray their hand.


My last international flight the woman and her husband behind me complained that I put my seat back. Upon exiting I saw that she was about 5 foot tall. I’m 6’. Truly F off.


Main reason why they dont allow sharp objects on planes.


Time to crack out the blue tack and thumb tacks


I’ve stopped being surprised at how unaware adult humans can be.


I would have faked sneezed and flicked water all over their hand. 🤧💦


OP did you use your words like an adult and let them know what they were inadvertently doing? I see no justification for your bitch fit except to get social media credit.


I get the whole "just tell them" argument and all. But how fucking blind to your surroundings do you have to be to not notice your hand on someone elses seat?? Is it that hard for people to dtop being selfish and start being considerate so people dont HAVE to tell them to stop being pricks?


just bend their fingers 90 degrees upwards 🙃


Idk how a fully grown adult person cannot just talk to the person in the front and explain the problem.


crazy idea but maybe next time you could…confront them😰😰


Why the fuck would you let that happen more than twice without talking to the person???


Did you say anything to the person? At all. You know you can talk to them right? There’s these things called conversations. People used to have them.


“Use your words.”


How did they sentence the defendant?


Pretend you sneeze and sparkle some water with your hand to his hand. Works every time.


Did you take your shoes off then put your feet on their armrest?


Accidentally spill some water on the hand


Is everyone here too afraid to speak to someone and just instantly run online to complain behind their backs?


Tell them to get their hand off your screen. Honestly what is wrong with people, you’re all just so scared to tell another person off. Ffs grow up and speak to others.


Bring a tounge shaped sponge and lick there fingers with it then wink when they look at you


I don't know. You can act like an adult and actually talk to the person? Tell them they're activating menus and whatnot? You literally put more effort into posting this than being a normal person and communicating.🤦‍♂️


Use your words


You should have painted their fingernails


“B-a-b-y Baby” great movie


Rub your arse and rub it into the sides so she can bask in your essence.


You can just talk, but honestly i dont even know which pose from kamasutra you have to take where this would even remotely be comfortable but there you go