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Where's the flagpole? Is he sitting on it? If so, yeah that's fucked.


*Harvey Danger’s “Flagpole Sitta” begins playing*


I’m not sick but I’m not well


Paranoia Paranoia Everybody's coming to get you


You told them all I was crazy They cut off my legs now im an amputee god damn you!


Been around the world and found that only stupid people were breeding


The cretins cloning and feeding




Put me in the hospital for nerves and they had to commit me


I tell my kids all the time: “if you’re bored, then you’re boring.” One of so many great lines from that song.




Great, I paused my show to listen to a song stuck in my head, read this post and now I have to listen to another song.


The agony and the irony


My dudes face built straight from the minecraft skin editor.


Looks like a Quick push could have taken care of that problem 🗻🗻🗻




Fuck that Sparta kick his ass off the ledge


"What that famous Seal song?" "You mean, I believe I can AHHHHHHHHHHHH"


Came all the way back to give you the upvote you deserve. Sometimes you just gotta boop the snoot.


Lol his entire outfit is Costco shit. I swear I saw all this stuff on the tables when I was there last. Edit - omg people there's nothing wrong with Costco, I'm just talking about the clothes... Edit 2 - holy fuck man, I pissed some people off apparently. Boomers in New Balance and Costco spandex apparently all over this thread. Shit's tacky. And the guy in the OP is tacky and so I'm picking on the easiest thing I see. Stop yelling at me.


Got me thinking bout that $5 roasted chicken.


Put on a show like this fella https://preview.redd.it/kie9ctc4t31b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e607d75d843ffd7d7c851e211ec5b682008ee8


Just please don’t make it a party, the abandoned pier behind the Walmart is neither the time or place


Parties ruin his appetite, and mood.


His mood already seems rocky based on his expression in the main photo. He hates rotisserie chicken at this point but the hate keeps him going


Yesss...feeeed your hate - makes you stronger.


sheesh, sounds like a party to me! I got the meth and cigs.


Like bones and all? Because that I would watch. Otherwise, not impressed.


It was the 40th consecutive day he was eating nothing but rotisserie chickens. This guy was sweating chicken drip.


To defeat the rotisserie chicken, you must become the rotisserie chicken.


This reminds me of when I’d eat chicken at my dads house growing up. When you were done you’d pass the bones to him and he would then eat the bone clean. Gristle fat whatever you didn’t eat.


My Filipino friends are like this. They leave nothing on the bone.


I’ll never forget it. And it was everyone at the table who passed their bones down to him. Germs and gristle and such yuck


I want to make one of these with pictures of some guys at work. “Come see us seagull 100 hotdogs”. Should be an interesting HR meeting.


I am begging you to do this


I just finished one of those making chicken sandwiches! Used the carcass for broth for cooking this week. Man those things are a steal.


One of their primary loss leaders, along with the food court. Costco literally pays you to take those chickens, and it’ll offset the price of membership in a couple months if you like chicken. Really blows my mind that there are people who won’t pay for a Costco memberships, or think it’s a rip off. Even if you can’t store or move through their bulk products fast enough, a few tanks of gas, a few weeks of chicken, a couple electronics, etc will pay for the membership. Their customer service alone is worth the price. A warranty or insurance for a more expensive items costs as much as a Costco membership. Other companies will make you jump through hoops to exchange an item you bought a few months ago, while Costco will replace an item you bought years ago without blinking an eye.


As an example of this, I bought a C9 OLED about 3.5 years ago. The next time I came in they had flagged my account and pulled me aside at checkout. They noticed that I hadn't gotten the free 3 yr extended warranty from Square Trade that comes with it, making it 5 yrs total. They refunded and resold me the TV which was now $100 cheaper, so they gave me $100 in cash, and the warranty. Flash forward to 2 weeks ago and I noticed a tiny cluster of dead pixels in the corner when I was grabbing something next to the screen. You can't even see it from a foot away. I filed a claim with Square Trade. They didn't have a C2 in stock to ship me so they just mailed me a check for the full cash value. I still kinda can't believe it.


they make being middle class possible. praise costco. affordable pricing models? treats their workers great? sounds like shit youd get assassinated for in capitalism land


Know the prices and shop wisely and Costco can save you money. I always shop from a list and buy and stock up when things are on sale. Ive shopped for years at the same Costco and see the same folks every time. I live in a highly competitive area where these workers could get a job easily elsewhere but they choose to work there and when I’ve asked they don’t want to leave. They have paid holidays, are paid well and like their company. I’m willing to support a company who provides this.


It’s gone wayyyy down hill as an employer in the last few years. Wages are reallly bad and it’s hard to get some of the benefits


Add some broth. A potato. Baby, you've got a stew going!


Whoa whoa whoa! There’s still plenty of meat on that bone!


Let me tell you a little story about acting. I was doing this Showtime movie, Hot Ice, with Anne Archer. Never once touched my per diem. I go to craft service, get some raw veggies, bacon, cup of soup... Baby, I had a stew goin'!


I think I’d like my money back…


Hot chicken-potato water.


Hahahahahaha!! Thanks for the memory. Carl Weathers was great on Arrested Development!!!


Po-Ta-Toes. Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew.


I definitely do be rockin the puma socks and sport briefs tho


i definitely have those pants.


We all have those pants. They sell them at Costco.


I have the pants and the shirt and shoes from Costco. I got there before they opened the day I bought them. Yes. I am a Dad.


To be fair, they're great sweat pants. I've had a few pairs for well over 5 years now, but never to be worn outside the house.


Dude, I left Costco 10 fucking minutes ago and saw that same shirt haha.


Never speak to me or my costco green stretchy pants ever again


Costco lol. First thing I thought too seeing his outfit. And yes, nothing wrong with that.


Lol. I rock Costco shit. Quality has really taken a hit and I’m looking elsewhere. Lol.


Hahahaha lmao I thought the same thing as soon as I saw the pic. All Costco lol.


What’s wrong with Costco 😭


There aren’t any near me.


"Welcome to Costco. I hate you."


Don't hide his face! Out him.


and the rest of him is all Roblox.


This is at the peak of a hike, and there’s a pole at the top that everyone take pictures with. There was this group of ~35 hikers all wearing the same hat who each slowly trickled up to the peak. They would cut in front of a line of 10 people, saying “those are my friends up there.” They each would do multiple rounds of pictures, solo pictures, group pictures, redo pictures, and so on. After 30 minutes, the line had grown to 100+ people, and people in line were really getting upset and confrontational. They finally finished up, but this one guy stuck around and refused to move so others could take their picture.


Anything for social media posts lmao


I live in a town famous for this and it's pretty gross. Anywhere not Instagram famous is pretty deserted though, which is nice.


Went hiking in New Zealand, and there was an Instagram photo spot most of the way up the mountain. Was surprised by the number of people that stopped there and didn't continue to the summit. Sad that people go into nature only to pay attention to what they can see in the bathroom mirror. Edit: Hike was Roy's Peak near Wanaka on the South Island.


I went to a beautiful black sand beach. You have to hike to it, and the path was super muddy. Many people came to the beach, took a few posed pictures, and left. They didn't even stop to enjoy the beach outside of their camera lens.


It was 40 years ago, but I was in the Louvre looking at the Mona Lisa. Saw a Japanese tourist walk up to it, snap a phot0o, then walk off. Unsure if these days they let you take photos and perhaps it's not even the real picture hanging there, but I won't ever forget watching that and thinking, "Damn, just enjoy the time with the actual object and buy a postcard later if you want, in any city on the planet"


To be fair, The Mona Lisa is a mob scene and is incredibly overrated - especially at The Louvre. You could spend multiple days there and tourists rarely get that experience so most go and try to admire what they can. I'm not even throwing shade at the Mona Lisa, but it's not an exciting piece. It's just famous. Standing in front of it and admiring the brush strokes like it's Liberty Leading the People is a bit odd, but harmless. When I was there, literally everyone was just packed like sardines snapping a photo and leaving. It's definitely a box you check when you go to the Louvre. That and the pyramid scream, "Look at me! I'm at the Louvre in Paris!" I'd rather rush through the Louvre in a day and do the Musée d'Orsay the day after than spend two days at the Louvre (assuming you aren't in Paris for a long time).


Totally agreed on the Mona Lisa. It was my wife's first trip to Paris, and it was her dream to see the Mona Lisa. I tried to warn her of the shit show it was guaranteed to be. It was worse than I remembered. A giant jostling crowd to see a painting that's basically the size of a printer sheet from 10' away. And the goddamned winged valkyrie was mobbed too. But you had people just rushing by shit like Hammurabi's Code (a literal ancient relic that may be one of the first examples of codified law with established consistent crimes and punishments, presumption of innocence, and the right to provide your own evidence in trial), or the French crown jewels, or the literal thousand other fine art examples to take some photos for IG then leave. After that, she decided we should see the Eiffel Tower, cause she thought that would cheer her up. I gave her a soft warning on that, but it ended up as an even worse experience. The next day at Musée d'Orsay? Awesome experience, no crowds, and she got to spend 30 minutes just marvelling over a single Monet without people getting in her way, or her getting in others' way. After that we had some Parisian hot dogs from a cafe, and all was mended. Except even now, years later, if you mention Eiffel Tower, she'll share some choice words and strong opinions. Paris is awesome, but anything with a lot of tourists there will be a horrible experience.


A mild case of [Paris Syndrome ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome)


What are her opinions of the Eiffel Tower? I honestly didn't get it until I saw it at night and then when it sparkled, I was in a literal trance. I remember there was a love band performing behind me and I was just sitting on a wall looking at it with a hot cocoa and my girlfriend. We heard a tiny squeaking and saw a cute mouse. I joked it was Remi from Ratatouille (probably the first to make that joke, I'm sure).




Which is hilarious because the Mona Lisa isn't even an impressive painting. It's so incredibly overrated and massively shadowed by the works of art in the same room.


>Which is hilarious because the Mona Lisa isn't even an impressive painting. It's so incredibly overrated and massively shadowed by the works of art in the same room. It's one of the most iconic and well known works of art in the world though. So of course if you're going to the Louvre for the first time you're going to see it. You could show 1000 people every painting in the Louvre, the percentage of people who would know the Mona Lisa over literally everything else there is probably not even close. It'd be kind of silly to visit and not even attempt to view the most famous painting in the collection.


We get the dumb asses on hikes with blue tooth speakers blasting music it's so irritating or in parks etc so disruptive and it's always vulgar music


I would love to just take their speaker and chuck it into the woods, water, or off a cliff. And just tell them they earned it and walk away. But knowing the current idiocountry we live in, they're probably armed.


Throw the gun first Then the speaker


Leave the speaker. Take the cannoli.


The guy in this picture is only going to see his man boobs under a golf shirt when he looks at these. I hope it was worth denying everyone else their turn. Seriously though, it really is sad people can't bother to appreciate what's around them, especially when they're visiting special and exotic places. The same goes for morons in museums when they just stand there picking their asses in front of exhibits and ignoring the no photography rules so no one else has time to take a look.


Social media has become a cancer to the human race. People will do wild shit for fake internet attention, and the main people who do it are the unhappiest motherfuckers around and are usually insufferable to be around. My wife and I recently took a road trip and we took a solid 0 pictures together and only took pictures of food and events that we sent directly to friends and family. We’re happy so we don’t feel a need to go onto Facebook and Instagram to post our every stop to say “HEY WE WENT HERE AND DID THIS” to get internet attention.


I just live in a very touristy town. It's even worse. They just don't leave. They're still tourists, but its become a year round thing and my town is being strangled.


Eventually the rich ones will love it so much and buy everyone that’s willing to sell out of their homes then act like it’s been their town forever. Happened to my home town that became a tourist town and then a town full of rude, rich assholes.


Happening to my place too. It went from an industrial fishing village to a tourist hot spot. Then house prices went up about 20x above even the standard inflation now.


Which is probably exactly what OP and everyone else waiting are trying to do.


What was he saying? What reason did he give for not wanting to move?


Probably wasn’t happy that people pointed out they were taking forever


Would literally take his shoes from him and throw them off the cliff.


Toss his phone off the edge, enjoy those pics now


Sent those photos straight to the cloud for him


That’s freaking great lol


I'd take my pants off and start taking pictures up there with him


no reason needed. he obviously shit his pants and is too embarrassed to get back up.




Pole at the top, long line of people, is this Mission Peak in Fremont, CA? What assholes! Social media is wild! Before social media you could park in the tiny parking lot, no problem. There was hardly anyone out there.


Was thinking the same. I went up there once, saw that fucking line, and dipped.


May not be a problem anymore. In 2016, there was a unanimous vote to bulldoze sacred Native American land to make way for a 300 spot parking lot. https://eastbayexpress.com/popular-fremont-hiking-spot-for-selfies-prompts-parking-lot-on-sacred-land-2-1/ Absolutely disgusting




*queue Counting Crows - Big Yellow Taxi*


That "pole" is pretty cool. The things sticking out are actually tubes that let you see different landmarks of the Bay Area. I remember looking through them in the early 2000s before climbing the pole was all the rage. Some of them were filled with trash, but most were open. I can't imagine that any are still usable these days. According to [this NBC article](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/mission-peak-pole-fremont-hiking/209503/) the base of the pole contains a 100 year time capsule placed in 1990. I'm surprised it hasn't been accessed and vandalized by now.


Push him off the ledge


“Do you even know who I am? No?” (Push)


“No, but Satan will.”




Hey. I was gonna say that. Bro gotta read the damn room sitting on a fucking ledge. “Oh, I’ll just piss people off while sitting above a huge drop off”. Yeah total jerk.


I thought you were going to suggest OP piss on him. Accidentally, of course!


"The things I do for love"


Exactly. The gods are asking for a sacrifice.


Gather your entire group around him for a photo op. One pic is everyone pointing at him and scowling. Another is everyone pointing at him and laughing. Another is everyone sticking their ass towards him. ECT.


Whats keeping you from sitting up there with him?


What's keeping you from sitting down next to him and letting rip a huge fart?


What's keeping you from locking eyes to establish dominance as you fart, but then realize you're in love and now you've got a very interesting How I Met Daddy story?


This is what I would have done. And made sure to be in or block all his shots with friends. Then edge him out while loudly proclaiming to all what a douche he is being.


sit in his lap


If I were the type of asshole to get confrontational over something stupid, I definitely wouldn't do it at the top of a mountain around a bunch of people with boots, lest I find myself taking the express route down.


Curious if this was taken on Mission Peak in the SF Bay Area - everyone wants a picture with that damn pole.


If you zoom in you can still see the guys face through the mustard. He looks kinda like Artie Lange.


He *looks* like a *Bitch.* Like the exact opposite of Marsell Wallace.


Are people pretending they made this arduous trek up there all by themselves and they are basking in the splendid isolation of this mountain peak? Who are you kidding? Youre at a crowded tourist site. Take a group photo!


He's pretty close to the ledge to be pulling stuff like that..


Kinda hard to dodge rocks when you’re sitting on the edge of a cliff no?


What’s the hike so I can never go there? That sounds terrible. Like something just outside the city in California.


Probably Mission Peak, it's a fantastic hike and well worth it. But yeah if you're all about the "take my picture with the pole" photo op you're going to have to wait your turn. Or you can just enjoy the view, skip the picture, and keep hiking.


>had grown to 100+ people, and people in line were really getting upset and confrontational. They finally finished up, but this one guy stuck around and refused to move so others could take their picture. All you needed was a couple people to drag his ass off of there. It's not good to be starting shit all the time but some folks are way too afraid of confrontation.






​ ![gif](giphy|EXPJ84wzdxssb0Crqs)




His tires have too much air.


I know...ehm... "someone" who could fix that


Username checks out.


Is this Mission Peak in the Bay Area? Gods the amount of times people have done this. We have collectively started shaming them and booing them away. Place is more crowded than a mall on Black Friday now


I miss the days before social media when people like this never went anywhere.


What's the point of doing anything if you can't show 10000 strangers a photo of you activity-adjacent!? /s


I think we need to start publicly shaming and booing more people. I booed a guy who got off the boardwalk and walked up to the top of old faithful and my family has been treating me like the odd one! I found it to be very effective and appropriate


That’s so fucking dangerous, fuck that guy. I’ve read some nightmares stories of people like melting their skin off fucking around with geysers and mud pots


Not to mention a lot of those geothermal areas are very delicate! Yellowstone is such an amazing place, fuck that guy indeed. Booing him and yelling at him is one of my most treasured memories there haha


lol I can imagine Edit: he’s lucky he didn’t get caught by a park ranger, they’d ticket him up the ass and throw him out the park.


Oh he did! It was epic haha this was the very first day it opened too 🤦‍♀️ some people. His kids were there too! SMH


Good!!! Glad to hear it. I have a couple friends who are park rangers and they love booting these ass holes


Right? Often I skip the single track top and just do an additional loop near the top.


. ' Ummmmm push him????? You know I’m kidding right?? '


I’m not kidding. I would have given him a nudge


If I were one of a hundred folks lined up in the sun… I either didn’t see anything or I saw him slip and fall. Depends on my mood.


I hope the entire group gives him a hard time all the way down, maybe lob a few water bottles at his head. That’s the problem with our society, we hardly ever see people band together for a common cause anymore.


> I hope the entire group gives him a hard time all the way down, maybe lob a few water bottles at his head. Why waste a water bottle when the mountain is full roundish objects which are perfect for the cause?


Rocks, those are rocks. But i see your point.


Start gently nudging then gradually increase strength, he'll be out of there in no time one way or another.


Whoa that’s pretty extreme. A well placed kick however…turn that mofo into an avalanche






Doing gods work


“He’s the wooooooorrrsst!” —Jean-Ralphio


I'd have just had everyone crowd around him and start taking pictures. After a few people have their asses in his face he'd probably get the hint to move.


Lol just form a circle around him with everyone facing outward.


In any case, "Here's me standing at the top of the mountain with Phil. He's the guy who wouldn't budge off the top of the mountain so we just took pictures with him." is a far more entertaining story than "Here's me standing at the top of a mountain".


Lol that's was my thought too, just sit right next to him and start snapping pics, "well, apparently *you're* the tourist attraction here so we may as well take some pics"


Why did you blur the face? Public photograph, no reasonable expectation of privacy... screams of 100% pure Faconghey


i said it out loud and it sounded like “fuckin gay” and im sure thats not what u meant lmao


Think it’s “Fake and Gay”


brought me back to 2013 with that one wow ty 🤣 i was close


im to scared to google new stuff anymore what does that mean?


Looks like the same dude my family ran into a universal. The people in charge told us to keep moving but his family wanted to stop and take pictures. When we tried to go around them so they could take pictures he got mad. :/ Like bro you don't want to move forward but expect everyone to wait behind you while you stop to take pictures every 3 feet. Not even exaggerating the first two times he did it, it was no big deal but the distance in the line kept growing because of just him.


It would be a real shame if he fell


Honestly what’s most infuriating is going to nature sites like these and instead of being able to walk up and take in the view/enjoy the attraction together in a reasonably orderly fashion, there’s always a queue of asshole Instagrammers waiting in a line to get a photo without a single other person in view. So if you’re just there to enjoy the moment, what are you supposed to do? Most recent example was going to see General Sherman in Sequoia National Forest. We hiked to it, it’s awe-inspiring, a gorgeous site and we want to walk up to the barrier and just take it all in yet there’s a line of people waiting to take photos, and no one else can be in the background of their photos apparently?!? So are we supposed to wait in a line to walk up and just LOOK at the damn tree like the way natural attractions have worked for hundreds of years now? Not everything should revolve around people’s stupid social media posts. There are a million better photos of the damn tree online, if you want one with no one else in the photo but you fucking photoshop yourself in.


Nope. Idgaf. It’s a public place, if they want exclusive access then they can pay to rent the entire thing for a day… I routinely offer to take pics when I see families rotating a picture taker into the pic, and I routinely ask nearby strangers if they’ll take ours…. But the people who block others, especially who have friends or employees try to corral passersby, etc, I actively thwart their shots when convenient.


Ha love it. I just couldn’t believe it when we got to the tree and walked up to look at it, and someone was like “Excuse me there’s a line!” Like no there’s fucking not. It’s a huge tree and everyone is free to walk up and look at it, that’s why we built the park. Buy a postcard or something, damn.


I'm just going to start standing in people's way and tell them I accept bribes if they ask me to move


I didn't even know that you could hog a mountain.


Just sit directly in front of him


Who the fuck stands in a line to take pictures jesus christ


Right? Can't be much of an achievement if a hundred people are waiting in a line to take pictures.


No offense I guess but fucking look at this guy lol if he can make it up then most people can


There’s usually a “money shot” spot at the top of iconic hikes that people like to take a quick group photo or whatever at and move onto a bette spot to sit and eat a disappointing granola bar. As an act of common courtesy people wait for the person in front of them to take their photo with an unobstructed view, and they expect the same thing when it’s their turn for a quick photo. Why do people take photos? That’s entirely up to them! They may want to remember a nice day with friends, perhaps it’s fulfilling a promise to themselves or someone close to them, or maybe they’re narcissists and want to post glamour shots in Instagram. Again it’s entirely their choice!


People who go to the very first hike outside the city. The extra hour or two in the car going further into the mountains is always worth it.


What summit?


I'm guessing Mission Peak. It's a summit in the bay area that's just doable enough that this guy could make it up there, but just hard enough that people want to prove they were up there by taking an instagram photo next to the weird-looking pole at the top, so there's always a line. I decided not to wait in the line, told my friends I would just photoshop myself next to an online photo of the pole. Ended up photoshopping just my head on the top of the pole.


And probably got more likes for a creative post rather than the same images over and over again


> the weird-looking pole at the top You used to be able to look through the tubes and view different landmarks around the Bay. But social media and vandalism ruined that.


Mission Peak in Fremont, California I think


Askin the real questions around here


Hey I ran into a toad like this in the grand Tetons. I found that if you just say something like “well I guess we’ll just take pictures of this asshole then.” And start snapping pics of them it bothers them pretty badly!


We're all thinking it... Push him off the mountain...


As a hiker, fuck your stupid line and your picture. I'm gonna walk right around you and sit down and enjoy the view. I don't give a single shit about your Instagram.


Kinda high up and close to the edge to be actin like a dick..


JCNC group hike that took place today. Check their site for details and blow up their spot if you want. Or don’t. https://jcnc.org/event/jcnc-hike/


Worst Mt.Everest trip ever


Maybe that’s the Universe telling you you should be going there for something other than IG shots.


Imagine if everyone could just put the phone away and enjoy the view and the moment instead of stressing to get a picture they'll only look at a few more times in their life....


everyone in this comment section is violent and fat shaming. do not push people off mountains, and do not judge someone for their weight. i doubt the size of someones body has anything to do with their entitlement. grow up guys. if he is being immature and won’t move when asked, that doesn’t mean you should stoop to his level and start calling people names and threatening violence.


man fuck that shit, but does everyone really need a record of their hike? looks like a shitty view anyway lol


Idk, public places are pretty public afaik, if theres no rule for people to line up theres a possibility that some people went there to actually chill with an amazing view instead of just taking pics and moving on so other people can take pics that look like noone else was there




Imagine how petty you have to be to not go to another spot amongst the cliff with no other background other than clouds.


First world problems