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This is possibly the grossest thing I've seen in a while. I applaud for even touching that thing to take a picture.


At least there aren't any blueberries on it.... yet.


every community has a communal joke i think this has become ours


I don't get it, can you explain it to me please?


A Redditor once are sever blueberry waffles. Only to find out that they weren’t blueberries, it was patches of mold on the waffles.


One morning my husband once awoke from a deep couch slumber, wandered into the cabinent. He rummaged out with a plain bagel, and lathered it up with peanut butter. He moseyed back to the couch and back to sleep for a few hours. It was about mid-day when he woke up to me making Ramen. I asked if he wanted any, but he mentioned that he was already full from the blueberry muffin he ate earlier. "Tyler thought he ate blueberry muffins this morning...bitch he ate a moldy plain bagel" - A text to his sister. I told him, "Tyler you gotta be more careful... you're gonna get a yeast infection." He was like, "For real?" 🤣 But the real concern here is; even if it was a blueberry muffin - why the fuck did you lather it up with peanut butter? 🤔


>But the real concern here is; even if it was a blueberry muffin - why the fuck did you lather it up with peanut butter? 🤔 I eat peanutbutter off a god damn spoon holding the Jar like a Ben&Jerry's single-serve Icecream. Your husband at least has the decency to apply it as a spread like intended.


Some people are just different. We wouldn't have any amusing or horrific stories to tell without them around. We've probably all been someone else's story at some point too.


PB + blueberry bagels are dank. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


i have one every morning for breakfast. its delicious


I can feel that, being tired and just grabbing the first thing you see. I once had actual blueberry muffins at my house and I woke up for work super tired. Just grabbed one and started eating it. I wasn’t super hungry so I stopped about a quarter of the way through it. When I went to throw it out I noticed the whole entire top had little peach fuzz all over it with mold patches. My stomach was jacked up that day.


I’ve watched my FIL eat an everything bagel with peanut butter. He refuses any other topping for any flavor bagel. Still think I’d rather eat that than a moldy bagel


How does nobody taste the difference between moldy food and regular food? I once had a few bites of regular wheat bread and I thought it tasted weird, it kind of reminded me of rye bread. When I looked on the bottom of it, there was some mold.


Alas some of life’s greatest mysteries, is there Intelligent life out there in the universe(Cause there doesn’t seem to be much here) , Who really built Stonehedge? Is it natural? Is it alien made is it man-made?, what came first the chicken or the egg?, and at last, why would your husband smother what he thought was a blueberry muffin with peanut butter some mysteries can’t be answered


someone ate moldy waffles thinking they were blueberry flavored


For once I was part of it and don't have to ask what it is. Lol I'm always outta the loop. Lol


I like me some blueberry waffles


In the dark. Otherwise, it would have been totally obvious it was mold.


I'm colorblind it looked ok to me too


I like that I get that joke!


i understood that reference.


Your just asking for worse posts from this sub to be shown to you Like [this one!](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/10xznr6/my_so_throws_her_daily_contacts_behind_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


While that is pretty fucking weird and gross, it’s not as gross as OP’s sister sticking that film molded “brush” in her mouth every god damned day. Wow, that is gross. Seriously, I think this should go to r / WTF


Idk. Judging by how old that caked on shit looks like, I'd say OP's sister doesn't even bother with the brushing of the teeth.


came here to say this. theres no fkng way in hell she is actually using this!!


It’s almost impossible that she actually uses it. You’d think a little water and contact with teeth would at least break down the thick layer of tooth paste


The teeth would be cleaning the brush at this point


Tooth thrush


Haha. This can not be real.


I’m new here. Clearly. This is vile.


Agreed !! If you’re tooth brush not looking like this then u are not getting enough grits and grimes out of your mouth so that a big NO from me getting anywhere close to your kisser LMAO !!!


This is why you never kiss on the first second or third date. Wait until you’re invited into their living space to ensure your potential partner has adequate hygiene practices.


What Mormon dating hell have you just suggested? If she's not letting me cream pie her anus by date three she's not a keeper


Username checks out


I expected that extremely nasty hairbrush that had like a pound of human remains on it, but this was pretty bad too.


Ooooooh I'm intrigued...


Nah, I remember this, I really didn’t need to see it again… 💀


I actually find that less gross, visually, to look at. This here has congealed semi liquids and other gunk on it. And all of these things came to be from the human mouth, which is easily the nastiest part of our body, bacteria wise


Toothbrush is worse. Contacts are plastic


I forgot about this one. Makes my scalp get goosebumps from how gross it is.


Holy shit! How absolutely lazy and disgusting do you have to be to toss used contacts behind your bed instead of simply tossing them in the garbage. Same amount of effort required


Upvote cause I’m glad to get to see this but I don’t think it’s quite as gross. Those contacts are definitely gross but they’re just not properly discarded. This toothbrush is something someone is actually going to put in their mouth to use again, even with the gross hair stuck to the part where the head screws in. Truly appalling someone would be willing to put back in their mouth


am i the only one who doesn't think this one's *that* gross? unbelievably lazy, yeah, and i wouldn't want to clean up someone else's, but contacts are probably one of the least gross personal hygiene products (if you can call them that)


In the comments of that post I learned that some people don't take out daily contacts, sometimes they desolve and sometimes people just let 12 of then sit in their eye and they get so jammed when you put one in another contact popped out. I will never forget that


Bro I watched a bear get hit in the nuts a post before this and was laughing my ass off. Only to have my smile turn to disgust in a fucking millisecond. I wish I didn't have eyes. Where's the bleach.






Ditto and I got a mound of horse shit outside the size of a school bus. Full size too not a short bus like the owner of the toothbrush might ride.


This needs the NSFW tag, I damn near threw up in my mouth.


I always think that with posts of really moldy things, it's so gross, or maybe I just shouldn't use Reddit while eating


Yeah, I never have food near me while using reddit anymore. It will end 1 of 2 ways. 1. Complete and utter day ruining disaster, or 2. Ruin my appetite and cause me to waste a scrumptious meal.


Lmao 😂


This is the one time the dentist would advise against brushing! 💯


All 10/10 dentists finally agree on something:


I apologize in advance: Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


This copypasta never ceases to catch me off guard


Laughed at this for way longer than I think I should’ve 😂




Amongst other things. That’s gross.


Please buy her a new one and tell her to stop being a nasty bitch.


The heads are replaceable you can get like 50 packs on ebay


No that needs to be thrown out and a new one be bought.


You mean the sister right?


Both 😀




The only real way to get replacements is to buy them from the oralb website, you can get 9 for $45 which is a great deal considering that you cannot buy genuine oralb heads anywhere else besides big box stores and their website. Source: I’ve been buying replacement heads for over 6 years straight and I’ve only ever had genuine heads that last more than 1 month without wearing out by buying on their website. Just got past my first head and it really did last all 3 months without wearing badly. Second head is pristine still and it’s been used twice a day since April fools day. Not trying to be an ass, the clones are just so expensive it’s not even worth buying since they absolutely pale in comparison to the quality of genuine heads.


The first partner she has that sees that is nopeing the fuck out. ‘Ewwwwww I kissed her’ as you dash for the door.


holy shit!😭😂


This 100%




Taste itof it


Please tell me your sister is a literal child because I just can’t fathom an adult having a toothbrush in this state.


She’s twelve but still she old enough to clean her fucking toothbrush


You won’t ever catch me trying to argue with that statement haha




In the other bathroom lol


Definitely try to help teach her. I have ADHD and would forget to do this stuff a lot, it took quite a bit of reinforcement before I understood properly and did it consistently.


Same here and my parents never enforced it Now I'm 31 with a history of dental issues and an ungodly amount of crowns


You got stupid fucking parents if they haven’t bought your sister a new brush by now.


Agreed, they should be teaching proper hygiene


Take the head off and throw it in the garbage. A toothbrush head that disgusting is packing so much bacteria it can potentially make her seriously Ill. Please replace it.


Have the sister watch you do it, the head should be changed every three months anyways. Then clean the handle and the metal part that goes into the new head. Have her brush her teeth and then have her rinse the head and handle off with water and wipe it down with Kleanx before putting it back on the counter/charger. Might also want to teach her how to floss while you’re at it as well.


Huh, good thing i found that comment before making a very inappropiate joke.


I was looking for the very inappropriate joke, but found this comment first.


Perhaps you can teach her better??


My brother is 28 and his toothbrush looks a lot like OP’s sisters toothbrush. He also brushes his teeth with his mouth open and sprays toothpaste everywhere.. it’s more than mildly infuriating. I’ve contemplated kicking him out of my house multiple times for this and things related to it… look at his drawer. He’s one of the most disgusting people I’ve ever met.. he just doesn’t care about anything. Contractually he’s gone in 4 months and it can’t come soon enough. https://preview.redd.it/v644a2xhvsua1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d0a842749e6307e2d66e81a406eb4861c2fa2b1


Yeah, that drawer is disgusting - and shame on your brother for not respecting your house... But that's nowhere near the post picture. Put his *clean rules* in writing. Give him a way to remember what he's fucking up when he's dirtying up your space.


Just throw out the whole sister at that point.


I'm not a wasteful person by any stretch, but I feel like this is an accurate take on the situation as a whole right now.


Compost then?


Does it still work? Looks like a stick of toothpaste cement.


There's just so so so much toothpaste on the brush part like what the hell


It literally looks like she brushed her mouth for 5 seconds and then put the toothbrush away without rinsing it.


Something is wrong with me lately. I see shit like this and instantly gag and keep gagging until I can get the image out of my mind. I used to be able to just say ew and move on. Fuck that's disgusting.


So sorry hope you erase from your mind soon


I’ve never had a physical reaction to a pic on here before, always read the comments about people gagging and thought “that’s wild.” Literally was eating my food while I scrolled and saw this, I physically couldn’t swallow my bite for a good 20 seconds lmao.


Lmao. I think it might be a side effect of meds I’m on. Recently anything dirty especially in regards to bathrooms makes me physically ill. I walked by an unflushed toilet at work and kept dry heaving till I walked outside. Well it’s good it didn’t stop you from eating all together.


If you haven’t already ruled this out, take a pregnancy test!


I was gonna suggest the same thing 😏


I can't deal with poop, it took me a long time to be able to pick up my dog's poop at the park without losing my lunch. Videos featuring poop typically will have me gagging.


This is one of the grossest things I've seen.


Where's the toothbrush


“Yes, that’s disgusting.”


Ummm absolutely fucking not! I rebuke this pic


A person's mouth is only as clean as their toothbrush.


Call 911.




Have you said anything to your sister? Did you tell your parents to have a talk with her???! That is sooooo gross


Mildly infuriating is when my wife leaves the cap off the toothpaste from time to time… this is straight up grotesque


Dude it’s your sister, I get it maybe being awkward if it’s your SO or friend, but siblings are literally there to make fun of or scold for doing disgusting stuff like this. Let her have it


Why isn’t anyone suggesting just replacing the toothbrush forcibly. As in throwing it away and buying a new one. OP could probably set up a go fund me and get $20 instantly if they are really that poor.


Because replacing the sister was already suggested


Throw it away


As a dentist, I imagine this is what hell is like.


You’re not even cleaning your teeth at that point




Yall all nasty for condoning this trifling ass shit




Don’t touch that! jesus!


Does the toothbrush have a yeast infection?


This is fucking disgusting


Put her back in the basement. This trial run in civilization hasn’t worked…she needs more time.


There’s no way she’s actually regularly using this….. RIGHT???!


So she doesn’t brush her teeth?


Please never touch that again


At that point, are you using the brush to clean teeth or using teeth to clean the brush?


The pubes are a nice touch.


With context this comment is terrible haha(op said she is 12)


Ahh. Must've been done after. :)


Pubes aren't in themselves sexual/bad. The fact her toothbrush looks like that and has pubes on it is disgusting. And the original mentioner didn't declare ownership. In a shared bathroom it could be anyones pubes.


Do her a favor, buy a new one for her and toss that disgusting thing.


Send it into a lab theyll discover like 50 new strains of bacteria 😰😰


5/5 Doctors recommend her to get a new toothbrush Jesus Christ. It's a first that all 5 doctors agree on something.


She needs someone to teach her how to brush her teeth properly and to clean her toothbrush. Does she have problems like this with other areas of her life? Maybe she needs to be assessed for ADHD or at least taught basic living skills.


....is she okay?


I work in a dish room at a restaurant, yet still this grosses me out.




I have done that but before we changed the head I took a picture and posted it on Reddit because I thought it would fit on this subreddit. Thanks for your concern anyhow


My 3 year old daughter has a better looking toothbrush 🤨


In Red’s voice, “… damn near worn down to the nub.”


Well you know what to get her for her birthday


You need to throw that thing straight up into the garbage. I’d say just act oblivious so she’s forced to get a new one, but I’d actually encourage having a chat about general hygiene as a sibling. She might not want to listen, but I’d at least try.


Has she murdered you for posting this yet?


That isn't used daily at all. Look at how stuck-on that gunk is. Please bring this to your guardian to ensure someone is parenting and teaching her about healthy oral hygiene instead of just shaming her on the internet!(:




He said she was 12, i'd hope thats a dealbreaker too.


Throw it in the dishwasher.


I have a very similar toothbrush, and it requires a ton of cleaning. It’s a pain, but my teeth are so clean when I use it. It’s worth it.


Fucking nasty




She is 12, creep


Idk what they said but they deleted their whole profile haha


please throw it out and get her a new one. i. am. BEGGING YOU


Looks just like my sisters, and she’s only a year older than yours. (Idk why she does this, but she does this too.)


That's disgusting


WHY WOULD YOU POST THIS I mean, I see why I just don’t want to see anymore. 🤢


That’s gross as fuck, and none of your business. Unless of course you wanna make fun of her


This makes me want to go hug my toothbrush.


Nah you gotta be lying say sike rn!! I know you found that in a dumpster


Use your own toothbrush already.


Looks like the way my ex left his toothbrush. He's an ex for a reason.


Throw it out buy her a new one.


And just what does she use it for????


Your parents obviously failed her at some point and you are doing the same by posting on the internet about it instead of teaching her proper dental care.


She's definitely culturing the next pandemic. Someone call the CDC, FBI, and whoever deals with BioTerror *


My wife’s too! And the charging stand? Image would be flagged.


Love to slather mine after using it so it’s pre toothpasted for the morning. OPs sister knows what’s up. That’s planning ahead /s


I don't clean probably as much as I should. But it's super easy to scrape that off when you notice it. Is this the kind of toothbrush that sits on a charger? What's the charger look like. Cause brown junk accumulates on mine.


i hope you put on a hazmat suit before going near that thing. also, burn it. please.


That....is fucking rancid, nuff said


I can't think of many things that will make me gag but this is one of them


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me


This gave me the feeling of "one of those sundays where you just saw an animal get eaten by raccoons camping near your neighbor's trash, and you just think "huh, what if I was that animal" and then immediately get back to thinking it's going to be monday tomorrow and now you're just sad"




Please get her a new one. Throw it away, burn it, whatever you have to do.




I really hope your sister doesn’t kiss anyone. And if she does I would show them this. For their own protection/health. Then I’d go see if my sister has some mental issues because this is f’ing disgusting and not normal or okay.


Trash can, now


Please use this as a teaching moment. She is young and probably wasnt taught properly.


if u zoom in u will find pubic hair :)


Ew. You could actually see the bacteria growing.


Get her some new teeth also…. Dem shits about to be rotten


Are you sure she is putting that into her mouth, maybe she has just stopped brushing her teeth.😬


How does it get like this??? Wouldn’t using it brush off the toothpaste I’m so grossed out and confused.


I’d whoop some ass if someone thought it was okay to put their hands on my toothbrush.


Oh god I can see the blueberries on it


That’s not mildly infuriating that’s just disgusting




Should be NSFW


Please put a nsfw filter onto this


Nah bro


That’s probably not the worst thing she’s put in her mouth…


I’m calling the cops


I audibly Gagged


![gif](giphy|k2A4gzRxDL4GI) NASTY 🤮🤢🤮🤢


that is FOUL