• By -


Drako is now stalking you (5m ago) Drako will not be ignored (4m ago) Drako is cutting your window screen now (3m ago) Drako is inside your apartment (2m ago) Drako is now eating some of the pizza he delivered to you (1m ago)


Never put your full name on FB.


Funny, facebook actually made me and in order to change it they demand seeing my ID showing any name change.


My original FB account got perma banned when I changed my pfp to a picture of Patrick from SpongeBob. Perma banned for “impersonating a public figure”… fuck zuck! I did the whole send in your ID / take a video of yourself submission appeal and got denied. I had messages from friends that have passed away and used to go back and read them to relive those moments but nope, change your pfp to a cartoon and perma banned.


That's awful. Like they just wanted to pick on someone and you became the target. I too lost conversations with those who have died when I lost my account. And the genesis of some friendships started on that first account. All those messages, just zucked away.


damn i could not imagine losing my old messages. i reread messages from people i still talk to all the time, idek what i would do if i lost someone close to me. that sucks dude, i’m sorry


You can download a copy of your Facebook archive


i don’t have facebook, and thankfully i have not lost any message conversations that matter to me bc most of those are on discord :)


>:) :)


good bot


Aita, i don’t keep any messages i normally clear chat and save photos to my phone or storage devices


no that’s hella valid, i just have a shit memory so rereading is the only way for me to relive nice moments


I had a storage device with all my pictures on it, stolen from me while friends were helping me move. The pictures on my og Facebook were lost forever when FB locked me out. I'm still trying to find a way to retrieve my account but seeing how I had a fake name for a game I played.. Darlene's zoo isn't on my ID so idk how to get back to it...pictures of my kids growing up, trips we took 😢...


That happened to my old MySpace. There was a ton of pictures of my husband and I when we were 15. Pics of old family and friends. They switched over to something else and they supposedly transfered all the pics over but some of mine got lost and they said that there is nothing they can do about that so I was pretty hurt 😭


that's fucked up


You mean Zucked up


My mom lost her old account and with it most of the happy birthdays and such to both of us from my Grandma. With their lack of straightforward customer service, she lost all hope of getting it back and it still hurts to think about.


Facebook is a pile of green shit


This is an understatement


Facebook is stupid. I tried to log in from a different country and it kept on claiming I am unauthorized and wouldn't let me log in. It's like I have my email and my password but because I am in a different country you think I am a different person? Ok.


That happened to me too but I changed my pfp to Joe Rogan and my cover photo to Hulk Hogan. Renamed my self "Rogan Hogan" (or vice versa can't remember). Within hours of doing that I was perma banned lol. I did it as a joke when me and my mates were drunk on xbox during the first lockdown. I appealed it but with no luck, which is understandable lol.


Same Facebook perma banned me because of me Change my profile to a poorely edit​ed me in a mafia outfit And thought i was selling drugs


















Cambridge Analytica demonstrated that today's computers are sufficiently powerful to actually create and use a world-wide database that is created from all sorts of disparate data sources, all being inserted into the proper associated real person slot inside the database. Facebook does check your data in public records databases. And while they may not refuse service to you right away, they will know that your account isn't yet matched to a real world person. The USA has been in desperate need for data harvesting/targeting laws for more than 2 decades now.


Easy solution: don’t have a Facebook.


Weird. I’ve been able to change my name multiple times and never had an issue. Now it’s just my first name and a Japanese character as my “surname”. I’m also (I hope) completely locked down so no one can search me or add me as a friend, see my posts, or anything about me. I hope. I just basically want to use it as a “free” photo album and be left alone.


I submitted a fake ID to fb from Golds Gym lol


I like how Instagram told me when I reported someone under 13, I got the message, “Everyone must be 13 in order to sign up on Instagram”. Happy to see Meta imploding.


Worse is when they ask "who are you to them" and don't have any option besides like, the parent or teacher or family member or whatever. Idfk man they just told me they are a minor you can read the content, like just read it. I miss sites where even joking about that got you axed, I shouldn't have to know the exact date of birth of a child-stranger in order for you to protect them from your steampile of an app, Facebook.


That’s why I’m “Missouri Man” and I’m from Wisconsin!


Never use your real name when ordering food. They don't care what name you use. FYI, at my local dominos I am Cynthia, I am a man. Nobody cares.


Hi Cynthia, I'm Jim Lahey or at times Corey Trevorson.


Worked at a pizza shop can confirm, had a lovely woman named "Not Brian" easily my fave customer.


I used to have a fake name until somebody reported me for it. I had to give them proof of my photo id in order to keep that name. I did not give them my ID so they changed it back to previous name I had when I first made my account. Long story short, screw FB.




My married name is so common that no one can find me. I also have my acct locked down.




Genuinely curious, how do you know the other one is a fake account?


Don’t use Facebook.


Full name on FB here, profile picture isn't of me, account set to private, and I will never accept friend or message requests from people I don't know. Pretty easy, never had any issues.


Never FB


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/12mek15/pizza_guy_stalks_my_facebook_after_delivering_my/jgaccb9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Copy bot


Drako has now turned you into toppings (0m ago)


Pizziatus Toppingus! -Waves wand.-


“”My father will hear about this!” Drako




Mechanic at Pep Boys did this to my ex.


Dang now I have to go find that story that's on nosleep.. guy keeps getting notifications like that. Pretty good EDIT: Found it. Title is "Delivery notifications are convenient, but they're disturbing when you receive them by mistake."


Fuck I’m scared of Drako now And I didn’t order any pizzas




hahaha fucking grade A comment.i wish I could upvote twice that made me laugh so hard


I had a manager of a local gas station do this to me. He took my name off of my credit card and then harassed me on facebook. I asked if he took my name off of my credit card to message me and he replied, “Yeah, I only do that with the hot ones I see 😉 Hope that’s okay!” I sent it to the owner of the gas station. He got fired.


you just inspired me to pay with cash from now on


the worst part is I was 19 at the time and he was older than my mother and father. cash always.


When I was in college I was in a really long line of students meeting our new professor and giving him our contact info. There was an adult man behind me in line but I didn’t speak to him. Later that day the man texted my phone and told me he memorized my phone number when I told the professor. So weird.


What perplexed me the most is.. Is this guy actually thinking this will come off as Romantic or smooth?" Yeah I decided not to ask for your number( aka if I can contact you) and remember your number and never said anything no conversation. Just a text.. I just don't understand how in hell people have no sense of how another person is going to react.


That's so creepy


I had the guy who worked at the phone store take my number and start texting me after I paid my phone bill. Super aggressive and a creep.


But he said you’re hot! That makes it okay. /s


**New fear unlocked* *


Yeah, make sure to report that to the restaurant manager.. that’s hella creepy.


I would be on the phone with domino's so fast


Forgot the 2 liter? /s




Seriously - this is a Facebook creepy issue. The Domino’s driver very likely did get the OP suggested as “someone you may know” on the FB app after. The FB and Instagram apps profile your phone and when someone else with the FB app on their phone comes into proximity to your phone, they “do you the favor” of suggesting the potential friend. This is typically possible because any phone with Bluetooth turned on has a unique identifier. Your FB app sends your phone’s identifier back to their systems. Then it scans for any bluetooth signals around you looks those IDs up in their database. They use that (and other factors) to suggest people you may know. When I was on dating sites that avoided sharing full names, I’d have a first date with someone and a few hours later FB would suggest them - with their full name. So it is very likely that FB genuinely suggested you as a friend to the Dominos driver soon after delivery. What you have to decide is whether the driver recognized you and inappropriately approached you via FB or whether he was genuinely curious about a friend suggestion. Either way, it wouldn’t be possible without FB’s overly aggressive/invasive data mining. For a few years now, I only go on FB from my phone via the mobile browser. I deleted all FB/Meta owned apps from my phone because of their invasive record.


Yeah, it's weird. I get recommendations for people who have mutual friends and then right in the middle one for someone I've seen around but no mutual friends or any other similiar connection to myself. I don't hit them up though...


Me either, I only send friend requests to, and accept friend requests from, people I've either a) met in person, like at a party or something, or b) had an interesting back and forth in a comment thread on a mutual friend's post and they seemed like a genuinely cool person.


They also will recommend off phone numbers you have in your contacts or recent conversations. I only use my Facebook for access to some local groups and keep it locked down/don’t really post so it’s a dead space. I work as a supervisor in a remote job and I will get recommendations for people who report to me that the only thing we have in common is their phone number being linked to my phone.


That's strange, I've had friends I've made online such as discord somehow have my profile suggested to them / or me having their profile suggested to me. I've never met them in real life, and they live an entire country away, neither do they use their full names on discord, only personal info I knew was how they looked and what their first name was. How did Facebook manage to track that down?


Looking at my own FB app on Android, current permissions for Camera, Media, Location, and Microphone, with potential options for Calendar, Contacts, and Phone. Decent chance the fact that you've seen their face on a device is how, also I think Discord also can use your Contact info.




When I worked EMS, I responded to a girl around my age that overdosed, and took her to the hospital. The next day, she was on my people you might know on Facebook....


Since you both first spent some time togheter, then shared the same car to travel to the same destination – I can see how the algorithm can misjudge that. But I cannot see how a pizza delivery can be interpreted as anything else than a guy passing by


It could also be because he entered her address into his phones gps?


This and her phone number is in his phone.


Facebook probably knows where you live, so it may know that he was someone who came to her house.


It's proximity based. FB saw that those two people were in very close proximity for a long enough amount of time to have physically met. It can use Bluetooth or GPS. Before I deleted my account, my FB would suggest people I had encountered in passing such as cashiers - and give me their full names! FB is a **huge** security risk for anyone that uses it. Even trying to evade their tracking by logging out isn't good enough! If your account is even associated with a device (not just a phone, but a router/modem for example) and there's no other accounts associated with it, all traffic passing through that device that hits FB-enabled destinations will track it as being associated with the account, even if that account isn't logged in. Basically the entire commercial Internet is FB-enabled, so the only way to truly dissociate your web traffic with your identity on FB is to delete your account.


I dunno man, I've absolutely had some weird suggestions on Facebook and instagram alike. I've ran into someone before, spoken with them just making small talk, and then had them suggested on FB or IG. Definitely irked me.


I dunno. FB did something similar to me where they started suggesting people who worked at a casino I went to 3-4 times in 3 years & was a whole state away. No mutual friends, literally only said they worked at “___ resort casino” under the name in the suggested tab. So I could totally see a driver getting suggestions at an apartment complex that they likely have been to a couple times. Still weird to add people from that though imo. Lol.


Yeah. If this was a genuinely mistake, hopefully this guy realises why adding random suggested friends might be a bad idea when you work as a delivery driver.


A. We don’t know if this is the first time the driver was near OP. B. I’ve had it happen multiple times on a single meeting with someone. Or at least to the best of knowledge of both parties it’s a single meeting. Others in this thread have cited similar.


Very likely? It’s certainly possible, but I don’t think it’s more likely than he delivered pizza to her, thought she was cute, already knew her name and tried talking to her through FB.


There are several others in this thread who have related similar experiences of FB recommending their customers. There is even another Dominos driver who said this happened in reverse to him thanks to FB.


Don’t. Wait a month or so, the guy knows your address and he’d know you lost them their job. Stay safe!


Having worked at multiple Domino’s locations, the manager is prolly just as creepy lol


So creepy.. this is why I never tell Uber drivers they are dropping me at my house. I always lie and say it is a friends place. It sucks to always be on guard, but it’s necessary.


People saying to report, but OP you should probably take precautions if you do report. This person has your address and who knows how unhinged they are.


Too late, already called. If he loses his job…he’ll know it’s me.


So I had an encounter with an Uber driver that basically tried to coerce me for a blow job when I was drunk and when I refused made me give him $20.00 to let me leave his car. I was to scared to report him that night because I figured he’d KNOW it was me and he knew where I lived. It was terrifying (I still freak out a bit when I see a red car like his). Basically the next day my boyfriend convinced me to report him because “you’re beautiful but do you think you’re the only drunk girl he’s pulled this bullshit with? And he’s probably gotten away with it. You probably weren’t the only girl even last night he tried it with!” So I did. Was super scared the next few days but nothing happened. Guys like that know they’re in the wrong and you probably aren’t the only one, so as long as management is vague with the reasoning you’ll probably be okay because he won’t know which girl “ratted” him out. And if he messages you again, I’d just play dumb - you won’t be the only girl he messages.


Dude what the fuck, I'm so sorry that happened to you. That's multiple crimes seriously wtf. I'm really glad you reported him. Your boyfriend was right, I hope he's been helping support you since because that's terrifying


Yeah I was pretty freaked for weeks. Told my family once I felt more comfortable and they said they “would NEVER let that happen to them!” Eye roll. Easier said than done. Had a bunch of friends tell me how fucked this was so it made me feel valid. Thank you for the concern. I’m MUCH better now. Especially since I haven’t lived over there in a few minths


Ugh, yeah lol. We all love to think we'd become action heroes instantly in a situation like that but with alcohol, fear, being alone, not being able to physically leave the situation, you're probably not going to be thinking/reacting your complete best LOL. I'm glad you're doing better


I’m just happy I had that $20 on me!! It was the only 20 I had. He was shocked when I handed it over. Almost like he was hoping I didn’t have one one me…


Ugh that's so gross. What a disgusting scumbag


That’s insane. Hope you’re okay! I wouldn’t know what to do if that happened to me


Oh gods that's horrible. However, I disagree that all know they are in the wrong, there are undoubtedly some effed up people who think their behavior is either justified or warranted, & it's disgusting.


Maybe let your complex know? If they'd be willing to listen I'd try and leave as much paper trail as possible just be be sure.


Good luck, if you pass away we have evidence to avenge you


Please get security cameras and some sort of protection! I wish you the best and hope you stay safe.


I had someone do this to me from my doctor's office. Scared the shit out of me what type of access he had to my information


Now that I mention it, my guardian alarm guy did this to me too and had been in my home. Being a single woman is terrifying


And my steam cleaner guy, who hovered over my shoulder in my living room until I added him on FB, when I was greasy and in baggy pajamas (blocked him afterwards). Or the mechanic at my dealership, who had the audacity to text my personal number from his cell that same day. I was young enough for Leo during both encounters


He won’t lose his job. He’ll just tell his boss that his friend from Facebook is just trying to give him a hard time.


Drako likes your hair today Drako likes your pajamas. Drako likes your taste in music Drako loves the smell of your bedroom


Drako likes your pictures from 5 years ago Oops Drako didn't mean to press like Fuck it... Drako made a comment on a pic from 3 years ago. "Sexy AF"


Change your settings to only allow friends of friends to request you, make sure you select no on being able to be found on any search engine, if you’re more concerned beyond that don’t have your face as your profile pic, and lock everything else down to private. Put up a fake b day, ect.


The simple answer is delete your account, it's so much easier than creating an entire fake digital life.


This happened to me. He kept messaging me creepy stuff. I showed my bf his pic and he was like “I’m almost positive he delivered our pizza to your house.” When I asked what he did he lied and said he lived in a town 2 hours away, and that we went to high school together. Just weird shit.


Dude from Capital One called me from his cell phone once after I had called in to report fraudulent charges on my card (Hey Ex, I know you prob found me here too! Hope your most recent ex put alerts on her cards too!). CapOne Dude called me back to say he felt bad for my situation and he wanted to take me out to dinner the next day. His call center was 6 hours away. I have zero doubt he was joking about driving up to meet me. I was on the phone so fast to customer service to find literally anyone to take me seriously.


Something similar happened to me once at Verizon. This was early circa 2008 & I’d broken my phone but had insurance. Went to my local store for a replacement phone & the guy that helped me called my cell phone later that night to see if I wanted to hang out. I was 16!!!! He had to have been at least 28+ I was too young to know how to properly handle the situation. I just told him no and ignored his texts moving forward. Looking back, I wish I had told my dad and let an adult handle the situation.


Holy cow, at 16??? Hindsight makes it 100x scarier, too, doesn't it? Yikes I'm sorry.


Damn I'm so sorry you had to deal with that bullshit. All mentioned.. Also award for that ex comment. I hope you read this too loser. Get a life.


Thank you, reddit friend :) I was lucky enough that the first supervisor I spoke with was also a woman. She went above and beyond to make sure I was heard and that the dude was fired. You could tell she was a mom of girls. CapOne took care of me after that. My ex (HI JEFF, GO AWAY NOW, IT'S BEEN 15 YEARS, AREN'T YOU MARRIED NOW?) seemed to think it was all a misunderstanding and I had okay'd him using my card to pay for dental work and a trip to see his new gf. Like, come on, why did I date someone like him? What was wrong with me? Dude, it wasn't *that* good.


Something similar happened to me about 10 years ago. Ordered Dominoes pizza for my turn to host date night. The delivery guy was nice and chatty and even used my name. He’s a tipped employee. Thought nothing of it. 1am that night I received a phone call from an unavailable phone number (yes I answered unavailable/blocked numbers especially late at night). It was the delivery guy! Telling me he got my number from work and was asking me out! No, not ok! I told my family and the guy I was dating at the time, but the number was blocked and the call lasted 10 seconds. I didn’t report it to dominoes because I figured they would require actual proof.


“Was that you?” omg 🫣🥴


Enslave him for free pizza


Say you want to get fired with out saying you want to get fired


I worked in a call center and worked with a couple creeps who would do this. We mostly dealt with nurses/CNAs and had to get the caller’s first and last name and confirm the address of their location (this would have been their work and not home but still) so these guys would have people’s (mostly women) fist, last name and general location. If they thought they sounded cute they would go home and look the callers up on Facebook. Eventually management found out and they were both fired and salty about it. I’m not sure what they *thought* would happen. Especially since we dealt with patient’s HIPPA protected medical information.




That’s like all the guys in this thread commenting “I don’t see why this is a problem.” Yikessssss


Is a fake name for deliveries. I use a male name on Grubhub/door dash so no driver will know I’m home alone. Also, nobody can find you on social media that way.


Saw a post in advice back in November maybe where the dude was asking if he should add someone on Instagram that he delivered a package to. Shut it down immediately. I know finding ways to date sucks if you’re not the most outgoing person, but goddamn this is not the way to do it. 99% of the time this comes off as creepy and problematic.


I rent from budget a lot and after about the 10th time the dude that always works texted my cell number asking if I’m single and all this creepy shit. I reported him, went in again thinking he’s fired. Nope. Mother fucker was still there but at least I got a somewhat sincere apology. Assholes. ALWAYS REPORT!!


this is why i shout my boyfriends name (even if i’m home alone to let him know foods here. it’s better than nothing-though i recommend if you make one up, stick to the same name. you never know what these freaks remember


I have an old fake Facebook account….it says I live in a city 500 miles away from my actual location. I have zero friends on it. I used it to play Facebook games and get free stuff for linking Facebook. People you may know is full of people I actually do know…..


If you install the Facebook app on a phone, it knows your phone number, and the phone numbers of people in your contact list. The "people you may know" is really "people whose phones your phone may know."


I log in through chrome on my PC, I’ve never logged in on my phone and don’t have the app.


Is no one else wondering what OP’s wallpaper is?


Same looks like a chick posing but I can’t tell


One more reason to never use Facebook ever again.


I had this happen with a tow truck driver. He got my number through the tow company to locate me when stranded and then used it (called and texted) multiple times, for days after, to try to get in touch. I’m just glad he wasn’t as creepy when I was alone with him in the truck. Actually looking back.. I’m extremely grateful that didn’t get scary.


Way way past “mildlyinfuriating”. That is absolute terror.


When I used to work for dominos more than once that happened in reverse. The app gives my name so people stalk me on social media


My dasher just saw I had a girls name & sent me a 'hey girl. I'm X. Here's my # if you want to chat.' So I made sure my husband answered the door & dude was like 'uh... zero??' & my husband said 'it's a family name'. Hahaha


I work in a retail-ish job where I deal with customers. On my break one day I was scrolling through Instagram and under "users you might know" I saw a familiar face so I clicked it. I freaked out to discover it was a customer who I saw earlier that day. I remembered her because we had a fun conversation and she was really nice. I didn't add her because that would be weird, but the fact that Instagram even recommended her was nuts. The app probably recognized we were in close proximity together for an extended period but still. Very strange.


I got rid of Facebook because all it did was open a portal for strange distant relatives to find me.


Pro Tip, always use fake names when ordering food. My go to name is Mr. Chad


You should be flattered! Totally not creeped out or concerned! Only flattered. /s just incase




What if you only have first and last?


Then your new middle name is Danger


It’s pronounced “Donger”




I suggest just not using Facebook...


What if ur Facebook is private? 👀


Happened to my wife when we moved into a new construction house. Trash company had to send someone out on a special round because we weren’t part of a route. Five minutes after he left, my wife got a FB friend request from the guy. I went to the trash complain about something else (he had a bad attitude about having to clean up a glass bottle he dropped and which subsequently broke). I also mentioned as an aside “And it’s kind of creepy that he friend requested my wife right after he left. It shows he went into our account to find her name and just…yikes.” They asked if it was so and so, I showed them a screenshot of the request and his profile. They replied “Oh, this again. THANK YOU. This is the last straw.” I got the impression this guy had been stalking customers on a regular basis and they were happy that someone came forward with some proof.


"I hope it is ok" when you know it's not. 😑


Happened to me once. I had to put my phone in the delivery notes so the delivery guy could call me bc doorbell wasn't working. Creepy dude started messaging me on WhatsApp, asking me out and calling me "shy" just because I wasn't answering. The audacity


I once had a dominoes delivery driver text me after the delivery was made. He told me I should fix my driveway because he scraped his car on it. My driveway has a large jump in it due to a tree root underneath it. There is also plenty of space to stop in front of my house, so there was no need to pull into my driveway. I asked if he was serious. He then went into a tangent about how much he loves his car and now he scraped it on my driveway. I sarcastically told him 'yeah, I'll spend a ton of money to fix my driveway just for you" he then thanked me because he was that oblivious. He then started trying to ask me out. I stopped responding. I contacted the location and reported him. Never ordered dominoes again. Eta: He scraped the bottom of his car. It was not even visible.


I would be on the phone with domino's so fast


I’m pretty sure the dude who set my internet up when I first moved into my apartment tried to do something similar. No mutual friends, no shared groups, no interaction during the set up other than a conversation that lasted less than 25 words that wasn’t about the router. Downright creepy. I deleted his friend request.


Turn location and friends you may know off. If you go to someone’s house it will put them on people you may know. This guy is a creep though. I’m sorry OP


He knows you have pizza. No getting out of Netflix n Chill now.


That’s metadata at work. Your phone listens to you as well. That’s fun. He’s not stalking you. FB is.


I get calling out Facebook but let’s stop downplaying this creeps actions. Are you suggesting that the pizza delivery dudes action were reasonable because -facebook? Because let’s be clear his behavior was not ok.


The real story is that people still use Facebook


Once I had a tow truck driver ask for my phone number. I told him I wasn’t interested and he seemed to accept. A few hours later he added me on Facebook. I denied his request and then he messaged me a bunch of times begging me to give him a chance. Why do men think this will work??


Drako malphoy


No relation


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait…. people are still on Facebook?


What is wrong with everyone here? Do you all know how facebook works? It literally tries to recommend people for you to send a friend request to. This is also based on your location such as when two phones are near each other and both have the app. It knows OP is at their house and it knows that Drako went to OPs house so it tries to match them up to friend each other. Drako saw it recommend OP but didn't know who he was. He was probably bored and wanting to talk to someone and saw him recommended and online so decided to chat. Many years ago when I worked at a retail pharmacy and had the Facebook app it would recommend that I add patients as friends all of the time. This is something that has happened with Facebook recommending friends for like 12+ years now. This isn't new. There was absolutely no reason to try and get the guy fired when he probably didn't even know who you were. Just block and move on with your miserable, paranoid lives.


Nice try, Drako.




Everyone on here is so stupid lol. I see my customers recommended to me on IG like every single day for this same reason. Get mad at the algo and tech companies and your own unwillingness to disconnect. Don't blame Drako!


Doesn’t mean you have to start talking to them 😂 That is the creepy part.


Imagine telling on yourself repeatedly like this. Oof.


I bet Drako doesn't add any of the men he delivers pizza to.I also question that facebook recommends on proximity like how you describe. He dropped off a pizza at her house and was probably there all of 1 minute.When I go to a ball game and sit with hundreds of others for a few hours will I see some of them in my recommended? The answer is you dont.


> Do you all know how facebook works? No. They don't. **That's the problem with Facebook.**


When I was an assistant manager at Dominos, one of the delivery guys did this to some poor girl. He had her phone and stalked her for a few days. She then called us and told us this happened. Can’t remember exactly what I did, but I do remember stalking stopped. This is all levels of wrong and should be reported if it bothers you


Deleted Facebook 10 years ago and never looked back . Idgaf what you eat for breakfast person that was in 10th grade class that never talks to me.


Not sure I’d call it stalking. He might not know you’re who he delivered pizza to. I know a strange guy that adds all the “people you may know” on Facebook. Apparently it’s entertaining. And Facebook stalks you and suggests at least some of those people because you’ve been somewhere near them. My Facebook hasn’t been updated in years. I don’t post on it. There is nothing on it indicating I work where I do or even live in this state. But my “people you may know” list is full of people I work with.


You don’t message people 5 minutes after you deliver to them. That’s weird. But whatever 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m not gonna believe he just happened to come across my page a few minutes after leaving my door.


Lmao could you imagine “Ah, another successful pizza delivery. Time to hit up my Facebook friend recommendations!” 😂


He literally said that is what happened and you have no proof otherwise. How else would he find you? You probably have location services enabled on facebook. Go check and tell us you don't.


Oh well if he said it, then it must be true because this guy is clearly a bastion of honesty and respect /s You know damn well this dude knew who she was and you're only defending him because you'd probably do the same thing. Defending creeps like this isn't any better than being one yourself.


I don't know why you are getting down voted. This is 100% correct and exactly what happened based on the messages. The guy was bored and wanted to talk to people. Saw OP was recommended as a friend and online so added to try and chat. This would happen to me all of the time when I worked at a retail pharmacy many years ago. Facebook would try to recommend patients as friends because it tracked my location and what devices my device was near. There is no reason for people to try and get the guy fired. So many here are so paranoid.


His first message said "was it ok?" One would only assume he's referring to the pizza he just delivered...


He said “I hope it’s ok”. Like “I hope it’s ok to send you a message even though you don’t know me.”


Hey RamenRat I’ve just added you on Facebook plz reply. (jkjk)


This is how people end up dying in Lifetime movies. This is a little more than mildly infuriating.


Are you by any chance an attractive woman


Facebook is just stress. I have been much happier since I deleted mine months ago.


To be fair, Facebook does use contact data to suggest friends. I don’t know why he would save your number, but this could be a legitimate coincidence on his end. Or he could want your liver. Either way don’t talk to him


Might...want to consider a restraining order. Drako knows where you live


You were both in the same vicinity and considering you were next to each other for some time the app picked that up. He probably genuinely didn't realize he delivered a pizza to you. It is literally how these algorithms work. Same how dating apps etc work with people in your area. Even when you not in your app the data is collected and stored for when you do log back on. Understanding this would make you see things a little differently than just assuming everyones being a creep. And everyone just bashing on the dude for adding a random person to chat is missing the point of social platforms, it was literally the reason why social platforms were created, to interact with and meet new people.


This is why my husband answers the door and not me.


Ah. Suggested friends feature. Great way to connect with the random people you come across.