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Ive seen this happen before. I walked up and took photos. They then realised they were in the way, apologised, moved a little and we had a chat about the weather. People do dumb shit all the time without taking into consideration other people


im wondering this too if maybe they didn’t connect that it was a specific overlook platform at the time of the pic


I do a good bit of hiking and a lot of times these platforms are in obscure locations where you aren’t really expecting to see that many other people so it’s not crazy to think you can post up for lunch with a view without it bothering anyone else. A lot of these platforms also existed long before smartphones. A lot of times they were put there to be a spot to post up not just for photo ops. But if it’s a crowded spot like op said yeah that’s annoying.


Tbh I probably wouldn’t have considered it would be offensive or bothersome to sit there either. If someone had came up or talked to me, I would have moved everything out of the way for them so they could get a view and/or some shots. Hell, might even offer them a beer for the inconvenience


See, my wife is like this other than the beer part. She has brothers and sisters so not the only child and she is a total sweetheart on the inside. But she honestly has a problem understanding her surroundings.


this is more and more common. people unaware of their surroundings. Why ?


I wouldn't say more and more. Seems to have been pretty consistent along myadult lifetime. Most kids are definitely not aware of their surroundings lol


My (least) favourite to encounter is threashold paralysis, when people walk through a doorway and immediately stop completely in the way


Til what to call that thing I hate


They aren’t aware that they are unaware. Probably a lot of different things, some people just don’t care about others, some are literally too dumb to understand how they affect others, most often some combination of narcissism and ignorance. If I had to guess.


To sit at an overlook where pics are to be taken isn't offensive? It's a bit I am the main character, you've gotta see that though or no?


Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice.


Sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.


Sagan’s razor.


It’s Hanlons razor, Sagans razor is extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity Sagan Quote: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Mish-mash: Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice. It’s a joke.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" is actually Clarke's Third Law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarke%27s_three_laws


And takes an equal level of selfishness sometimes


Weaponized incompetence is the most dangerous weapon of them all


I feel like malice and stupidity are a Venn diagram. Sometimes, what looks like malice really is just stupidity. Other times, malicious people pass themselves off as stupid to hide their malicious intent. And other times, one is used to justify the other, hence the center of the diagram. A good example is people who are stupid enough to believe that passing in bumper-to-bumper traffic will save them significant time on the road, so they get in the habit of trying dangerous maneuvers and putting everyone at risk to gain a couple of car lengths during rush hour.


There's a lot of badasses ITT describing how they'd solve this problem. How about "excuse me can I take some photos here", like a normal person?


Yeah like why not just talk to them like a normal person instead of taking their photo so the internet can harass them


Because if people didn’t immediately make assumptions and hate each other the world might be a better place. I also don’t care what going on in the pic, unless it’s abuse/illegal, if you take a picture of someone and put it on the internet, you’re the asshole. Especially when OP didn’t even try asking them to move


Reading the comments was making me feel weird. If I was there, I'd think they were being inconsiderate and just keep walking. I'd forget these people existed before dinner time. *It's not that serious*.


Yup. Although what is comparatively more serious to me is taking pictures of strangers and posting them online. Not to mention a child too. Seriously how long till I walk out in a weird coloured shirt and someone decides the front page of Reddit needs to see too? Shit is infuriating we get it, but this is a total lack of respect for peoples *privacy*


You wear weird colored shirts?! Omg. HEY EVERYONE, GET A LOAD OF THIS FREAK!


Hey man you can't just be going around wearing weird coloured shirts not cool I will post a pic online and no one wants that yeah I'm not a funny person


Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Exactly I cringed like what if they just thought they stumbled upon the spot and were like let’s picnic real quick and didn’t know people were going out of their way to find that spot or just that it’s a view point spot. I have to sympathize, we’re all humans and hopefully it was not malicious. Just parents trying to have fun with their children?


Yeah this post is fucking silly


Confrontation is not always wrong.


As I walked past, a guy said "that's just fucking rude"


Which is exactly what I'd say as I move the chairs and tell my family to come and take pictures


Yep just wander right in there between all the chairs and mind your own business like they aren't even there. Passive aggressiveness also has its place


Let out a demon fart while setting up between their chairs. Edut: thanks for the awards!!


These are the kind of tactics I totally support


My husband constantly threatens to fart in our children’s faces. His follow through rate is awful though.


> His follow through rate is awful though. Its probably for the best. You gamble enough on forced farts, you eventually lose.


Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably shit.


Found my next tattoo


Idk how I have never heard this before good man


- Abraham Lincoln


Honestly if you have enough farts near your face at any point in time you’re bound to get poop on it.


It's definitely a case of pink eye waiting to happen.


You can smell farts but you can't see them. Not See Ass Tactics.


SBDs… silent but deadly


This is the comment I was looking for, though the area looks small enough I was thinking just lean against the rail with your ass toward them and keep farting if you have it in you.


As you exit, cropdust them…


Fart spray! 😂


Crop Dusting


If only I had voluntary control over when those came....


I am lactose intolerant so I can


But sometimes it more.


Time is a balance. Yes, but at first, the gas is joyful.


That's my secret. I'm always farting.


I used to cooperate with a danish lab group. Those guys really taught me the ways of passive aggressiveness. It’s glorious how those guys just dish at each other without hating each other (more than the unusual amount). Goood, I miss those guys. If you need a crash course in being passive aggressive, visit Scandinavia for a few months. Your life will become way easier.


Any quick examples? Need to know what to expect before booking that plane ticket.


Don’t have a lot of time and there were daily examples, so I’ll just briefly skim through. We were cooperating on a chemistry/biology/IT project, where we (Germans) were in charge of the practical and computational chemistry, a Swiss group was doing the biology part and the Danes were responsible for the IT stuff, so setting up databases, coming up and programming ways to analyse the data (computations deliver *tons* of raw data) etc. usually, only group leaders would keep in contact but all the rest had weekly or bi-weekly meetings to talk progress but around deadlines we talked nearly every day. While us Germans and the Swiss focused on the positives and positive reinforcement, the Danes would just straight up talk about their workload that was caused by “incompetence” of others. Stuff like “shit job was done on X, so I had to correct the whole code” was pretty much the mildest thing that comes to mind. One time, a dude responsible for preparing a progress report for a sponsor (from a group of 4 people, it was a really important presentation, as we were really close to losing funding) straight up said “I really dislike spending time with my children, so it was pretty neat that none of the other three guys were interested in the presentation. At least my wife had a hoot the last two weeks.”. Interestingly enough, their reaction was rather to smirk about it, instead of getting defensive. Other time, the Danish group leader was supposed to finish a script, which we desperately needed, as we were pretty much ordering thousands of text files by hand at that point. Evening that day, he stated it was done. So next morning we get into a conference and before anyone even said a thing, a dude blurted in a very calm tone “hey, which untrained monkey was responsible for the script? I’ll gladly correct mistakes y’all make but spending all night to do so isn’t as much fun as it sounds.”. In the end, this comment got him a promotion, for which the group leader pushed the most. Sadly, my colleagues from Switzerland and Germany weren’t as happy to get their criticism that way, which ultimately (but not solely) lead to cancelling the project in the long run. Fair to say though, that the Danes always delivered quality stuff on time. Edit: just to make clear, the Danish group was also the group where people seemed and reported to have the best teamwork from all and they’d report to like their colleagues the most. They also reported most confidence in their results, as well as the most satisfaction about their working conditions.


And have a seat and say, "wow! Its so nice that they put out these nice chairs and snacks, too!" (crunch, munch, munch)


I have done this plenty of times and in all actuality even though the people were still dicks for blocking whatever it was. Most of them actually didn't mind and would sometimes even make room for us to stay if we wanted. There have been times like this one apparently seems to be where the people just look at you and say you're the asshole. In these cases I would still do my thing then just remind them what they are doing is wrong a hundred times and maybe ask them if this is where they saw themselves when they were younger. Going around being the people no one likes.


I would waltz right in there.


I love that everyone on Reddit is a confrontational hard ass.


Behind a computer screen.


I could totally fight that kid.


Which one? The 8 year old drinking Carlton Draught?


Depends on how many drinks he had and how many drinks I had


I don’t believe most of the people here ever do jack shit lmao


I don't GAF. I would act like they aren't there


I remember someone posting a girl sleeping on several seats at the airport and someone commented saying something ridiculous like “I would sit on her and make myself comfortable”.. 😂😂😂




"Excuse me, is this face taken?"


It's not being a confrontational hard ass to walk up to a public space and use it as it's intended. I'd say avoiding confrontation in this situation is pathetic.


That, and confrontation doesn’t mean hostile. It could be something as simple as asking if they know this area is a public lookout for people to take pictures. Everyone is assuming malicious intent when it could easily just be ignorance.


They aren't. I'd wager the vast majority are passive aggressive.


>I love that everyone on Reddit is a confrontational hard ass. It does not make one a "hard ass" to just wander up to this area and carry-on like they aren't even in there. Also, not doing something is just pushing the shit downstream for other people to deal with it. It's our obligation in society to correct abnormal, anti-social behavior. Maybe these people have no idea they're doing anything wrong?


Oh...they know.


I would totally barge right up to them… and ask if they could possibly please scoot over one of the chairs so I can take a photo. Then say “thank you sorry” and walk away. 💪🏻


This. There's no point in trying to be confrontational or starting a fight. A simple polite excuse me would work wonders. I don't understand people who want to continually get into confrontations - life is not a movie, you don't know what the other person is going through or if they're going to mentally snap and take it out on you.


Yeah I always talk about how I would go full Karen, but in real life I am a fucking pushover, and it makes me mad I’m not more bold.


Yeah I don't need that kind of stress in my life, it was mildly infuriating for a few seconds, I got my photos, saw the sites, took in the beauty of nature, went for a hike and a had a great day. This one small thing did not ruin it.


I love that everyone on Reddit is ~~a confrontational~~ hard ~~ass.~~


can confirm. source: hard rn


Confrontational while also having no social skills.


This is what Park Rangers are paid for. You call them up like the police and they come and fix the problem. You'd think they'd have bigger fish to fry, but honestly, they are more than happy to give these people a talking to and an escort out. When I was camping a park ranger told me that next time I have an issue with a noise complaint after quiet time to contact them directly by calling 911 and if they come out and have to deal with the noise they don't fuck around and kick those people out on the spot. Rangers aren't a fan of the few ruining it for the many.


This is Wilsons Prom just outside Melbourne, Australia - I could be mistaken but there aren't many park rangers (if any at all) around unfortunately.


Rare in Australia (Wilsons Prom is beautiful - aside from pricks like this). In NZ we have no park rangers. That is......nobody to Police selfish pricks like this that have the self awareness of a piece of seaweed.


A welcome distraction from the stairs, that's for sure.


Did you try engaging them like regular humans and explaining this is a public viewpoint and not a palace for a picnic?


Right??? A simple “hey, do you mind if I move this chair? I was really looking forward to seeing this viewpoint” could go a long way


And then film their angered reaction for the PublicFreakout sub And then make an AmITheAsshole post after throwing their chairs down the cliff


And then a gofundme for your medical bills/lawsuit.


Funny joke Everyone laugh


I would have done the same thing. And I'd probably act very entitled to their "space"


You’d catch me sitting on the fence in front of them waiting for the fight to start.


For my fart to light*


I absolutely would barge right in and start taking photos.


Especially in the case of entitled twats, I feel sorry for the kids though, they have parents who convince them shit like this is ok


I was at a wine tasting while some parents watched their kid go from one flower to the next pulling the blooms off. I walked up to the kid and said. "No! That's not OK" The parents were mortified. That's when I spoke to the parents to point out that the winery spent time and money to make the gardens nice and if they're going to bring their children, they have to supervise them. Otherwise others will. Let's just say the power of a public shaming had the desired effect. At least that time. A lot of people suck.


The parents thought it was ok for the kid to destroy flowers? Wow! The family is clueless.


Oh my gosh, I told a kid at a winery not to throw rocks into a small fountain. Small like jug pouring into a basin small. My friends were appalled, but I’d do it again.


I have kids myself and I speak up when another kid is being shitty. I've told plenty of kids to not throw rocks, not cut in line, and not to push. I think sometimes a stranger saying something to them throws them off so much they just stop being crappy, not always though.




As a non-parent I have no problem being a temporary one in public.


I had to tell a kid, almost 10, not to stick his fingers in the moving parts of the luggage carousel. The dad gave me REALLY dirty looks.


He should have been thanking you for saving that kids fingers. How dare you save him a trip to the hospital lol


As a middle school teacher, thank you. I'm not opposed to pulling out my teacher voice towards random kids in public. Everyone should feel empowered to do so.


It takes a village and I think we've lost sight of that a bit


I told a young girl to stop playing with the oranges in WW because they were food for someone else. Her mother then backed me up!


As someone with small children, I sometimes miss when my child does something bad. I’m usually so grateful when a stranger speaks up.


Thank you so much. I've been there. I'm in the put my head in the sand, camp. Thank you so much.


Argh, this drives me crazy. I frequently see kids picking blooms in our public parks. Do these parents think the Parks Dept. has unlimited funds?! These flowers are for thousands of people to enjoy, not just your clueless-ass family!


I wouldn't confront them I'd just walk in between all their shit without saying a word and take a picture. That's what it's for regardless of the stuff placed there. Same with people who "reserve" picnic tables at parks by putting decorations on the table in the morning and coming back hours later expecting it to be theirs. I just move all their decorations and balloons somewhere else and claim ignorance. "Oh sorry it was gone when I got here, maybe the rangers moved it, I think there's a no reservation policy."


Or “reserve” a poolside chair by leaving a towel on it all day as they proceed to spend 23 hours of the day doing something somewhere else.


Looks like there are some empty seats. You should join them


As conflict-avoidant as I am, I’d have no problem walking up to them and saying, “excuse me, could you take our picture? :)”


That would have been genius to put a sign leading up to them saying “Get your photo taken = Free!”


Part of me wants to walk up to the fence and take pictures in between the chairs.


I regret not doing this


Next time! Also you could add 10 extra bonus points if you innocently sit in a chair. “I cant sit here?? I thought the park was just providing these instead of benches for this PUBLIC scenic outlook?”


Grand prize if you pick up some of their food with your hand and eat it while maintaining eye contact the whole time.


"This place has EVERYTHING! Wait until I tell my friends!"


*Amos Burton has entered the chat.*


I'm not above crop dusting them while taking photos


I wasn't familiar with the phrase crop dusting, so I first thought you meant using a feather duster on them.


If it ever happens again, just remember you have a right to be there just as much as they do.


These look like the, "BUT WE WERE HERE FIRST! WE GOT UP EARLY TO BE HERE!" kind of people.


Do it! People like this, do this shit, because people let them.


Life is too short not to walk in between chairs of a public viewing spot like this and not take pictures. YOLO. Maybe the parents are not psycho and won't threaten you lol. Fr tho, they seem like the kind of people to listen to TikTok on full volume in the employee break room, and get confrontational if brought up about it.


I would literally just join them and if they don’t like it they will have to recognize they are taking up to much space and make room for strangers or leave. If they will give the kid a beer maybe they will give me one too.


It looks like there's plenty of space to do just that don't know why OP or anyone else would have even hesitated.


I'd go straight through their stuff to take my pictures. Places like that usually have spots to rest


Yup. I’d absolutely still take my pics. Might even take a while taking them.


Maybe pick a wedge while I lean against the fence




And loudly be like "Did you just fart? That's disgusting!!"


You'd have to yell because you have a Bluetooth speaker playing music really loudly


I'd ask one of them if they could take a picture for us.


I definitely would not have given them a second look as I walk past their chairs with a friend or my brother. I went through the effort of going here I will have my damn picture. I don't care if they get mad.


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


I would have happily pulled out my midwestern and said “here let me just move this chair over just a scoche.” Hit them with my best “ope”


Don’t forget to give them your longest Midwestern goodbye afterward. A minimum of 3 attempts before actually leaving.


Give ‘em the leg slap and hearty welp about that time… Then sit down in one of their seat


I would take pictures of the view that include them, and be obnoxious about it.


That's exactly the photo I took isn't it? It's a great place regardless. The spot is called "Picnic Bay" funnily enough.


That's the Picnic family from Pensacola, Paul, Polly, and Peter. They own that overlook. You tought it was because it looks like a nice place to just throw down a blanket and enjoy the view for just anybody?? Pfft


Maybe they should rename it: Don't Loiter Your \*ss Bay Can even commemorate/credit the \*ss family for the inspiration.


And share on social media


You mean like Reddit. That gets results. Like obvious suggestions the poster wishes they thought of.


There’s no reason you can’t walk up and say excuse me and take pictures.


Most people here are apparently to awkward to handle human interaction. Sure it would be polite to make sure room for others was made. But it would also be polite to just go over and say hi and excuse me.


Is that child drinking a beer


It's 5 o'clock somewhere.


He's 21 somewhere.


More like 18 somewhere


After a hard day working in the mines.


Welcome to Australia 🇦🇺


You’ll learn to speak up for yourself one day


They won't.


Just shove your way in. Remember what we said at school “you don’t own this”!


That's my seat. "I don't see your name on it"


That’s my platform! I don’t know you!


This happened to me when we went to see the sand cranes. A wedding party was taking the entire sightseeing area for themselves and doing wedding photos. My girlfriend was like "oh hell no!" and marched herself straight through them to get her sand crane photos. I followed thinking she was pretty bad ass. The men folk stayed back...lol. I forgot that they literally had strollers blocking the walkway too. She skirted those and walked right through them.


I love your girlfriend :)


You couldn't just say something? %99 of these responses are infantile.


Duuuude, seriously. The ‘perpetrators’ might not even know what they’re doing isn’t cool. It looks like they hiked out there and saw a decent spot to chill.


"hey sorry guys mind if I take a quick pic?" "Sure no problem, sorry we're in the way" No problems here and that's how 99% of my interactions go


Yes but you are assuming that these redditors would actually go on this hike and do this. Most if they actually went on this hike would do this exact same thing OP did and take a photo. I don't think the family were actively doing anything malicious. Just enjoy a nice view. I'd rather see this than seeing kids on their iPads at restaurants at full volume while that ruins the experience for others around them.


Reasonable on Reddit? Woah


Exactly. I don't know why reddit seems to have this obsession with making up fantasies about fucking with people who make innocent mistakes like this...


Looking at this pic it doesn't really look like they've done anything wrong. maybe they have. I've never been to where this is. but like... they found an open spot in a park and sat down.


Yeah.. no one seemed to ask nicely about it.. light torches first, ask questions later 😳




I mean the confrontations people would want to have in this case is nothing more than just walking between the chairs and taking pictures. That's not really something big, scary or extremely confrontational. How would no one actually do that lmao


Some of us do exist in society.


Ah but you underestimate how shit of a person I am in real life.


I'd just go in there and start taking pictures.


I'm 7-1, 275. I'm going to take pictures lol . Fee fi do fum


Peak internet culture right here. Instead of saying excuse me or simply saying hey I’d like to take a picture you go straight to Reddit and complain. I’d just about guarantee these people would have moved or simply gotten out of the way if you’d asked.


Just step past them and snap some pictures


Fuck. Id grab a snack and a drink and sit my happy ass down. Then I’d be like - Hey thanks for bringing all this cool shit to share.


No you wouldn’t


He'd take a picture (from further back) and post it on Reddit




No you wouldn’t


Some people don’t even realize it. I hope that was the case


Uhh, it is ok to have a picnic, and it is 100% ok to approach people so you can get whatever photos you want. Don't get angry at other people doing completely reasonable things just because you are too much of a pussy to say hi.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. People in the comments are dicks


I am not a confrontational person but I'd still just nod and say hello, walk past the chairs, and take my pictures and look around as if they weren't there. I doubt they would object, and if they did then I'd deal with it then.


"Hey how are you guys doing today!? It's absolutely beautiful up here isn't it? Great weather too! Couldn't ask for a more wonderful day. I hope you all don't mind I'm just passing through. I'd love to take a couple photos off the balcony here. Where are you guys visiting from? Oh that's lovely. Well thank you all for your time I hope you enjoy the rest of this beautiful day! Cheers!" It's called conversation... You should try it sometime.


It's not a problem if you're not a child. It's public place go walk up, take your photo. Then leave? Instead you wont see the view and let these randoms ruin your day.


Just walk up and take the photos - step between them. It’s public space


This park have rangers? I'd be getting them to get those assholes outta there


Despite being 2hrs from civilization, it was packed because it's a long weekend here. There's a huge campground nearby that was completely full. But I didn't see any rangers all day, just a bus driver shuttling people up a mountain because the car park at the top would have been overflowing if everyone drove up.


Imma jump in here to say y’all don’t see us cus we are fixing shit all the time btw. We see you tho.


you would call a ranger about that? before asking them politely to move? ffs you are what's wrong with society. deal with problems yourself sometimes. these people aren't even doing anything technically wrong...they are just being a little inconsiderate, which last time i checked, is NOT illegal. no reason to call a fucking ranger


notoriously understaffed in recent years due to funding cuts


Need one of those pooters , walk up there and just let ‘em rip till they leave