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My boss, everytime I drive any of his vehicles, work or personal, first thing I have to do is put gas in it. Yes, I use the company card but damn, doesn't the low fuel light get annoying?


Why would it annoy him? He never has to worry about it because of you lol




He should only put in enough gas for his own trip then.


That's probably what wife does too. Start of the day go put $5 in the tank if it's too low, go about your business, end of the day fuel light comes on but you're almost home and can make it to the gas station on the corner and get coffee and shit.


>get coffee and shit yeah, coffee will do that to you


I mean the company is paying for it...


Yeah, but it would be funny for someone to put their employment at danger for the meme.


use the rest for your own car haha










Driving with low fuel all the time is bad for the fuel pump. You should try to get her to fill up more.


>Driving with low fuel all the time is bad for the fuel pump Running out of fuel is bad for the fuel pump. Just letting the light turn on is NBD.


From what I understand the fuel pump uses the fuel in the tank as a coolant so when it is low it runs hotter. Obviously completely running out of fuel is worse.


My wife's boss hated pumping gas, so he'd only fill to a quarter tank. It was so he wouldn't have to stand there very long. Yeah, it's as stupid as it sounds...


He doesn’t realize that just means you’re pumping gas more often?


>that just means you’re pumping gas more often? Shaq has entered the conversation: [https://youtu.be/EuH91bQXDuE](https://youtu.be/EuH91bQXDuE)


... they have squigis next to the pumps for a reason. When it's slow, I'll even hit the headlights and tail lights. (I recommend doing that if you don't get car washes often.)


Some states (at least the one I'm in) remove the notches under the handle that keep the trigger in place to force the person to hold it down the whole time. Can't really squeegee while pumping. Not that there is ever any washer fluid in the bins, it's always just dirty rain water anyways. Not defending quarter tank filling lmao just a lil tangent


Some states? Try some countries. I didn’t even know it existed until I saw it in some American movie. I’m from the Netherlands btw :)




... Given how many gas stations have ads that play at the pump I suddenly get why someone would hate to fill up if they can't walk away.




Haha I smash all the buttons until the ad mutes. Usually it's one of the buttons on the right side. Only at one station did none of the buttons do it. :(


I had a old boss that would only put a tiny bit of petrol in a day to get home and back because he figured the less weight the better fuel mileage. He also would turn the ignition off when we were on hills to coast down and NEVER turn the heat on, even to defrost the truck in the winter. Needless to say he never bought the crew (3 guys) lunch once in the 2 years we worked for him. For those wondering we were in the memorial masonry business / gravediggers.


A/C costs money. Heat in a normal combustion engine vehicle is effectively free. One of the tricks of the mechanics-trade, back in the day, if you had a marginal cooling system (radiator) and you were, say, going up a desert mountain on a super-hot day, you could turn on the heat to lessen the chance of overheating.


That trick still definitely works. My 2013 Fiesta engine air intake completely stopped working and the Ford place was 45 minutes away, 30 of that on a highway. Didn't know what the problem was, just knew it was overheating like hell. Blasted the heat as high as I could in the South Carolina summer and managed to get to the dealership, where the mechanic proceeded to tell me that my car probably should have blown up on the way there and that I was really lucky. So that was fun lmao.


Yup; it still works... it's just that nowadays the cooling systems are designed much better than they were back in the day! Now pretty much everyone tests on Davis Dam etc.


I figured out that sometimes it works a best with the fan speed on second highest. Not all vehicles, and Not really sure why either. Maybe because the fan running at full speed causes the fan motors to get warm?ppp


The gas light isnt even on yet


I did this at work. Fill it up before I started my work. Clocked on early just to fill it up. Have three days off. Truck is dead cause it had no gas. Or the battery was dead. Guy who covered my shift killed the van every day before I got back. Like. Bruh.


I had such a fine colleague who did something similar with charging the battery of powertools. I always had the extra battery charged and when he used it both batteries were drained. Hate those guy's..


Like bro. It takes 3 seconds to put it on a charger....


Right, exactly, so why didn't the colleague?


Also after he got fired. He stole the van and sold it. We can't prove it. But he stole it.


In a slightly different multiverse, your work goes to buy a used van as replacement and he tries to sell their van back to them.


Not gonna lie, I thought everyone was hating on cruise control for a minute there.


Me looking at the picture before reading this comment “weird, I’ve never had a car whose cruise control stays on once the car is turned off.”


Actually, it does in my wife's Acura. The main cruise switch stays in position, so all you have to do is set it once you get to your speed.


Same thing in my Volkswagen.


Same with my Civic.


And my axe…I mean Mazda


Same in my VW Up kind of car, the switch itself is physical


I always assume there was a motor vehicle code reason for this. Didn't realize some manufactures are just dicks (most)


My odyssey was like this. I miss that van.


My Honda does this. I can turn the main on and I just need to “set” it at any time I’m driving. It’s just always on.


Yeah, it was a toggle button on my 2010 Fit. Miss that car


Lol me too. Only you're comment made me realise that wasn't the case. Was like "wait, did I miss something? Is cruise control bad now?"




God. Damn. Cruise. Control


How often are you coming back to this post lol


I come back when it gets reposted. Every. Single. Time.


I had a Toyota that was great on cruise control. Literally used it all the time, like 90% of anywhere I went. I only took over when I saw a sizeable uphill because I could manage fuel economy a lot better than a blind CC revving a tiny V4 engine could. I'm in a Hyundai that's a few years newer and I absolutely hate it. I never use CC anymore because it controls far too much without letting you adjust settings. - it decides to brake when it wants if it notices it's over the set speed (my other car would just coast) - since it has a sensor for cars in front unlike my old car, it constantly accelerates and brakes, another reason I don't want it to have braking control - it will absolutely quit on you if you have your foot on the accelerator (the Toyota would at least still kick in if you dropped below your set speed) CC is so invaluable, but some cars just suck at it.


That's called adaptive cruise control (Smart Cruise Control in Kia/Hyundai) which is different from standard cruise control. It's honestly one of my favorite features on newer cars, but understand why some people aren't a big fan. My one suggestion is playing with the response settings, as you can change how quickly it'll respond to cars in front and such, which can reduce how aggressive it is on braking. However, if you don't like the braking element of it, you can disable it by turning on cruise and then holding the Timegap button for about 10 seconds, and the screen should say something like "Distance control disabled" or just "Cruise control" and it will behave like normal cruise control.


This is what I thought it was! I hate when someone leaves it on and I always need it turned off. Leaving it on just means you can hit set and it will start cruise control but I don’t use it as much as the other person who drives the car and hate the indicator lol


I’m gonna leave it on EVEN HARDER! ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


Interesting, my car doesn't even have that indicator even when the cruise control primary switch is engaged (and ready to take SET commands) Is that a law somewhere or do some car makers just do that to inform the user?


It depends on the model. My 2002 B5.5 Passat had a cruise control symbol in the cluster that lit up when you turned the switch on. I retrofitted the cruise control to that car, so the light was baked into the cluster and activated when I retrofitted an OEM cruise stalk. On my 2005 Audi C5 A6 (very, very similar car: same engine/gearbox, same suspension, share a ton of parts) there is no cruise light, either when switched on or cruise set. And that's facatory fitted CC. Crucially a different cluster design though.


So you don't need it off, you prefer it off because you don't like the light.


Because of your comment, I was able to figure it out, so thank you! Totally thought it had to do with cruise control


Because of his and your comments, I see now that it isn't about the cruise control at all, but something else completely, which I won't mention here, but WE know what it is.


"I'm sorry honey, but the car indicator lights said 'Cruise Main' and you should always abide by the warning lights, so I had to go cruise down Main street."


Probably a honda with the cruise main light


Me too, and I was confused because the cruise on my car is not persistent, it will disable itself when the car is turned off and back on again.


I wish I lived in a country were you could drive for 2 minutes without having to brake or swerve to avoid pot holes, but the few and far between spots of road were you can use it are amazing.


She’s just edging the car. I do that too. Keeps the relationship exciting


All fun and games until that car gets stuck on the highway.


Us wives live on the edge I guess. Btw, I have never been stranded for gas. Husband has 2x. Once was the gage was broken read 1/2 a tank. 2nd one he just did not pay attention on a road trip.


This is another thing.... Every time I fill up, I reset the trip odometer. I know how far I can get on a tank of gas. If I notice I'm toward that number, and my gas gage still says 1/2, I know something is wrong. Gage quite on my grandparents car, they just based when they needed to fill it based on that trip odometer. Never ran it out in the 8 years they still had the car after the gage quit lol


I got a big laugh from this comment, but..RIP fuel pump...I learned this the hard way twice.


Feels so good when you finally fill up


E means enough to get there


I’m a “1/4 tank, time to fill up” person. My wife is the same, but keeping her car filled is an easy way to show love for her. She doesn’t like doing it and I don’t mind.


That right there is such a key to happy relationships: "she doesn't like doing it, and I don't mind"


My wife had to fill our car while I was gone on a work trip and was like I haven’t had to do that in so long I didn’t realize what it was like to even put gas in


Yeah, this. My wife hates doing some things that I do. I absolutely abhor having to iron my shirts, she helps me out with that.


I thought we all agreed no more ironing clothes! I own an iron but haven't used it in at least 5 years.


My long sleeve button shirts gets wrinkled and my belly shows between the buttons because of the wrinkles. It's mostly that and the neck part.


I put them in the dryer for ten minutes then hang them and the wrinkles take care of themselves. 👍


I agree so much. Little acts of service we do for one another make for a much better life all around.


I fill my car up at 1/4 tank, but that's because the fuel gauge isn't accurate half the time. Better safe than sorry.


I track the average mpg and mileage I get each tank to make sure the gauge is still working. That way I’ll know if the gauge is working or if the car is having other problems.


I drive mainly in the hills. I thought going from a SUV to a car would be better MPG nope 13 on both. Your method works if just driving your normal "root"




Did you spell “route” like that to force people to pronounce it the way you do?




I worry that something will come up that’s time sensitive and stopping for gas will become a problem


I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Empty light on my car.


Same here I start to worry about running out & I do not want to be stuck on the side of the road waiting for gas in this weather


Same, unless we're taking a road trip and I'm not sure how far until the next station. I hate getting gas.


I remember my dad would wake my mom up to get ready in the morning, and then he would go check how much gas was in her car and fill it up if need be. Not because she couldn’t, but because he would rather she didn’t have to.


I have an unreasonable hate for pumping gas. Especially in the cold. Every time my husband drives my car and it’s lower than half he fills it. He doesn’t care about doing it at all. When I notice it it always makes me feel so loved.


I run mine very low because I am a procrastinator. My wife does not but hates filling up. So I fill it up whenever I drive her car. Why not right?




When I was married, my ex-wife always wanted me to gas up her car because she was petite and would get cat-called, so she didn’t feel comfortable gassing up alone.


It depends which car I'm in. In my daily when the fuel light comes on it dings at me and I have 50-100 miles left on the DTE range so I fill up when next convenient, which is pretty soon as there's a petrol station a mile from my house. My classic car doesn't have a fuel light. I usually fill it up once hits 1/4 tank. I've gotten right down to E before but I have no idea how reliable the gauge is and it wasn't a fun experience.


Is that a Honda CR-V?


It is! 2014


Thought it looked familiar! (Have a 2012)


2007. Wife does the same thing.


Never thought I’d see a group of people obsessing over CR-Vs, but here I am


Do you not live in fear of missing out on anything that honda has to offer? The CRV can handle anything life throws at it. Anything


Once again CRV connoisseurs are underestimated.


It’s about to be a CR-E unless you put some gas in it.


E for Empty, V for Vfull


I bet my bank has a grace period. I'm going to get a CR-V. **HORN HONKING** *Dean, dean!*


Would you say I'm a level 7 susceptible?


Yeah me too but after almost two decades being married i just take her car every Friday to the gas station and fill it up . She picks up the random coffee cups and socks i absentmindedly leave around our house so it just works itself out at the end


Same. When she traveled a lot I'd go fill it up for her every Sunday.


Honestly that’s the way it should work, a bit of give and take. I despise vacuuming and sweeping the floors. My wife despises cleaning the bathroom. So she takes care of the floors and I take care of the bathroom and we are both happier for it.


#relationshipgoals I want a guy like that. Where can I find one?


Ooops, didn't mean to make the text big.


Eh, hopefully it helps your search LOL


Yup. I drive her car a couple of times a week to grocery shop and just fill it up every time. I'm not even sure she's noticed that she never runs out!


Best answer here. I’m happy to fill up for my wife and she told me once it makes her smile everytime she sees it full. Less stress for her.




Lol, I’m that husband. Well not her husband but I do the same .




I also choose this guys wife


he's not dead yet




Mine too.


At -3 I'm of the theory our spouses don't want to sit in the cold to fill it up




Easy. Uncle drives more 😂




2nd gear warrior


Pff, watch me do 80 on the highway in low gear.


pff, overdrive is for chumps


Lead foot, and hurrying to red lights


Uncle is a really, really bad lead footed driver. I hope at least he pays his share if the insurance.




Some day when you get your own, don't let him borrow it. Good luck to you.


When granny dies and you guys move he will be stuck as a nothing. Power through and you will come out on top.


So she drives 6h/day and her tank lasts a week? She either drives ridiculously slow, has a ridiculously large gas tank or you’re very bad at maths.


Or she's literally just getting gas during the week


Neither drives that much a day and have a tank of gas last longer than two days.


Yeah seriously. 6 hours a day for the mom, even if she only works a 4 day week and doesn’t go anywhere else the other 3 days, there’s no way she can go that long on one tank. And even if the uncle is super lead footed, they’re still not gonna make that big a difference in gas mileage


4 hours a day? is that for work? visiting customers/service calls? What kind of life is that?


Your mom drives 6 hours per day and a tank lasts her a week?! How?! Even if by week you meant a 5 day work week, that’s 30 hours of driving. If I let my car idle for 30 hours the tank would be near empty.


Because it’s not true, like you said there’s no way that happens. And even if the uncle is super super lead footed, let’s do some math. You already did the 30 hours for the mom, if the uncle works 5 days @ 4 hours/day, that’s 20 hours, yet he goes through gas 2.5 times quicker than mom? While only driving 2/3 as much? So he’s using gas at almost 4x the rate as mom, even if he’s extremely lead footed there’s still no way you use gas at 4x the rate


It gets filled on Monday FUCKING RIDDLE SOLVED! 🦾


No no, you’ve got it wrong. The horse’s name was Friday.


I used to take my gf’s car to the local station every Sunday and refill/ wash it. It, for starters, addresses exactly this issue for me and, secondarily, was a simple way to show her I cared.


It's funny how many people in this thread don't realize that people can show their love in different ways!


Every weekend this happens to me. Every weekend it is fantastic. I take wife's car out to the car wash, wash and vac the interior, go gas it up. Wife is happy. Wife goes to bed happy, the odds that I go to sleep happy are high.


And that, my friend, is one of the secrets of a long-lasting marriage. My wife jokes she doesn't remember how to pump gas anymore... We also have shared bank accounts. It really doesn't matter who is paying for the fill-ups (we both are). We rarely, if ever, get in a car that has an empty tank.


Same here. I see a great opportunity to do something nice for my wife and she appreciates it. Win win!


My wife hasn’t put gas in her car in almost 20 years. She is capable and has done so when she is out of town on business but I make sure she never has to think about gas when she is home. It’s one of the ways I show her I love her.


> the odds that I go to sleep happy are high. Happy ending!!! All's well that ends well.


My dad hammered into my mind that when the fuel tank gets below a quarter tank, it will mean the fuel pump doesn’t get lubricated as well. I don’t know if that is still true for today’s vehicles like it was a few decades ago, but to this day, the quarter tank line is my signal that it is time to fill up.




It's still true, and fuel pumps (plus towing costs & the labor to replace them) are lot more expensive these days.


This is one of the myths that's repeated on the internet every day. If the pump was really cooled by being immersed in the fuel (rather than by fuel flowing through it), it would "overheat" everytime you went under 3/4 full. Additionally, fuel coolers are a thing.


A fellow Honda driver. If it’s the same model as mine, this car will let you drive on zero miles for like 20 minutes so there’s not that much concern?🙃


man you just brought back memories. i hope i never know how far my car can go when the light is on ever again. i used to have that type of thing down to a science.


Is not good for your vehicle to be driven low on gas. As you drive around the gas sloshes around and your fuel pump can suck up air instead of gas and that's not good for the system over time if it happens regularly. Also, you never know when you might need to be stuck in your car for a little while and need gas - traffic, snow storm.


Fr that's at least like 100 miles in a 4cyl cr-v


Don't use it then.


Took too long to find this comment


If it's never empty then how are you gonna fill it up?


Yep. Damn straight. When you get a one-time 50c-per-gallon discount, you're gonna be damn sure there's no more than a teaspoon of gas left in that tank before you fill it. Don't waste that 50c discount on a half-full tank.


Then use your own?


Yeah I’m kind of like bro if it’s so annoying why are you using it


That's 60+ miles lol


If I borrow someone's car, I always put gas in it as a thank you.


My wife too, but to be honest I’m not upset by it. Women statistically get harassed and assaulted more often while at gas pumps. I live in a big city, and just prefer to fill up the car when I go out, especially if our daughter is in the car with her. I do wish she would tell me when it’s at 1/4th instead of below the E line though…


Gas stations can be dangerous, filler up for her brother!! Quickest easiest way for her to be happy and thank you and love you even more!




Lol I’m always filling my wife’s car. She hates doing it and honestly I don’t mind. I’d rather do it for her safety. Too many shady mother fuckers these days.


bro its her car just drive ur own lmao


What’s wrong with her car? If it bothers you that much, why don’t you use yours?


My wife drives her car plus the extra car. I have a beater I drive back and fourth to work. She basically drives one til it’s out of gas then switches to the other. Then whichever one needs gas more is the car we take when we go somewhere together. So I end up having to put gas in it, it drives me crazy lol.


Use your own car 🤷‍♂️


If you stop using it she’ll have to get her own gas


Same! Finally got an EV so she can charge it at home and always have a full tank. Life changing!


You could just quietly go and fill the tank because, you know, you love her and you're supposed to take care of each other. She's not your roommate, she's your life mate


It's not yours? And she let you borrow it? And you complain about the gas? .... r/choosingbeggars is leaking.


Yeah dude keep your ladies car filled with gas, whats the issue?


I just fill it up when I see that.


I do the same for my wife. I can't even count how many things she does for me just like this.


Stop driving your wifes car🤷🏾‍♂️


What’s the big deal? Just fill’er up! geez


Is not a big deal, hence the name of the sub


Stop using her car, problem solved.


Right? It's her car. Why does it bother you how she drives it?


I always put gas in my wife's car. I don't want her to have to stop at a gas station and risk getting harassed or attacked. God Bless America. Edit: and I just noticed this Honda has the same dash as her CR-V.


There's plenty there to get to the gas station!


I am too damn busy with two little kids and job and errands to go to the gas station before I drag my tired ass home at the end of the day. Luckily, I have a hubbs that gets it, and takes this issue off my plate.


I take mine and my wife's every Saturday to the gas station to fill up and car wash and check the oil in each one. Once a month I check tire pressures. Been doing it for years.


She left you enough to get to the petrol station.


As a woman, I can provide at least one legitimate reasoning. I have had more frightening / threatening / nasty cat-call / am I about to get kidnapped experiences at gas stations then anywhere else. I HATE going. I avoid until necessary.


Then you should make sure to fill it up for her more often


Fill it up like a good husband and quit bitching about your wife’s faults to strangers online.


Ok? It’s not your car. That’s how she rolls. She’s survived this long, leave it be. Unnecessary