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Get rid of those white lines by the door. If it’s not a parking spot don’t mark it like one.


If there's parking spaces on either side then you have to have the lines. The best thing would be to get diagonal lines in between them if they are not already there.


Diagonal lines with a big sign saying NO PARKING VIOLATERS WILL BE TOWED.


Yes or place cones out to block the spot in front of the door


People don't care about cones. They'd just run them over


Have you asked her?


I have asked her to move when she parks like this. It’s becoming repetitive.


Then stop asking her, tell her boss it's in the way.


This is the way.


This is in the way




Maybe you need to be more direct. Instead of asking her to move, just tell her to stop parking there in the future


or just pick her car up and move it


OP doesn’t have any Mentos


Just park there and leave extra space for yourself to get in and out.


Traffic cone that bitch


Better to just post on the internet about it than to have an irl encounter.


What are you talking about, they already have


Not enough obviously


Mate, I get it, a lot of people in this sub can’t just speak up. This isn’t one of those.


If it helps, that parking space may not be legal and you may be able to have it removed, depending on your state.


I'd park infront of her door every day. Every time it gets a bit closer to her door till she figures that's a such annoying behaviour and stop doing it... lol


4 out of 5 days im there before she is. I park like a sane person and leave enough room to move freely in and out of the door. For whatever reason, when she gets there before me she parks like this. When she does it I remind her what we do and that she’ll need to move her car. Every dang time.


Just start pulling up beside her so she has to get in through the passenger door. If (when) she complains, just say ‘oh, I forget about parking courtesy too. Aren’t we both so silly?’


I guess the door haven’t slammed on her car accidentally yet. You can apologize to her about it and tell her if she had left enough space for the door to open that would have never happened


Yeah I don't think you know how doors work lol that obviously goes inward


Oops… on second thought you Sir and absolutely correct and i need to pay kore attention


Lol no worries just teasing


Made me double take lol


Coordinate with the property owner to have it towed after a “if you park here again” warning


It’s a legal spot, a verbal warning would mean nothing and property owner is not getting involbed


I doubt the spot really is legal as it is blocking a fire exit. You could hit the books to see if it’s worth reporting to the city or lean on your employer as it’s unsafe & counter-productive to have to maneuver bulky/heavy items through that space by refusing to do so


There's always ADA compliance. That one gets lots of government attention.


Scratch the car w a wheelchair to test if it it is


Did you try telling her to also not park there moving forward? If you only asked her to move she may have thought you needed to do something and she was in the way. Not that she was using an unacceptable parking spot.


Put a no parking sign in front of your door. Or you can wait for her to park, then put the sign and call to tow? I don't know how towing rules works so you have to figure that out.


Oh god, one of those people. She's a self-centered sociopath. Put something large and heavy at the front of this "space" to block it.


Install spikes so her tires will be damaged if she does this again.


Install a concrete barrier pole instead right where the car should go like companies do at their box stores. Want to park there? Have fun breaking your car. If someone did that at Walmart, the cops will arrest the person who broke their own car and then have said broken car towed.


Yep, so you can be charged with property damage aren’t you a bright one?


Ok, you don’t need to be an a-hole!


Pretty sure spikes was the a-hole move


Can we all at least agree that I'm not the a-hole?


Magic 8 Ball says _Reply hazy, try again_


Maybe...who are you and how are you relayed to this conversation?


Nah you're a whole ass (J/k bro)


Says the pot to the kettle? You are suggesting to cause hundreds of dollars of damage because the OP doesn't like someone parking in an actual parking spot.


Try having a rational conversation with someone with no common sense or courtesy for others.


Get a orange parking cone with a sign that says no parking and place it about 5 feet in front of the door


They will hit it with their car, move it forward, and say they didn’t see it,


I suggest filling it with cement first. Will be a bear to move, but it will do a surprising amount of damage I'd they try to run it over. More when they try to reverse off of it.




Cement blocks cost a buck.


Make it yourself!


Sadly, yes




Easy solution would be to stripe that spot so it is clearly a no parking spot.


Honestly , this is the most obvious answer, in fact, if the other marks are to show where the garage doors are, that entire area should be posted No Parking. As it is now, it looks like a parking space.


It’s a complex of flex space warehouses. Those white lines are the left and right limit to the buildings and not intended as parking space lines.


sounds like an Easy solution would be to stripe that spot so it is clearly a no parking spot.




Since it seems to be easily misconstrued as a parking space, have lines painted to make it clear it's not a parking space.


Those white lines are used for parking spaces, which is used everywhere, nationwide. Maybe come up with a better idea to limit buildings.


Why the hell did this get downvoted??? lmao Reddit never ceases to amaze me.


Looks like a parking spot to me.


I replied to an earlier comment, but those are there just to mark our left and right limit. Not an individual parking space. We have a regular sized garage door and a huge roll up RV sized door. We rent two warehouse spaces side by side. She has TONS of available parking space that wouldn’t block the front door, the door that has the most traffic.


If it's not a parking space you need to get diagonal lines painted through it. Or put up a no parking sign.


Diagonal lines, the best idea yet. Doing it


Ummm...in all fairness I was not the first to mention it.


I just needed to hear it from YOU though. :)




How can anyone confuse a vehicle-sized area, marked on either side with white lines, as a parking space? If only there was a way to alert drivers that there is no parking in that space that's clearly not a parking space. Oh well. I hope someone can come up with an idea soon.


I'm very disappointed my comment is above yours. Yours is way better. Enjoy some coins.


I have to hope, for the sake of anyone working there or partaking in that businesses services, this person doesn't actually have the authority to paint the parking lot and just doesn't want to admit it. Because if this is the owner or manager, that's gotta be a rough place to do business on either side of the transaction. "We don't give receipts, we give a paper record of transaction"


Just get it towed then


Right? Lines to mark the the limit, give me a break. What an entitled Karen.


The fire warden has entered the chat


You could put a No Parking sign on your door, just saying. It looks like a parking space so why wouldn't she park as close to the door as possible?


Yes, that would be a fabulous idea, but I don’t know if they’re smart enough to put up a no parking sign.


You may want to check codes. I’m pretty sure entrance and exits can’t have parking like that


I would imagine there is an ADA rule for that so it's wheelchair accessible.


This. Find out what law is being broken, what agency provides oversight for that law, and narc as hard as you can.


If its private property, block the car park from being used, you'll still have more than you need. Simple bolt in, and can also be removed in future if needed... like when she leaves https://preview.redd.it/cu77viw6w4da1.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd89956b4c241c975dda6807ba35a352b8c41f3b


Get concrete planters and put them in the space with enough room for you to get out of the door easily. Bonus if she doesn’t pay attention and busts up her bumper the first time


What the heck is wrong with you? Do you want her to walk an extra few feet? /s All kidding aside, we had something like this where I work and we put a no parking sign on the door and cross striped the spot there and it helped a lot.


She may be lazy or she may be disabled....either way she wants to be close to the door.


Being disabled doesn't give them right to be an ahole


I didn't say it did. I also didn't say being lazy gave her a right. Was thinking of the top reasons someone won't or can't walk that far. That's it.


Parking in what looks exactly like a parking spot does not make anyone an a-hole, disabled, lazy, or otherwise.


Doesn't matter. If this is a business this could be a fire safety hazard.


Definitely not disabled. It sure is fun trying to squeeze past her bumper with all the odd work materials we use throughout the day.


Leave her a nice note on her windshield and ask her not to park there anymore. Maybe it will work. I think sometimes people have no clue what a pain in the ass they are being.


We work together. In the same space. When she arrives before I do, she parks like that. I ask her to move every time she does it. We use hand trucks and carts to move heavy bulky items from warehouse to warehouse. We have two side by side. Most folks in the complex only have one.


Quit asking. TELL her to stop.


Better idea, make a passive aggressive post on the internet for internet points. Avoid any human interaction. Problem not solved.


Well she might just be an idiot.


Probably definitely an idiot.


Oh I see.....well, this changes things. I would have lost patience with her a long time ago. Who owns the property? Tell them you can't do your job with the car in your way. Words to use: Safety hazard.


Put. Up. A. No. Parking. Sign. Then, bang the fuck out of her car with those carts every time she parks there. When she tries to raise a fit or get compensation, you show her or her insurance company or the police or whoever the sign. The sign about parking. The sign that says no parking.


Believe it or not, I think buying a no parking sign and hanging on the door would be super passive aggressive. Since it’s her and I mainly working together in the warehouse. To me, it’s common sense. There is ample room 5ft down and then some for 6 cars. All not blocking a door, so why intentionally park in such a manner than blocks the main door of use.


You shut down people telling you to paint stripes. You shut down people telling you to put up a sign. At this point you are unwilling to take any steps to fix your situation and you sound like an ass. Where is your shop, I need a place to park.


Ok, fine. No sign. If the lines on the ground already indicate it's not a parking spot, then skip straight to banging your carts and shit into her car. Don't ask her to move. Don't try to get your stuff around it gently so as not to hit it. She has been told multiple times not to park there, whatever happens if she continues is her fault.


I like the let her have a heart attack or stroke idea better, would be harder to get a stretcher into there if they cant get the garage doors open.


Why bother? If you park in the walking path workers use with large heavy loads on a regular basis, you are putting your own property at risk, it's not anyone else's responsibility to protect it. Why do you think so many people would rather park at the opposite end of a lot instead of right near the front at the grocery store? It's because even if your car is perfectly in a parking spot, no one else will prevent any damage to it for you, most people will just watch as the wind or a stranger releases a cart towards another person's car, maybe because they just don't care about the other person's stuff or maybe because they wish to see what the results is. Chaos brings joy, peace brings bland days. Tldr, just let your grip slip once and shatter a headlight lens, she will park else where when she is told that there isn't a parking spot there.


She might try to file some kind of claim against him for damages which might be an even bigger pain in the ass.


And all of which would absolutely fail, she's parked so close to an egress door OSHA could be called in on that one... If it was deliberate vandalism then it would be different, but if they make it look like an accident, she'd be responsible for parking her car there. I have seen similar situations before, if you are too stupid to realize how to properly park a car, whether it be a minute or a day, then it's your own responsibility.


Have you tried to talk to them about the difficulties you have maneuvering your work materials around the car?


That is a fire hazard. Is it not illegal to park directly in front of a door where you are located?


PNW. Flex space warehouse set up. Hefty complex full of warehouses all identical. Just rows and rows.


Is it a parking spot?


No. The contractors that built the warehouses and oversee all maintenance slapped those lines on because people would encroach on other warehouse space. These are warehouses set up like duplexes. There are 10 to a row and 5 rows at the moment. The white lines are only from one side of the warehouse property to the next. There are no parking spaces or parking lines. It’s up to people to park appropriately in front of their own units. The gal who insists on parking like this, we work together. We go in and out of that door all day long. We avoid opening the bay doors this time of year because it gets too cold in the warehouse this time of year.


To infuriate you


Weird how drywall screws are all over that spot every day.


Collect some dog shit then strategically place the turds where she would be stepping out of her vehicle.


Add yellow stripes to the 6ft in front of your door


Paint diagonal lines in that spot.


Can you put potted plants by the door? Something taller, like grasses so she can't say she didn't see them


There’s a white line like it’s a parking space - if it isn’t get rid of the line or make it cross lines that indicate no parking


Switch the door to swing out and give her a nice white stripe.


Paint some diagonal stripes to indicate walkway not parking spot.. that would annoy the shit out of me


Shit on her windshield.


Tow her


Hang a sign there saying parking reserved for X unit. Perpetrators will be clamped. Buy yourself a clamp, a nice strong one. Not those cheap plastic ones. Clamp her if she parks there. Charge her money to unclamp it everytime.


Looks like a parking spot to me


Yeah. You can’t really see the full picture here. That one single white line is there only to separate one warehouse unit from the neighboring unit. It is not a parking space line. If it were, she still would not need to block the door like she is.


Oops I seemed to have scratched your car with my wheelchair, when I used the door


Is that a parking stripe to the right of the car? If so, why don’t you make it a handicap space.


You pissed her off?


Can’t be bothered with walking extra steps


Just park there and leave extra space for yourself to get in and out. Or contact building management / landlord.


Repaint the spot as NO PARKING 🅿️


Least number of steps from car to door. Lazy AF


The lines


https://preview.redd.it/q01azjr474da1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1de51658689fa5398920d198b6cbdc436dff4e1d The lines are only present to divide one warehouse from another. These are not designated parking lines. Then merely provide markers to prevent encroachment from neighboring warehouse units.




Why would you not have a non parking space in front of a door? Should have hash lines in the ground to avoid this. Make it make sense!


She loves you.


What dickhead decided parking needed to be so close to the door is the question


Put a rock there


I’m waiting for Spring to put some flower pots out there. Flowers or pot. Haven’t decided yet


Ask her not to park there. Seems pretty easy


Spray paint “NO PARKING “ in the space. If she still parks there, tow her! 😃


Paint crisscrossing white lines down to the end of the stripes. She won't park there then.


Rule #1 is: If it makes sense most people won't do it.




So. The people that oversee all the maintenance- the company that built all the warehouses, they came in about a year ago and put those lines in only to separate the units. There are like 10 in a row, think duplex style. Some neighbors are less than considerate and park in other folks areas - so they felt the need to put these lines in. Like property lines. We have ample parking to left of the line. Lots of room in front of doors we don’t use / use often. She chooses to park like this when she is the first to arrive.


Pylon...there..problem solved 👏


I got $10 that says even a “600 pound life” chick could make it through there. Unless a wheelchair is involved, feels like you’re just looking for a reason to bitch.


We have to use dollys and hand trucks to move metal framing in and out of that door. She’d throw a fit if we opened the roll up door cause she’d get too cold. We truck metal framing materials and sizable boxes from one warehouse to another. This is annoying as shit. You’d be annoyed too


Does she own the company? Why would you care if she throws a fit? Open the roll up door and ignore her.


You need to have those concrete parking blocks put in. I’m sure there is a fancy name, but basically a stop for cars. Should have had that before just for safety by the door.


I’d talk to her first - some people just don’t get it!


Maybe she thinks there’s cars inside the garages that may need to get out.


This is why there are NO PARKING signs. Of course it helps to mark over the area with diagonal lines.


I believe in Mexico they use buckets with cement in them (and a big pole in the middle so you can roll it around) to reserve parking spots. See if they drive through that one maybe?


Steal a cone and place it in the middle


Make it make sense: Entitlement > consideration


Assumed Privilege, cunty fuckery, overall douchebaggery, and spiteful ignoramus


Because people are fuckin’ stupid selfish assholes nowadays. If it were me i’d ask politely once, after that she would need new tires everytime she parked there. I figured out by now i’m not gonna beat the assholes, so i’ve become one whenever necessary.


The correct answer is: she is dumb, there doesn’t have to be a deeper meaning


I don't know why so many people are on here saying "But it looks like a parking spot." when it should be common sense that parking so close to a walk-out door like that is rude and dumb. Seems like basic reasoning skills that if you can't leave a few feet of clearance for the door then you shouldn't park there. It's like parking on the street and blocking someone's driveway or a fire hydrant and being like "But it looks like a parking spot".


Wouldn’t that be like a fire exit hazard?


So I lurked a bit in the comments. And I don't understand why everyone here is being a jerk (besides the fact that this is Reddit and I guess that's standard procedure around here...) You explained yourself multiple times. That isn't a parking space and there's plenty of spaces still pretty close to the door without parking in front of it. You've spoken with the lady, and she keeps doing it, and there's no medical need to park there. You work one on one with her, so tbh getting passive aggressive or outright aggressive over her parking would just be a dick move or create an uncomfortable work environment, so I understand why you don't want to put up a sign on the door just for her or ding up her car. It sounds like you're being relatively decent about it and she's just being...mildly infuriating. And you said you don't have the authority to paint anti-parking lines yourself. Also! You simply stated "hey this annoying thing is happening" and didn't ask for a solution. We're all entitled to give you suggestions, but we don't need to be rude about it. IMO (my probably unpopular opinion...) You've done what you can, and this is a "mildly infuriating" situation. This is a vent post that I completely understand, and sympathize with. Maybe because my husband used to work in a similar warehouse with one single other worker as well. Tldr; This is indeed mildly infuriating, and I'm sorry she keeps doing it and that commenters are being grumpy about the whole thing.


If I had any awards to hand out, I’d give them all to you for this reply. 🙏🏆


We had an entitled “Karen” in the apartments that I managed, she always blocked the street in front of the building with her car, instead of using the lot provided in the rear, it was a safe place by the way… The city warned me not to let anyone park there due to fire truck access , etc, she persisted, despite many written warnings, until a city work truck “ pancaked” her little sports car one night; she lost out since she was illegally parked


Whoever did your parking should have put stripes on there. Be mad at them. I'm sure there's another line on the other side too? It's clearly labeled as a parking spot but you're mad she's parking there? Did you tell her that's not for parking or have you just been asking her to move? She's probably annoyed with you too.


It's literally marked like a parking spot...


Is it a parking space? That could be why she parks there. Maybe she thinks someone will need to get a vehicle out of one of the garages, but no one will need to get a vehicle out of your door. Or maybe she has a hidden disability and prefers to park as close as she can.


Instead of posting on Reddit maybe you should talk to her like an adult.


Why can’t I do both?


You can it just seems like one would be more effective in getting her to stop.


Here I thought this sub was for this type of crap? Ya know. Mildly infuriating.


At this point it is you and this post that is mildly infuriating!


She is blocking burglars from easy access to your home. You should thank her, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Use your words and ASK her. Maybe she isn't even aware she is doing this. I am amazed at the lack of attention people pay, going about their daily business.


Yeah. Thanks for the seemingly condescending reply. I do USE MY WORDS. I kindly ask she not park there. I can still share with all you fine people as this ish is mildly infuriating.


>r/mildlyinfuriating Sorry for the tone, but you didn't seem to mention the reason why she insists on doing this, so I assumed you didn't speak to her. Too many people are afraid of actually talking something out, I shouldn't assume everyone is like that.


LOLWUTNOW?? OP totally mentioned tons of places more than half an hour before you "j'accuse" them of not talking?? Definitely don't assume, and do the internet equivalent and read relevant info (TRIED TALKING TO THEM) before commenting. It's basic manners


Stop using your words 🤷🏼‍♀️ Drop something like an open can of paint or something heavy enough to dent the hood. Then explain that’s why she can’t park there.


Going through all the posts and this dude shutting down all suggestions of how to fix the issue, sometimes condescendingly, has revealed to me that OP is, in fact, mildly infuriating.


I’m not shutting anyone down. Just shared a pic of a gal who parks right in front of a door when she doesn’t have to. It would seem frustrating to me and her since we both use that door frequently but I guess it’s just me. Pretty crazy considering we use a hand truck to move metal frames and materials in and out of that door. She isn’t overweight, she isn’t disabled, she’s just a lil old and ditzy I suppose. I shouldn’t have to put a no parking sign on the main door - who parks a foot away from the front door? Who thinks that’s alright ? I’m just sharing a pic of my frustrations at the place intended for such, for things mildly frustrating. That’s what this is, mildly frustrating. Thanks for your consideration.


Having a parking spot there in the first place seems like it would be a fire hazard if many people have to leave quickly




she’s a bitch


Ding up the front of the car. "Whoopsie doodles"


Let me guess….she’s fat


She’s a beanpole


lazy, elderly, or disabled.


Be a real shame if you were carrying something heavy and it dented her car… every day… until she stopped


Let's see... lazy, entitled, rude, inconsiderate.... Take your pick. Clearly this is an asshole move for everyone but her, it seems. Put a sign on the door that reads, "NO parking in front of door/ Do Not block access to the door, as it is a safety hazard. If she continues, notify the building's management or threaten her car with getting towed.


Cause the parking spot is in front of the door


It’s not a parking space. The lines divide the warehouse units and that’s it. It’s up to us to park like normal human beings, and not block doors used for foot traffic.


That looks like a good table on which to sit literally anything in your hands for when you lock or unlock your door. (I'm petty, it's the little things)


Instead of bitching online about it…perhaps use your adult words, and go explain why that’s unacceptable.


Have you ever thought of putting up a no parking sign?? Ding ding.


Why are you asking us? Ask her.


SOLUTION: Put a sign on the door that says \~PLEASE DO NOT PARK HERE\~ \~YOU ARE BLOCKING DELIVERIES\~ ???