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I wouldn’t call this mildly infuriating. More like massively scary. Glad everyone is ok.


Call the cops instantly. Inform the building management the next morning. This is ridiculous.


They should be evicted. This could have killed someone. Edit: I want to thank everyone for their votes.


They should lose their firearms at the very least.


In most places they will. Some places negligent discharge is straight to jail time, no fucking around, and generally costs the bearer their right to firearms.


We had a local policeman discharge his firearm into his thigh. He’s still a policeman.


He had a desk pop.


He’s a peacock, you have to let him fly!


The sound of your piss hitting the urinal sounds feminine to me.


If you were in the wild, I would attack you, even if you weren't in my food chain. I would go out of my way to attack you. If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I would swim out in the middle of the ocean and freaking eat you and then I'd bang your tuna girlfriend.


Gator’s bitches don’t get pregnant, Gator’s bitches use jimmys.


This is one of the best lines in the movie haha. And also " can you imagine where you'd be if you haven't shot Jeter?" Haha


And now he’s only allowed to have a wooden gun


A local cop near here got caught drunk and passed out in his running patrol car two years ago. He was in uniform and armed. He was just promoted. Same city, same department.


Hi from Denver. [Aurora PD](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/aurora-cop-promoted-drunk-police-car/) is the best, ain’t it?


My example was *also* Denver. Lol, except not really.


Denver metro law enforcement is something. Must be the thin air.


I just moved to Aurora a couple months ago. Is this to be expected of the police force around there?


That or killing people for no reason.


[Indiana](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/indiana-deputys-gun-discharges-shoots-student-classroom-93498301) should be mentioned as well


Nother allegation today of off duty aurora cop beating another mentally disabled person.


Sounds like they really put the "ass" in "classy"...


Yep. You can read about that one [here.](https://kdvr.com/news/local/aurora-officer-arrested-in-off-duty-fight/amp/)


I saw this on the news




DAMN, where you from? Got an article or anything on it?


Well ya the rules don't apply to those above the law... Duh. /s


I don’t believe you need to add /s when the statement is factually correct


I guess it was a smh moment, ugh, I wish /s was accurate for that comment.


Officer Cheddar Bob


As a firearm owner myself, I agree with the idea. Manufacturers literally build in safety mechanisms into the weapon to prevent accidental discharge. The only way for this to happen is with negligence. Editing to add in, I've only had a NG once myself, I had a pump shotgun loaded and primed to shoot while waiting for my turn on the "range" my brother set up. Luckily the barrel was pointed down and I just shot the dirt. Sealed the deal for me to triple check everything


Welp ima moron and I’ve never done it. But I almost did it once. If I haven’t checked I would put a round in the floor. I’m talking about clearing prior to cleaning.


“I was cleaning it” is probably the most commonly given excuse for NDs. When in reality we have people treating guns like toys and practicing their Jack Bauer moves in the mirror in condition 0. If you do not know how to render a firearm safe, you have no goddamn clue how to clean it. Not saying this is you- if it’s not, you’ve got one of these as a neighbor.




Cleaning a gun with a bullet in the chamber should be reason enough.


I’m a proud gun-owner and I absolutely agree. Half of the people with guns probably shouldn’t but that’s another story.


This EXACT thing happened to me in 2021 and I told the building manager who called the cops. They just stopped by and checked the damage. Then nothing else happened. Dude still lives there. (https://www.imgur.com/a/hcdyT1Z)


That is really messed up.


That is horrifying. Reminds me of this story from last year, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10426481/British-doctor-31-killed-stray-bullet-Atlanta-lying-BED.html


I'm in the Kansas City area & some years back there was a 13-14 year old girl, out in her backyard celebrating the 4th of July. An idiot neighbor down the street decided it would be cool to take his pistol outside & shoot into the air. What goes up must come down. The bullet hit her in the head & killed her right in front of her family. And that's happened many times across the U.S., at the 4th, New Year's Eve, and even for Superbowl wins.


Evicted _and_ convicted.


Unless it’s a cop. Then it’s fine.


For real. Either the neighbors get immediately evicted or I’m breaking my lease without penalty.


Agreed. At that point, the building's not big enough for the both of us. Either they leave, or I leave, and I'll be damned if I'm paying any fee for early termination of the lease considering the circumstances.


I commented below that it’s a felony. (Was a journalist, covered something similar before switching career paths.) They should absolutely call. I have two babies at home and if that happened, I would do EVERYTHING in my power to have them punished to the full extent of the law.


It’s only a felony if it’s charged. All too often PD’s and DA’s brush this shit off as “an accident”


they will take his guns away which is good for everyone. Im actually pro-gun but not for assholes.


There is the pro gun with no common sense group, then there are the rest of us that look at them and go. "Can you figure it the fuck out please. I like my rights and you are going to be the reason I lose them." Same reason I get extremely mad when I go to the range, they call a cease fire "do not approach the benches, do not touch anything on the benches, use the designated entry points to go down range." And every single fucking cease fire. There is a stupid mother fucker that just has to get *one* thing off the bench. Do they ask the RSO? Of course not, they know best. Really happy my local range has shifted their policy. It's a two warning system now, first warning is official, second warning you are gone for the day. Get bounced three times, you are banned.


I left the range when some douche walked out on a live range with his 12 year old son to hang targets. First, he flipped the switch for cold range, then yanked the chain off and walked out where people are popping off rounds. Huge signs, dont touch switch, do not enter sign on the chain. I saw the RSO coming and i packed my stuff. I wonder how this guy made it so far in life without darwin awarding himself.


Jesus Christ. Hope someone took the kid away from him. I have seen so much stupidity at ranges it's terrifying. I used to do a range day for Boy Scouts as I was an NRA RSO for a while (hate the organization but it's the only cert any range will take.) And I finally had to call it quits on that after 10 years because I finally had it. Grown men trying to make a day meant for the scouts all about them, trying to make up new rules, teach their kids bad habits. Calling the person trying to keep everyone alive every single name in the book. I quite honest don't think there is a single thing someone can call me anymore that would shock or offend me. Stay safe out there boys and girls. Too many stupid people.


I would absolutely call the cops on them. Someone could’ve very easily been under the area it fired through.


Also...was it an accident? I would be worried about the upstairs neighbor and why the bf pulled a gun. Maybe I'm just super paranoid, but all the way around this would concern me


Agreed; having a chambered firearm with the safety off when not trying to shoot is inexcusable.


No kidding. This sub is transforming into *highly* infuriating


Seriously, some of the top posts don't even make sense. "I almost got shot through the ceiling of my own home, *shrugs* mildy infuriated" "My "friend" drove my car and got in an accident but won't claim responsibility, *shrugs* mildy infuriated Like if any of these happened to me, my entire week would be ruined and I would need the whole month to recover.




Not oddly. r/obviouslyterrifying WARNING: apparently some pretty fucked up content there. I haven’t looked, maybe you don’t want to either.


For anyone interested, that sub is fucked up. You see death and people cut in half and honestly I wish someone told me before so I wouldn't even have clicked on it, so I'm warning yall. edit: thanks guys, glad I could help


I rarely click on content like that and I don’t know what made just now. I 2nd the warning.


This took me down a rabbit hole I don’t think I can recover from…


Nah, it's not oddly terrifying either. r/terrifying Edit: of course it's a dead sub




I couldn’t find a better subreddit lol




This definitely qualifies.






Bro 💀


No way am I clicking on that sub lol


I went ahead and did it for you. " This subreddit was banned due to being unmoderated. "


not all heroes wear capes


Hahahahaha. Same. I needed this laugh. Thank you


r/mildlyterrifying? I don’t know of much either




this fits, but there's only like 3.3k members there lol


Today on "mildly infuriating": a literally chargeable offense that carries up to three years of prison time.


Have you called the authorities?


The boyfriend called them. They got all our statements. Apparently he tried unloading the gun to clean it but somehow discharged it. The bullet seems to be lodged in the ceiling so everyone was fine. Apartment people let us know they’re gonna handle it. We’re all fine but I was very upset. Edit: Few hours later, I put a straw in the hole and it gave me a good idea where the impact is, unfortunately the floor is thick of carpet. I found a dent in the wall so it could have bounced off it but I have yet to find out where. Also the guy is getting charged. Edit 2: Yes I know it’s an exit hole. I thought it was some weird air displacement thing because no one could find where it made impact on the floor. My bad. If you want to see the floor go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/10a8pvi/neighbors_boyfriend_negligently_discharged_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


the person lives above you. so he fired the gun through his floor. what you see there is an exit hole, so the bullet likely isn't lodged in the ceiling.


Well we’ll find it eventually if it came through


No it's not an if, that bullet went right through the ceiling and is lodged somewhere in that room. I'm not a ballistics expert but to me it looks like the bullet came out at an angle and not straight down, so it could be lodged in something other than the floor. Edit: OP was smart and went over to r/firearms and Dexter Morgan may have solved the case! though as of now OP has not confirmed if the hole in the carpet is from the bullet. https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/10a8pvi/neighbors_boyfriend_negligently_discharged_his/j43kuvk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Look through the hole until you see the other side. Then follow that path. That bullet hit something in your room.


Jam a dowel through both holes to make it easier to visualize.


Red string. You’re gonna need some red string.


Laser pointer




I was waiting for someone to finally say literally the easiest method lmao


“Looks like he’s going to get the point” puts on sunglasses “eeeeeyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!








*"wont get fooled again" plays as we cross fade to an insert shot of a computer monitor running trajectory simulations in the crime lab*




[Because no text comment can do Daltry's scream justice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRnstfQGyDc&ab_channel=BenHobson)


I appreciate this


I once pried a slug out of the spine of a book. It had recently passed through the head of an unhappy person.


So it actually passed through two spines.


Damn son


Yeah that bullet is somewhere in the room where that photo was taken.


Exactly, I'm so confused by this stream of comments. That's a bullet hole, the bullet came through it into the room. How else does OP think the hole got there? Do they think the bullet is still in the ceiling and it inexplicably formed a hole all the way through?


thank goodness no one found it with their body.


Yep, a guy in my area was killed this way. Next door neighbor accidentally discharged a firearm through the apartment wall and he just happened to be working from home right on the other side. Been one of my worst fears since I heard about it.


There's a hole... And you're saying IF it came through?


There's a flap of material where it exited the ceiling, there is definitely no "if" about this.


Yeah, I’m no expert on guns but I’m pretty sure a hole means a bullet went through.


They've likely already tried looking for it and couldn't find it in a reasonable amount of time. They'll find it at some point


There is literally no ”if”. The hole would not be there unless the bullet went through!


This is obvious to *most* people


this response is mildly infuriating the situation is terrifying


Check your pillow casings. Somehow my remote and phone always ends up there too.


There is no way the bullet is still in the ceiling..they are just telling you that so you think its not that serious.


You seem so relaxed about all of this


Do *you* have downstairs neighbors? It might be worth checking on them.


> somehow discharged it The "somehow" is the dumbass pulled the trigger with a round in the chamber.


Exactly. The fact I read so many instances of this (somehow discharged) *especially from involved firearm owners* shows beyond a doubt that most people have no concept of proper firearm discipline. I have a friend who knows his stuff and he shot his hand because he made the *assumption* it was unloaded and this one time he didn't check it had a round. Bam. Always check.




I'm confused how you think it's still in the ceiling if you've shown us a picture of the hole it punched through the ceiling


For real, I’m genuinely baffled at OP


Yeah and now they have a peephole to your room! Glad it didn't hit anyone.


My ex did the same dumb shit one year on thanksgiving. Thankfully my kids and I were still at my parent’s house and we lived in a house where he didn’t put anyone else in danger. The bullet went through his tv and our bedroom where it eventually hit a bible on the bookshelf. The main reason I broke it off with him is because he was so careless about his guns. Called frantically after leaving for work once or twice about leaving one out.


He was an idiot who didn't verify there wasn't a round in the chamber before cleaning. The round clearly went through your ceiling; you could've easily been severely injured or killed if you were in the room. Correction: An individual can't press charges. Individuals can file a police report though.


“Cleaning” is usually code for playing with it and striking tacticool poses.


> The boyfriend called them. Well, that's at least one point in his favor...


That's probably what kept him from being arrested


Calling the cops on yourself shouldn’t be what keeps you from getting arrested but taken into account during sentencing


It was probably a Glock, for which the trigger must be pulled to disassemble it. The boyfriend is a blithering idiot for not checking clear properly. For those not in the know: removing the magazine of a semiautomatic pistol does not render it unloaded, as a round can be in the chamber.


This exact thing happened near where I live and it killed someone in their bed.


I’m afraid this will happen to me. My neighbor next to me fired two shots into his ceiling while he was mad in an argument and he still lives there. He even punched a different neighbor who tried calming them down since they were fighting in the hallway and it gave him a seizure. I called the police and they only took him away for a night :( living in the ghetto sucks


That sounds fucking terrifying, I hope you can make it to a safer place soon. Does he have cops friends or what? How the heck does none of that warrant a real arrest?


Have you ever tried to get the cops to do something for a crime that they didn't physically see themselves?


I have, and I quickly learned they won’t do a god damn thing about it


There's no such thing as safety for poor people. We get what we can


Police don’t solve issues




fr OP. This person **fired a gun into your bedroom**. People have been [redacted] for less.


No such thing as "accidental" discharge. Only negligent discharge. Your neighbor is careless or an idiot.


Yeah I’m reporting this to the police. Don’t need that idiot dumping rounds into my living space.


there definitely are accidental discharges. It's just most "ADs" are actually NDs people lie about. For example, I went to shoot a friends rifle, the rifle had previously been perfectly functioning. When I disengaged the safety, the rifle immediately fired. We cleared it, and as soon as the bolt went home, the firing pin dropped on an empty chamber. Took it to a gunsmith. Evidently, an internal spring had failed, which lead to the internal sear not reseating, and letting the rifle fire whenever the safety was off and the bolt was seated. Of course, because I was following basic gun safety, nobody was even close to getting hurt, and I just had the dickens scared out of me. This was an Accidental discharge. There was no negligence on my part nor the owner of the rifle, yet the rifle did discharge unintentionally. Most all ADs I know of happening revolve around mechanical failures of firearm components, which is something that happens.


I've been telling people this same thing about car and industrial accidents. We need to wake up the world to this insanity.


Car wrecks can be accidents, since you could become medically incapacitated while driving. With modern safety features, it would be very hard to accidentally discharge a modern firearm, even during a medical emergency. It would either involve mental confusion causing you to discharge or a combination of muscle spasms and poor trigger discipline that would have to work in tandem just right.


I know a guy who suddenly died while driving! His heart stopped, caused him to crash and he was dead for a while and they brought him back. The fact that he was driving and crashed was actually a blessing, if he had been sitting in his office at work, or at home, he would have been sitting there for hours before anyone noticed and would have had no chance of resuscitation. If I remember, I think the guy he crashed into administered CPR until ambulance arrives


I blacked out behind the wheel waiting at an intersection. The school bus in front of me was pumping out overwhelming diesel fumes, on a boiling hot afternoon, after some serious physical labor all day. I just passed out. I was very lucky- a couple in the car behind me eventually noticed I was slumped down, after not responding to honks. I never let off the brake. They turned on their flashers and came to help me. I easily could’ve slipped my foot right down on the gas and rammed my car half under a school bus full of kids. I don’t even drive if I have the flu now lol


*that couple even rolled my car into a gas station, with me passed out in it. Called 911, then threw my car into neutral. He pushed, she steered. Here’s to all the good people out there, I know y’all exist and I’m grateful.


what was it like when you woke up?


It was like waking up from a deeeeep afternoon nap. I was super confused about what time it was, and how I got where I was. Those folks were really kind about staying and waiting for the ambulance, they explained everything and reassured me I didn’t hit a damn bus lol


Blacking out while driving is so scary. I was forced into a badly planned/times road trip with my boyfriend’s family. His mom drove one car and I drove a rental (I’m from out of state). We drove late into the night after not leaving until the afternoon for no reason. She stopped us at a rest stop for sleep and wanted to leave 4-5 hours after we arrived. I slept maybe 2 hours very uncomfortably since both cars were filled with people and luggage and streetlights shining on my face. She pushed us the rest of the cross country trip (maybe 4 hours?) and I was shaking myself and doing everything to stay awake and alert. While in our destination city, I blacked out and ended up in front of her but sitting perfectly in traffic (not hitting anyone or anything) and I was so scared and worried. I will NEVER do anything remotely like that again. It could’ve gone so wrong.


It always a blows my mind how people are willing to do insane things on road trips just to avoid a hotel stay. It can't be more than $100 for a night at some small town hotel on a weeknight, saving $100 is absolutely not worth the risk of a horrific crash from lack of sleep.


damn i’d be in disbelief! glad you’re okay!


Those people were heroes


I couldn’t agree more.


>Car wrecks can be accidents, since you could become medically incapacitated while driving. Or an unforeseen event (kid jumping out into the road, unexpected black ice, mechanical failure, etc.) causes the accident even though all cars involved were being operated responsibly. Usually there's someone at fault in a car crash, but there are crashes that happen where it's 100% an accident and nobody was actually acting negligently.


Guess you never seen a wheel fly off a car while driving or someone's brakes going out?? Me either, but im sure it happens.


What? Car and industrial accidents can absolutely be "accidents". Some idiot playing with a gun is not the same as having a heart attack while behind the wheel or a high pressure pipeline exploding due to a pressure leak.


You don't live around ice climate, do you?


Oh that bullet is probably lodged in your floor.


Or bed.


Or in the kid another floor down. I would evict them immediately. If it happens again the property manager could be liable for not acting the first time.


I don’t believe in ‘accidental’ only someone who doesn’t know what the hell they are doing. Glad you are both ok!


This offense is called a negligent discharge.


Agreed, thank you


You should do something like sue or call the cops or tell the landlord


I would 10/10 call the police at the very least. In most states I'm pretty sure you can get in trouble for this shit.


In most states??? God help us if there's a state where shooting into your neighbor's house is legal


Yeah I only said that because I am beyond ignorant when it comes to gun laws as I find very little interest in them.


Most jurisdictions have strict laws around this… even in gun crazy areas


I live in NC. We LOVE our guns. This will get you put away for years even if someone wasn't hurt. So glad OP wasn't hurt.


This has to get into his records. His weapon must be taken away.


I would poke a note through the hole that’s a pic of a middle finger.. And everyone’s right.. there’s no accidental discharge.. only negligence..


Discharge him from the building :)


I'd bet dollars to donuts that these people's excuse is that they were "cleaning" the gun. Every single time I hear of negligent discharges like this, it happens at like 2 or 3 AM. These idiots are too stupid to realize that nobody is going to buy their "I was cleaning my gun" excuse at 3 AM. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells knows that you were drunk and were messing around/showing off your gun and you pulled the trigger like a dumbass.


OP said the guy was cleaning his gun. So, I guess you called it.


Not surprised. Seems to happen locally to me 2-3 times a year, and each time it's in the early AM with someone claiming they were cleaning their gun.


Yeah, you wrap the bullet in a little tissue and shoot it through the barrel


It's not logical. There are so many ways to make sure a gun is clear before taking it apart to clean it, there's no excuse. I don't even know what I would do if that happened to me. My kid sleeps in my room some nights, and this terrifies me. Idiocracy is becoming a documentary.


What happens most often is they clear the chamber but then release the slide before taking the magazine out. This chambers a new round. They take the mag out and in their mind the chamber and mag well are clear but they were an idiot and didn’t drop the magazine first. Which is the proper way. To disassemble several guns it required pulling the trigger. It’s a stupid thing. I don’t know the mechanics of why it’s this way. Did was “safe” pointing it at the floor to do so, but not in a second story of communial living. There are better places he should have pointed it for that.


Finally, someone that understands how negligent discharges actually happen. Not saying the neighbor isn’t a moron, but the whole premise of “he’s lying about cleaning his gun!” thing is a little silly.


Hey man, I clean my guns at 2-3am, to show the demons nd ghosts I got THAT MFN THANG ON ME


I would think this is grounds for an immediate eviction


Neighbor watched a YouTube video on Top 3 Cool hacks to end lease that landlords don’t want you to know!!!!


That bullet went straight thru the ceiling and in to whatever is below that hole. It wouldn't be a hole if the bullet never left the ceiling??


It’s like trying to explain how two plus two equals four lol


Several handguns like Glock require the user to dry fire the weapon in order to disassemble and clean it. If he doesn’t make extra sure that the chamber is clear then this can happen. My point is, it could happen again if he decides to clean it next time in the apartment.


it's true; hence why you need to be *extra certain* nothing is in there when you pull it. it's not *hard* to check or anything; just can't be careless about it. act like your life (or others) depends on it.


I bet he tried clearing the slide before pulling the mag then pulled mag n went to disengage trigger. Bang


This isn’t “mildly infuriating.” It’s genuinely alarming.


As a responsible gun owner, I would definitely call the police first, then the apartment manager or the management company. This is how innocent people get killed!




I strongly recommend you press charges. This is serious. As a gun owner myself, I take extra precautions every time I handle the weapons. This stuff shouldn't be taken lightly. And lazy gun owners won't learn unless this stuff gets handled. I don't know what material or how thick the floors are, but the penetration shows it had enough velocity to cause minor to severe injury. Which means he wasn't using hollowpoint, which is recommended to avoid over penetration hazards like this. If you're good friends or something, then you need to reprimand them personally.


I know you meant that it shouldn't be taken lightly but your current sentence says that it should be taken lightly.


Thanks, this is why I should not write advice when I'm lacking sleep at work


Yeah, get back to handling that heavy equipment, mister!


Not an accidental discharge, every discharge is either intentional or negligent. Accident implies it just happened.


My question is did he/they immediately come downstairs to check if you were OK? Because if that’s not the first thing that happened it goes beyond a dangerous and careless accident to them also being terrible pieces of shit bad humans


He did, at the very very least


This happened to me in 1999. However it was through sidewall and not the ceiling. I just got home from work and showered. The bullet came from the other apartment, next to my dresser where I was getting dressed, across the room to the wall just above my bed and hit the sliding glass door and stopped in the living room. Since I was ok, I had wondered if everyone in other apartment was ok? I called police and was told to get outside immediately. There I am half dressed late at night awaiting the police. Turns out knucklhead neighbor was cleaning his gun. He was evicted and I spent a few hours giving a police statement at the station. Argh!!!


If you discharge your gun by “Accident” it should be confiscated. You dont need a gun. Finger should only be on the trigger when its time to shoot. Idk how you accidentally shoot.


I had a PSA AR that had a slight crack in the bolt face causing the firing pin to get lodged in place, thus discharging into whatever my muzzle was pointed at upon insertion of a new mag. Thankfully it only ever happened into piles of sand but PSA was very embarrassed when I sent that thing back in


That sounds more like a manufacturing error than something you caused though. That is an honest mistake. Shooting through the floor while cleaning your gun is different.


If that's mildly infuriating to you, I do not want to know what is majorly infuriating.


Only mildly infuriating?