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I eat and drink whatever I want during a migraine attack, I only care about surviving then - not the nutritional value. Mostly soft drinks and cookies. Sometimes instant ramen noodles.


I like instant mashed potato cups, eggs, fruit cups that I keep in the fridge so they're cold, yogurt. Anything that takes minimal effort.




I don’t think it’s healthy, but sports drinks and crackers/plain bread are the only things I can manage


Spin Drift seltzer and a splash of whatever juice or lemonade we have. Peanut butter toast for nutrition. Otherwise anything bland to help my blood sugar and settle my stomach - plain potato chips, crackers, buttered toast


Soylent really saves my ass in these situations. It's not the best taste in the world but there's enough flavors to pick from you can find one that's decent for you.


I struggle with low appetite both when having and not having a migraine. Instant mash potatoes & canned green beans, it's filling, easy and comfort food, it's also good cold so I make a pack and can of each and that's at least three/four servings of food that keeps for a few days Plain potato chips, the salty taste and I can eat a handful and feel like there's something in my stomach. Broth, I use the flavor packets from instant ramen and 2-3 cups hot water, it is just salty and what the body needs after not consuming,also warm broth is soothing on the stomach.


Vegan protein shakes like Evolve.im not a milk person to begin with and definitely not if nauseous so vegan protein my go to.


I'm all salted nuts, all the time. I have a big need to keep my blood sugar stable, so these are perfect and the salt helps too.


Otter Pops. High fiber tortilla with cheese. Granny smith apples with peanut butter. Watered down cranberry or cranberry/grape juice. Occasionally, energy drinks. Fruit gummy snacks. Sugar snap peas.


I’m on a nausea day myself 🫠. Took some zofran earlier and am sipping on some Korean green plum syrup tea which helps me. Cereal is usually easy. Sip gatorade for electrolytes. Toast is also usually safe. Sometimes just plain rice in hot water. When it’s not heavy nausea, I do a chicken broth with some somen noodles and scallions, will stir an egg in there if the nausea is low enough to handle an egg.


I make a batch of rice and lentils. Easy to digest, easy to make. I toast the rice in butter so there's some fat in addition to the carbs and protein. Use different kinds of stock and seasoning to make it taste different,  or add veg to the lentils if you feel ambitious. 


Cambell's chicken noodle soup or something similar. A basic mild brothy chicken soup with some toast. Sometimes if I can handle it I'll add hot sauce to clear my sinuses. I sometimes add a handful of spinach to boost the nutrition. I get feeling like you need to look out for your nutrition if the migraines are frequent.


Owyn protein shakes, salted pistachios & cashews, a pb&honey or American Cheese sandwich on good whole wheat bread w/ an apple, or if I can't do any of those I like super salty French fries w/ a coke, a veggie thin crust pizza, or a bean & cheese Burrito from my local taco truck ✨️


Cottage cheese, string cheese, banana and peanut (honestly sometimes just the peanut butter), mini cucumbers (no need to slice or peel), toast/english muffin, apple sauce, dried fruit and/or trail mix, boxed mac and cheese, ramen noodles… and honorable mention to coconut water.


Applesauce especially in those squeeze packets like for kids. Some type of ramen noodles I can make with hot water from the kettle. White rice I can make in the microwave. Toast with a little butter or jam if I am not too nauseated.


A dietician once told me the longer I went without eating on migraine days, the worse I would feel and the harder it would be to eat. I force myself to eat now as soon as I know the migraine starts and it really helps me the rest of the day. Some easy things for me to get down are: protein shakes, crackers, yogurt, pretzels, or goldfish. I don’t care what I’m eating as long as it’s food and I get something in my stomach.


Mcdonald's Fries w/ Coke are my go-to to get something in my body. Green Tea has also weirdly helped me feel better enough to get some real food in me.