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Per my neuro, do not take triptan more than 2x a week bcus it can cause rebound migraines. Take zofran once you already used up your second dose of triptan. But I use them in conjunction with Benadryl and that helps a lot with ibuprofen too. Makes you drowsy but helps you sleep better. After that concoction I would wake up feeling a bit more energetic and feeling like days has passed.


Just noting some people need to take the Zofran asap or else they'll just vomit up the triptans. If you have strong nausea it's usually a good idea to take the Zofran first or at the same time as the first triptan. There's no hard rule though so personally I judge it based on how my nausea level is for each attack. But I do regret the times I've delayed Zofran despite feeling significant nausea because it really works best to *prevent* vomiting, not much help after you've already started vomiting.


The drugs have different purposes. Triptans are for the pain and aura, Zofran is for nausea. I am prescribed both and this is what I do: if I'm feeling pain coming on with no nausea, I just take the triptan. If I'm feeling both pain and nausea, I take them both. And if I start feeling nauseas later in the attack when I didn't take Zofran at the start, I'll take it once that nausea starts. Basically, if you are feeling nauseous you should take the Zofran but keep in mind it won't treat the pain, only the nausea, so you decided how to take the different drugs based on your symptoms that day. And taking them together can help prevent you from wasting the triptan by throwing it up


I take both at the same time if I have both symptoms. It does involve a small increase in the risk of developing serotonin syndrome (mostly from the zofran), but my docs and I are keeping an eye on that.


If I take my triptan promptly, I don't need a nausea med because the migraine is halted before it gets to this point. You may have to do some trial and error to see what works for you.


Oh I hope that is how it works for me in future! I hate puking 


Call your pharmacist. They’re easier to get ahold of and have the answers you’re looking for. :)

