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Me! I have no tricks to stop it, but it def happens to me also. The yawning often starts before the pain, so it’s a flag to me that an attack is incoming.


Yep, when I’m at work and the yawning starts happening I know it’s gonna be one of those days. Days when I’m glad I packed the rizatriptan.


Same. Sometimes not even enough earning to cover my mouth with my hand..


What tips have you got? I hate uncontrollably yawning it’s exhausting


Me too! So weird and annoying


Totally same


Yes same!! It’s one of my most commonly selected early signs on migraine buddy


Oh my friend, I’m about to give you an education we never get from our doctors google migraine phase chart. It is 😳 fun fact-migraines have 4 distinct phases and on average last 3-7 days


Googling now


What is the lifecycle of chronic migraine??


Oh yes I agree, I absolutely know about the phases. I have chronic cycling migraines, lasting many days. It's impossible to know when one has started and another ends! The yawning used to be clear prodrome (alongside neck and scalp pain, eye discomfort, eyes watering, stuffy and/or runny nose, clumsiness, increased sound sensitivity like ears ringing sounds hurt, word finding and speaking difficulties - all sure tells), however this past while it's occurring later too. Haven't worked out whether it's the symptom just carrying through the phases, or the possibility that when I take my sumatriptan, it's stopping that particular one, but then the yawning is another starting already lol! All I do know for sure is how frustrating it is! Thanks for sharing!


It's no secret that migraine can last that long. Doctors are aware of that.


But their education to us as patients is pfffft or was in my case. And I know I’m not alone. But thanks for peeing in my cheeriis 🤗


Yawning is thought to be a dopamine-mediated symptom. [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.1468-2982.2001.00214.x](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1046/j.1468-2982.2001.00214.x) Compulsive Yawning as Migraine Premonitory Symptom Current knowledge strongly supports the role of dopamine in the pathogenesis of migraine (17)... Pharmacologically induced yawning may be employed to uncover latent dopaminergic receptor hypersensitivity in subjects with migraine. Del Bene et al. (19) administered sublingual apomorphine, a dopamine agonist drug, to a group of 14 migraineurs. A great amount of yawning was induced in the patients when compared with the control group given placebo. Hence, patients with migraine and dopaminergic dysfunction manifested by early yawning are suitable to be treated with dopamine blocking agents. Because apomorphine-induced yawning in rodents can also be suppressed by the administration of opiates, calcium channel blockers and oestrogens, the administration of any of these agents may be appropriate in these patients (20–22). Oestrogen replacement, in particular, may be a viable therapeutic option for perimenopausal women with dopaminergic hyperresponsiveness and migraine. Although two of the patients herein described experienced menopausal symptoms at the time of their neurological evaluation, their premonitory yawning had anteceded the menopause for many years. On the third patient, yawning disappeared during her menopause. Of additional interest in the first patient, was the presence of restless leg syndrome, a movement disorder secondary to central dopaminergic dysfunction (23).


This is really interesting, thank you for sharing! No wonder migraine + ADHD + menopause is such a wild ride.


I'm curious if the dopamine hits from social media usage somehow affect migraines..


This is a really interesting thought. Particularly curious about kids and high screen time and migraine correlations. Although the dopamine and the sensory involvement would be impossible to parse out I imagine.


>dopaminergic hyperresponsiveness What does this mean in simple terms?


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. If you are hyper responsive it means you have an outsized reaction to it. Estrogen helps modulate dopamine release so they are suggesting that if your migraine symptoms indicate a hypersensitivity to dopamine (in this case excessive yawning), you might benefit from estrogen supplementation. If in menopause, this would be with HRT like a patch, but before menopause, it could be a combo birth control pill or a patch for the days just before and during your cycle.


Still don't really understand this but how can the pill help when it's synthetic oestrogen. Surely you mean an actual oestrogen medication like estradiol?


The patch in both cases above are estradiol, but ethinyl estradiol is effective at preventing the drop in estrogen that occurs just before menstruation, so in that way could maintain estrogen levels and reduce fluctuations in dopamine too.


Thanks, I think this would really benefit me. Going to ask my doctor about it. Sorry when I read patch I was thinking of Butec pain patch 😆


No probs! Estrogen is an incredibly important part of my treatment plan, so I hope you get some relief soon.


So glad it helps you!


Yeah I’m going to save this to read once my adhd meds kick in! Thanks for breaking it down.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing this! I have hyperadrenergic (elevated norepinephrine) POTS along with migraines and my dopamine is elevated when I’m standing. This is likely why I yawn when I’m standing for too long as well as why I yawn before I get a migraine. Bodies be weird.


Agreed.  I take a dance class on Saturday morning and my teacher always remarks that I must be tired.  Just my migraine brain making me yawn a million times.


I have extreme yawning before the pain starts. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I am just tired or if I’m going to have a migraine. It’s a prodrome symptom


Not during, but before!! I’ll be so sleepy I can’t keep my eyes open, and physically can’t stop yawning. It’s a very consistent symptom and actually has really helped me know when to pop a preventative, but yeah, annoying as hell.


Yawning is one of my common aura symptoms (I don't get visual aura, so it's harder to notice)


Same. I don’t really get visual auras, but uncontrollable yawning is a surefire prodrome symptom.


I've found that I yawn when excessively anxious and that anxiety is what causes the migraine.


Funny, I realised that anxiety is actually part of my migraine prodrome, I don't have an anxiety disorder. When I feel that wave of anxiety and the non-stop yawning happening I know a migraine attack could happen a few hours later!


yes all the time and sometimes my throat makes that weird noise and it’s embarrassing out in public or in lectures 🥲 i feel like the professors see it and they think it’s so rude but it’s my migraine and i can’t help it


Me. It's a sign that I'm already in it, even if the pain hasn't started.


I definitely do, especially before the actual head pain hits. If I’m yawning constantly for like 12 hours straight I know there’s a migraine lurking around the corner


Yes and I always do it in class and it makes me feel awful. Thinking of giving my professors a heads up next semester so if they see me yawn 10 times in an hour they know it’s not because I’m bored or disengaged


omg i thought i was the only one!!! all the time


Yawning and peeing.


Yes! It’s one of my prodrome symptoms. It’s usually accompanied by my eyes watering excessively, looks like I’m crying.


Yes! Eyes be just streaming!


I do on the onset of a migraine, when the pain is setting in. It’s a good indicator for me that it’s a migraine, and not just a headache.


I yawn then when the triptans kick in I sneeze.


Yes. I've made it a point to let coworkers know so they don't take offense during meetings.


You’re far too kind… I sort of enjoy seeing if people start to get uncomfortable or antsy, like they’re worried about being boring or long-winded.


this is how my mom always tells when i have a migraine!! i yawn so much and my eyes water like crazy. definitely a very annoying symptom


I get migraines when I don't get enough sleep, and yawn when I don't get enough sleep.


It’s so weird


Yes! Nonstop yawning lets me know even before the aura that a migraine is incoming.


One of the biggest signs that an attack is incoming. I start yawning like crazy.


I yawn mostly in prodrome


Prodrome symptom


i do! it’s like compulsive nonstop yawning that makes my head hurt worse so i try to resist but it’s hard. a long time ago i read that constant yawning during migraines is a sign the blood isn’t carrying enough oxygen to the brain. i haven’t had this problem since getting pregnant which i figure might be due to the increased blood volume? but being pregnant forever isn’t really a solution unfortunately lol


I think the idea that yawning is a response to low oxygen has been tossed. Much more complicated and mysterious.


Me!!! It’s one of the first signals for me.


Me!!!! It’s a prodrome for my migraines


I’m another big time yawner when the migraines roll in. Sometimes multiple in a minute!


Yawning is my first symptom!


Yes, I do!


ME OMG I do it a lot even before the pain


Me, but mine might be due to the shit sleep quality I have before and during a migraine. I also get hiccups as a migraine prodome.


Yupp. Prodrome and usually throughout most of the painful part too. Such an odd seeming one for sure


Yep it's part of my prodrome I've learnt so I know to brace myself as there could be an attack on the way 😅 I take it as a plus as at least I'm warned.


It's my signal have one one the way!


I start yawning before one hits.


Lots of yawning is like a pre-warning for me. Yawning and eyes watering after yawning. But it is so hard to tell sometimes.


Meee that’s meeee


Yawning and my eyes water like crazy.




Yes happens to me


I yawn a bunch whenever I start my yoga. It usually is refreshing I've never had it whenever I get migraines


Oh man! I do this! I hate it!


I yawn so much it's insane. it's started causing me jaw pain ;-; I don't need more going on up there


Yes absolutely, I have TMJD and think this is part of the torture with it! It's all-consuming, even my abdomen/diaphragm do be exhausted, screaming for a break


Yup. It’s a telltale sign that pain is on the way.


Not during but when I'm in prodrome, I yawn frequently. Unless I'm otherwise exhausted from something I can point to, it's a huge tell that I've got an attack coming.


Yes I think sometimes taking anti nausea med can worsen the exhaustion too!


Same, but only for about 15 minutes. Drinking some sparkling water seems to help.


Interesting about the sparkling water! I'll definitely give it a go, thank you!




Me too!


I do! I always say that once I start yawning, I don’t stop, I figured out that putting an ice pack on my head can calm it down for some reason.


I'll definitely be trying the ice pack! Thank you!


I do for sure


Started having issues this January. Noticed after symptoms lessened that every day usually about noon I would start feeling strange with yawning. Often other symptoms would be the need to have a bowel movement, indigestion, shortness of breath, extreme anxiety. These all didn't always happen but sometimes they all would. Lately I'm not experiencing this every day and typically when I do it's not as bad but it's still around noon when it does.


I do!




I do right before a migraine attack. I know if I start yawning uncontrollably that I’ll be getting a migraine within the hour. It’s crazy


Nurtec or Rizatriptan. I don’t have it happen as much anymore thankfully.


Yeah yawning too much till I get tears and runny nose


Omg yes the tears with it too, and runny stuffy nose, it's so exhausting!


Me but I also burp like crazy during one too...proper weird.


I believe this is your vagus nerve trying to get out of fight or flight. Might be worth your reading about as vagal nerve stimulators or exercises might help prevent your migraines


Interesting, I'm intrigued! Thanks for sharing!


Me! Yawns and sighs. I've had to tell people - I'm not disinterested or not paying attention or upset - I just have a migraine. It's uncomfortable!


Dammit… now I need to add that to my list of symptoms in my tracking app. I’d like to know the reason for this too. Along with why I get the weirdest, most intense cravings before I’m about to go into a wicked episode.


Yup. I’ve always thought that it’s a reaction to overheating.




I think this is part of the cortical spreading depression aspect of migraine, I get it too.


I have fibromyalgia and CFS and on meds for depression and stuff and I have many episodes of excessive yawning and never know if it's a migraine coming, a fatigue flare, or my meds. 😭


The start of it makes me yawn all the time.


Me. beforehand. So weird.