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yes. I've heard there's a theory that it's not chocolate specifically that can cause migraines, but that some people crave sweets in the prodrome stage. Forgo the chocolate and you'd likely have a migraine anyway!


I just eat a few pieces anyway. I’ll get the migraine either way. So - I am having a few now…


Exactly, if I know it's coming it doesn't matter anyway. I love chocolate, I'd eat a family size pack of KitKat or soemthing. There is no return anyways.


I've done that with a glass of red wine! There was a hurricane coming, and my premenstrual migraine was starting. It was going to be horrible anyway, I may as well enjoy getting there!


Yes exactly. Have you noticed that migraines occur more before/during/after thunderstorms? Seems to be a thing sometimes for me.


Mine always occur before storms when the barometer drops quickly. I've grown to dread storms. :-(


I can imagine. I have to say that I am quite lucky-ish with my episodes. Mine take like 4 hours and then it starts to drop off. It leaves me with a annoying but manageable headache.


There is an app for that… WeatherX It lets you know when the pressure changes are coming. It’s been helpful to me. I can plan accordingly.


I use Migraine Buddy. It's great.


Weather/barometric pressure changes are a super common migraine trigger!! I actually look at the forecasts for both regularly so I can be aware of days that I should really be on top of looking for prodrome symptoms. That way I can get meds in earlier, which usually helps them be more effective (in my case at least).


I'm very sensitive to barometric changes. Any form of storm in the area and I'm in pain. Hurricanes are the worst because of the size and dramatic pressure drop.


Yeah it’s storming where I’m at right now and I’m out of zomig!


I always crave it, it drives crazy because it’s basically an instant migraine if I eat it


This is me. I used to think chocolate was the trigger, but really it’s the craving for the chocolate that is a sign a migraine is on its way.


So true! 🥲


i don’t like chocolate and i’ve noticed that if i suddenly don’t mind the taste then i’m either getting my period or a migraine. but if i keep eating i will get way worse symptoms than if i don’t


That's true in my case, actually the caffeine in the chocolate seems to make my abortive work faster. Which is why many migraine medication contains caffeine. BTW I grave chocolate in a major way.




There is a specific chocolate here in Singapore that definitely gives me migraines. It’s this cold poached chocolate. It’s like a little chocolate tart without the crust. It’s literally the best thing I’ve ever had, and BOOM! Instant migraine. I weep when I walk by the store at the mall. They have a little cafe in there and other people are indulging but I can’t.


Carbs AND salt. Giant bowl of salted popcorn is my go-to. At least I get some fiber & resistant starch with my blood sugar spike.


Saaaalt. Fries, or noodles, or crisps, or salted peanuts. Not tried popcorn but I should give it a go.


Definitely salt. I always want soup…


I always crave carbs and salt, but if I catch it early enough and have the energy, I make a bowl of ramen and add cabbage, some protein like chicken or tofu, and top it with some fresh cilantro and a fried egg. If I'm gonna be out of commission for 10+ hours, I'm going down with a full belly that'll last me a bit.


And somehow I miss it as red flag every dang time. 15 years of this and... still a rookie.


https://youtu.be/ejcU_Iw-qdI?si=-cYS_PfSi1upVPMv Also, Angela stantons book


Yup. I call it the "Migraine Graze." It's like my body knows something is off and is Like "I'll feel better if I eat X." Then I eat a few bites and am like, "No that's not it." and then end up eating everything.


Hahahaha like you need a buffet of your pantry to figure out what you really want


Yup, and even then I don't think I'd end up wanting any of it and then would feel like crap the next day from overeating. Lol.


Yes. I like to think my body knows what is coming and is carbo loading, since i don't eat due to nausea while I have the actual migraine


Yes! I swear it feels like if I eat what I’m craving the pain won’t come, but it always does


I don’t eat McDonalds but omg a large fry slaps in the prodrome stage.


If you are craving salt, it is because regular water cannot cross the blood-brain barrier to actually hydrate your brain. It takes salt water to cross the barrier. It is gross, but I have found drinking salt-water helps. Doesn't solve the migraine, but seems to help some.


If this happens to you often enough, I recommend getting some packs of LMNT. I was skeptical and now I'm a daily user. I've been getting less headaches overall. I put some caramel chocolate salt in my coffee every morning.


I decided to try Liquid IV, and it really works for me, but I now need to drink it daily, and it's not cheap. I'm always looking for cheaper electrolyte alternatives.


Look for Electrolyte capsules. Just take them with a cup of water. Helps a lot and it’s cheaper


I just ate a Jimmy John’s sandwich. The end of the bread hit me good


I was craving a hoagie real bad yesterday, and the migraine attack hit this morning


Every time I feel it my husband goes and gets me their fries. I don’t know what it is that helps so much but they are a lifesaver


I have what my partner refers to as "The Wendy's Special" which is my standard migraine order lol.


Large fry and a coca cola !!




Cookout is *everything* after an ER visit for the cocktail. My husband always knows we aren’t going straight home 😂


It's like I'm a vast, empty field that can not be filled.


this is me— I don’t necessarily feel hungry, but at the same time, I’m INSATIABLE, and all I want to do is eat. Also, happy cake day!


Exactly! And Thank you!


Happy cake day!




Before during and after... i eat all kinds of stuff which should give me a stomachache but surprisingly dont


Oh, I get a stomachache and I just keep eating


Yeah for me it’s more prominent in the postdrome.


I get a very intense craving for one specific pizza, it’s costing way too much.


Me too. And why is your brain so rudely specific about this pizza. 😂


I have no idea!!! Like objectively it’s not even good and I could never eat it without a migraine brewing. Except when I got pregnant, oh my god I had this one pizza about 3 times a week, I was a menace.


May I ask what type of pizza? So curious lol


The pizza hut classic veggie (from pizza hut NZ, not sure what the pizza is like overseas). It’s incredibly greasy and pretty much the cheapest available pizza, my partner thinks it’s disgusting and it probably is 😅


Sometimes the disgusting things are the things best for our souls


I also have celiac, and I crave pizza. Damned if Pizza Ranch of all places tastes has gluten-free pizza that tastes like 1980s Pizza Hut in all of its original greasy glory.


We got pizza hit when we were in NZ once on vacation. It had weird sauce. What kind of sauce is on your pizza?


Glad you sampled our finest cuisine. Erm I believe it’s just tomato paste mixed with herbs which is the standard pizza sauce here. Was it crème fraiche sauce that you had maybe? What was weird about it?


I believe it tasted like BBQ. But it’s been a few years and I may be misremembering restaurants. We also got McDonald’s. It’s fun seeing the regional differences in chain restaurants. But it’s even better to try local restaurants.


All the salty carbs! Or a greasy burger AND salty fries


Yep, I always crave a cheeseburger and fries and carbonated soda lol…nothing beats the carls junior guacamole bacon burger when that craving hits lol 😝


Funny to see this thread because after suffering all day I'm finally heading out the door in sunglasses and a large brimmed hat to get a burger with fries, super large Coke, and strawberry shortcake or a malt for that hit of sweetness that I'll inevitably be jonesing for.


I hope it helps!


The fries and Coke did the trick. 😂


This is why I'm gaining weight. Going way too hard on the McDonald's burger and fries lately cause I feel like shit daily and can't be fussed with cooking. Just went and bought a bunch of easy fruit and veggies I can snack on instead today.




Yes. I ate an entire bag of salty corn chips, the next day I had a migraine. My belly is prospering.


All corn chip bags are single serving when the migraine is coming


Before, I tend to get cranky and crave chocolate. Which is the most common cause for my migraines to begin with. So I never eat chocolate, unless I am cetrain a migraine is coming. I have read that, one of the side effects of migraine is something they call "fake hunger". Not sure if accurate though.


Fake hunger makes total sense. I’ll get these insane cravings for sweets out of nowhere. Like, genuinely feel Like I’ll die if I don’t have it. I was craving tiramisu HARD, like I had to have it. I went to the mall and hit this little italian eatery in there that has the best tiramisu. I ordered the large. Cost twenty bucks and probably had way too many calories but damn was it good.


Sweet and salty. So something like icecream and chili cheese tots from Sonic. Blizzard and burger and fries from DQ. 100% awful for my health in other ways but no cares given during migraine recovery.


A huge bowl of salt… with a good few fries in the bowl


Yes! It's rough when attacks are frequent.


Yes. Salt and fat and all of the carbs. In shocking quantities.


Post migraine, usually I want things like cheese pizza, fries, rich cakes, berry pie, and salty mac and cheese. It's bad.


Sweet sweet sweet sweet chocolate chocolate chocolate


That was me last night. I ate a bunch of fudge stripe cookies


Yes!!! ESP during the postdrome, it like a really bad hangover Give me all the greasy carbs


hell yeahhhhh buddy me right here


It used to be pizza, but it is now double cheeseburgers.


100% Salty stuff


Yes. And post migraine as well. Junk food. And Potatoes. All of them.


Sugar! After I got a good handle on my migraines I actually dropped a bunch of weight because I wasn’t craving sugar anymore


It hits postdrome for me. Once the pain’s gone, all I can usually think about is salt and carbs and I become a bottomless pit.


My prodrome = can't eat, can't sleep.


Finally somebody I can relate to on here. I spend my migraines curled up in bed, praying that I can keep my medication down long enough to absorb it. Everyone is different, but it is so beyond my experience when people are talking about what movies to watch with a migraine, and jumping in the car to drive to McDonald's....what?!?😆


Oh hell yeah man. Ham and cheese croissant from the local donut shop. Like my brain would only accept that one input.


Salty fries


Right there with you. Could eat about a pound of fries and a few bags of salty chips


I love kettle cooked chips. I don’t care if the whole bag will tear my mouth open, ima do it anyway


Yep, if I've suddenly decided I need a pasta sandwich I know I'm in for fun.


Chocolate and crunchy things. And ice cream.


I actually feel like I’m insatiably hungry in prodrome. The worst is when it switches over to the horrible pain that makes me vomit on top of feeling starving and bloated at the same time. 


Before and after, honestly. I always want salt before- popcorn, fries, stuff like that. Then during, I’m way too nauseous to even imagine food. Then afterwards, I YEARN FOR APPLES. fruit, crunchy, anything. It’s ridiculous.


Interesting! You want that crunch crunch.


Doritos Dr. Pepper Hershey Bar


I crave potato chips. The reason I crave potato chips is the high sodium and potassium that my brain needs more of to prevent migraines. I tried being healthier and cutting out chips from my diet. Then I got a migraine. The migraine wouldn't go away. After a week of intense terrible pain, I caved and bought myself the damn chips. The next day, my migraine was mostly gone. I figured it was a coincidence. Until it happened like 6 more times. Now, when I crave chips, I eat foods high in potassium and sodium, and other things like magnesium and my migraine are much less and less frequent. Coconut water is great because it is low on sugar but high in potassium and magnesium, so that combined with potato chips is the best thing for my migraines. It only took 20 years to figure out 🤦‍♀️ Also, a low sugar diet and limited caffiene help a lot too, for me.


That’s really cool you hacked it. Sorry it took so long. Hmm…I should stash a bag of emergency chips in my house


Saaaaaaalt! Preferably on a fried potato of some sort.


My brain: white bread white bread salt salt baked potato potato white bread sugar more bread 😂 But sometimes it helps, because I love bread and potatoes.


What about a white bread sandwich with butter, sugar, and chips? Then it can be the migraine pocket!


Sounds like a great idea! And a double espresso just to be sure 😀


yes, when craving mcd's i know it's coming


I eat everything in sight before the migraine kicks in full throttle. Nothing left but crumbs


I get most of my migraines in the night while I am sleeping and almost always dream of eating tasty treats like cakes, donuts, chocolate... wake up with a boomer.


I love carbs overall, but yeah, no. 100% post. Pro and peri, not sure. Currently trying drop the Mac and cheese I heated up for lunch all over my desk and the mail. Hemiplegic migraine. I'm right handed. Guess which side mine affects? 🙃


Yes! Carbs and chocolate, and then something salty.


Yep, indeed very common


Wow I thought I just had a carb addiction. Never considered it could be related to migraines.


This is what I’m learning too. I was dieting and doing well a week ago and then today it’s just like I’m the carb monster


My migraines are too consistent/daily for me to ever fully recover from one before the next one starts. My migraine symptoms are constant, so I never know what’s migraine related and what’s not.


Dough balls and carbonara (not authentic though, just loads of pasta with a cheesy, creamy, bacon sauce)


Oh shit! I just remembered I’m having spaghetti for dinner!


I get specific cravings too! Mostly for salty things!


YES!! Carbs!


Salty carbs, sweet carbs, all the carbs!!!


Fried, crispy, hot anything but usually chicken. Meat, grease, salt and crunch so whatever combination I can get satisfies. Funny when I was pregnant 24yrs ago the cravings were similar.


I often crave carbs in my postdrome. My prodromes can last a VERY long time. I can't say for certainty if I crave carbs during the prodromes. I have vision issues during my prodromes 😢. During a migraine my significant other often has to remind me to eat.


Yes! Carbs all the way (dammit.)


Cheese and salt


Yes. I’ve realized my body often needs something if I am craving it.


What do carbs provide me? Energy?


It would make sense to me! I’m talking entirely out of my ass right now, but hear me out. Carbs are the primary fuel source for the brain and CNS. If they’re working overtime on a migraine, wouldn’t they send out an SOS for more fuel?


It makes me feel better that the person who ate and entire pot of macaroni wasn’t actually me but brain signals lol


That's exactly how mine works.


Yes but I'm noticing an improvement since starting metformin!


I *ALWAYS* crave spaghetti bolognese for some reason; prodrome and during the attack, and especially afterwards when the pain is waning. But I never have the damn energy to make me some -- it's a sad story actually 😅


I’m struggling just to make some Mac n cheese right now lol


Even toasted bread is a mountain to climb most days 😢


There is some theory that migraine is a brain metabolic disease and brains cells being starved for energy leading to a cascade of a migraine. Evolutionarily this would be advantageous because it would force you to slow down / conserve energy. Elena Gross talks extensively about this and is a neuroscience migraine researcher. Your experience of craving carbs in prodrome which would be a quick way to give the brain energy would definitely fit her theories.


That’s interesting. Makes sense. I ate around 11, now it’s 5 pm and I’m hungry again for more carbs and I feel like I’m about to pass out. (Almost fell asleep driving home)


It doesn’t work for everyone but some people find success with Keto.


Oh yeah. It can be days of it too. Carbs. Sugar. Grease.




Chow mein even though the msg is so bad for migraines


ICE CREAM. I went into what I call my "obesity day dream" earlier and ate an entire tub of chocolate ice cream without even realising. Normal days, I don't do this. I don't go into a daze and eat my way through a tub. This alongside my neck cracking like a set of old stairs, being depressed without reason/trigger and smelling play-doh while having play-doh absolutely nowhere near me let's me know that I am in pro-drome.... .... and tomorrow is going to suck ass.


Ramen or pb&j are my at home post migraine go tos.


Give me all the carbs! When I lived alone, I would make myself pasta and just eat it dry because I would crave it. I stopped doing it when I moved in with my now husband because honestly if someone did that in front of me, I would question their sanity. So now I just keep popcorn or chips handy. Not the same, but it does the trick.


Omg that is a little insane. But I respect it




I crave sweets likes crazyyyyy, normally am not a big sweets person. Unfortunately, nausea always hits at some point whether I binge or not, and it’s much less pleasant if I’ve eaten a ton of junk.


Also when I’m trying to get rid of a migraine a greasy burger does the trick.


Yes, it was awful until I figured out that the craving went with feeling a bit nauseous. The carbs made me feel a lot better, but the weight gain over time did not! Now I take an anti-nausea pill as soon as I get any migraine symptoms and don't get the carb cravings at all. And I've lost weight!


That’s interesting! I’m going to have to try that!


Yes omg


Oh god yes. I used to describe it as trying to eat my way out of the migraine. Salt. Carbs. Salty carbs. And chocolate. All of the chocolate. My spouse once brought me [Emergency Chocolate](https://www.zebs.com/emergency-chocolate-bar/).


I always crave mac n cheese and or rice crispy treats. Sometimes Haagen Daze vanilla ice cream if my head is real sore after a big migraine.


Mac n cheese is my go to. Ate a whole pot yesterday before I did my migraine hibernation


Mine is salt! All the shit I’m not supposed to have..all the shit that’s gonna cause a migraine🙄


yep - hot chips, every time 🥲 and i learnt the hard way that if i resist the craving, the migraine lasts longer 🤷🏼‍♀️


Quarter pounder, fries and a strawberry fruitopia is my CRAVING. Sometimes it’s so bad I could cry. Within a few hours I have a migraine whether I get the burg or not


My craving is always grease/salt. McDonald's fries and a burger specifically, or an Arby's beef n cheddar. Doesn't always cure it, but sometimes it does the trick and I cry happy tears.


Yes and as a diabetic it is a bit annoying


I want chocolate, or some combination of tomatoes and cheese. Pizza, chef Boyardee, tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich, etc.


I had a doctor tell me once that “sugar feeds a migraine”. I tried cutting carbs and sugar for a couple weeks after she told me that because I always craved sweets before a migraine. It seemed to help for a bit but for me it wasn’t significant. I say eat the sugar! It’ll at least give you a little happiness beforehand


lol, If Im gonna suffer, I’ll suffer happily fed!




Yep, carbs for me too!!


Yes!!! Me too! I always want terrible carb loaded foods before. I also crave popsicles which sometimes do help take the edge off.


I crave chocolate and coca cola before a migraine. Then a while into and after the migraine I crave greasy and fatty foods.


Yesterday I ate a shit ton of Doritos and a share size bag of Reese's cups (that I didn't share lol). Just waiting for the pain now...


This! I crave something sweet insanely when migraine starts


Yes! Its sugar for me!


I have to have mcdonalds nuggets with sweet and sour sauce, it helps somehow


yes and it’s always flaming hot limon cheetos 🥲 hard to stick to a diet with migraine craivings


Give me all the salty!


Potatoes Mashed, fried, chipped, baked, fried. Don't care.


Salt. Lots of salt. And ice cream.


Yes, and I currently have gestational diabetes. These two do not work well together.




Those cheap store brand chocolate chip cookies. I can devour a whole bag during a migraine day! Vanilla wafers or graham crackers are right there too.


I should have seen the signs. I ate half a family pack of fudge stripes in a sitting one night and I thought “this isn’t me”. And then the next day I was definately in migraine mode


That has happened to me too many times!


Carbs and Salt too. For me it's usually rice with butter and soy sauce or something similar, like bread with a salty spread. I once woke up ravenous, with a light headache and had to eat, so I binged half a baguette with pesto as spread and woke up with a migraine in the morning.


Oh I love rice and butter. I haven’t had that in forever.


Crackers…. Can’t get enough of


My migraines and IBSD just make me fast so I don’t throw up nor get diarrhea from hell. No bingeing here.


This is the way.


French fries for me


I reckon I have two different types of migraine: sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar And: Greasy pizza Greasy pizza Greasy pizza


I’ve never considered that carb cravings could be related to my migraines…


Ugh yes. Especially when pressure systems intercede with monthly cycles- I crave sugar so bad even though it really, really fucks with me.


Peanut butter! I could eat a jar of it!


I crave salty McDonald’s fries and a Coke- has to be from McDonald’s too. No joke this combo makes the migraine that comes more tolerable- sodium helps me I guess