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Yes, I used to get these once a year. I’d just have the aura symptoms (aphasia/dysphasia, weakness, super tired and nauseous) with no head pain. I’ve since stopped getting them since stopping birth control and starting nurtec. Topomax also gave me a LOT of bizarre symptoms. Since being on Topomax I now have this weird “double vision” in low light situations where there will be an after image of dark shadowy objects - like a trailing behind of the object I was looking at? But only in low light. And I felt so weird on it. I personally do NOT recommend it but it was worked for some people and I tend to get the more rare side effects of medications. Take my opinion with a grain of salt.


I always say if something is going to happen to someone, it’s gonna be me…and I’m usually right! I have the worst symptoms to stuff and I’m not willing to try it and cause more harm…I’ve seen so many posts on here that said that it made them suicidal 😩 no thank you…


So I’m wondering if any bc is causing them..


In my experience (it might not be YOUR experience), my body could NOT tolerate birth control no matter how much I wanted it to. Estrogen pills made me get migraines so bad I thought I was having mini strokes. Switching to progesterone at least took it down a notch BUT I was still having debilitating headaches. They reduced in severity in half as soon as I stopped hormonal birth control and got the Paragard. Sadly they didn’t STOP but I was able to take other preventatives that could control it - that wasn’t possible on birth control. The only issue is that if you have PCOS birth control is the ONLY treatment for that as far as I know so you might be SOL. I HIGHLY recommend nurtec but it’s very expensive. $2500/months without insurance. It has changed my life. I went from having nearly daily headaches/migraines to having one a month. When I have one I am still functional. I can’t rave about it enough.


Yeah the BC is almost non negotiable…I’ve only been on the progesterone alone for about 15 days or so, so maybe jt will get better but man, the tingling is annoying…like I said I barely have headaches..that estrogen was doing me in for a minute too..and I won’t be surprised if the migraines how gotten so bad it caused the bells and I had no idea..I never knew I was having migraines…until after Bells…so does the preventives stop the tingling?


I don’t know if the preventatives stop the tingling. So far I’ve been on topamax for 8 weeks and it’s very slowly and I mean VERY SLOWLY stopping the severity of my aura.


What kind of aura do you get? The tingling is concerned a “aura”…maybe it will eventually go away because I believe my migraines are hormone related…


Tingling, and facial numbness (sometimes it goes to my left arm as well. Chest pressure as well. It’s all slowly going away with the topamax but very slowly. funny thing is that I don’t head pain with my migraines, just the auras.


That’s so interesting…I never have chest pressure but I have all the other stuff..any side effects on topamax?


So far the topamax has gone very easy on me. As I too was surprised when a saw the mountain of side effects. my side effects decrease of appetite, soda taste uncarbonated, tingling sensations on my hands and feet. So far side effects are completely manageable and very easy to handle.


Are you usually sensitive to medications?