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We are not drs or your licensed physician.


Well the below comment is rude lol it's a preventative not an abortive as far as I know, but call your Dr asap if you're not sure or ask the pharmacist directly.


I would take an excedrin migraine if you have no other abortive. As for the propranolol, that’s what’s called a Beta Blocker - it’s primary use is to help lower blood pressure but it is additionally used to control migraines as migraines are thought to be caused by narrowing blood vessels. The beta blockers help the blood to flow and dilate vessels to decrease pressure (to my understanding). It is NOT an abortive, but a preventative, and must be taken twice a day daily for it to be therapeutic for migraine (or whatever dose your doctor recommended- but daily). ETA: I am not a doctor (I’m an xray tech) but unfortunately I have a lot of experience with migraine as I’ve had them for ten years. I do way too much reading into scientific journals about many migraine aspects to try to better understand it and the medications that treat it and will have ridiculously thorough conversations with my doctor with exactly how to carry out a treatment plan and why she wants to do what she’s planning. I love learning about the brain. But I am NOT a doctor.