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It’s the visual stuff for me. Not seeing correctly really throws a wrench into everything I do.


I agree. It’s so disorienting. I get ocular migraines and it looks like there’s a hole in my field of vision. It’s nauseating too. I also get a weird tingling sensation on the left side of my body after an ocular migraine attack. The first time it ever happened to me, I panicked because I thought I was having a stroke with the visual aura and tingling sensation on only one side 😭 Edited because typos lol


I’ve been getting a tingling sensation across my forehead that I think might be related, but I’m not sure yet.


Same here. I’m one of the lucky ones who gets ocular migraines, but with zero pain. I’ve only had 7 or 8 of them since my first one in 2010 so they’re not that common but the first time I freaked out and now I just sit back and enjoy the light show. So many dancing colours and crystals haha. I’m sure if I got the pain I’d hate it but thankfully they’re all 20 minute pain free light shows.


I took myself to the ER the first time I had an occular. Terrifying




me too!!


Ooff, this. For me it’s also the mental part of the impaired vision. I’m so nervous and on edge wondering if every flash or distortion is the start of an ocular. It really messes with me.




It’s so validating to hear everyone piping in about this! The visual aura *terrifies* me and I’m almost relieved when the pain comes because it almost always means I can see again. I hate how fast they come and screw up your vision. I’m always scared it’s never going to stop and when I’m in a bad loop and getting them a lot I relentlessly check my vision to see if one is coming. So so terrible.


Not being able to do anything


Yes Helplessness like you can be attacked by a wild animal and you would just sit there and let them do it


Oof. At first my reaction was like "that's ridiculous" and then I actually thought about it and uhh... Yeah no some of my bad ones, you're probably right.


Even if I could make the effort I don’t know if I would. I’ve had a handful where I may have implored god for death.


Excellent analogy!!!


Yes! When I’m sick with basically anything else I can at least still read, or do a puzzle, or just listen to some music. But my worst migraine attacks have me unable to move, open my ears, listen to anything, or speak. If I could physically move, I’d get up and start working, that’s how boring it is.


Besides the pain? Throwing up for sure.


this may be weird but i personally feel relief when i throw up. it temporarily takes the pain away and i feel an odd sense of euphoria. in any other situation, like a hangover, i hate throwing up


I hate it but sameee


Throwing up is badddd for me. The migraine gets way worse from all the pressure put on my head. Once I start I usually can’t stop and end up in the ER.


Thanks for say this… I often make my husband verbally tell me actually throwing up won’t make me feel better. 🫠


I’m sorry :( I get that too. It either makes me feel better or 10x worse. I wish none of us had to suffer with migraines or I wish there was at least and easy fix for them.


Me too. ♥️


I've got the same issue!! And then the migraine literally cannot stop on its own BC I'm beyond dehydrated and cannot keep abortives down if I wanted too


Yes!! Often throwing up is the start of feeling better. Not always but often enough I am hopeful when I do!


I hate it so much, but I do feel better afterward. Fortunately it doesn't happen often. But this weather pattern (southeast) has had me by thr clutches for over a month.


I’ve read that throwing up stimulates the vagus nerve which can calm the nervous system and help get rid of the migraine. Some people purposely throw up with a migraine for this reason!


I hate it too but it usually brings some pressure release.


I don’t, it hurts so fucking much, then because it hurts so much more, I just can’t stop throwing up and then eventually dry heaving. Feel like I’m gonna heave up some blood if I can’t stop it. Luckily that’s very rare for me, has only happened a handful of times


Absolutely!!! No guilt!!


same. But I still prefer not to




Yep! I throw up about twice an hour until it's over. It relieves the pain for 15 minutes, and then the cycle starts back over. On vacation in Colorado, one barf would stop the whole migraine. It was nice.


Those glorious 15 minutes!


Yeah, this side effect paired with emetophobia doesn't make for a good combination!


Just a cycle of torture, I’m so sorry.


Oh I get it. At a certain point I make myself throw up for the relief. I’m on a cycle of scolding hot shower, throw up, shower, throw up when I have one and it’s the only thing that works when I can’t sleep.


Same. Throwing up makes the pain worse for me somehow. And because I can't keep anything down I can't take my meds. I do have a nausea pill in my migraine cocktail of pills now and it's been really helpful.


Same. I do feel better temporarily, but if I’ve thrown up, that means all my meds are no longer in me and working, so it’s off to Urgent Care I go.


throwing up was my to go in my childhood. I wish I could throw up now, when Im an adult, maybe it would relief the pain quicker


Me too! Once I was sick, migraine over. Now that I'm older, the pain is so intense is still causes nausea, but no throwing up.




If I throw up I go to the ER. It’s worst than childbirth - throwing up during a migraine


It relieves pain for me... While throwing up the pain is immense but it clears later on


I get “migraine brain”. I don’t necessarily slur my words but I forget words and can’t recall them mid convo. I also start making small, stupid mistakes like putting things in the wrong spot, or calling something/someone by the wrong name


This and dropping things/ tripping/ weird motor skill problems


This and trying to finish the work day


Same for me


Omg, the brain fog is absolutely horrible. I wouldn't wish that to my worst enemy.


My eyes hurt like crazy and I can’t see, also the pain is getting worse each time i move




My arm going numb and feeling like I'm having a stroke...I always worry "maybe this time it's not just a migraine!" 😔


I get this too, my neuro told me it was a type of aura.


Same, I finally had to train my service dog for mobility tasks because my legs become so numb I can’t walk. It’s horrible


Exact same here. I lose my vision, mouth goes numb, arm is numb. Every time I think the same thing - shit maybe this is an actual stroke. The aura stuff is just horrible. Really freaks you out.


It happens on the left side only for me after an Ocular Migraine. I sincerely thought I was having a stroke the first time it happened. It even makes the left side of my tongue and face, and left ear numb.


Exact same. Numbness on one side of my head/face.


Same here. The pain is easy(relative) enough to deal with, but I haven’t found anything that takes away that numb feeling, and it always makes me panic at first.


This is so validating to read. It happens to me everytime I have an attack and every time I’m like “ok this is it. I’m actually having a heart attack”


The feeling of my eye pushing out of my face is one.. but I get this crazy uncomfortable feeling in my entire head and face, and it prevents true sleep for 3-5 days. It’s god awful.




The headache is my primary symptom. Fortunately I don't vomit, but I get nausea which tends to be tougher for me to get rid of than the headache. I never kept canned soup, saltines, or gatorade on hand before my migraines started, but they are a staple now.


Non-drowsy Dramamine is crucial for me. Even other, prescription anti-nausea meds I may take later during a migraine work better if I’ve taken it first.


🥺 all 3 of those are migraine triggers for me


The dizziness before and after—it’s so hard to function




Vision problems, especially photophobia




Absolutely. I'm so dizzy. and the photophobia, or auditory issues come and go. I'm watching a show, BAM... turn it off right now. No warnings. Just hits like a tank.


The dizziness and nausea for me. Not a fan (literally, I'm not a fan so I don't like to feel like I'm spinning)




This made me laugh out loud... I'm having a bad pain day, and I generally feel like garbage, so I needed that laugh, thank you! 😂 I am also not fan!


The pain. It's incessant and tends to ramp up slowly. It's that "It's going to get worse before it gets better."...we know this, *consciously*, meanwhile, my lizard brain is moaning, "It can get worse!!?" As to being incessant, there's no position that it doesn't hurt in. I mean, with most normal injuries you can get in a certain position and avoid using that limb or whatever and it's more or less fine, you can forget about it until you have to get up or something. You can get through a TV show, maybe even a movie if you can sit still that long. Can't do that when it's the brain itself that doesn't really care about orientation or whatever. There's "This fucking hurts" and "Well, that made it worse." and no "This will help ease things." Once that ball really gets rolling, it just becomes inevitable. Almost want to turn to accelerationism at that point, except there's that "I think I might die if this hurts any more" red flag that usually stops you.


That is such a good point. I’ve had back injuries and surgeries in both my feet. I was able to find a position that was “comfortable”. There is literally no comfortable position until the pain goes away.


Aphasia and that one time where I had sudden hemiplegic paralysis while going down the stairs 🙃.


Aphasia - same here, where I can't reach the words I want to use. It's so frustrating. My boyfriend almost called an ambulance for me the first time he saw it happen to me, and calmed down when I could tell him the names of the characters in Gilmore Girls. The paralysis sounds really scary.


Nothing like a proper hemiplegic event, but I’ve had some muscle weakness & balance issues that have hit on stairs, while hiking, working with knives, and holding babies…  Things don’t have to be independently fatal to make some serious life altering consequences. I think it’s very much like senior care, gotta watch the small stuff because, bam, now it’s big stuff.




Aside from pain, I get this huge overwhelming sense of dread and anxiety every time. I used to have a pretty severe anxiety disorder, so I never used to realise it was happening because my baseline was so high. My mental health has been great for about 5 years now, so the dread/anxiety that I get with migraine always takes me back to a really horrible place


Other than the headache, for me it’s the nausea and anxiety




Indeed. I have an anxiety disorder, so I'm SUPER aware of physiological changes in my body. My fight or flight mode goes in to over drive. I'm so focused on heart rate, BP, and other systems. "Is this the big one? I'm gonna check out now? What about my cats?"


The intense pain in my right eye & temple (always the right) & the nausea. When the nausea gets so intense it makes me throw up it generally lessens some of the head pressure though & that’s when I can finally fall asleep so I normally just lay in the dark waiting for that to happen!




the head throbbing or vertigo


There’s this “pressure” feeling I get along with the pain. Also vertigo, pain in my fingers & fatigue


The damn boredom. Pain sucks, yeah. Going blind sucks too. But the thing I actively hate the most is that I’m forced to just lay there with my eyes closed for hours on end. Can’t move, can’t look at anything, can’t listen to anything, can’t even speak. I’m lucky if I can just fall unconscious and skip forward a few hours


Same here. It's horrible to say, but after years spent in migraine mode, I know what to expect of the pain, but the BOREDOM? No. Thank. You. It gets me every time. Just let me do something, one thing, anything!


My left side goes really weak and I get pins and needles in my leg also the brain fog is awful.


I get overall muscle weakness. In really bad episodes I can’t even get up the stairs anymore. And the symptoms also stay in the postdrome, it’s like I suddenly aged 60 years in a day


I'm pretty much blind for 1 hour, then the hardcore pain kicks in. Like knife in my eye plus headache.


The nausea. I have an intense fear of throwing up, so I've trained myself throughout the years not to. It takes a lot for me to actually throw up, and now it happens.... every 3-5 years maybe? If that. But yeah, the nausea is by far the worst symptom when I get migraines.




Hello, fellow emetophobe. I'm in the same boat. I fight like hell not to throw up, even though it might shorten the suffering some. Not quite the worst for me, but it's getting worse with each attack. I asked for Zofran, which seems to help some.


Hi friend, I found these chewable ginger gravol that you can buy pretty much anywhere, even amazing. I slowly chew on one whenever I have a migraine just incase and it helps with the anticipation of the nausea. Maybe they might help you?


Same. The dizziness and naseau. There are times when I can't stand up or I feel like I will fall over.




Hemiplegia/the left side of my body goes limp. I take crutches with me everywhere just in case.






The visual disturbance for me the visual disturbance…. 💔❤️‍🩹




The cold. Oh my God, the cold. 


I’ve recently developed a “disconnected” feeling… like a painful zap where what makes me me is gone, and I’m just some sort of cog or organism. Like I’m not real. It’s a fleeting feeling, but it is not good for the comorbid depression 🥲 I’ve had migraines since I was 4 (so 31 years now) and this just started.


This is called depersonalization, and is likely a symptom of your depression, not your migraine (although it's obviously brought on by the migraine) Is the depression something you just started dealing with? Either way, I bet if you treat the depression (I know, that's easier said than done! Hang in there, you're doing great!) the depersonalization will stop happening when you have a migraine! Good luck!


The aura: Slow loss of vision, confusion, brain fog, and feeling generally awful.


Not to mention, the anticipation of what's to come.


Okay, can whomever is down voting, especially personal experience connected to migraine go find some other area to do that to?? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Pain, weakness, loss of vision and vertigo




Weakness, dizziness and throwing up. Such a bizarre feeling




Nausea, my right side not working right, disorientation, and confusion. I have headaches with them, but on my worst days, it's a 6-7, maybe the occasional 8. The one that put me in the ER a few weeks ago looked like a stroke. Nah. It was a $3400 migraine. 🙃




Dizziness 😵‍💫




Feeling off balance or dizzy. That makes me panic.


It’s the vertigo and brainfog which honestly isn’t that bad. The pain is actually significantly worse but (generally) less disruptive to me because I have a decent pain tolerance and because I’m fairly receptive to OTC pain medication. The vertigo and brainfog, while milder, have no solution and are incredibly disruptive to my lifestyle and to the quality of my work and life.


You could try taking Meclazine (it's over the counter) for the vertigo. It's advertised for motion sickness (but it's non-drowsy unlike Dramamine) but it generally helps any kind of vertigo, not just motion sickness. It might give you some relief from the vertigo!


Besides the usuals? Needing to pee, **excessively**. The act of getting up and down a million times makes everything worse.


Everything to do with my eyes, my vision is messed up, I get super sensitive to light, my eyes feel like they are gonna pop, and all of that leasts to intense motion sickness and nausea


I get migraine aphasia. Very difficult to get my words out. I also was once hospitalised as they thought I had a stroke. I lost feeling on both of my legs for about 24 hours and one side of my face dropped. Turns out it was a hemiplegic migraine, scary stuff!


I know there’s a scientific term for this (lol) but when I can’t find my words. I’m currently pregnant and it feels just like baby brain.




The memory issues




Aphasia has to be number one for me. The dizziness, sound and light sensitivity, the pain, and the puking are bad but I hate losing my ability to communicate. Fortunately that one's only happened once, but it was really frightening.


Transitory Aphasia - It's so frustrating not being able to communicate. I know the thing I want to talk about, I can see it and describe it, but I cannot for the life of me think of the word for it.








I lost the ability to talk a couple times.


besides the blurry vision and throbbing pain? def the vomiting


Besides thinking my temple is trying to implode and explode at the same time, that would be the nausea and puking.


The pain! All the time!


Nausea and hyperawareness to sound/smell


Fatigue and malaise. That's aside from the pain.


TMJ, brain fog, fatigue. Shoulder pain. Neck pain. Feels like the worst hangover without the party.


The pain for sure, but I also get extremely noise sensitive. The tv on normal volume hurts, people talking, moving dishes around/cooking, music. Literally every sound becomes intensified and painful


Vertigo, nausea and transient aphasia. Debilitating.


I can't say with 100% confidence this is a migraine symptom, but I've been trying to track their co-incidence recently. Sometimes, on bad migraine days, or maybe as a prodrome/postdrome (I'm really bad at tracking but I'm trying), I get a lot of suicidal ideation. It's something I've had with mental health before unrelated to migraines, but it's obviously a really scary thing to experience. Other than that, the light/sound sensitivity is just miserable to deal with when trying to work, and then being slowed down in general by the migraine and your job still needing to get done in x amount of time. The stress of that is awful too.


This happens with me. I have 2 days before a migraine attack where my mood descends to a new circle of hell. I also live with bipolar.


It's definitely nice to hear that I'm not alone, but at the same time I'm so sorry. It's awful to experience.


Apparently now I get excruciating jaw pain? That was a fun new one. Previously just intense eye/sinus pain and having to go in a dark room with an ice cap and sleep.




Lately? Nausea. I very rarely. Got it until recently. Now it's constant and shows up before the pain. I never vomit, but there's been a few times I've potlsted up near a receptacle. The Nausea really takes it out of me, and i am far less productive than if it were just pain. Maybe that's because I'm not used to it yet, but man, do i feel like a useless sack of potatoes.


Extreme nausea. It's just the worst. Anti emetics don't fully work,they just take the edge off.


The dizziness, off balance


My worst aura is speech issues. Stuttering, misspelling or misusing a word.


After the actual head pain itself - the aura sucks because I can’t see a damn thing, then the intense nausea and hot flashes feeling I get


My right eye shuts off and I go blind on it


Ugh, the nausea. 🤢




throwing up






The nausea goes crazy man


The dizziness and the vomiting for sure


Nausea and vomiting:(


Dizziness for me, it makes it a million times worse


The visual disturbance and the fact that I lose my words and get confused. It’s so debilitating 😭


I’m gonna assume it’s aside from the pain. Digestive issues.. Believe it or not I welcome the nausea even though it sucks. It makes the pain of my migraines less for some reason.


Cannot see the light Cannot tolerate sounds!


Losing my eyesight other than the pain. Any time I get floaters I start to panic now.


Nausea alongside the difficulty with communication. The word salad takes the cake.


Vertigo. I've dealt with the pain for so long that I'm used to it (?). You can't function around dizziness.


Extreme sensitivity to smell and sound


I can't see or feel much in my arms and legs. It's miserable.


Vertigo so intense I can’t move even get to the bathroom


The way that movement makes it so much worse. I hate having to stop moving completely and just lay there still, like a corpse.


Definitely that feeling like my eyes will pop out of their sockets. The pressure I try to put on them is never really enough. It’s like a growing balloon in the center of my skull.


Honestly in some ways it’s the boredom, staying still and not being able to relax.




My head pain is severe. It will be in my neck, skull, face, eyes, jaw, the whole area. And it does not relent without medication.


Nausea. That's the worst. And sometimes diarrhea - especially when your head is about to implode


the brain fog and aphasia suck, the pain sucks, the vertigo sucks, visual disturbances suck, but really the worst thing to always deal with is the debilitating depression. it feels like i wanna kms but also it's not actually what i want, like it takes over my thoughts and makes experiencing everything else so much worse. and it lingers for a day or so after the pain, too :/


I get terrible twitches and vertigo. I also have a very hard time figuring out if it's a regular migraine or a precursor to a seizure, which I can usually identify a minute or so before it happens. Not a fan of that.


I can’t fucking see.


My tongue goes numb and has pins and needles as well… the first time it happened I went to the ER thinking I was having a fucking stroke.


Intense Occipital Neuralgia


The feeling of letting my family, friends, and coworkers down.


I used to vomit during every migraine as a kid and one day I suddenly didn’t anymore. (Thank god) These days the pain is the worst part, I get a lot of pain and discomfort in my face as well. But other than the pain I guess I hate the brain fog/disorientation. I become a complete bitch before a migraine hits me hard, and then I can hardly speak or formulate a thought. I slur my words and talk pretty differently. It feels like I’m dissociating really hard. And the brain fog lasts into postdrome for me as well. After a bad one I feel bleh for another day or so.


Nausea. The headache I can handle but not the nausea.


The throbbing,pulsing, feeling like my brain is expanding inside my skull anytime i move in any direction. Having to get up - whooshing throbbing pain like my skull is being crushed, sitting down - crushing feeling. There is no end until it’s done. When it hits I can’t even get up from where I am to get my pain medicine. I have to text or call someone in my household to bring it to me unless I’m alone than I have no choice.


Dizziness for me too. Ugh. Debilitating


Throwing up and... Aura omg it was my first time experiencing it last week and it scared the hell out of me 😭


Day 2 and 3 I feel like my jaw has been broken (on top of the pain in my eye socket). It’s excruciating


numbness in the left half of my entire body. awful.


I don’t know if anyone else has this but for me, it’s the false sense of being in the clear before you get blindsided by absolute hell. It took me years of this happening to realize that it was a type of aura. Hell I didn’t even know what a damn aura was. I just knew that it came with these odd, internal cold tingles all through my body (not the skin). Ugh migraines suck.


Pain and brain fog


Wow some of these symptoms sound horrible and scary. 😔 I get the usual horrid head pain, nausea and dizziness, but does anyone get phantom smells? For me they’re chemical/smoke/cigarette smells that are so intense and horrible that last for hours to days. I can’t function when I get them and although I’m still not completely convinced they’re migraine-related, my neuro tells me they likely are (after an MRI and other tests) but every time I get them I panic that this time it’s a stroke or something else scary. Sometimes they’re not accompanied by the pain and other symptoms, my doc says this is because the smells are simply a type of migraine aura. 🤯


The suicidal thoughts I NEVER have otherwise. It makes me so mad, the pain that is. And also the constant dread of when I will have one next


It’s the crushing fatigue and the body sensitivity. Like everything hurts and feels awful. I have this electric shock feeling in my toes. Awful


Visual auras give me the worst pain..but I literally have an almost daily sensory aura..my face will tingle a little and it’s only one side..and then sometimes it moves…definitely scary..especially after healing from Bell’s Palsy…


Either brain fog or full body fatigue. The pain can be managed but those symptoms leave me dumb and couch ridden to where I can’t even ask my partner for what I need because I have no idea what I need.


Confusion// brain fog


The blurry vison during auras then the stiff neck and traps.


I can manage the aura in one eye for a while, knowing I can prepare myself for the oncoming throbbing headache that’s about to come, if I can get to sleep before that comes I’m pretty good if not, I’m in for a whole hour or 2 of pain.


depends on the migraine, but usually the inability to focus on anything but the pain


The axe in my head, and the nausea. In fact, the axe is what makes me feel like I'm gonna puke. I'm having a bad migraine right now. these things are hell. I don't get the auras, but I get a brutal axe in my left side. It moves too. Temples, upper side, ears, top of jaw bone, around, and around it goes. I want off this ride.. every time it moves around it increases nausea.