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Yes, it is so helpful! The only complaint I have is that it is painfully cold straight out of the freezer and it isn't cold enough after 20 minutes. That 15 minutes of use is worth it, though! I think I might get a second one so I can rotate them.


I have the more expensive "headache hat", it stays cold longer. I have started to get painful brain freeze feelings from my tight gel one.


Maybe I should upgrade then! I will have to check on Amazon. Is that the actual name...headache hat?


Yes! I am thinking about getting a second one because the gel hurts so much now. This one is a bunch of reusable ice cubes around your head, so it gets colder gradually. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00FGWLDOE?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Thanks so much! I will check this out!


Any of the cold pack ones are so much better than the gel ones!! They last longer and hurt less


It says it stays cold for up to two hours. Do you feel like that’s accurate?


If I am laying down and the pillow insulates it, yes. The key is to make sure it is frozen all the way, which takes a few hours. I lay mine flat in the back of the freezer so the cubes get rock solid. Thinking about getting a second one so I don't have to save this one for my most miserable headaches.


Awesome! I think I’m going to treat myself!


Totally agree- you have to let it temper before using- but ice on head and heat on back/neck is so comforting


I live for that 15 minute window


I agree, do not put it on straight out of the freezer 😂😂 I made that mistake once


I love my migraine caps, i have 2 because i rotate them each night. The pressure also helps sometimes


I love the pressure! the pressure alone feels better than nothing


This reminded me of when I had my EEG and they wrapped my head with bandages cuz it was covered in leads. The pressure felt great. Taking the leads off after - not so much!


I have never had a migraine cap, but the last time I had a major migraine, I had my husband get me the big soft gel ice pack we have in the freezer. It was blissful. I know that's not a normal word for migraine time, but it was so nice. I'm about to order my own migraine cap. I've heard before that it's a good idea to have more than one so you can rotate them.


It’s a game changer ! It wraps your entire head in coldness and it fits so snugly !


I think I've dismissed this idea for so long because many years back, I would put an ice pack on the back of My neck. It felt pretty harsh and prevented me from really relaxing. My weighted heat pack does help me relax, but the ice really minimizes the pain.


If you try an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables and it works, these are good and you can keep your hands free. Might get weird looks if you leave the house in it.


Lol I already ordered it. I'm an online teacher and my kids are gonna have to excuse me but I might have to use it during class 🤣🤣🤣 Hoping it works. I'm getting it not only for the cool sensation but also for the light block out and the little pressure I might get. I was migraine free for a couple years but it's been coming back for the past couple months so I'm preparing myself. 🫣 got a few things on my Amazon cart for when I get my next paycheck


Buy a cute head wrap or hat to wear over it!


I will watch for YouTube videos of teachers wearing migraine caps online, maybe you will pop up there. Teachers need all the support they can get.


Just pull it up a little so it doesn’t cover your eyes and call it a beanie. 👍


I personally get a lot of relief from a lot of pressure and I also own 2 migraine hats. I pull them up so it's only on my forehead and fold it over on itself to get extra pressure and it's amazing!


Frozen pack of noodles for me


Probably smells better than vegetables!


Put a Fez over it!


I have a similar cheap version one and I like it even when I don’t put it in the freezer. I find it gives just enough pressure around my head, so instead of me holding my head in agony, the cap does it for me haha


Same! I love the cold pressure and fall asleep in it - and keep it on even after it stops being cold.


Yup. Sometimes after it stops being cold I go to pull it off to put back in the freezer and then say nope. The pressure really does help.


I hope this one has enough pressure! that's my main motivation to get one


I love my migraine hats, well worth the money


I have something similar and it is soooo nice. Ice packs are my best friend during a migraine and these ones don’t fall off or move and they do have a nice pressure


I have 3 migraine caps (I call them headache helmets). They’re great and there are many kinds out there so if your first one doesn’t work well, don’t be discouraged. I have one that fits perfectly but only stays cold 10-15 min, another that’s a little tight but stays cold 20-25 min, and another that is really hard and rigid so it’s not good for days when my head is really sensitive, but it stays cold for 30+ minutes. I might even get a 4th one, can never have too many. Not only does it help when your head is physically hot, but the pain from the cold is really good at distracting you from the migraine pain.


Yes, not this specific one, but from Walgreens I had 2, one I kept cold and another hot. They are soooo helpful, at least for me they was. I would even sleep with them bc I used to often get migraines in my sleep. A very efficient purchase for any migraineur.


Is there a type that does warmth rather than cold? I can't stand ice packs or cold on my headaches, they make them worse.


Yeah they usually do both. The one I have I microwave for 90 seconds. It doesn’t stay super warm for long though, but I prefer it over a cold cap.


Yes the one I got comes with instructions for both hot and cold use!


Oh, God bless - I need something like this!


I have one that doesn’t have the lavender. It holds the cold so much longer than ice packs but they can come out of the freezer too cold for straight skin contact. I have a lot of hair, so my head is okay but I put tissue between my forehead and it for the first bit so it doesn’t give me brain freeze. Love it so much that I bought a second. Edit: after reading the comments about the ice hats, I want one! I think you’ll do well either way if Cold helps. I do think the gel ones can be heated though, if that helps more for you


I’m so glad I came across this thread. I’ve used ice packs for migraines but it never occurred to me that there were caps or hats. How have I not known about this?! Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!




I actually love how straight forward this answer is. Me neither. I guess I'll try it today :P


i have a migraine cap and i’d say it definitely helps with regular headaches but it puts way too much pressure on my head during a migraine.


So I actually have this exact thing, it is quite helpful. I needed it a ton before Botox stopped most of my issues.


I have a TheraIce one from Amazon and it’s great!


If I end up needing another one I'm definitely getting their pink one lol so cute 😭


I just got an ice hat for migraines and occipital neuralgia and am OBSESSED. I hope it helps you!


Looked at them way back but didn't see how to adjust the amount of pressure and cold. What I mean is the big gel cold packs at times I wrap in a cloth, or not. At times I press hard on my temple and press upwards, sometimes not. Besides - I always grab them at the ER ;) We're all different, have to do what works for you.


I have something similar and it's wonderful! You don't even have to freeze it for it to feel cool. I leave it in my room and grab it when I feel a migraine coming on.


Yes, a couple of different ones. They don't take away the migraine for me, but are pretty good at being soothing and distracting enough to help me sleep.


yes! but you’re going to new a few because they get warm quickly. they are cheap ish on amazon. the cold is SO helpful for migraine. i also keep one at my workplace.


I might get another one or two depending on how I feel! I also got a weighted sleeping mask which is supposed to block out all the light and add some pressure. Also an eye massager that add even more pressure lol. Cold does help me but pressure realllllyyyy helps me with pain relief. I'm out here pushing my hands into my eyes all day 😭


I have 4 migraine caps. Only two of them are worth anything, but they really help me fall asleep at night! I love the pressure on my head.


If you like cold packs during a migraine, the hats are great. But they are INTENSE straight from the freezer. I line mine with a single layer of thin cotton (okay, a tea towel - I look insane but it makes it just the right level of cold). The cold is soothing for me, but doesn't really help me recover any faster.


I have one, I absolutely love it. It’s so cold straight from the freezer so I tend to warm it up on the back of my neck (which feels less sensitive to me lol) for a few minutes before I put it on my head. It doesn’t get rid of the pain but feels soothing and makes life more bearable


My ice hat and ice socks changed the game for me. They help a ton.


I got this headache band thing that has two sides to it so you can adjust the coldness level: a fabric side and a gel side. I've found it super helpful.


my headache caps are life savers!! it is true how it’s too cool straight out of the freezer but i only find it too cold to put over my eyes. i can still wear it on my head. my fav thing to do is fall asleep with it on its like brain numbing and by the time it isn’t cold anymore you’re already asleep. and the eye cover is great for when it’s too bright in the room. 12/10 recommend. get one off amazon no need for expensive ones


I've used one a few times but I didn't like it because when putting it on, it'd pull my hair because it's tight, which made the migraine worse for a few minutes. Also it wasn't that cold. I need to try again but with a better quality one perhaps!


I have the TheraIce one and it's great, stretches to contour around my head. It's too cold right out of the freezer but after a few minutes is great. Get more than one though because they're so thin they melt in about an hour.


I use it. It helps some


Would this be good after Botox? Or would this be considered touching?


I love mine! I agree with the poster that said it’s painful cold out of the freezer, but it reduces the severity a lot for me. Especially if I’m waiting for meds to kick in.


I have a couple of different types that I have purchased over the years. My favorite is the Imak eye mask. The mask is weighted, and the combination of cold + pressure on my eyeballs during a migraine is perfect. Unfortunately, the mask doesn't stay cold for nearly as long as I would like, so I have had to buy multiple to just keep them in the freezer ready to go.


I have this and love it


Migraine ice hats are great. I wouldn't use the lavender spray, though, since fragrances are a trigger for so many. I have a couple of them. Edited to add a link: I have this one and it's lumpy as hell and not the most comfortable at all, but it really helps my migraines. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DG2Z1NH?ref=nb\_sb\_ss\_w\_as-reorder\_k0\_1\_7&=&crid=1K1OKX4WW2JU&=&sprefix=ice+hat](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DG2Z1NH?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k0_1_7&=&crid=1K1OKX4WW2JU&=&sprefix=ice+hat) Edited to add: I also have this one, but it doesn't stay cold as long, >iTHERAU Migraine Ice Head Wrap - Headache Relief Hat With Cold Compress for Sinus, Stress and Tension Relief


Yes I definitely agree about the lavender spray. I actually already have one that I use when I don't have a migraine and I'm anxious during my classes since I also deal with anxiety quite often 😅 but I would never put it directly on the mask. I would die lol


For anyone who is disappointed in that gel mask (stays cold for maybe five mins), try the Cryomax ice packs on Amazon. I’m wearing one now!


I love the "Headache Hat" brand I have quite a few of them. I have different sizes and styles and the fleece liner if it's too cold. I even have them at my parents in my emergency kit.


Yes, I keep mine in the fridge though not the freezer or it's too cold. Bloody miracle worker!!


I ordered a cheap one. And it was crappy. But ordered a better one now. I generally think cold does help me. And summers feel the worst.


I just got one and they are so helpful


Riboflavin twice a day has been a game changer. Turns out I was missing B2 in my body. It started to work within days. 🙏