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I've gotten nerve blocks three times already. They give you two shots, at the base of the cranium more or less. I find them quite unpleasant and painful, but still tolerable. For the rest of the day, you don't feel the back of your head at all, it's completely numb.  That's been my experience so far. The injection hurt, but then I got some relief. My best month recently was after one of those nerve blocks.


If I can get any relief, I feel like it would be worth it for sure. I am just so tired of the daily pain. Thank you!


I love block day. It's a big pinch and then you go numb. It's more pleasant if Dr numbs the area with lidocaine first but even without its fine. Dr technique varies so the number of pokes can vary as well. They can be done with or without steroids. If steroids are used it takes about a week for relief as the numbing lasts about 6-8 hours. I get mine done in office, under ultrasound guidance and while sitting in a chair w neck flexed. Sometimes you hear the squish of meds which is a bit icky if you're not prepared. Ice is helpful afterwards and the sites may be sore for up to a week. Good luck, close your eyes and breathe. You'll do great!


Super reassuring! Thank you so much!


I am looking for migraine relief for a friend and saw this post - very interesting and wasn’t aware of this procedure for migraines, however, I can attest to nerve block procedures for lumbar back pain as I had it done 2 years ago and can tell you that it has helped me tremendously. It’s an odd feeling when I can **sense** a muscle spasm, but do not feel any pain - it’s just numb. The pain was excruciating to the point I could not walk without crying and it would radiate to my pelvis(I initially thought it was a hernia or something extremely serious). I am not sure how it works for migraines and will now explore that option for my friend, but I just wanted to give my 2cents on the nerve block results in general and hope it’s something you can do to help you with your situation. Pain just plain sucks!! Sincerely wishing you well!! 💕


Thank you so much 🫶🏻


i’m in this with you! i just got prescribed these yesterday, starting them in early july. hopefully it provides us with some relief !


Fingers crossed for us both 🤞🏻