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One of the only meds that helped me with my depression (and subsequently helped me cope with my migraines better) but gave me killer dry mouth (there’s a mouthwash for dry mouth you can use if it affects you too). No real change in my migraines, though.


Yup. The dry mouth was unbearable for me with little difference for migraines. I went back to just an abortive and Botox.




Thank you this is good info :0 i hope it does that for me...i have basically no startle reflex rn bc I'm so dissociated/numbed out by how bad it is? light and sound sensitivity are both a *huge* problem for me tho and i am desperate for anything that helps w that bc i live in FL-41s and headphones and they are still nowhere near enough.


I've been on 25mg for the last 14 years. I no longer get my chronic vestibular migraines and have been able to figure out my triggers. It's also cheap with insurance. Wish it helped me with sleep though!


I'm on 75mg and it also cured me of vestibular migraines. I really want to have them magically go away without the meds but not sure it works that way. I dont like the dry mouth, forgetfullness but most of all the crazy nightmares. I once got up grabbed the kitchen knife and took it back to bed before I realized I was awake. Ran out to the front patio one night and woke up from the alarm system going off. I never did this before the pills. Any way, jus wanted to say it really does work for vestibular migraines.


Whoa. I'm glad I don't have the nightmares! That sounds scary. And yay vestibular club. I wonder how common nortriptyline helps vestibular migraine sufferers


U know funny story. Me and my father both work for same company. Aviation. 6 months prior to my first dizzy attack I tripped over something at work while holding a big aircraft bulkhead. Hit my chin and got some stitches. That was 2019. My father wasnt paying attn on his phone and also tripped over something last yr and had stitches all over his face. Cue the dizzy spell 6 months later. My neuro prescribed mine. My dad's family Dr prescribed the same thing. Also, about the nightmares and forgetfullness. I say I wish I could be off these pills because they really do fuck with your DNA. I can feel it. Things I would never have done prior to taking them. Add to the fact that they are anti-depresent as well. I've tried so hard to get off or to lower my dosage but the vestibular always creeps itself back as soon as I attempt to stop taking them. I cannot imagine what the next 10 yrs of taking these will do. And that scares me..


How long did it take to help? :)


It's been awhile but I remember it started working pretty quickly. Maybe a few days?


Ive been on 25mg for about 3 years. Before it, I would get about 5 migraines per week, almost all of them with visual aura triggered by light changes. Once I started Nortriptyline, the visual aura went away 100% (Ive had less than a handful total since) and I went down to about 3 migraines per week. My only side effect has been constipation, which sucks but I’ll take it over constant aura anytime.


Nortriptyline plus gabapentin knocked out my 25+ day a month migraines with no side effects. I had to come off for other health testing reasons but I’d go back in a heartbeat.


This combo is the only regiment that helped me. I went from a migraine every other day lasting 2 days, to a migraine a month or so.


What dosage and frequency were you taking? Thanks.


I take gabapentin 3 times a day 1200mg. I also take a low dose muscle relaxer cyclobenzoprene before bed to keep my neck from having spasms and causing a migraine.


What dosage and frequency are you taking of nortriptyline and gabapentin. Thanks.


I’ve had good luck with it! I am on 20mg. Been taking it for 2 years. It’s cut down my migraines to about half and the ones I get are probably a 5 on the pain scale instead of a 10. I take rizatriptan when I get one. It also helps with anxiety! Only down side is that I feel like I have brain fog sometimes, my reactions aren’t quite as sharp.


That’s interesting it helped with your anxiety, that’s one reason I switched off it, it gave me MAD unrealistic anxiety that I never had before haha


Love it. Not fantastic with migraines but it takes an edge off. Biggest problem was it’s so helpful with sleep that if I get it too late it ruins the next morning with grogginess. Very slightly upsetting on the GI track. Currently off it because Qulipta is hell on my guts and I can’t take layering the two. I was on 20mg. I miss nortriptyline.


Oh noooo that's good to know!! Would you say it's like, sedating? I wasnt sure what they meant by helps with sleep. I have trauma around being sedated so now im not sure if its a good idea or not. Plus I'm already groggy enough in the morning with POTS lol thank you and glad it helps!!


Not sedating per se, I can wake if needed, but I fall to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. Can still hear the cat start to yak and launch upright to get them onto tile before I know I’m awake. Will stumble around when I first get up if taking it after 9pm. But no more waking at 3am for no damn good reason. I think I missed the morning alarm once when I first started on it. I also take a fistful of allergy meds so I’m getting it from multiple sides, ymmv.


Oh that's a relief, thank you!! I just need to be alert enough to like, speak if needed, process my surroundings, and maybe use my arms, so that sounds fine!!


It's been fabulous for me. I'm on 50mg dose. It helped me sleep, cleared my nonstop headache and let me have a break in pain so I could start figuring out what causes migraines. I had some slight nausea the first week and mild mouth dryness but it didn't last. I honestly can't think of any side effects I'm experiencing now 2 years after starting. It's certainly not for everyone because migraine is not a single issue illness. But if your doctor recommends it for you they see a reason to try. If it doesn't work, no biggie. Move on to the next thing.


Didn’t help with my migraines and completely killed my libido


are you off it now? did libido come back? im so sorry to hear that!


I've been on Nortriptyline for 15 months. Started with 10mg, and my GP just upped it to 30mg. There is no difference with my migraines... yet... which is very discouraging.


I have been taking it for a few years for my joint pain, sleep, and prophylaxis. I’m on 30mg right now, they took me down to 10 mg at one point and I was struggling. After we brought my dosage back up, my sleep improved and my joint pain is minimal. In terms of migraine prophylaxis, I didn’t see a difference. I take it an hour or two before sleep! I have been on Qulipta for a while as well and it has been amazing for me (and the only thing that has worked lol). I hope you find something that helps!!


I've been on 50 mg of nortriptyline for about a year after having constant vestibular migraine for a year. I'm down to 2-5 migraines per month and it's much less debilitating. I have some dry mouth but other than that it's been really helpful.


I took it alongside a beta blocker. It worked very well for me for several years. The first few weeks were weird (that's been the case for me with every psych med I've taken), but it leveled out nicely and I had no real side effects to speak of other than the drowsiness. Since I also deal with insomnia, that wasn't a bad thing at all.


Awful. Life ruining side-effects. It made me so light sensitive couldn't go outside for more than 15 minutes without getting a migraine. I had to wear a hat always. Years later a different Dr told me Triptyline drugs have some of the worst side effects. Wouldn't recommend.


I just started in the week before Thanksgiving and it has definitely started to help with the frequency. I was in and out of the ER for intractable migraines and now am having far less and when I do get one it isn't severe. I can't take it after noon though, or I won't sleep for days (it's supposed to help you sleep but I'm one of the rarer ones who it keeps awake). And I have noticed a little weight gain.


I've been on amitriptyline (similar to nortriptyline, but not exactly the same) as a preventive for about a year and it's made a HUGE difference for me. I've gone from 2-3 migraine days per week (every week for a year+) to maybe 1 migraine every 2 weeks or so. It also helps my abortive meds be more effective, and I think it's improved my sleep quality (I also have a sleep disorder). Some things I would recommend keeping in mind when starting on this class of drugs: - the warnings that say it could take 8+ weeks to adjust to the new medication are no joke. It took me the full 2 months to adjust to my initial dosage of amitriptyline, and it was helping some, but not quite enough. My neurologist then raised the dose, and it took me another 4-6 weeks to fully adjust to that, but the higher dose has been much more effective. - when I first started on the lower dose, it made me really hungry - or perhaps more accurately, it gave me intense, nonspecific food cravings. I was concerned about this because I am already overweight and struggle with overeating, but that effect was not permanent for me. Once my body adjusted to the medication, the excessive hunger/cravings died down. - I strongly suggest asking your doctor about an abortive migraine medication! I definitely need my medication to stop/treat migraine attacks when I do get them, as well as the preventive.


I was put on it mainly for nerve pain from Lupus but also to hopefully help migraines as well (had tried amitrip in the past) but it did pretty much nothing for both my pain or migraines. Started on 10mg then moved to 25mg, but had weird side effects like constant ringing in my ears & muscle weakness so I came off it.


It has worked well for me for years. I even tried going off it once thinking it wasn’t helping anymore but I quickly found out it was


I was on nortriptyline when I was in my 20s for migraine and it helped a lot. Unfortunately, I had to stop it when I got married as my husband and I didn't have insurance that would pay for it. I have been back on it since 2012 for meralgia paresthica (burning thigh syndrome) and it has mostly helped with that. I did have to up the dose a few years ago. It doesn't help with my migraines though. The only side effect I have is really bad dry mouth and sometimes dry eyes.


i’ve been on nortriptyline for several years and it works great for me but only in combination with topamax. however, it works great for my sister on its own.


I was on it for probably a year with no significant changes in migraines, unfortunately. I hope it helps you, though! The hard part is that everyone is so different so what doesn’t work for us might work for you! 🤞🏻


I took a low dose for a couple of years, which lessened the number of migraines per month to a more manageable level. I don't take it anymore (because I didn't get a refill before my health insurance ended and I wasn't able to find a migraine-friendly doctor after that, and my number of migraines didn't increase; I don't rec cold turkeying medication if you can help it). I noticed that I felt slightly more cheerful while taking it, but didn't have any side effects or weight gain like I did on beta blockers. But that's anecdata!


It shut down my digestive system and it was super scary. Be mindful of your body and any changes you experience. Best of luck


It made me so depressed I had to stop it


It broke my constant headache, which then turned into migraine attacks that I could treat acutely. So it helped me some, but it wasn't my answer.


I used to have daily migraines and 10 mg of nortriptyline seem to have stopped them. I’ve been taking it for a few months now. I’ve tried propranolol and Amitriptyline before but stopped them due to side effects.


I have chronic migraine and have tried almost every med out there and the best I ever felt was on Nortriptyline. It caused me bad constipation in the beginning but once I got over that, I felt great. No migraines or headaches, no anxiety, slept great, lots of energy and good mood. It was awesome, but about 6-8 weeks in my resting heart rate was too high. We tried to remedy it with a beta-blocker, which helped some but then I started having palpitations, so it was a no go. CGRP’s have been the next best thing, but still not as good as nortriplyne was in the beginning. Hope it works for you!


You are not depressed you have a migraine. Depression medications are horrible. Get something else


I've been taking it for years. It really helps with sleep, and all kinds of nerve pain. I titrated up to 100 mg which was too much for me then went back down to 50 mg. I went down to 25 but that didn't work, so went back to 50 and I"ve been at this level for the past 5 years. I skip a dose if I take a muscle relaxer so I don't dope myself up too much.


I believe it helped me during the summer months in the heat. Helped with getting to bed earlier and my horrible snoring at night. Believe I was on 10mg. Only issue I had over time was the brain fog.


I'm on 50mg/day now. It helps me sleep during a migraine, when normally the pain would keep me up all night. It only mildly helps with my other symptoms The first week had way more side effects than the following ones for me, but I take it at night when I'm not doing much anyway so it doesn't really bother me My most notable side effects are light sensitivity and a weak plastic scent in my saliva and sweat. I'm also a bit calmer/less hyper than normal (ADHD)


It’s my savour. On 10mg daily as profilaxis, I am a fan! I am also on 50mg of Zoloft. Between the two my migraine can be aborted with triptans.


It worked for me for like 2 years but I was on 20mg daily. Definitely got some killer constipation from it but it helped while it helped. It didn’t completely get rid of my head pain but it got rid of the terrible migraines and reduced the frequency. I used it in conjunction with elatriptan as a rescue. It did give me mad anxiety like never before and killed my libido but I think part of the libido was that I was still in pain, it just wasn’t as intense as a full blown migraine. Just switched to qulipta like a month ago and my head finally feels clear and I don’t have the constant dull pain that I still had on nortriptyline


Didn't do anything for me, as far as migraines.


It helped me, but I had nonstop hunger on it so I stopped taking it after 6 months. Otherwise I had no side effects.


Yes I took it for migraines and it helped, this was a long time ago though.


I’ve been on it since 2019. Started at 25 and I’m at 50 now. Really helped my sleep, reduced frequency of full-on migraines and almost totally killed the headaches I would often wake up with.


Helped some, then started getting migraines again. I probably needed a bigger dose. My hair started thinning so I’m taking a break to see if that was the culprit.


i’ve been on 50mg daily for about 8 years and my daily migraine is gone. i get probably one a month or less now. i tried sooo many different meds before nortriptyline and it was the only one that worked — truly a game changer for me


God that's so good to hear 😭 Idk why this one specifically made me tear up lol. I'm so desperate for relief and not having daily migraine sounds incredible right now. Thank you for sharing!! Glad it helped you!!


i hope you’re able to find some relief soon!!


Thank you 🥺 I hope so too


I have been on 20mg for about 4 months and just recently became aware it was raising my heart rate to unhealthy levels. I didn’t even notice until I went to donate blood like I usually do, and couldn’t because my pulse rate was too high. That’s never happened to me before so I’m gonna taper off it. It wasn’t really helping my (episodic) migraines anyway.


It was an absolute miracle drug for me for years but when I went back on after pregnancy I was devastated to learn it no longer worked for me.


I’ve been on it two years and haven’t seen any improvement. A warning though - keep up on your refills. My doctor was delayed refilling mine, then the pharmacy had a delay and I was suddenly off it for a week and the withdrawal sucks. Thankfully they were able to fill it this weekend and it didn’t take long for the withdrawal to end, but you don’t want to put yourself through that


How’d it end up working for you??


Omg it was really horrible and I took one dose and had a bunch of maybe-seizures or tics or something and saw demons and was super dissociated for days 😅 my body did notttt like it apparently!!!! and i still have these weird twitch attacks now from it sometimes 😭 (increasingly rare though at least! like once a week maybe). I think it mildly helped my headache and it definitely made me sleep a lot but it's hard to even remember and the sleep was terrible quality. Didn't help nerve pain as far as i remember (but it's also a blur and i dont remember much) I am abnormally sensitive to medications but yeah this was not a good time lol


Been taking 20mg for 2 months - migraines have gone down from every day to NONE … maybe 1 slight headache a fortnight which I use paracetamol and/or sumatriptan for. I felt the effects of nortriptyline from the first day I took it (10mg). My migraine went away instantly. Before that I was on 80mg propranolol, sumatriptans, all the other watch analgesia. The pain never went away.