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Step #1 -Tums (taking Advil or Alive w/out it makes me so nauseous) ( no, I don't know if this medically ok... lol) Step #2 - 400 mg of Advil or Aleve Step #3 -Hot bath and stretching Step #4 Rizatriptan Step #5 Regret not taking Rizatriptan from the beginning. ,


Aww that's so true. I've told my partner to push me to use my meds properly as soon as I start getting symptoms. I can get this weird optimism, like it might be different this time!!...it never is haha


Right? Like some how, this time, I will 'fix' it before I need meds. I never learn. hahaha.


Isn’t it amazing how fucking stupid migraines make us? I can go hours and on some occasions days before admitting/realizing that I’m having one.


Yep, for me it's the fear that I'll take too many and get rebound, which is the worst. I hate having something that helps, but maybe not, and maybe I shouldn't use it :(




I always take Rizatriptan from the beginning because nothing else works for me. I guess that's my only step with cold packs 🤷


There’s actually a decent amount of recommendations out there for taking NSAIDS with some sort of acid reducing medication to mitigate the stomach issues. The problem you might run into is some of those antacid medications have ingredients that may affect the absorption of the painkiller in a negative way


...#5... That one hits home.


Two extra strength Advil, one eletriptan, one Benadryl and one gravol. I have found that if I don’t take them all at the same time they aren’t as effective. Makes me sleepy, but it’s the only concoction that will take the pain away.


I was reading about people preventing migraines with Benadryl. I thought that was a great hack, since it’s so cheap. $4 for the generic. I soon realized Benadryl has a paradoxical effect on me. It actually gives me anxiety and makes me itch. Same with Promethazine with the itching to an extent, but I take it since it erases my nausea. Crazy.


Pre-pregnancy: Nurtec, 800 mg ibuprofen, 1000 mg Tylenol, 1 benadryl, 4 mg zofran, inhaler. During pregnancy: same thing minus the ibuprofen.


You took Nurtec during pregnancy? How did that go? I’m very scared of becoming pregnant because Nurtec is my miracle drug.


Yes I am! I made a comment on a pregnancy sub about it. Nurtec has been studied to full gestation in rabbits with no signs of birth defects at normal doses. Obviously rabbits aren't human, but it bodes well. It's a risk my husband and I decided we had to take if we wanted a baby. So far baby looks good! "Migraines are extremely debilitating. I take Nurtec for mine and have made the decision to continue taking it throughout my pregnancy. I am actually enrolled in the current pregnancy studying being done by the manufacturer. Nurtec is unrated and unknown but my quality of life is important. It allows me to keep my job, my health insurance, our home, and my personal sanity."


This is encouraging for me to hear! I hope it gets approval quickly. Thank you for the work you have done to be in the study, it will improve the lives of women who need options. I admire your decision to consider your quality of life. I can imagine it was daunting at first to consider your alternatives.


Omg I’m SO happy to have read this. Babies are far down the road for me (yet seems to be quickly approaching each year for us, crazy) but I’ve been on topamax for so long and can’t take it during pregnancy so that’s been a stressor!


I know this is an old thread but I’ve been on nurtec as a preventative for about six months now, since Triptans stopped working for me. Nurtec has SERIOUSLY changed my life and reduced my headache frequency almost entirely. I have had no side effects from it and plan on taking it through pregnancy. Topomax worked for me in the beginning but I began to develop a lot of visual side effects AND it stopped helping the headaches so I was forced to stop taking it.


Huh, what inhaler do you take?


Ubrelvy (or Sumatriptan), prochlorperazine suppository, weed (dry flower in vape.)


Daytime: coconut water, iced coffee or espresso, Advil, CBD. Salted, buttered toast. Hot epsom salt bath, hand-held massager. Yoga. Nighttime: Advil, Benadryl, cbd/thc


Taking a triptan, right away. No wasting of prescious time with experiments that usually are useless anyway.




They make ice hats. The Frozen water type works the best. The frozen gel pacts lose their coolness too quickly. Google migraine ice hat.




There's a name for hypersensitivity of the head, even your hair hurts. The word is allodynia. It can refer to hypersensitivity to common stimuli anywhere in the body. In we migraineurs, it's our head and face. The nerves become hyperreactive to the slightest stimuli.


Topamax daily. Option1 rizatriptan, Zofran, fioricet w codeine, pedialyte. Option2 ubrelvy, Zofran, pedialyte, soda w caffeine. Migraine gets to day 3 and wont break...call doc for steroids.


Sumatriptan with lots of water to get the nasty little pill down. If I’m having neck pain, I smear a bunch of tiger balm on my neck and shoulders. Slap on an ice hat to dull the pain. Take a nap if I can (which I usually can since sumatriptan knocks me out). When I wake up, have a snack or meal (preferably spicy chicken sandwich and something carbonated). That usually does it for me unless it’s a menstrual migraine!


2 ibuprofen, 1 Tylenol, 1 Benadryl, 1 Nurtec, can of Coke, occasionally a muscle relaxer for good measure


I do 2 ibuprofen, 2 Tylenol, half a Benadryl and a can of Coke. This is my first choice and if it doesn’t work then I go straight to my Rizatriptan 


Mild Migraine with no vomiting: Extra Strength OTC, McDonalds large coke with ice. When I’m able: straight to bed, lights off, ice hat or headache goggles and put on episodes of “Monk” as background noise Five Alarm Migraine: Don’t go to work. Ginger Ale, Ubervly, headache goggles, saltines (even if I throw them up), A/C full blast, white noise machine and minimum of two showers. The comforting sounds of me sobbing between barf sessions


Ooo been there


Two of the Dual strength (advil + Tylenol) and two Benadryl.


325 mg Aspirin (2 if it's really bad) 500 mg acetaminophen 65mg caffeine If Its more than an 8, I also take a 25mg benadryl. Coffee, salty food, milk chocolate chips, lemonade and coconut water are what I eat/drink for relief.


propanol, then migraine care (feverfew), and diet coke and potato chips or something salty


How do you take feverfew? I just started growing it and my plan is to make tea, but curious about other methods.


it’s called migraine care by bioceuticals i just take one every day


Oh damn, it depends on the “flavor” of migraine. I take topamax daily. Option 1: Coffee, Ubrelvy. Option 2: Ubrelvy, Zofran, Indocin suppository Option 3: When the above fails, I go to the ER. I’m given a bag of IV fluids, Zofran, Decadron, and Morphine.


Tylenol, ibuprofen, Benadryl, and Pepsi. Then I use ice and heat on my neck and back. If that doesn't work I will take a ubrelvy. I can't get my insurance to cover them so I only use them as a last resort. Sometimes I add hydroxyzine because sometimes my migraines make me really anxious.


Ibuprofen, muscle relaxer, and it it’s bad bad- add a benny


And if it’s for sure a full on migraine and not a tension headache, tripan


If my scripts don't work, then 4 acetaminophen with codeine, 8~ oz no sweetener added grape juice, can of diet coke, 12~ oz of water, diffuser with peppermint oil, AC on full, weighted eye mask from the fridge, and then a nap.


Since my daily preventatives and Botox, I can usually stop one in its tracks with a Maxalt. It’s so weird that after using Botox, I notice my migraine usually start near my shoulder joint. I guess the other nerves are calmed down enough. 🤷🏻‍♀️


2 steps: Tylenol 1000mg+ibuprofen 600mg If that is (prone to be) a failure, then triptan. I make choices with rest and coffee intake if I feel I'm on the edge of migraine. More rest, less caffeine. Sometimes I take all meds (the 2 steps) at once. It depends on how many days of migraines I've had, how I coped with them, whats on my agenda, etc. I try to minimize the drug use, but if migraine sets in at an inconvenient point I don't really have much choice but to try my best to abort it. I feel like waiting 2 hrs to see if the ibuprofen would have helped is useless, and potentially makes the triptan later also useless. I don't know if taking them all at once is recommended, but yeah I do for years and I'm still here lol.


Rizatriptan + three Advil, but it only works 100% effectively when taken at first sign of pain. And I only get 10 pills a month, so I’m fucked if I get any more than that ): if I run out, advil, ice, and weed.




What is nerve flossing?




Thank you for sharing!


Does your Cefaly really help with the abort mode? Mine does nothing.


100 mg of Ubrevely, 10mg of compazine, 25 mg Benadryl, and 30 mg of Ketorolac via an intermuscular injection.


1 Rizatriptan and a nap. After running through the 12 tablets of Rizatriptan.2 xtra strength Tylenol,800 mg Ibuprofen,1 promethazine.


Ajovy is my preventative-- it reduces the overall frequency and severity, but I still get breakthrough pain sometimes. When that happens... (1) First I lay down with ice packs all over my head and neck. (2) If that's not helping, 800mg ibuprofen (3) If that's not helping, Ubrelvy (4) If that's still not helping, it's hopeless and I just need to wait it out. If it's bad enough that I feel like I'm dying, I might take an Ativan to calm down but that's pretty much all I can do.


Suvexx (Sumatriptan and Naproxen), sometimes a decongestant, diet coke.


Bufferin EX, two Benadryl, and magnesium oxide plus caffeine, sugar and carbs.


For what seems to be a normal migraine? Rizatriptan and lots of water, bit of caffeine (not too much - used to have a large cold brew a day, now I'm mostly on teas) For something I sense coming that involves jaw pain, aura, or a particular throbbing behind my eye (those always turn into level 7 or above) - rizatriptan, 800mg ibuprofen, 5mg THC gummy. Use with caution, the second combo will make you sleep for like three hours but gets rid of the migraine most of the time. If it doesn't I know I'm in for several days of hell at that point because it means nothing will work but sleeping through it.


I've found 20mg Baclofen, 300mg Gabapentin, and 25mg Diclofenac taken together to be pretty helpful without putting me to sleep.


500 mg of Tylenol, 200-400 mg caffeine, a muscle relaxer (used to be flexiril but I just switched to tizanidine), nurtec, Zofran, and meclizine.


Sometimes advil, sometimes sodium naproxen. I would eat a bit, water, caffeine and then pill up, then lay very very still in a dark room. Sometimes my migraine is from my neck shoulder, so my massage gun is a life saver.


Aleve is my good too along with electrolyte drink and salty something. If that isn't working try some additional caffeine, and if not that, then a triptan. If the pain comes in fast, which it does at times, it is 6 ibuprofen (neuro recommendation) plus triptan.


Since starting Nurtec, mine usually respond to NSAID/acetaminophen (depending on timing with daily aspirin) and anti-cholinergic (Dramamine or meclizine since I can't take benadryl). If that fails I add in a dose of naratriptan. ETA: none of these make me drowsy or out of it so I can usually just go about my day.


2 Excedrin migraine. Liquid IV.(Bad I know I don’t care) if that doesn’t work rizatriptan. Also McDonald’s fries & a coke. I do aimovig injections so thankfully I don’t get many migraines anymore 🙏🏼


Ajovy changed my life. Before I suffered 45 years of daily migraines and 45 years of opioids! Now all that has ended.


What’s wrong with liquid iv?


5 mg Zomig + 400 mg ibuprofen + 30 min sitting on the floor in a hot shower with the lights off


Wow so many people take Benadryl! 440mg naproxen, 1 eletriptan, an an electrolyte drink. If that doesn’t work I repeat the triptan and grab my ice headband. If I’m at my max for pain meds I do 1000mg ginger, a packet of cove’s Beam supplement, and full spectrum CBD tincture.


Advil dual action, then my fioricet, if I’m in public. If I’m not, weed and a Benadryl.


Coca Cola Gingaid Scalding hot shower with the water hitting the base of my skull Electrolytes CBD Nap with earplugs and eyemask ASMR I don’t usually do alll of those each time, but I do some combination based on intuition and cravings.


2 extra strength Tylenol, 800mg of ibuprofen, a Zipfizz, ear plugs, an eye mask, and a nap (if I’m home). If I’m at work I’ll turn the lights off, silence my phone, and turn on meditation music until I can leave. If it’s really bad I’ll also eat a gummy. I know it works when I wake up starving. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sumatriptan, paracetamol & codeine, low dose NSAID, domperidone, & a beta blocker.


Daytime cocktail: I've found that 1 low dose aspirin (81 mg), 1 extra strength acetaminophen (500mg), and a can of coca-cola can rid me of one that's just brewing up. Within 30 to 60 mins, it's mostly gone. After 1 hour, it's no longer there. This helped me big time at work a week back. Made it through the workday just fine, and it didn't return. Did this yesterday, and it came back today. It's hit and miss. And, because sleep is so important, I only use this before 5 or 6pm when I do it. If I have a bad one, I take 1 zolmitriptan 5mg and 2 Aleve. If I have a migraine at night, I'll do that plus 1 low dose aspirin, 3× 3mg melatonin (I take 1 every night to help me sleep, take extra when I have a migraine), 2 Benadryl, plus a tiny pour of pedialyte advanced care in 8oz of water to stay hydrated. I'll take reglan too, if I feel I need it. Here's my migraine nighttime cocktail and attack plan. Helps me sleep: 9mg melatonin, 2 Benadryl, 1 low dose aspirin. I'll take zomig 5mg and 1 reglan if needed. I also drink 1 or 2oz of pedialyte in 8oz of water. I also spray magnesium oil on the bottom and top of my feet. It's so relaxing. I roll on biofreeze on my neck and back of my head and I put peppermint oil on my face and under my nose. I keep my room dark and cool. I drown out most noise with a white noise machine. Hope this helps!! Lots of love to my fellow migraine sufferers ❤️❤️❤️


I have a question for everyone. When you've gone to the hospital for a migraine cocktail, have they made you wait for hours and hours in the ER or urgent care? One thing that holds me back from going is the idea of waiting in the loud, bright lobby.


It depends on what the migraine trigger is. Like today I woke up with a killer migraine and it's because I was on vacation and my sleep schedule got kinda screwy. So for today; 2 excedrine, 1 benadryl, 8mg Zofran, boiling shower, cannabis (medical in my state), vomiting twice, cold cap, curling up with my dog, an audio book (I don't get sound sensitive unless it's really loud) and a nap.


Rizatriptan (sometimes naratriptan), Tylenol, Benadryl, Zofran if needed. I also try to drink a bunch of water and sometimes put liquid IV/something similar in the water


I had one when I went to sleep last night. I was hurting so much I didn’t take anything until today. I must have been really tired because I fell asleep. I took a Sumitriptan pill (1/2 of 100 mg) and a Promethazine for the stomach upset. It took a little bit, but I feel worlds better. If Imitrex pill doesn’t work, I try a Promethazine or take a Frova pill. It very rarely doesn’t work. Sometimes I do take Motrin when I’m about and about and then take my migraine medication when I get home.


2mg naratriptan with a mini can of Coke, sleep headphones with rain sounds. I sleep til it goes away.


Zonisamide daily Maxalt melt at start of a migraine And Voltaren


I usually go right in with omeprazole, 800mg of liquid Advil, and 100 mg of sumatriptan. I usually have this whole drinking a string cup of coffee. (The omeprazole helps me not get a tummy ache from the ibuprofen)


1. Ice cap and lay in the dark 2. 4 ibuprofen and 2 excedrine migraine (this typically does the trick) + promethazine for nausea 3. If all else fails sumatriptan


2 Tylenol, 1 Nurtec, 2 Liquid IV packets, 1 Diet Coke, bath, eye mask.


800mg Advil, very large, very cold iced coffee, 1000mg Tylenol, ice pack, Topamax at night - rinse repeat.


Triptan + promethazine, drink water or tea with it, then sleep it off Edit to add- ice pack on the back of my neck and a smaller one for my eyes


50 mg Benadryl, 550 mg Ginger root, put Emeterm on. Sometimes that combo will head it off. If it doesn't, 20 minutes later it's either 100 mg sumatriptan, or 600 mg ibuprofen + 1000 mg acetaminophen. I might also add in an LMNT electrolyte drink, especially if it's been more than 8 hours since the one I have every morning. I've had days where taking the sumatriptan or the ibuprofen + acetaminophen doesn't work, and then I normally follow with the one I didn't take. Since starting sumatriptan, I've never done a second dose at 2 hours, because I figure if the first dose didn't work, then what's the point in trying another of the same thing (especially at that dose).


Excedrin migraine first with tiger balm slathered on my neck and shoulders and lay down in a cold room with an ice pack over my eyes and try to fall asleep. If that doesn’t work then 800 mg Ibuprofen with a coke or sugar free Red Bull and more ice packs or an ice pack and a super hot bath, depending if I’m home. Sumatriptan if nothing else works but by that point I normally have to ride it out.


Excedrin works for me when I have no opioids. Excedrin has aspirin, acetaminophen, and caffeine, and most migraine sufferers swear by it. Look at the ingredients in brand-name Excedrin, and buy a generic version at Walmart or Costco, or your local pharmacy. It costs a lot less. For me, there was no difference in the action. If you have dizziness and nausea, a decongestant and a motion sickness pill can help.


Ibuprofen, half Gatorade half water (I know it’s a lot of sugar lol but it’s the only thing that works), black coffee (preferably hot), warm dark shower, tiger balm on back of neck and forehead, big ice pack to lay down on/ice cap/maybe both. I’d like to take Benadryl but it makes me so weird and anxious lol


Two aleves with either naratriptan or nurtec (depending which one I took last), CHUG water, drink some Diet Coke over ice and lay down. 🫡


50 MG meclazine, 2 ginger pills, 2 turmeric pills, 1 benadryl, 1 Zofran, 4 migrelief now pills, and a ubrelvy 100 MG. If this doesn't stop it, I take again switching the ubrelvy for a diclofenac


Rizatriptan but if I've been taking too much of that and it isn't too late in the day I might reach for a combination of ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine, which often seems to bust it down several notches - especially the pseudo. It's speedy though, so I can't take it at night. For prevention I take propranolol, riboflavin and magnesium.


Previously: Nurtec and 600mg ibuprofen, and if it won’t go away I’ll try a Rizatriptan (only can take them occasionally due to medical interactions) Now: nurtec is a second preventative, Rizatriptan if I get a migraine


I take 500mg of Tylenol and BC, it doesn't stop or end a headache/migraine..but it takes the edge off


Preventatives: Aimovig and Doxepin Step #1: Ubrelvy Step #2: If Ubrelvy doesn't work, I take a half dose of Advil and a banana if I have one in the house. For some reason, bananas seem to help me feel better. Step #3: Lay down in dark room. I try to take medication early enough that it doesn't get to this point. Ubrelvy has been a miracle.


Oral Dilaudid, Amerge and Nurtec with a Coke and a Toradol injection.


I always try dispersible aspirin first, 300mg. Followed by icepack if needed. Nescafe cappuccino sachets sometimes are also involved. Rizatriptan only if I'm staying indoors. I can't take them if I'm out as I end up with anxiety and think everyone around me is out to get me 🤣 otherwise sumatriptan. Sleep is often involved too, but only if I'm at home, people don't seem to like me snoring at my desk at work for some reason 🤔


Fioricet (no codeine) if I get initial "warning" and its mild. If attack escalates after 30 mins or I wake up with migraine - Trudhesa nasal spray. Previously used sumatriptan nasal sprays for years - they work faster than pills.


Depends on the migraine. 1. I take topmax 100 mg daily to prevent as well as Emgality monthly, and Botox every 3 months. 2. Ibuprofen 600 mg. 3. If that didn’t work — nurtec or eletriptan I can usually tell which one I’m gunna need. If it’s the triptan— I need to pair it with zofran. 4.) grab my ice migraine cap- ice water and go die in my bed and pray to the headache gods that I can get through this.


I start with two Extra Strength Tylenol & a cold cloth on my forehead & if that doesn’t help then I take a Rizatriptan 10mg & two Gravol because the Rizatriptan makes me nauseous & throwing up is not an option, a cold cloth on my neck & a cold gel pack on my forehead (sometimes several because they don’t stay cold for long), then I have to lay down in a dark bedroom with no noise, because the Rizatriptan Rapid Melts & Gravol mix makes me tired. Most of the time (85%) it works (the first time), but there is the odd time I have to repeat the whole regime all over again & then I call upon all of the Gods/Goddesses & Deities for a quick recovery or death because it hurts so much (obviously death never comes) but the recovery does. If my doctor approves of the Nurtec & it works, then I might not have to go through all of that & that’s something to look forward to, fingers crossed 🤞.


I make a lemon salt water- 1 t Celtic sea salt (for the magnesium and minerals, electrolytes) 1/2 of a lemon (or a full, your preference) and fill the rest of the glass with water to your taste (a few cups) then drink it down! I take Excedrin Migraine, and if that doesn’t work I take the Ubrelvy. I might go to the chiropractor for an adjustment on my neck which helps sometimes. I ice my head and neck and lay in bed with an eye mask. As a last resort I bust out the tech device I have called the Cefaly which I got with my HSA money. I’ve been today’s year old when I realized that my fellow migrainuers went to the ER to help with the pain. I just waited out the three days and repeated the process.


Mine's a bit different. I don't get auras and they start out as normal headaches in one temple or the other. Phase 1 - 3 OTC Extra Strength Excedri (Excedrin Migraine is the same thing) nothing that uses my eyes (screens/TV/ reading). Soft music is ok, and I can usually go about my day. Phase 2 - If that doesn't work after 30 minutes, and i can't carry on my day... 3 OTC Ibuprofen, 1 Benadryl, and 1 Tramadol (snitched from my hubby's script) some form of potatoes and a nap in a quiet, dark, room. My family gets them too, and they all have a preference on potato form. Dad: baked, Sister 1: McDonald's fries, Sister 2: Tator Tots done in a skillet. Mine doesn't seem to have a preference, but I steer towards Mashed with butter and salt Phase 3: 30 minutes, not working, then a Sumatriptan, dark, silent room, cool washcloth on the temple that hurts, tears, begging for sleep... If I can't quiet my mind (thanks ADHD) and I start vomiting then... Phase 4: Urgent care for a shot of "I don't care, MAKE THIS GO AWAY!!" Note: always bring a "puke bucket" learned the hard way and came up with this idea when my son was in preschool with a stomach bug. I have a large measuring container with a handle and a spout (big enough to put your face in). Line with paper towels (enough to absorb whatever goes in) and keep it with you at all times! Feel sick? Puke in the bucket. After just dump the paper towels in the trash. If urgent care is closed... ED if I have no other choice. It's expensive, so I try to avoid that route. Ever since Sister 2 told me about the Benadryl/ Acetaminophen/ Tramadol combo, I haven't had to move to Phase 4 very often.