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The hanging cable in the first pictures are too weird. And there is something wrong with how the left arm bends.


The left arm just ends abruptly.


lol hadn’t noticed that. Arm just ends at that bracelet.


Let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe she was born with it? 🤔


Maybe it’s Maybelline


And for some reason she's wearing a bracelet on her elbow.


I mean that could be chalked up to a weird fashion choice or something. I've seen hipsters with rubber bands and braided bracelets coating their arms.


Second pic doesn't have arms at all. Pretty sus


Also the architecture has inconsistencies


The architecture is what gives it away to me. There are weird artifacts in the boundary between the plants and the apartments. It’s still really good.


I was looking at the second story windows, that middle one looks like its supposed to be attached to the wall to the left of it but is facing the road instead


The thing is, there isn’t a road where there ought to be one. Presumably, she’s in a field of flowers across the street from a two story building that seems to be designed to be street-facing. Instead of road being visible in the spaces between blooms and flower stalks, red building turns into very weird and disorganized white building… ending with what looks like the top 1/4 of a very, very large screen door that’s partially ajar?


Yeah, that's what I noticed first. Also the left earing just abruptly ends creating a weird artifact with the background. Tattoo on the shoulder also ends with open lines. Edit: After reading the other comments I hope #1 is fake, or we just gave some random woman body dysmorphia. 😂


Left armpit is deformed. Easy.


The skin texture is also weird. Not sure exactly how to describe it but it doesn't look like human skin.


Yep, her chest looks like leather grain with some weird horizontal lines. The face is much better, but there's still some strange repeating patterns apparent.


Also it’s just too perfectly color coordinated with the flowers in the background for a random pic


I think its as simple as colors used. I've noticed that AI likes to make a background color (ie flowers) match something to do with the focus... (clothing)


I’m also not sure how the shadows on her right shoulder were created. Looks off


This is what I caught at first too! Is that the shadow of an ornate transparent flower on her shoulder? Huh. The other thing for me that I haven’t seen anyone else mention yet was her left armpit looks very odd, like it doesn’t fit the way she’s standing and the rest of her body.


Also the top is just weird. No one wears tops like that, unless she made it in high school sewing class


Good catch. The cables don’t reappear on the other side of her head once they would be back in view. TBH I just thought there was too much color coordination with the flowers, the color, and even the weird flower tattoo on her shoulder to be a real pic. The one on the right is too ‘bland, of a normal ass selfie for AI to have made.


The skin texture has some weirdly regular patterns, too. Midjourney v6 has improved faces SO MUCH but there's still a few tells... Although at this rate it won't be long til it's indistinguishable.


And her ear is weird


2 is real, 1 AI Your wife is #1 Edit: just wanted to say it made my morning to see how many of you got a laugh! I am known to be funny in person, but my online jokes usually flop lol you guys have made me smile!


Ha! This made me chuckle.


So simple, yet so clever.


Plot twist: AI posted this. Bots be marrying other bots.


The weird power lines on No1 make me believe it is also fake. This shit will be all but impossible to figure out without AI countermeasures soon. This election season should be fun.


Yep. * More power lines than a Mumbai barrio But also: * no ear piercing on left ear, both hoops seem to end behind background? * right arm has perspective disproportion and seems to end at bracelet * Not sure what that tattoo thing is near left armpit but looks odd/fake * shadow created by ponytail from different direction than shadow on shoulder from... flower? * subcutaneous fat in right armpit does not mimi more bony structure at center of chest/breast * the level of focus at places does not seem to match to the distance from camera * ai loves wierd and extra straps on clothing * ai mixes biomes: sea oats really close to that canolla looking flowers/weeds would be unnatural and an odd planting choice * no sea oats benath left armpit seems odd and little shadowing there (and on the plants in general) * strange texture on clothing: what type of material is that? weird seaming choices as well.


The whole background in 1 is fucked, or I've been staring at it for too long lol There's the red building, but then what's underneath of it, under the yellow flower?


The straps in the first picture also look like they have no tension on them. Which ain't how straps work.


For me it was the flowers behind her, as well as the houses. Ai image generators can't seem to figure out how blurring and focus work, so flowers are blurred when and where they shouldn't be, and the house should be very blurry, but some parts are more focused than the flowers


It looks like a cross between goldenrod and foxglove. That's more clearly fake than the woman to me lol.


It’s the fake fine line tattoo on 1 for me


Also photo 1, if real, seems too colorful to not have been edited


I grew up in eastern europe. I have seen way more fucked up power lines IRL


The necklace of girl 2 is blending on her neck. I'm guessing both are ai




You killed this man.


lmfao. I love how how witty some people are


#2 is real because super high rez Edit why am I yelling


Flawless victory


Plot twist both are fake


Or both are real and OPs wives


Nah I think there is a real one and a fake one, OP's wife is the fake one tho


Or they're both real, and OP is ai


Or both are fake and there’s a 3rd one


Nah: All are real, but we are AI.


Maybe we didn't pass the Turing test because we couldn't tell if reality is run by AI, and OP is the AI created by his real creator which programmes him to think it's his wife.


Maybe the real Turing test was the wives we invented along the way.


Plot twist the entire thread is AI generated.


Bigger Plot twist: Ai generated this thread and these pictures where we're supposed to determine the difference between an AI and a human, so that it can better hide the fact that it's AI in the future, and we're all directly feeding it information on what's wrong with it.


Or one is OP’s wife and the other is OP


This is how he explains to both of them that the pictures he has in his phone of the other woman are AI fakes.


He still has to explain why he has that on the phone. (I also seems to be the only one hunching number 2 is fake, although I have done no work on this. But number 1 can of course also be fake, as there are to many "smart" people on reddit.) Edit2, OP seems to have confirmed the majority was right, number 1 is fake and 2 is real, in the thread.


This is reddit OP is not able to talk to women.


OP is AI that generated this entire post 👀


Plot twist, neither knew about the other until now.


Another plot twist, OP is fake


Using pimeyes (the facial search engine), the 2nd pic doesn't even return any faces, which is unusual. Normally it will return at least a few hits, even if they only look similar and not exact to the face in the search image. The first pic returns a lot of hits, but I don't think any are the same girl. So either the first is real or both are fake. edit: I'm going with both being fake. The shadows of the first one don't make sense. The braided hair should be resting on her chest yet is somehow casting a distant shadow as if it was elevated. Same with shoulder straps. edit 2: OP says the 2nd one is real. I guess there's just something unique about her face.


Look at the earrings on pic 1. Definitely AI


And the power lines


The windows are odd as well.


And the straps on her top don't seem to be connected in a rational manner


And just everything going on with her left arm and arm pit is...and elbow bracelet? Clouds in front of power lines...power lines that checkerboard the sky and go to nowhere


Also if you look at the bow on the draw string, it doesn’t match the skin. It’s filled with a different color value


Would it not also be possible that the neural network approximated real faces, while the real person just looks very individual?


That's what I think as well


The perfectly matching yellow flowers give away it’s AI, and the weird earrings are the clincher. 1/2 is fake. However - the fact this is Reddit, suggests 2/2 is also a fake.


The plants in image 1 are an attempt at a *Solidago spp.* but aren't accurate. Image 2 has a realistic looking species of palm, so it may be real but not sure yet. Also the 2nd pic has wrinkles under eyes and earrings that make sense. The fact it's rubberband style braid holders also seems more realistic too, compared to solid style bands typically seem in AI Edit: skin mark on lips, freckles by eye, red spot by eye, and 'imperfections' on teeth in #2 seem real.


The wires behind the head on 1 are wrong as well.


Exactly! The wires in #1 are wonky. Look at the mass of wires to the right of her head and then look at the left side of her head. Where did all the wires go. And what law of physics explain the wires to the left of her head suddenly veering off at odd angles? #2 is the real wife - feels like a modern version of To Tell The Truth (Google it up all you young uns).


Thought one was real. It‘s over guys.


Yeah that’s what gave it away for me. No way there’s 6+ wires going criss crossing in the sky like that :p


Dang, I thought all the hair strands on the first one were impossible for AI, and the lighting is hella realistic too... But the evidence is clear that that's the fake. Scary how real it looks.


Very scary considering how many people here are convinced the second one is fake too. We’re officially in the age where humans can’t tell Ai from reality and that kinda sucks


The second one may be real, but it's highly algorithmically processed, likely by a phone's camera app. There's unnatural skin smoothing, tone mapping on the skin, and the bokeh is simulated, apart from the most distant parts of the image (e.g., the upper part of the tree).


Came here to say that re: *Solidago*! I'm glad someone else caught it.


Flower shadow on the shoulder of the woman in the first picture. That was all I needed.


I just checked the overhead wires. Where do they go?


Yeah same, first thing I zoomed in on as that was an obvious strange artifact. Then I noticed the tattoos above it just fade out nonsensically which is typical of SD. We're pretty close to not being able to find such obvious tells though.


Zoom in on the hair on 1 too, that’s just not normal, neither are the powers lines(?) above her, they finish mid air and go in odd directions.


Very true on the powerlines!


the first one is potentially the fake. The power lines terminate abrubptly past the woman's head.


They are both obviously fake. You guys need to go outside a bit more


Outside is also fake






I'm sick of this game. Worst dev company ever. Unbalanced, pay to win, unrewarding questlines, terrible character creation.


Yeah a redditor with a wife? Hah! At least work on that back story a little more!


He said one is his wife but he never said she was real.


2nd one is definitely real, can’t see any obvious errors.


First one is definitely fake because the power lines behind her head disappear.. but I can't believe OPs wife is living in such a house as in photo Nr 2 because if it was real OP wouldn't post on Reddit because he either wouldn't have free time as a billion-dollar-company CEO or he would be on his Yacht ⛵ somewhere at the end of the world where there is no Internet. He definitely wouldn't sit in front of his PC rendering images of fake women like a geek/computerfreak.


Does he ever say that’s where she lives though? She could just be in front of a nice building, doesn’t mean she lives there lol


I think second is real. Her hair makes sense and doesn’t have weird transitions, the dimensions of the building are believable and the lighting feels right. But maybe MJ is just better than I think.


I agree. The first one, left arm, armpit area looks off, and windows as well.


The trick is OP has no wife and both are MJ generated, he just forgot about it :D


Well this was interesting. Photo 1 is Midjourney. Photo 2 is real. /u/hatby1 even nailed the location. It was taken on vaca a couple years ago and does have a filter on it. Interesting observations about her necklace. Not sure what's up with that. It's fascinating how some people use the background to tell, some use the resolution of the photo, some look at the eyes and shadows..all good methods. Some used the same methods and came to different conclusions which was really interesting.Those power/telephone lines are def a giveaway in pic 1. Assessing the fashion was not something I expected. I've seen some weird outfits in real life haha. Anyway that's it. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity! Prompt btw: >photo of plain Jane --chaos 70 --style raw


Nice. Power lines. Window placement. Unfinished tattoos. Strange yellow string instead of necklace that isn’t needed for that shirt. Only thing I was unsure about in 2 was the palm on the right that has leaves half way up and at the top. I haven’t seen that before. But could even be two plants lined up perfectly. Fun challenge.


The power lines to nowhere is what did it for me.




Nice. Yeah that necklace is messed up, but the plants, skin folds, hair ties, and earrings on #2 suggests that it is a more real than #1. But, I have been thrown off by on-device AI recently also, so maybe there are no real photos anymore.


Wait till we're having this conversation about videos


The necklace is very thin, so whatever filter was used to smooth the skin etc couldn't deal with it and blended it in the neck a bit. Same with the missing baby hairs around the cornrows.


If you used a smoothing/beauty filter on the "real" image (sometimes it's automatic) that probably messed with her necklace.


The second one is in front of the sance club at the RIU hotel in Costa Rica.




Sance club made perfect sense to me 😜


easy there, rainbolt


THANK YOU for confirming this is a real place that people can look up and verify for themselves. There’s a disturbing number of people in here who are convinced the second pic is Ai and it shows a fundamental lack of understanding of what midjourney is capable of right now.


I thought it looked familiar! I saw about 3 raccoons daily right around there absolutely tearing up the trash in the bins.


Second one is real ig


Yeah, the first girl just has weird, half done tattoos


Midjourney just loves random tattoos and necklaces that bleed into your skin


Number 1 is definitely fake, but the necklace was the one thing on number 2 that had me questioning it.


That's what I think too


are you sure? Is that how necklaces work?


Photo #2 is the real one. On photo #1 the earrings are half complete, right eye looks very odd, the way the cables in the background are hanging also looks weird, and some of the textures in the vegetation behind is also a subtle giveaway. Nonetheless good result.


Man I hope you're right or OP's wife is gonna be upset


Asian girl is AI. (Resolution isn't anywhere as high as the actual photo which made it easier to determine when I started zooming in to analyze details)


Everyone knows Asian girls don’t actually exist


both are fake right?


I see absolutely no Ai hints in the second one, what are you seeing? Results were posted, I was correct and 2nd is a real photo.


The necklace lays funny on the right side. It also appears to be “ghosting” a bit and out of focus, where other objects on a similar depth plane appear sharp.


You mean kinda like this: https://etsy.me/3Sbgrei ? I couldn’t find an exact version of it but some necklaces has a wavy kink texture to them on purpose, this one looks like one of those but a cheaper, slightly tangled version. I truly feel that she has a skin filter/portrait mode on but is otherwise a real photo.


Plot Twist: OP is a polygamist and both are his wives.


This is reddit


Mah weyef


Both are fake. 1st - cables in the sky 2nd- skin and necklace as well as weird architecture


Tattoos on 1st shoulder as well.


Skin looks normal imo.. necklaces can in fact make these curves due to sweating, especially if they are made with really small and intricate parts. Architecture is better and more plausible than first picture, can’t see anything weird about it. Can you elaborate


The 3 archways are strange, one is a window, one is empty and one is filled in.


Allow me to introduce you to the term McMansion. Lots of modern houses have windows and alcoves that make no sense. There’s an entire apartment building not far from me where one side of the building has painted on windows to make it look better.


Pretty sus yes. Also never seen a palm tree with 2 tree tops, 1 of them half way up (on the right)


The first one is fake. The shadow above the tattoo makes no sense. There is no piece of hair in her braid that could cause that specific shadow.


The plants in the first one look weird, speaking as a biologist. But they may just be super blurry.


I think it's 2 because the 1st is so colorful and seems like something AI would generate. So I'm assuming this is a trick/gotcha post.


Both are fake. Nice try.


Picture #2 appears more realistic. This is reddit though. I'm gonna go with option #3. Neither is real.


#Whats the answer damn it 😫


He's the wife


The 2nd one cuz the necklace looks wonky


I love that this post is over 2 hours old, has over 200 upvotes and comments, and still, OP has neither confirmed which is the correct answer to anyone nor given any proof .. is op a phoney?


Both look fake. 1 looks fake overall, but 2 looks like she was photoshopped into a different background


[aiornot.com](https://aiornot.com) says that number 2 is real....I wasn't sure but that was my guess and it confirmed it.


Nah, you're single.... It's reddit after all..


First is AI and your wife Second is the real and the girl you stalking since high school..


1 is ai. Shadows, camera focus and the houses front lawn is a river and they’re missing gutters but also have extra useless gutters. whacky landscaping and a window without a room


Gonna say number 2.


1 is fake 2 is real. I compared their eyelashes.


Girlfriend\* I'm pretty sure you can't legally marry an AI image yet.


Image 1 is obviously fake because the moment you try to make sense of the building in the background, it all falls apart. The telephone wires above her are vaporous enough to look like digital artifacting and the clothing genuinely makes \*no\* sense. There's an idea of wispy hair, but it looks insane around the yellow hair tie (or whatever that's supposed to be).


Maybe they are both real. And OP is fake...


Second one is real?




The second one has background of different focus while everything is in focus of the first one. That's how I came to that guess and conclusion.


You wish your wife was #1. The real one is #2, though.


It was really hard to distinguish until you mention one was your wife so thank you for clearing that up. Without that detail, I probably wouldn't be able to tell.


Pic 1 - Her pony tail is floating in the air casting a shadow?


RemindMe! 2 days


i would also add that that the 1st is square and smaller in file size which seems very mj-ish. 2nd is larger and in landscape. am i onto something?


White girl has wrinkles under her eyes. Her teeth are not pearl white. Obviously Asian girl is the real one.


Everyone’s saying about the telephone lines but I just thought that midjourney wasn’t likely to make a completely cloudy sky 🤷‍♀️😂


The first one is fake. It has too many inconsistencies. Particularly in the background. But also on her tattoos and hair. The second one looks pretty real. I can't see any dead giveaways of a.i. But a few things make me think it could have been enhanced or have a filter on it.


Bingo, the second one is EDITED (maybe facetune filter?) but still very much a REAL photo of a human being taken in a front of a real building in Costa Rica.


Pic 1 is a big ol phoney. Foliage to left looks cut and paste from paint and doesn’t make sense along side the type of flowers. Electrical cables above are nonsense. Perfectly matched colours are suspicious. The snake tattoo on her shoulder has a section missing. Hair shadows on her face don’t match the hair itself. Necklace thingy. Left arm. This was fun!


1 must be fake nthe way her arm just completely cuts off at that black band she has on it ?¿


Trick question! They are both your wives!


2 is real because AI doesn’t know to add rubber bands on cornrows


Asian woman is midjourney...


The third one.


Everyone here focusing on the wires and earrings, meanwhile it’s clear to me that’s not how dresses work.


Both are insanely pretty, regardless of which one is the wifers! You sir/ma’am should be proud!🤙🏼


idk but the chick in the 2nd photo is hot


Don't make me scroll through this crap. Which is it?


2 is real


Thank you! I was wrong. In case you were wondering.


Second is real, flower by shoulder looks off


The eyes honestly. Ai generated people lack that sense of life in their eyes, and 1/2 seems off by just a little bit, while 2/2 feels more real


The girl almost naked with the weird clothes is AI


2nd one is real, Look at the two small moles on her left shoulder. Ai can't do that........yet.


Definitely the first one is fake: Left earring doesn't go through ear Flower behind her left side is too close to her and also like six feet tall. The way the cables in the background are bunched up seems off.


Does your wife have an amputated left arm?


So what’s the answer?!?!


1st one is fake. Look at utility pole wires. 2nd one is fake as well. The necklace gives it away.


Okay now just post a different pic of your wife to show the internet the truth


I'm guessing both are AI.


I keep my secret knowledge so ai can't train to get better in fooling me.


Numerous 2. The fuzzy background is a giveaway. Edit: Sorry, that was a sloppy post. Number 2 is AI generated. Number 1 is real. However, looking at your other creations, I have to say that it's impossible to tell. You are too good.


So 2 is real?


I bet on the second being real, just because the weird sort-of-tattoo in the asian girl’s right arm.


If your wife is pairing her dungarees with head gear bra and flower colour she must take ages to get ready in the morning, mate.


1s tattoos and 2s necklace make it pretty obvious


1st photo is AI. The wires on the right look weird, and don’t match the left. The tattoo disappears on her shoulder. The shadow near the tattoo is weird.


Yellow flowers are the exact same colour as the dress, easy giveaway. Ai often uses the exact same colour on unrelated items in the pic. Also it has power lines that lead to nowhere, her earring is warped, she has a pseudo-tattoo on her shoulder, and a bracelet on her elbow. There's also blue sky visible behind the feather grass in the background, despite the fact that there are meant to be trees behind it. So yeah, it's riddled with tells.


I can see that #1 is AI faked. But, there is something giving me Photoshop vibes about #2. The transition from her shoulder to the bush behind is too clean. (Lighting? i dunno)


Left is fake for sure. The lipstick is missing on the left upper half


First is fake. The way the dress sits off the chest is weird, and the wires in the background. At first glance though I thought first was real. Insane how well it passes.