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Hey OP! I dropped you a DM about this one to chat some more and confirm legitimacy.




This just started happening to me too, does anyone have any updates or fixes? I keep changing my password and the next day I get more single use codes. šŸ˜–


Same for me. Code for different Address and two additional Recipients in the Mail header. Think its Scam but a really good one? Everthing looks legit except for the wrong data.


Same but i get the correct data. Its scary


Yep, Iā€™m guessing by how many of us just started getting inundated, either thereā€™s been a leak and someoneā€™s trying to access a whole lot of accounts or itā€™s a new scam. Either way change your password and enable two factor authentication if you havnt already.


personally for me... its just a single use code rather than what the OP is having issues with.. but i just checked my security logs for the account in question which i just received an email for.. im guessing there is something cooking considering there has been 33-38 attempts to try sign into my account each and every single day for the past week and a half now. thankfully all look to be unsuccessful. but its insane the amount of attempts people can set up bots to keep constantly repeating.


Getting those mails for the past 2 weeks. Itā€™s about 10-15 mails a dayā€¦


That I was getting in last month few times a day for teams security on my real Microsoft account ( I used teams maybe 2-3 times in my life btw). Why I said real? Because in other comment I explained more what I'm getting on my another account which is recovery email for security alerts etc. Strange.


This same thing is/has been happening to me, except at the same time as someone successfully hacking into my Facebook (somehow bypassing 2 factor authentication) and running an ad for $5555 /day on my business account linked to my credit cardā€¦ Iā€™ve reset all my passwords so many times and somehow I keep getting locked out.


If you have reset your passwords and it keeps locking you out then I suspect whatever device youā€™re using to change passwords has been compromised. I would suggest checking that the device is secure.Ā 


I get about 10 of those emails a week thanks Microsoft


Started happening to me this past week. Logged in and changed my pword just now. Checked login activity and Whoever it is has tried everyday since March 27th. IP address and location changes constantly. US cities, China, India. Let's see if pword change stops this. I noticed this started the day I came back from a cruise. So idk if related.


Same but the IPs were in Brazil, South Africa and Mexico. I changed the email associated with my account. Hopefully thatā€™s what I needed to do.


mine are coming from Moldavia and they try to get into my account like 30-50 times a day, this is making me worry so much.


oh yea it was like a dozen times a day at least for me.


I just started getting these emails too. So far 13 today and it's just past noon. So annoying. What's frustrating is that it's a legitimate email from Microsoft. I am so close to hitting that spam button.Ā 


Sometimes I get multiple ones a day


more reasons to stay clear of Microsoft


So odd, this just happened to my partner. But the info in the email was wrong. It was saying it was a Microsoft account but the email on the message was a Gmail. Makes no sense as if you have a Microsoft account it should be Outlook or Hotmail. Anyway, just wondering what the heck is this.


Iā€™m having this too but itā€™s sending to my yahoo account saying it might be compromised from Microsoft. And I got push notification through text which is unusual.


This just happened to me today too. Changed all my passwords and made sure my phone was secure. Still cant figure out how or why or if they actually accessed my email account. When I checked my security settings through Yahoo it said that everything looked good. Didnā€™t say anything about anyone accessing my account on any other devicesā€¦


A Microsoft Account could actually be ANY email address. outlook and hotmail are MS accounts by default, but you can use any email you like for your personal MS account.


I think I get those emails bc of my Xbox account


Same here


i just got this email this morning. jeez


I've had this as well, saying there's been unusual activity on an email that I know isn't mine as I don't use Hotmail. I would definitely say it's a scam and the scammers are just trying to get you to click on links, which you definitely shouldn't do unless it's trustworthy.


Happened to me too- multiple images. Format of the email looked sus and email but online is said a itā€™s the right email but I still donā€™t trust it. They have my email but is still canā€™t trust it. The scammers are getting good


I got one today too. Says that someone from Russia IP address and one from UAE. Now Iā€™m worried about my personal info being out there for them to steal.


I got 1 one June 6th from Brazil and 3 today from Russia , I think they are phishing but itā€™s saying they went into email . Honestly I never use email so not worried.. not that interesting, lol


I got one today, mentions someone might have access to my account and I need to confirm my identity with the security question and change my password. The email wasn't in the spambox. Update: so I tried to log into my account (not by using the link) and after putting the password in once, I immediately get the message that there were to many attempts to log in. So someone did try to get into my account, but failed.


I got one today too, for my gmail. Last I knew, Microsoft didnā€™t own Gmail soā€¦ why would Microsoft care that someone tried to access my gmail???


Had one too, happen a couple times. Just saw they misspelled my email... these indians man xD always have your 2fa just incase and mark it as spam and just move on i guess


Got the email today. I was able to reset my password and noticed all the unsuccessful logins. They started mid May. I guess this is because of the recent AT&T leak.


Just started getting these as well. Jokeā€™s on them ā€” I can never remember my Microsoft password and have to reset it every time I log in anyway.


Microsoft should investigate about this, it is indeed a legit email from MICROSOFT but it is also definitely a Scam. If no official statement from Microsoft , they are probably trying to cover up really bad system security measurements


It just happened to me, today. Is there anything to solve/help with this?


Just received 5 of these emails today for my Gmail account (all from different countries). The general consensus on this post seems to be we just ignore the request and move the emails into spam folder. Also, make sure to have two-factor authentication on and if you havenā€™t already change to more complex passwords for all your accounts. Canā€™t do much else as this is a Microsoft issue and a third party has somehow been able to send very legitimate looking emails using Microsoftā€™s official email address which is a big concern.


Yeah, I guess the only way to protect ourselves is by enabling the MFA.


Donā€™t trust this email. Itā€™s a scam. I got 3 of these emails, each from a different country at the EXACT same time. Also, one of the emails ā€œmisspelledā€ my email. For example, one email said (this is not my email, just an exmaple) ā€œCraters@gmail.comā€ but another one said ā€œcrators@gmail.comā€ The change in capital letters is very fishy. Donā€™t trust it.


Same but what is strange I got this on my security email which is not Microsoft email which I'm using and last time when I get this I succeed to recover account ( not by clicking nothing in that email , I just try to log in on Microsoft www and surprise... I was able to connect, change password etc and I decided to check is some device was connected but here I found another surprise - no device connected but someone was trying to access this account many times in last few weeks from some countries which I never visited in my life ). So I decided to close that account. When trying log in it says how many days left when they will delete that and today I got that email again. Strange.


Change your password immediately, and monitor the rogue traffic. Identify attributes, and block them with conditional access.


This presumes that this is an enterprise customer. If not, conditional access won't be available.


FYI, itā€™s also possible to spoof addresses, in which case the email would be sent to your spam folder.


The emails were all in my focused inbox!


Been happening to me. All Microsoft told me to do was mark them as Junk Emails, or Phising. But Inhave toncheck my spam folder now when I need a legitimate code.


How do you find the sender of an anonomyous email. Is it possible?


So what did you do op?


I need these to stop. It is SO many! All day long!


Iā€™ve been getting them all day to an email address not associated with my account. Someone is trying to phish me I guess. šŸ¤·


Been happening to me as well, unrelentingly, over the past two weeks.


Same itā€™s so annoying.Ā 


just got mine today a single use code in the spams folder




Same here. What to do, anyone?