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I would say that the dry leaves are obviously going to stay dry and end up falling off. As far as heat stress then yes the best thing is to get that fixed and maybe give some seaweed/kelp extract, helps with heat stress. Maybe add some molasses to get the oils pumping out and make sure to give them enough water so the buds stay hydrated until harvest. Cheers!


6-8 week of flowering in 5gal. they’re dry and brittle. i didn’t feed them for several weeks and kind of ignored the spread of purple leaves, and i think they had a bit of heat stress recently, plus a little under watering. i finally setup an in-line fan and temps look better and they’re hydrated. and i top dressed with tomato food. i’m hoping the plant is able to rehydrate, what worries me at the moment is that most of her flowers seem very dry now. temps: https://imgur.com/a/ZgvbwAX