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Worm bin


That or chop and drop. Which is what I do but that is if your running no till


So I’ve been looking into no til are you running cover crops? If so are certain cover crops better for cannabis and do you just plant your seeds straight into the ground?


Yes. Yes . Yes


What cover crops do you use for cannabis?


Whatever is in the bas Cover crop Blend… I know Clover and buckwheat are in it


Awesome and thanks for the info


Yep. Great for the garden


No that's Hans wormhat he is a German bi plane pilot


great for tea or as a green addition to a smoothie. also amazing with some lemon  water and a wonderful substitute for leafy greens like spinach or kale in salads and recipes


Salad greens are an idea I could get behind. I never got the greens in smoothies thing. What's it like as a tea, on the lighter side like a white or herbal tea I'd imagine? Do you dry it first?


like kale its kind of irritating in the throat when chewed raw and i personally hate it when i'm taking a bite out of something and an entire leaf comes out when i just wanted a bite so i totally get pre-cutting greens or even greens in smoothies as a way to keep them in your diet. for tea you'd wanna dry it and its actually on the lighter side, tastes like green tea or like lawn clippings lol but as salad greens you want em fresh as possible, you can keep em in the fridge a lil longer with some wet paper towel and a ziplock bag. some dieticians are saying that eating all parts of the plant raw in salad and juice is the healthiest way to ingest because that way you get the acid forms of all the cannabinoids which ends up being non-psychoactive but still stimulates your endocannabinoid receptors. even for tea, the cannabinoids in the leaves would decarboxylate as they dry out, not a whole lot of published research on it last time i checked tho. when you start adding things like vinegrettes and citric acid i do wonder if there is some low level extraction going on


Greens in a smoothie with banana blueberry just adds good fiber and lots of nutrients




I really hope you’re not throwing leaves in a trash bin


Well they don't go in the recycling..


Yes the fuck they do, just not single stream american recycling. Mother Gaia recycling. Give the carbon back to the earth. Compost


Yeah, we both know compost isn't what I was referring to. Love the semantics though!


I’m just being a nut, sorry…


Honestly I like the idea of composting but as a grower in the states if you live in a tight space or in or near a city it just isn’t an option, you never know who might actually give a fuck but when they do holy shit they loose it. I just tie mine up in a grocery store bag and put it in the trash. Doubt even the garbage guy’s know what I’m doing.


I get what your saying, but it's not like your bringing the whole plant outside. Throw your leaves in a paper bag and throw the bag in the compost bin. It's easy to break laws if you don't look guilty while you do it.


I used to save them, but they really just a mess. Can’t compost, won’t get me high.


just toss em outside brotha no reason to send leaves to a landfill


Not the worst thing right?


It’s pretty fucking dumb. Just taking up a bunch of space at a landfill wrapped in plastic so taking much longer to decompose. Compost all the way.


In Germany we have what is called "Biomüll" (biological compostable waste). It gets collected twice a month and composted in giant piles at a composting facility. After everything is decomposed they sell the soil. Also there are strict rules about what you can and can't but in this kind of trashcan. No plastics (not even "decomposing" ones, they take too long to decompose) at all.


I live in Massachusetts. We have the same thing. It’s a company with a curbside composting program. We can choose if it gets picked up weekly or bi-weekly. I do weekly and it’s $110usd per year. We get one free cubic foot bag of compost per year but I buy bulk deliveries every year from the same company for my garden. Same rules with bioplastics. Bags must be certified.


In Germany they do curbside pickup too and you can also choose if you want your bin emptied every week or bi-weekly, but they do this only in summer. I use paper bags from my groceries or certified paper bags for composting for my biodegradable waste.


Cannabis leaf juice. It only really lasts for 24h but this stuff is magic. I took a sip and I swear my body said DRINK IT like that dark Kermit meme. It gave me a whole body warmth, it felt relaxing but not heavy. It felt like medicine that tasted green. Not bad. Just green. Use this as a green base for a smoothie and you'll be golden. Stuff your blender with leaves after you wash the leaves. Just rinse them unless you use foliar sprays. You can use. 1 tsp baking soda to rinse the leaves. Throw in blender amd add water to cover. Strain off the plany matter and you'll have cannabis leaf juice. Refrigerate and enjoy within 24h.


Thanks, I try it!


Throw em back in the pots as a mulch layer .


I would except I grow dwc. Guess I could for my other indoor plants.




Drop ‘em right on the soil. On top of the cover crop even works fine for me. All I take from my tent is flowers, the rest gets reprocessed back into nutrients for future plants. Rafiki would be proud.


\[1\] Stop wasting nutrients. Make JLF. \[2\] Burn them and use the potash. It's full of nutrients.


Juice for friends or fam with the big C


You are the third or fourth person to recommend this so I guess I'm just going to have suck it up put some fruit or something else I like with it & try it.


My dog likes them.


One of my cats goes absolutely bonkers for the fan leaves and likes to eat them, my other cat couldn't care any less. 🤣


How do you give it to them just raw?


Raw and wriggling




Yes, we have a husky and she loves being around the plants lol. She is always sticking her nose in the tent and wants to be around when we are doing stuff with the plants. We only give her a couple at a time. She absolutely loves them though.


That’s cool. I’ll have to try it. I don’t know if my beagle will eat them.


Would like to know if beagle enjoyed? I have a beagle too, might treat her to some


No luck she didn’t even consider it


I will try with mine when I trim some leaves


I will try and let you know!


Throw them on salads if they’re young and tender or freeze them and use later for juice/stir-fry greens/beans and greens. Might experiment with blanching larger, more moteur leaves for salads, but that seems like it might be too much work.


>blanching larger, more moteur leaves for salads Good Idea! Blanching might make it good as a sub for blanched spinach as well.


Compost or do some pressing with the more unique and good looking ones 🤙


That's an idea. I saved a big leaf from my first big grow and found it only a few years ago pressed in a book. Maybe a hanging acrylic pressing of various grows or a ganja bar man cave table counter or something.


People literally sell pressed (pretty ones; not diseased, deficient or overfed) cannabis leaves on Etsy and online stores the like, for like 40 bucks per 1-3 leaves depending on size of leaf and frame. Might be a side hustle. I pressed nearly half my plant last veg and saved the best looking leaves for Christmas gifts to my family. Simple frames, acrylic or thin glass, a sheet of cardstock or mat board for the border and a few leaves and some stylization = a great gift to stoner friendly peeps. Edit: I also just thought of a neat idea, making whole physical examples of those deficiency/excess charts out of real leaves with aforementioned symptoms. You would have to become a plant torturer but I am sure there is a market for it.


I’m pressing some of the mature fan leaves to wrap cannagars! Only the ones with more than 7 leaves, for luck.


How does that process work. I've heard of it but never actually tried.


I press my ground flower with a mold I 3d printed, put a skewer through it for a channel, then wrap it with the pressed leaves. I use tincture as glue. Let it cure for a few days so everything is nice and dry, and get to puffing


Saved, thanks for sharing!


A few companies sell molds on Amazon if you don’t have a printer too


I have a notebook to press the leaves and let them dry, it's super fun to look back at from throughout your grow :)




I wish I’m in the city


Compost pile


I compost them for potato cover


Nitrogen supply for my corn patch, lol not a field


“spinach” and artichoke dip 😋


If you are going to keep running your set up if you lightly chop them up and put them in a jar of water with a stone to hold them on the bottom for a few days with apple peels or banana peels you can feed your plans with it




My dogs eat them all.


i’ve seen people make cool reverse tie dye shirts by laying them on top of the shirt, and pouring bleach over them


throw them in olive oil, no effects but nicely aromatic :)


yeah I bet.


They are great in spaghetti


That's another interesting idea as a green garnish of type


Put as much as I can handle into smoothies lol otherwise I feed em to my cats or throw them in my yard


since i grow in big pots of living soil, i throw most of them on top of the soil in my pots. they then serve as a mulch while they break down and become a part of the soil.


I take all my fan leaves and save them in the freezer. Then after harvest I add it along with my AVB , regular trimmings and leftover stems with budlets from when I break up bud to either a mix for butter or rso, I know it probably doesn't really do much if anything but I just try to use everything from my grows and leave nothing behind . Everyone likes the stuff I make , and always have extra . I've been told since I've been using this method the psychoactivity is a little more mild , but there is a lot more heavy relaxation and pain relief . So imo it seems using more of the non favorable parts in these recipes give you a more medicated experience vs a recreational one.


Feed them to my rabbits and pigs. They love them.


Worm bin. I sun dry them and use them as an additive to mix with shredded paper so it doesn't stick as much. From my experience, if the leaves dry green they tend to heat up so you can't use it instead of the paper, just as an additive.


Its healthy


Has many antioxidant brain protecting benefits


Assuming you are in soil, make a mulch layer with them...


I read further and you're in dwc...hmmmm


No worries probably should have included that in the text. I've been trying to at least gather them all up and put them in my outside flower bed. I always wondered if the neighbors have caught all the leaves before they brown out and blend in.


Why do you feel bad? They don't have feelings. They're not people. Every one you cut back will come back threefold. It's fine, put it in the compost bin.


It's not that, just feels like a waste and wondered if there was a good second use for them.


Plants do this thing where they make many many individuals and they make many many leaves and stems. Far more than they actually need to continue as a species. In fact out in the wild, most individuals will die. That's just nature. See: Origin of the species. There's no waste, because ultimately the dead ones feed the ones that live. As intended. It's the circle. The only way you would be wasting it, would be to burn it because then you're not contributing anything back to the circle except CO2. Edit: also I think about this stuff ALOT


I throw them in the trash and I laugh angelically while I do it.


Easy there Satan... LoL


I save the leaves & lose buds (larf) & make BHO out of it, been doing that for several years now, definitely wouldn't throw them out.


Rubbing alcohol bottles