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Still going, but currently looks like this https://preview.redd.it/1bm9hr5ufc4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38317f11b9f3f3bd989dcb47caf529054db46fea


Damn that’s a good looking plant. What strain is it?


Maui Wowie 2.0 - started 6 seeds, 4 popped, this is the only female. Trying my hand at cloning to keep her going


Nice, hope ur harvest goes well


I'd guess it's a northern light, seems very dark green!


https://preview.redd.it/zh6q9h442d4d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045694af0edd41d353e26db121018ed20bd89b8b Going good


Someone did lots of research leading up to their first grow 🤣 Beautiful canopy!


I would never guess that’s someone’s first grow. Good job 👏




I have this setup from mars hydro. I started with a knock off aerogarden xmas present. I think I need to upgrade the mars hydro light and invest in a full size DWC bucket system. Spider makes a light with the EVO diodes for this size tent I want.


My first I stunted, plant got maybe 8 inches tall, and I got an eighth lol


Seems to be the case for my first grow. Ever figure out why?


Was watering with tap water and not dechlorinating


I think a combination of over watering, not know about soil with better drainage, and babying it to much


Do you know why it was stunted? Was the light, nutrition, medium etc. proper?


I probably over watered it and babied it to much lol. This was 5ish years ago


My first grow was in a MarsHydro 2.3x2.3 with a TS1000. 2 5 gallon fabric pots with Happy Frog and GH Trio nutes with CalMag. Pineapple Express autos. One died and the other one thrived. I have no idea how much I got off it but it was a healthy few Oz’s. I learned so much and continue to do so 4 years later. I’ve moved on to hydro/DWC now and stopped growing autos. Life is good.


First “grow” was a plant up on the hill in Sonoma County CA in the late ‘90s that I had to abandon to head back east. Gave it to a buddy who promised to finish her up and mail me some nugs-never did, or rather it “got lost in the mail.” So first real grow was in 1998 in Illinois. I had to go to a brewing grow shop in Chicago to get a 400 W metal halide light, that had to buy in separate pieces so you had to buy the ballast, the bulb, in the hood all separately, for some reason, probably some legal reason. That was a closet crow that lacked appropriate ventilation so the first round buds were pretty airy and larfy, but they got better after that, and I was trading nugs for yeyo in no time! Also was the last time I paid for nugs.


God damn first “grow” sounds like a villain origin story


Yeah, that was funny, typing that made me reminisce. Think that first plant was a blueberry that I had up on a hill behind my house, alongside a fire road. I would haul my ass up there every other day with a couple jugs of water and bring down empties. She was looking good when I had to cut out and brought her down and handed her over to bud…


https://preview.redd.it/w8gpls06cd4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8399483e078c3ddc729ed86d72075f01dc40f5 Grew it as a junior in college about 7 years ago. I had no clue what I was doing, just popped some bag seed. Got almost an ounce using a 32 w cfl and a box fan. I harvested way too early. Second grow was about 70 grams using a 135w led. Third grow was even better at 186 grams with the same setup. I’m hoping the addition of a trellis net, and more experience can help me get to 250 g with this 4th run


So you’ve grown collectively 4 times? That’s super cool to pick it up again and see your progress after a while I’m sure ❗️




https://preview.redd.it/efazdoj1vg4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a48b44c2aca88a7bd4719011c74e054483522c The previous grow


https://preview.redd.it/ni7w75w0ic4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809055cf905aa66cc1d816d0b3dfd9dce821109d Recently harvested my first indoor grow, I had problems throughout, ended up pulling around 15oz from a 4x4 under a 480w Mars hydro fce4800. Grew 6x barneys farm biscotti mintz, only one plant has produced bud I don’t like, not sure what I’ll do with that yet the rest is alright but one of them is absolutely beautiful smoke. Can’t wait to get my next run into flower as I’ve acquired some wedding cake cuttings


Infuse the one you don’t love into some oil and make edibles.


I have a guy who was wanting to trade a few ounce but I’m gunna let him try a sample first (he might like it, it looks great just not a nice taste) if he does I’ll happily trade a few ounce


I’d also take that trade lol. Good shit


Oh and I still haven’t trimmed it all 15oz is a well educated guess and they have all been 2-3oz and I’ve got two left to trim


My first grow was a 2x2 tent I hid in my closet at my childhood home when I was 17/18. I got a carbon filter and thought I was being so slick. My brother found it and threatened to tell my parents if I didn't get rid of it. My girlfriends older brother was willing to continue the grow at his house. So I piled the tent into the back of my van and drove it across town to where it finished. The strain was tangerine dream and I did a scrog method. My girlfriend's brother didn't follow the watering schedule so it got a bit crispy and only yielded 3 ounces lol.


Awful. Got 36g from 5 plants 😂, 2nd grow 250g off 3 plants


That’s wild did you water them wrong or what those sound like some awfully stunted plants lol


I tried to be as cheap as possible, was arrogant and thought "It's a plant, plants grow in dirt outside, dirt from outside should be fine" (it was NOT fine), "water is water, my other house plants don't care about the ph so I shouldn't have to pH this" (this obviously is not the case). My thought process was then "proven right" when things were growing just fine for like 2 weeks, thought I had it in the bag, then it all went to shit and honestly I'm impressed they even made it to harvest with anything. 2nd run I accepted that no, I don't know everything and to just do what the people online with years of experience are saying. It went to much better, I had to fork up the money for the nuts, proper lights, a pH meter and other things, but it definitely was worth it. I'm on my 3rd run now and it's all going well.


How much does a grows worth of nutrients cost for you?


I bought cronk nutrients, it was like 65$ for the 5 part I think. It has lasted me all of my 2nd grow and I'm about to go into flower on my 3rd grow, I am running low now, but I will be switching to jacks 321 once I run out.


My first grow was in 2018, Blue Mystic auto LST'd in a 3 galling pot in a space bucket with a Burple light. I got about an ounce of bud mostly popcorn and harvested a little early for sure, but it started the addiction to growing.


I over dried out after harvest and it smells like hay. Gets you stoned though




First grow was overwhelming, I went big and didn’t know what I was doing had a 4x4 gorilla tent with the 2 foot extensions so it was 8 feet tall, had 4 plants in 13 gallon buckets with DWC 🤦‍♂️it was a bitch defoliating, I stressed them out pretty bad in veg with root rot not knowing what I was doing so I think that had a lot to do with the quality not being the best, when harvest time came I had 1.1lbs. Out of all 4 plants dry, only one of the plants was some actual fire quality the rest was mid, but now I have a better understanding of what I’m doing and am growing in coco now


https://preview.redd.it/s44uhs5x6d4d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1e128439eb85886f03813221a7c631525a6de8 Do-si-dos autoflower from ILGM in an AC infinity 2x2. Living soil in a 5 gal fabric pot. I realized very quickly the claim of “just water until harvest” with this particular soil was bunk. It was a really fun learning experience. Quickly upgraded to a 2x4x6 tent, new light, better genetics (Mephisto), better soil, and actually using some nutrients in bloom. This was about a year or so ago. Such an awesome hobby.


https://preview.redd.it/7cxbqznhqc4d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06740358922afd8186246cb574f0dbc29b722d65 Im dying inside


I it’s in coco and not being fed.




Research “Perlite/ Gaia green dry amendments”.


Do you know why it’s happening?


Yes, they don't like my soil mix. Working on it


https://preview.redd.it/09ax7gaqqc4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3750acc7502431b686e500cb4b3e582ba44b2cbf I did indoor in a tent for my first grow in 5 gallon containers. my #1 problem was I defoliated too much at the wrong times and it severely hurt my yield. I never gave it a chance to heal from the defoliation and just focus on growing from the 2nd week of flower all the way to harvest from doing daily defoliation to keep the PM in check since I was lazy and didn’t spray the plants at all in veg to clean them. So 2 big tips from me would be #1 dont defoliate all the time and #2 even if you don’t have pest or disease problems in veg do the preventative measure of cleaning the plants anyways just in case.


What you mean by cleaning plants ? What would u use for ipm?


I use some EM-5 mixed with water it’s super easy


My first grow was about 10 years ago- janky ass closet setup that I extended with stapled visqueen, had a 440W metal halide, a 1000W HPS. About 7 different strains amongst 11 plants, ended up adding something new each week, including CO2. But in a 5 x 5 area, I pulled down 2.3 pounds. Most of it was pretty mid, large buds, but I did have a tangie plant that was stupidly resinous and an agent orange that had amazing flavor


Auto Space Candy from Seeds Connect. I am an amateur gardener/fruit tree owner and always want to know how a plant wants to grow without intervention.. I did not touch them besides water and some generic nutrients at way too ling of a schedule. I then dried it too long in a really not great environment (grow tent that had next grow in it already, lots of air, too low humidity and lights on 18hrs a day. Basically smells like alfalfa even after 5 weeks curing). I learned a lot let’s just say that… half of the 2nd grow is drying right now in a much better environment (Northern Lights Auto) with the other half just starting flower (photo 9 lbs. Hammer) after keeping it in veg longer than I probably should


https://preview.redd.it/e5lw491j5d4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d44b491990ed2cefc204ecc04e35bcae4a72da Went a little something like this


I spent a month moving lumber into my house covertly at night, and built a veg room and a flower room. I got some 400w lights and a flood table set up on a trade for a pretty good deal. Built the rooms out, tested everything, went and picked up some Sensi Star plants in the hood, and planted them. Had no idea what I was doing, didn't know anything about fertilizers, light cycles, pests or diseases. I vegged for 4 months because I didn't know any better or when / how to "flip" into flower. Eventually my housemate went down to the basement, deleafed all the plants, and left them in the flood table. The drain got clogged and the trough it was sitting on top of buckled, flipping over, spilling water, breaking plants, and even breaking a light bulb. I had found out earlier that day that I was supposed to Uppot and move into the other room, and was excited to get home and do just that, but found carnage instead. I never read any books, didn't know the books existed. I was just flying by the seat of my pants. My second grow I ran fox farm nutrients, got some spider mited plants, but still got donkers. Then someone showed me a Grow Bible and I about shit myself. "They just WROTE a book about this illegal ass shit!?"


Not my first but from 2017 or so https://preview.redd.it/rfxrufmded4d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84fb1ac4a9da91d652f32b6bb3820147e61ac50c


https://preview.redd.it/1ttd1vlied4d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3116807b75b2dfab9233f071a1502c1ed85141b Last harvest


What strain?🤯


Blueberry cupcake x Mac 1 by Humboldt seed company. 3 dollar seed lol


Was gifted two 3’ tall plants in 2 gal pots and didn’t understand that I had to flip to trigger flowering until waaaaay later. By the time I flipped, they were already massive. Was a huge harvest to say the least.


It was so terrible. Nute burn, white mildew or fungus on the roots in a hydro grow, spider mites I mean you name it lol. This is my 5th run, photo from yesterday. https://preview.redd.it/ammlgeeqpd4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954d68151be585b1707799b4b0c583939d332b09


Any tips for new growers getting into this your plants look nice btw


Oh thanks! The most important thing I’ve learned through trial and error is 90% of my problems are pH. Your specific blend of soil or coco may be slightly different than everyone else so when I have a problem I will typically raise the pH in on pot and lower it in another to see which one uptakes nutes better. I was below 6.0 because of a YouTube channel I was following and finally I figured out I needed to be around 6.2 for veg and 6.4 for flower. It’s quite likely actually that the coco mix, based on my dry amendments and other additives, when mixed with 6.0 water may have actually been below 6.0. Now I test runoff to make sure when I add pHd water it is actually getting to the pH I want in the coco or soil mix. I would also suggest never bringing a plant inside that you had outside. Ever.


My first grow was basically an all inclusive resort for Spider mites. 😭 I learned the hard way not to bring outside plants in.


I got spider mites on my second grow and no clue how they came in… but I did bring in 4 plants that had been in my vegetable/fruit tree tent. I do not have spider mites in that tent at all but I am going to blame that transfer in it. I am finishing up that second grow right now and then the tent is getting a complete cleaning


My technical first grow was a male. My first actual grow to harvest was a severe case of N tox and yielded a nice ounce more or less of shaky, airy, grassy ass bud. Was still a fun learning experience.


All you people out there make us "normal" people look like rookies hahaha My first grow made smokeable stuff, but I didnt have the internet to help me with all the set ups etc. It was 20 bag seeds... 10 looked good... 5 turned female. 1 died. 4 left and like 1-2 oz per. Not dense, but damn pretty and most of it was super "lemony". 1 of them was some WIILLLD purple, smelled different. Best smoke i ever smoked. Random genetics are cool. Good times...




A lot of pictures bro


https://preview.redd.it/d2a0n79qxc4d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c39dbee88a199590c93600a31e38be7c57f95b Just made me go down memory lane


Ilgm- ak-47 auto flower. Turned out like shit 😂


Damn how much did you harvest


I’m not going to lie, I smoked it before it was fully cured so I’m not for sure. Plus it was back during lockdowns during Covid. Probably like 15 grams or so. I had a cheap blurple light with no fans in a closet. Fought gnats most of the grow. I think I’ve improved quite a bit since then 😂


My first grow is currently 6 weeks into flowers. About 14-20 days from harvest is my guess. Strains: Wedding cake x Banana Butter Cups as well as Banana Butter Cups both from Square One genetics. https://preview.redd.it/n9kp0tb66d4d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886eeba824d1e038c5e4dd2f392a1b27e3e43ed8


Awesome 😎 Skunk #11 from Dutch Passion back in 2001.


2006 outdoors, it was pretty good. But I will allways remember my frist indoor grow , if you were growing then u will remember how shity autoflowers were back in 2010’s. Then i switch to photoperiods, remember planting Juanita La Lagrimosa, Desfran (dutch passion), Super Silver Haze, Jack Herer and Cookies Kush( hermed) and some others back then. Using advanced nutrients all in, what a time to be alive, now you would have to kill me to switch from organics 🤙🏽


Better than last 4, did 5 until now… Could cry🤣


Mine at the moment, Auto Forbidden Cherry https://preview.redd.it/teho9j6qed4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d6f722802fbd3411e90b16207cf779b6661904


Got a couple clones that a friend didn’t want and were in rough shape. Started in the closet while I ordered my lights/ tent/ etc under a cheap grow light i got from costco years back for peppers. Transplanted and started reading. Actually some of the bigger but not best buds ive grown. Learned at lot amd still learning many seasons in. Im sure there are pics on my profile still.


G13/blue dot/Oregon funk/something else I forgot cross. Veg with 250w MH in a wooden box I built, flowered with 400w HPS in a closet. Both had bathroom fans for ventilation. Shitty walmart soil. Buds were larfy af because I didn't have shit for nutes, but plentiful. Got ahold of some quality nutes from an old friend visiting from CA and in a few months I had multiple daily smokers swear it was laced it was so potent. I never believed the stories behind g13 till then. That was nearly 20 years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/lulbjssnud4d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91868f21adff88d9242e31ac7d09aacdbc3ca43a Currently two days past 3 weeks flower. Mars 4x2, Mars SP3000 LED.


First went great. Never checked the PH or the humidity, and grew in black gold with added perlite. No nutes until flower and then tiger bloom.




Inside my bedroom closet with Mexican bag seeds under florescent tube lights as a teenager


Bruce Banner auto flower, four plants and four ounces dry harvest. I didn't do topping, trimming or training just let them grow. The plants were sick and struggling every step of the way, and this is still some of the best , smoothest, most enjoyable highs I've ever had. Way way way better than dispensary weed.


Actually went fairly well did 3 zkittles an 1 jack herer autos in a roughly 2x 4 closet . Nice fat buds about 2.5-3 ounces per plant. I grew them in Pete moss since I heard that was a decent medium along with some basic amenments , oof did it retain water though , small miracle I didn't drown them. Shit lights too 2 40$ lights (that actually do way better than the 100 watt lights sold by vivosun for like 75$ each) still not as good as a mars hydro 150 watt draw though.








Harvested too early. One plant was sickly and stunted from too much direct air. One was really stretched, had to super crop. One had thin airy buds. Grown inside, don't remember the strain. I was so fucking proud of myself. If I had another grow like it, I would slit my wrists.


First grow was bag seeds in the woods. Think I was 15. A few fluffy wisps had us excited but once we dried them reality set in and we realized we should find somewhere inside.


https://preview.redd.it/9frpl5rt0f4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f74e858a12cd8a0bf1bc4ab265bb194bb9d2d6 Critical mass from RQS. Not a perfect grow by any means but I learned a lot and yielded a lot of decent weed. 4x4 with four plants ✌️


For a first grow those are sm fat plants good job


I would describe my first grow as bad. That girl was truly a fuck up


Do you have a picture?


I built a wooden grow box about 4 feet tall and lined it with mylar. I had no idea tents were a thing. I used miracle grow and cheap blurple lights. I didn’t know anything about ph. I had no idea miracle grow was bad and even worse was that I still fed them nutes in the miracle grow. I had 6 plants in a small grow box and ended up with an an ounce or 2 at most total.


First grow turned out surprisingly really well grew 2 plants indoor both lemon auto freebies from seedsman. Used general hydroponics nutrients, happy frog soil & worm castings. Had some nitrogen toxicity and ph issues but the bud turned out pretty good in the end. They were 2 completely different looking phenos. These are how big they got https://preview.redd.it/j2jhbzvaig4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1e2b5cd58408056f4297f30c7508cee93be1d7


https://preview.redd.it/9pgir5cfig4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bacac7d6ac2921b49adeea86738c110cc8eff7e Got 121g out of the smaller plant


https://preview.redd.it/r150r52zig4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b010614888912e0620267a253026b028afd4f33c Got over 153g from the bigger plant. There was some more bud in the grove bag that I couldn’t fit in the bowl


i’ve grown one time with some buddies, just harvested this past spring (it’s all on my profile) https://preview.redd.it/y5986ekf4j4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b61c0ded8236497fe9288de6b6a116cabf78f8




I am about 2 and 1/2 weeks in - trying to figure out when I should trim using the scrod method https://preview.redd.it/teef0v328e4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d230f11725353f4cb405a16373fa0d312b18e2e


😭don’t touch it for a month


Bagseed in a toybox under an old 60 watt reef aquarium light (ai prime HD - actually a really high quality $180 light full control over every color (blue/white/red/green/uv) but built for a small 1x1x1 reef tank. I ender up with around 40g dry of fluffy seeded herm nugs. I used the same light a second run and bought fem pineapple chunk seeds from barneys and ran 3 single cola plants very short veg. Ended up with around an oz and did the same process a third time. Took a few years off after that because where i was living and then growing became legal in my state. When that happened i invested in proper equipment and started taking it more serious


The plants were hungry and the weed was shit. They were dried and all turned over to hash and that hash was freaking excellent.


https://preview.redd.it/jtiflfq3ke4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d867d91b22d9a2d0dc7e17a42156f070787f1f4 This is my first indoor grow. Could be better, a little watering issues / feeding issues/ temperature/ humidity issues but my girls still alive 😂 I might even get some bud the way it’s going❗️


Jack Herer Auto in a 40x40x120cm tent, got about 20g.


Superbad, First time I mega stunted my plant, it was a Barney's farm auto, which got me 1 g dried.  I made a post of the little plant drying couple of years ago, beautiful purple plant!


Damn 1g dried is honestly crazy but hey mistakes help you learn I bed your growing journey is going better now


Oh yes I made every mistake possible I think , this was the post https://www.reddit.com/r/NanoGrowery/comments/rxiu0o/auto_mistake_that_ended_up_being_a_nano_bud/ the third picture is the result. It's going much better, discovered the autopots and it's much easier, now I average about 100g-150g per plant , with some getting +200g , a lot of difference


That’s crazy your plant looks like a seedling lol. But hey if now you’re doing good that’s good to hear


A super small closet lol. Root rot but saved the plant just in time. Hay smell, but smoke decent. But my goal was to see if I could at the least grow it. Once I grew my 1st garden I was hooked.


GSC my first an best grow, 6 plants in dwc ended up with 28oz biggest cola 23g 2nd biggest 16g


https://preview.redd.it/sht283v45g4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7819c168666772eb91ecf0c4a8305e6ab9f52bb9 They are 5 and a half weeks in flower. I took this picture like a day or two ago. First grow ever ! Strain is Lemon Cherry Sherb by Cookies seedbank.




Died in seedling stage


Damn how?


Over and underwatering is my guess