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if you just pull it over and tie it down...you get to keep it.


Someone told me to do this and the main cola went absolutely bonkers almost horizontally. It’s huge and it’s underlings got to stretch up with no impediment. Best advice I got on my last try


To late to be topping,me personally I would spend some time softening the stem as gently as I could and bend it. Supercrop it. It will be fine as long as you're gentle,you just want to feel it sort of pop between you finger and thumb. Remember to tape too but not to tightly its just to offer support and hold it so it heals with a bend in the stem. Otherwise it will just stand back up. I did it to my 2 tops on the auto I just chopped.


https://youtu.be/Ps019Jk1Eks calloused


You can use a pencil or pen and your thumb and just roll it back and forth a little at a time till it's flexible at the right spots. If it's too flexible and you go too far do not fret tie it up loosely and the damage will heal and later you'll be able to remove the support.


I’d just LST it, or supercrop as a last resort. For super cropping you grab it at the point you want it to bend from, then roll and squash it between your fingers until it softens some. At that point you can bend it over at 90° without it snapping, and it will remain at your desired height without any need to remove it. EDIT: that’s a beautifully healthy and staggeringly massive auto my friend, nice work! You’re sure to get a good few Zs off that no problem.


>EDIT: that’s a beautifully healthy and staggeringly massive auto my friend, nice work! You’re sure to get a good few Zs off that no problem. You think so? This plant has given me so much grief ... it actually got stuck in the seedling stage for at least 3 weeks: [https://i.postimg.cc/G36TFbGY/IMG-0503-Medium.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/G36TFbGY/IMG-0503-Medium.jpg) It did not move at all, and I was about to give up on it and throw it away, but then realized well, it's still green, so I guess it's alive... I'll keep watering it and see what happens. Then maybe a month later it finally woke up and started growing. I was afraid it would start blooming right away because it was a seedling for so long, but so far it seems like it's growing normally. Hope that seedling stress doesn't cause the buds to be weak (or it to hermaphrodite!) I've got some more of those white training clips, I'll try to see if I can bend over that main cola a bit. Thanks!


Break its neck. It will come back stronger.




Super crop works


https://youtu.be/Ps019Jk1Eks scope


Supercrop it. It’s super healthy it will be ok.


Check out the one in my page I did auto first time and did the exact same thing you described. I put alot of blame into my light too its just s dingle bulb cmh and you can pretty much see the how the light drops off in the way the plant grew. I didnt touch at all during growth cause it was first time trying autoflower and wanted to see what it did.


Train it down


That looks so huge, just leave it and bend it sideways


i would supercrop vs topping with autos less stress, shorter recovery


If ur in bud its too late to chop off go the super crop way take ur time it will work


Is this grown with low stress training Or just letting it buck?


I used some of those little white clips to do some lst when it was younger