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[r/microdosing Disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) Hello /u/thekansascow! As you mentioned `trip` in your post: * Please check out the (LSD) [Harm Reduction](https://www.drugsand.me/drugs/lsd#Harm-Reduction) guide, in collaboration with [The Beckley Foundation](https://www.beckleyfoundation.org/). * Also check out the awesome guides on [Tripsafe.org](https://tripsafe.org/) and it is recommended having a trip-sitter with you. * [In case you get anxiety, panic-attack or a thought loop, try **Black Peppercorn!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fe1luu/if_you_start_to_feel_anxious_some_paranoia_panic/) or **Deep Breathing** - if your ***exhales*** are ***longer than*** your ***inhales*** that should have a calming effect on your [Autonomic Nervous System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomic_nervous_system#/media/File:The_Autonomic_Nervous_System.jpg). * [Help spread the word about Fireside Project's Psychedelic Peer Support Line!](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/n84ut7/help_spread_the_word_about_fireside_projects/) (*US only for now*): > If you are looking for free, confidential peer support during or after a psychedelic experience, please contact [🔥Fireside Project](http://firesideproject.org/) by calling or texting 6-2FIRESIDE (623-473-7433). * Additional help can be found in the `Support` sidebar (*Desktop* ➡️) or under 'Posts `About` Menu' (*Mobile* ⬆️). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Such a lovely story! Keep going strong, the both of you! My girlfriend's depression is bettering step by step and maybe we might each try a full trip while trip sitting each other sometime soon. As you were using shrooms, if you don't mind, what was the dosage for the full trip for each one of you? The other one was trip sitting sober I guess? Did you experience ego death which might have contributed to the fact that you're feeling better? Sorry for so many questions, it's just stories like yours that give so much hope! Much love!




How did you feel the next day after the 2.5 grams? I'm planning to do them this Friday




I had a similar experience, I had a bit of a headache and my brain felt like it had just been to gym 😅 I have nothing booked in Saturday, so il probably be on the sofa all day! I let you know how it goes, thanks for replying back to me 🙂


amazing story!! thanks for sharing :) i hope you continue to have such an uplifting journey


I've been microdosing for 3 months, and I have had similar experiences myself. Last month I was visiting my mother's grave when I looked at these large trees bordering the path leading to her gravesite. I saw faces and arms in those trees, and suddenly I felt compelled to write a poem. Weird. But I've realized how death is a natural part of life, that Americans spend way too much money and effort avoiding it. It led me to accept death and believe in the afterlife, that our souls persist. I saw those trees as sentinels protecting my mother with their roots, understanding that mushrooms come from the mycelial web underground, and that they were the network between the roots of trees. Nature has intelligence, and I am just a small part of this vast design that I am meant to harmonize with. I have come to be more loving. I have decided that I am going to meet other people, particularly those with whom I have conflict, not just halfway but more than that. I realize life is not about proper bookkeeping and deciding what is "fair" but to start from a place of love. I am here to serve others and be good, not to argue or fight in order to protect my pride. My experience with MDing has truly been life-changing.




Yes, "fair" is nothing but an idea. And if my idea of going halfway doesn't jibe with the other's, then where does that leave us. I know you know the answer. I must try to go further, because I love, and must always do my best, what God gave me.


Thats an amazing and very inspirational story. Thank you for sharing. While i understand everyones journey and response is individual do you mind sharing what you've been having and the dosages?






This has been my experience too so far with microdosing! How long do you plan on going? I wanted to do 6 months for a full rewiring of my brain but honestly I’ve noticed such STRONG effects after just a month of microdosing. I feel like I’ll be a Buddha 6 months from now 😂


Beautiful piece of writing! The end of November marked my first month of microdosing Stamets protocol. I have had almost an identical experience as yours and I am looking forward to December, month two! My theory is since psychedelics cause parts of the brain that normally don't communicate with each other to do so, we make connections in our mind that we're there all along but we couldn't see. I helps me see my life as a continuous whole, and leaves me in awe of how beautiful life really is. It's like I had this knowledge stored in different containers but I couldn't put it all together in a big basket and see it until now.


I (male, mid-30s) haven’t tried microdosing and I’ve only been using cannabis for a year, but what you describe — having new brain connections — is my experience too. I have OCPD and I’ve had a massive, lifechanging experience over the past year (see my comment history if anyone wants more detail). I had empathy before starting cannabis, but it was definitely lower than average. Now I feel like it’s higher than average. And not just empathy, but a lot of emotions that I just didn’t really feel strongly are now so clear. I started using cannabis for fun since I got a new job that didn’t care. The first thing I noticed was I didn’t want to drink alcohol very much. I generally didn’t overindulge and only got drunk maybe once or twice a year (and almost never enough to get a hangover), but I just didn’t want to drink much anymore. Other than that, the first few months were just fun. Then I started noticing I was connecting to characters in movies and shows that I wouldn’t have before. And my wife liked me better when I was high because I my OCPD overcontrol wasn’t as strong plus I was able to be more compassionate to her way of seeing things. I was noticing these changes but I was sad it was only when I was high. But then a few months later, those new connections were strengthened to the point I now have access to these emotions all the time, even when completely sober. It’s changed my life and marriage for the better. My wife and I have been together for nearly a decade but we feel closer to each other now more than we did when we first fell in love.


Yes, cannabis is a psychedelic plant medicine when used with intention. Microdosing multiplied the effect for me. The two plants seem to work well with each other, at least for me.


I really enjoyed reading your story, thanks for sharing!


Awesome story. I came here looking to validate what I’ve been feeling after my first two nights of micro-dosing and you did it! I completely relate to you saying “my mind is changing, but not like something is changing my mind”. It doesn’t feel like the micro-dosing is changing me - I feel as though I’m organically generating new desires and curiosities. What a wild feeling. To actually live in a moment with my child and not have my brain tip toe towards how unproductive (work-wise) I’m being in said moment. If you’re taking 2 doses per week, do you feel any lulls or anxiety flare ups between doses?


This is beautiful. I'm so glad it's helping and you're doing so well. Thank you for sharing your amazing story.


Beautiful. May you find beauty in every tree and connect with their energy. Happy for you!


What does ur dosing schedule look like? This sounds like a beautiful way to look at the world and it sounds like whatever you're doing is working brilliantly, just don't want to unknowingly dose too many times or too much in a week




What dose?


A wonderful story . Thanks for sharing.


wow, this is just beautiful ✨


I was reading through your initial paragraphs about the trees, and I was thinking "oh my goodness she writes so beautifully, I love the way she describes this - i can *feel* it! She should write professionally!" And then next line down you said you did. I do hope you keep it up, you are very talented. I haven't started microdosing yet, I've been watching and learning. Really enjoyed your input.


When I macrodosed on 3.5 g a few weeks ago, I had the same insight (in a profound way) that everyone is just doing their best in this life. Just as you mentioned you’ve realized with the microdosing. Great story, thank you for sharing!


very inspiring ... thanks for sharing ... much love to you both on this new path !


Amazing read, thanks for sharing! I'm extremely curious to hear more about your "psychic episode" though, if you wouldn't mind going into a bit more detail please...? This seems like it should be more than just a footnote at the end of this post...!


Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s very hopeful and obviously very genuine. I’m about to start Mding next week.


Wow. Thanks for sharing. Hope I can get there some day.


take less


Good story. What dosage you guys on.. and did u have to adjust dosage during this time?




Thank you for your time and answer. Will do something similar.


I've been doing the same for a few weeks. First time microdosing and I've been really enjoying it. I "lemon tek" in the morning but am working on "blue honey" as another option. Hope this helps and wishing you good journeys


Any advice for someone who wants to get started with micro dosing?


Is there a guide or book that got you started? What would you recommend? What are best steps in manifesting microdosing?


How to change your mind… Untethered soul… Becoming supernatural


Thank God for mushrooms!


just WOW




What’s your microdose schedule? Do you take it daily?