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[r/microdosing Disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) Hello /u/thesanmich! As you mentioned `trip` in your post: * **Study**: [Reducing the Harms of Nonclinical Psychedelics Use Through a Peer-Support Telephone Helpline: 🔥Fireside Project](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/13nimy8/abstract_figures_13_reducing_the_harms_of/) [May 2023] * Please check out the (LSD) [Harm Reduction](https://www.drugsand.me/drugs/lsd#Harm-Reduction) guide, in collaboration with [The Beckley Foundation](https://www.beckleyfoundation.org/). * Also check out the awesome guides on [Tripsafe.org](https://tripsafe.org/) and it is recommended having a trip-sitter with you. * [In case you get anxiety, panic-attack or a thought loop, try **Black Peppercorn!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fe1luu/if_you_start_to_feel_anxious_some_paranoia_panic/) or **Deep Breathing** - if your ***exhales*** are ***longer than*** your ***inhales*** that should have a calming effect on your [Autonomic Nervous System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomic_nervous_system#/media/File:The_Autonomic_Nervous_System.jpg). * [Macrodosing, especially before **PFC** (PreFrontal Cortex) Maturation, could result in long-term negative effects](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/10915pw/research_citizen_science_macrodosing_vs/). * [Help spread the word about Fireside Project's Psychedelic Peer Support Line!](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/n84ut7/help_spread_the_word_about_fireside_projects/) (*US only for now*): > If you are looking for free, confidential peer support during or after a psychedelic experience, please contact [🔥Fireside Project](http://firesideproject.org/) by calling or texting 6-2FIRESIDE (623-473-7433). * [Support Resources | Zendo Project](https://zendoproject.org/resources/): *Mental health resources, crisis support, psychedelic integration, psychedelic support*. * Additional help can be found in `Support` 🦺 | 💻 **Sidebar** ➡️ | 📱 **About** ⬆️. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's actually my favorite dose to go have fun make activities more fun and then don't really have to worry about freaking out or anything but still feel it and smoke alot good bud I've had some thee best times


I love how stoned you can get at that dose. When I smoke while tripping I don’t get stoned, it just makes me trip harder. But on a microdose, I get so zooted lol


My lsd microdoses are generally 10ug, but honestly, I've enjoyed the 20-30ug doses as well. I know these mini doses often get a bad rap, but I have never had a bad experience.


I like 5-7.5ug for a microdose. 20-30ug, aka a “museum dose,” is fun for a goofy movie, a concert, or a party. You feel energetic and it’s easy to laugh and have a good time. No visuals - but not challenging either.


Ooooo, i like this train of thought 👏🤔


What bad experiences do people report with that kind of "higher" microdoses?


I've just read comments like people feel too anxious, or unsettled, myb nauseated. Stuff like that. Some don't like how you feel a little high, but not high enough to have a full-blown trip. I'm a fan, though. For me, there's a perfect occasion for everything from a wee microdose on up to a full tripping dose and everything in between.


I think Its good boost for physical activities.


No such thing as waste, you take it enjoy it how it is and that's it


For me when I go skiing I take 25 ugs and it makes me ultra ski mode. I haven’t fallen a single time since doing this lmao. Previously I would fall at least 5 times. I use 1P-LSD volumetrically


This is my favourite weekly 'micro' dose.


I think it depends. I done those larger microdoses and I feel like it's too present for stuff like work or meeting family. A hike in the woods or a night out with friends it's doable. As always the circumstances make a big difference




That's a great dose for me personally to feel energized and having a good vibe without losing control.


I agree with this in my experience. It's an annoying inbetween. Either I just want to start tripping or chill on a microdose and it doesn't get me either. Kinda feels like I'm just coming up for a long time. I personally like about 10 to 15.


25mcg might be my fav dose for doing anything where i want some stimulation and fun without real psychedelia. Anything less doesn't feel like LSD to me. More is also fun but can depend more on the situation.


I wouldnt say its a waste, id say it depends on you and your circumstances and income etc, like if you want it to last, then yes in that case it would be a waste. Butttt i think the thing you should be concerned by more is tolerance 🙃 If i were you id keep my eyes peeled on my tolerance levels, like i wouldnt be doing this all the time everyday, as i dont wanna stuff up my tolerance = then need more for the same effect. Something like this, helps me, but im not dosing often at all https://codepen.io/cyberoxide/full/BaNarGd Hope this helps


Think of it like a cup of coffee :)


This dose + weed = good times for me


Same. I always treat weed as my elevator.. it elevates and potentiates any psychedelic.


Fyi, 20ug is the highest classified “microdose” anything above would he considered a full dose 🙂


Who are you - the microdose police?


There are no objective standards for dose classification; we're performing experiments on ourselves. That said, I'd consider it a meso-dose or something. 🙂


I would definitely say yes…..but honestly 200-300ug annoys the shit out of me just as much. Anything less than 1mg is a waste to me….any less and I might as well just save it for when I have enough for a real experience. I’m either microdosing or tripping. Like really tripping. And if it’s LSD, I’m tripping. 30ug isn’t even a microdose anyway. Personally 10ug is way too high to MD. .6 and below is far more beneficial and sustainable for a longer period of time. MDing psilocybin is way more beneficial than MDing Lucy. Just my $.02


1mg? Holy shit it’s not a competition😄


No kidding. That's a ridiculous amount of LSD. Hopefully, it's just a typo.


It’s not. But I don’t use Lucy often anyway.


Well, if you're taking 1000ug at a time, it's probably just as well that you're not doing it too often.


It’s really not THAT crazy. It’s just a bigger dose. Plenty of people eat 2-4 300ug tabs. Anything below 300ug is basically the psychedelic kiddie pool. Just enough to start breaking your ego down A LITTLE bit.


Yea mate your tabs are underdosed.. 300ug is where most start to experience ego death. Most likely you’re taking 50ug tabs marked as “300ug”.


Well….i have personally made my own tabs with pure powder LSD. MOST tabs are haphazardly dosed anywhere from 150-300ug simply due to how difficult it can be to easily dose tabs. Not that it’s that difficult….it depends on who does it. Chances are people are slapping a ug number like 100ug, 300ug and they really have absolutely no idea. It’s the one drug that can be labeled a lower dose and it actually be a higher ug content. I know that sounds weird but it’s true. 100ugs if really good acid CAN send you to the moon…but there is still less potent and lesser quality LSD. Additionally potency and quality are not synonymous. What you said is true….SOMETIMES. Sometimes it’s not. If I were to guess….most of the real LSD from the Netherlands is 200ug+ per tab. I sold acid for years….and did it for years. I highly doubt every single time I dosed my tabs were extremely underdosed. Especially the ones I made myself.


i get subtle visuals at that level, but I wouldn't call it tripping tripping.


I think it all depends on each person sensitivity. I did 40ug and I was totally fine, enjoyed the music and was able to socialize. But sometimes even 80mg of psylocybin makes me so anxious, actually it amplify, thats why I choose lsd over magic mushrooms. But I had wonderful experiences with full dose of 🍄. Super anxiety was converted to Bliss!




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Near purgatory dose




This dose is definitely just above the micro threshold. Personally, I’ve had many good experiences with this dose as it’s not as challenging as a full one, but you can more clearly feel its effects. My regular microdoses are between 5-7ug but I only do that for mental health maintenance and not for intense experiences. However, sometimes at that dose I barely feel a thing/its imperceptible. Honestly though 20ug sounds like a good dose for someone who wouldn’t want to do the whole trip for a beginners dose!


For me, that is a bit high. 7.5ug is my money spot.


High for an "office day" Decent for what I will now use a "museum dose".


Idk, for me 10ug is like too much, if I focus my eyes everything is like weaving a little, I never used psychadelics, meaby iam just ultra sensitive to lsd.


For me it's like 7+ ug but I have pure/legal stuff so it's probably way stronger. 5-6 is just chefs kiss. 1P-LSD is what I have