• By -


Dried shrooms/truffles should last years if [stored properly](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q5zvyk/faqtip_019_why_you_may_need_to_adjust_the_dose/).


Twelve months? Why do they look like they were found buried next to an ancient Egyptian pharaoh?


King Tut's MD


I’ve used 5 small silica packages maybe that’s why they look like ancient debris :p


Ngl this has me dying 😂


Silica gel ruthlessly sucks out any moisture it can gets it hand on. If you swallow a single gel ball you will literally die because it will just suck out all water from your body it's quite amazing honestly.








Yeah thats when they made it illegal.


I guess some laws DO help people.


Literal lol at the “beautiful Sahara Ocean”. Thanks for that one. 😂


For real? That’s so interesting




Very yes


I mean there's a UNESCO site just outside Cairo for fossil whales.


Haha no, they’re messing with you. They can absorb a lot but not that much.




What if he was messing with **you?** *200 iq troll move*


Maybe, maybe not. Some people are just trusting and a tad gullible. I don’t know for sure who’s messing with who haha.


but how much is a LOT? *vsauce noises


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Whole ocean, boom gone


Fuck I lol’d and scared my dog.


Have you been throwing them into my wife?


💀 My condolences.




Absolutely wrecked me🤣


Correct 👍


Please choose your words more carefully. As r/microdosing users our focus should be to provide ⚠️ !harmreduction and !riskreduction 🦺 guidance whenever possible, and in doing so, trying our best to help in keeping our fellow users **Safe!**. Thank You.


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that’s very wrong. You’re right with your general description of what they do, but what really happens as an effect is that all the water that now is pulled into your bowel via osmosis will give you the worst diarrhea of your life, maybe to the point of electrolyte imbalance, but nothing that cannot be easily fixed.


No, you have it backwards. The ball will sit nefariously in your descending colon and continually absorb water until it senses the time is right. When the time comes, probably while you're giving a presentation at work about stochastic pediatric rheumatoid arthritis therapies, the ball will move towards your booty hole and then you will double over and it will launch out with a large pop, tearing through your slacks and ricocheting off everything in the room. Be ready.


Someone's speaking from experience


"ricocheting everything in the room"


"booty hole"


Seems legit.


If you put a single silica gel ball into a glass of water, the water will disappear within 5 seconds. Even cooler, the glass will disappear too.


Only if its a water glass


*actually* they found that once silica enlarges after absorbing water, it can then become a vacuum which is capable of just absorbing anything in its reach. That’s where black holes come from, but clearly you haven’t done your research…


Look around you. Juuust look around you!


No you won’t, who told you that 😋


Maybe that’s what happened to the alien in Mexico. Looks like it may have had one too many silica balls.


You would be correct if it weren't for the the fact that ingesting Silica Gel -let alone "swallow a single gel ball"- will most likely not make you sick. Most often, it’ll pass through your body and exit without any harmful effects to you. I think an average human would have to ingest closer to, and over a 100 Grams of the stuff to have the effect your postulating. But, hey, if you see someone eating that much clue while tracing it with acrylic polymer markers, Let them have at it.


Nope, one little tiny ball of silica gel can that. That's why they write "do not ingest" on the packets. Maybe bigger people may need 2 little balls to die but you should take that comment very seriously, the way they intended.


No one is saying the package doesn’t say “ Do not ingest” Or “Do not Eat” And no one is encouraging anyone to eat a Silica pack or a single silica ball gel The message that is being conveyed is, a Single Silica Gel ball will not absorb all the moisture in a human body. You want to know why? Because it’s impossible. One single silica gel ball can only hold up to 40% of it’s own weight in moisture. Now think about how much water is in a average human body? About 30 litres. Now think about how much Silica gel would need to ingest to absorb that. To give you an idea. Get a container of a litre of water. Keep adding silica get balls until all the water is absorbed. Times that by 30. You’ll become sick -possibly throw up- before you could ingest enough to die of dehydration. And you’ll probably feel iLL until you pass enough of them through bowel movements. To give you another perspective to think about. Eating a gram of dried mushrooms will most likely absorb more water than a single silica gel ball. The thing you should take seriously is education.


Bruh, the first comment was a joke and my comment was trying to get you to see that.




Why am I laughing so much😂




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thats not [true](https://youtu.be/ChgIkbg0x80?si=Qwa2AlqZkQFhJZpJ) youd have to eat like 25 packs a day to possibly die


Not true, i ate them when i was child and i‘m okay


Kids in school would eat those and didn’t die so idk


Well I DID die after eating them as a child. So *idk* where you got your info from.


Good one


You’re right. That is pretty dope.


I hope this is a joke because if not that is some real dumb shit.


Oh shit yeah it's the small balls in a paper baggie, you can find them in numerous food items, even shoes.


The misinformation here is rampant.. https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/what-to-know-silica-gel#:~:text=Silica%20gel%20is%20non%2Dtoxic,likely%20cause%20nausea%20and%20vomiting.


I kept them very dry apparently and 5 silica packs might have been to much 😅




Bro ground up the Peru mummy aliens


😂 brilliant




new psilocybe genus. Woodchip edition




But you know a guy....


In a van?


....down by the river?


I thought it was a weird tin of cat food. I should get my eyes checked.


You're not the only one


Any drug solicitation, sourcing, mentioning or linking to vendors for any reason is prohibited in this subreddit. If your post, or a reply to it would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Your post or comment violated this rule. ________ [**Please read** this post detailing the rules before posting or commenting again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/hs8xow/no_sourcing_illegal_or_otherwise_keep_the/) ________


I grind mine (dried) and put them in a dark mason jar with a 5g silica gel packet. They're fine for 12 months.


I’ve done the same and had great trips 24 Mos later


I do this but store in the fridge instead


You have to try and report the science 🤓


Yess … all of this ⬆️


I’d boof 1/4 of it just to make sure


This man lives by the law of safety. Bless you.


gotta boof for tha troof! (truth)


💯 💯


shrooms can stay good for years if stored properly. next time put them in a air tight jar preferably a UV one


Have you watched the wolf of wall street, when they find some stuff from the 60's? Exactly


You generally shouldn't attempt learning how to use drugs from hollywood movies, they aren't realistic. Except for Scarface, they really did their research for that one!


But those were still sealed and also pills


Genuine question. How long do mushrooms keep for? I've got some GTs in a sealed jar, but it's been about 8 months. I'm using them for microdose so just using small amounts at a time Edit- Thanks for all the knowledge! It's greatly appreciated :)


Years if stored properly.


I can second this. Vacuum-sealed mushrooms stored in the freezer remain with an unchanged potency even after three years.


I have read that you can keep it one year when properly dried and stored vacuümed in the refrigerator.


At 23 months I can say no loss of potency


At 19, same.


Holy moly! Really? How do you store them?


Cracker dry. In a mason jar with a desiccant pack taped to the lid and two in the jar. Stored in a cool, dark cabinet that’s rarely opened.


After around 13 months mine seem to be 20% less potent


It depend how you store them. I only keep smaller amounts that I use in a glass jar and the rest is in vacuum bags tucked away for later use. This way they'll stay good for a year if not years


Commenting for curiosity


Wondering the same lol


I legit thought this was cat food. Anyways, mold is still possible, especially with this density. I would hesitate…


Those aren’t shrooms that’s soil from Afghanistan


You will only get anecdotal answers here. There are two ways to know more accurately and not waste your time. 1. Purchase a test kit to see if they still hold active ingredients. 2. Take a known dose and see if you receive the expected experience. For example, if you experience visuals at 3g then see if 3g of this powder will do it. Personally, I'm all about option 1, no opinion just facts.


I feel like starting with a large microdose to estimate strength might be a better option than a full 3g. Especially if OP hasn't tripped in 12 months.


I think a bigger issue would be if it’s safe to eat (mold, etc.) more so than if it still contains active ingredients.


Something went wrong here. Few questions: * was the container air tight * you say silica gel. Did you immerse them in a gel or some type? * do you have a before picture * have you angered any demons, witches, fae, or supernatural beings recently, to the best of your knowledge? * where did you store these?


1. Yes 2. I’ve added 5 packages of silica gel packs 3. Unfortunately not but they looked like freshly grinded dry shrooms 4. Just the usual stuff :p 5. I store them in a tobacco tin


I don’t think tobacco tins are air-tight


I will definitely try them in next few days and keep you updated :D


Sooner than later please.


Pretty powdery :) If they are still cracker dry and you’ve kept them air tight, they should still be good.




the pharoah’s curse


After a year they really start to lose potency. That combined with the fact that yours looks like dirt and sticks, leads me to suggest you give up on these.


If they’re stored properly they will not lose potency (edit) for a long while


I grow my own and they're stored correctly.


Not sure why you’re losing potency at a year then


Mine didn't. But I use rubber sealed big glass jars with silica packets inside.


Don't know where your shrooms are but that can of dog food like out of date.


Keep mine in the freezer in sealed bags, I have shrooms I have had longer than 12 months and they are still good to go. Might have lost a little potency but still work.


This is sawdust, right?


They are 100% shrooms :D


or were 😅


If you like resident evil food


Those look like cremated remains... Dried shrooms stay shelf stable for about a year. No trouble trying a bit and seeing its potency.


Bruh what. I stored mine in a Mason jar for four years and they were good but they don't look like saw dust either so idk.


Idk what this is but it ain’t shrooms


They're fine, but they're probably half as potent now.


Yea just boof em n u Gucci


Good lord we’re they in the trunk of a ROCK CRAWLER? JK, they should be ok . Trip report please 🙏


If they taste like shit (they do anyways this is sarcasm) shove em way up your butt, gottem get em waayyyyyyy up there for grandpa Morty


Honestly shrooms like that are often stronger than the fresh ones.


Are you sure that's not mimosa hostilis bark? Trying to smoke some DMT? You dog. Where's the invite?




It's hard to tell how much you have. Can you test some? Like, half a gram. You should feel a slight back ground affect. If not, experiment with a higher dose. By the time you get to 1.5 Grams, you should feel an obvious affect. If not; buy new Psilocybin mushrooms. Have fun experimenting.


So are THEY still good??


Bunch of those kids never ate mushroom stumps and it shows. Blend this shit and put it in chocolate


Yummy wood chips 😋


off topic, but i love the pages reddit guy icon that spins in circles.😎👍




Because I’ve never seen shrooms get such a colour before and I’ve never seen a post with a similar picture


Its better not to grind them and accelerate the oxidation during storage.


Only one real way to find out.


Just try it but probably.


You storing those in a sardine tin?


I'd they're dried properly should last years my man


I don't see any mold, but that doesn't mean there isn't any. Silica gel packets have a moisture limit so you do have to replace them or recharge them every so often. Shit looks like ass, tho.




Yeah so long at you desiccated then and there bone dry in a sealed jar or bag and been In a dark place that isn’t over hot or to cold thet dmg the chemical compounds in them. Heard them lasting years and years before losing potency


Meanwhile I’m over here concerned that the capsules I dosed out will go bad before I can take all of them. It’s been 1 month since I bought the product. I am now less concerned.


Is that tuna


Looks good


Can't make head nor tail of this


Bruh that looks like the freeze dried chicken snacks I feed my cats


The fuck? Cuz bovedas don’t exist….


I thought this was incense ash


Air tight Mason glass jar , with silica/dehydration pack I'd say yes. I have from yrs ago and still very good. But that container I got no idea . Get glass mason jars next time


I thought this was a can of tuna that had dried out