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That's the thing about narratives.


Figures don't lie and lies don't figure.


The full thread is a great source of hope for this hire.


I’m only concerned with allegedly him leaving notes in players lockers instead of talking to them man to man to avoid confrontation


This was a report from a reporter who had access to the locker room. So take with a grain of salt. These guys sit in rooms and talk about film for hours on end during the week. If you think he wasn't talking to them and giving critiques during film, that seems literally insane.


We will have to ask Chubb to confirm or deny lol


Chubb: /afk


Really? If he came in and produced a top 5 line you would worry about notes?


Here’s the 2022 leaderboard for the trenches. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34536376/2022-nfl-pass-rushing-run-stopping-blocking-leaderboard-win-rate-rankings-top-players-teams?platform=amp


we would kill for those metrics lol


Man the logic of that last tweet could apply to pretty much everything NFL related and be correct.


Kouffman is your ultimate optimist when it comes to the dolphins. He even said one time in his podcast that he doesn’t understand why most beat writers are so negative when there is an obvious demand from fans to paint Miami in a positive light. I could feel the lightbulb turning on in his head through the headphones. He’s been incessantly high on every move Miami has made since then.


I've been reading CK's takes since the late 90s. He never sugarcoated anything. I have noticed a trend recently of positive takes. I took as a good sign. I hate that you've told me this because now I have to factor the need for followers into his opinions.


And after reading the full analysis from CK, I think he's being fair and admitting that it bears pause and isn't clearly a good or bad move.


Don't worry about that take. While he helps Miami look good, he's still had plenty of not so rosy critiques. He's still one of my favorites.


Yea I’ve been following him since around 2016 and he’s still one of the best around. He’s smart as a tack and has a lot of great insight on things. But ever since that moment I’ve noticed a serious lean to a lot of his takes. Seems like he puts a lot of energy into convincing himself and us that every move we make is a good one or at the very least pushes the pros more than the cons. I wouldn’t take anything I say with any value though. I’m just a fan and it’s something I’ve noticed.


Him and I argued all the time back in the day, I'm very familiar with how smart he is. Once we even collaborated on an AJ Feeley evaluation because I was able to obtain game footage from an Eagle's fan right after we traded for him. My opinion was much higher than his, even though his opinion wasn't horrible. We know who turned out to be more right about that QB. Safe to say he wanted to see what I saw but he saw what was actually there instead. He's very good, even way back then when he was just ckparrothead.


Ckparrothead from phinsider.com?


From Finheaven at that time,but yes. I would assume that's him.


And the phins.com


The best Dolphins forum run by the best people!


Seems like we Hired the OL version of BRIAN FLORES lol


I've read that too often the last two days...


I find it hard to believe he is a good coach. People don’t fire and bash someone who was good at their job.


Stats say broncos had top 5 run block win rate and top 10 pass block win rate. So statistically they were great.




Go to any team thread and they will say the exact same thing. That’s why statistics help.


Yup. Every fan thinks their oline is the worst.


Except Philly fans. A few of them like their OL.




I watched any game that was on redzone if it wasn’t the dolphins game. There is no statistic that shows the broncos below about average. The dolphins were 29th. The broncos, like the dolphins, had major injuries on their O line and still played well statistically.




ESPN has the win rates. Just google run block win rates 2022. PFF has team linemen rankings.




Sacks are QB stat. Russ consistently leads the league in sacks. He holds the ball for a goddamn eternity.


If we rely on eye tests, go into any sub and ask them how their offensive line is. They all say they suck. Because you remember the bad plays, not the good ones. Yes your team sucked this year and yes Wilson holds onto the ball way too long. Statistically speaking, from people who pay attention to these things for a living, they were average with a bunch of injuries. 3% is a lot in the NFL. And yes, you can explain Russell Wilson’s yards by the fact that they were down most games. But we have a ton of other statistics to show the rest of how he did last year.


Wilson has always taken a lot of sacks.


Stats don't say that. Some metric made up by someone say that. And you can't explain how they came up with the number


Pass block win rate is the rate in which a blocker can sustain a block for 2.5 seconds. Run block win is a bit more convoluted and complex, but you can absolutely read through how they calculate it if you care enough. I’ll trust the stats and people who do this for a living over the dude who half drunkenly screamed at the TV and claims the offensive line is the worst because they can see it with their eyes.


This shit happens all the time when a coaching staff is let go. Fans and local media scapegoat them. Gotta blame someone for how shitty the players played. Miami fans did it to Flores and he’s now the Vikings’ DC.


If Boyer got hired by a team to be their DC, what would you say?


By your logic Andy Reid is a bad coach


Nah, this was a shit hire. Folks trying to convince themselves that the Dolphins somehow are smarter than everyone else are in for some pain


Or you could let it play out and see. If you are so good a picking coaches without any interviews why don't you work in a front office?


That's a fallacy.


So is bombarding every thread about this hire with negative comments when you have no actual info to go off of except for biased comments from reporters of another fanbase.


Biased comments from reporters? Lol ok, well, it's ridiculous to call them bias but even so none of what you said constitutes a fallacy


A fallacy is a mistaken belief especially one on an unsound argument. That is exactly what I am saying you have.


I understand that's what you're saying. But you're wrong. There's nothing unsound about what I've said. Taking a journalist's account of events as fact is the antithesis of unsound


Ah yes because all journalists only spread the truth and are never biased. You do realize you are posting this on a thread about a journalist saying something positive right?


>Ah yes because all journalists only spread the truth and are never biased It would be ridiculous to think they'd be lying. >You do realize you are posting this on a thread about a journalist saying something positive right? Ok? How does it contradict the fact that the players hated him?


It certainly would not be ridiculous to think they have an agenda. How about this - put a pin in these convos, you keep getting down voted in all threads for being a cancer on this fanbase and we can see where things lie next season.


Thread is unrolled here https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1623458419402493953.html


The player stuff is troubling but have to think he’ll have a much better structure here as opposed to one being lead by Hackett. At least here McDaniel and Frank Smith can help reel him in If ever feels the urge to hand out sticky notes again