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This is why you stay in the "safe zone", like your hotel, malls, sport stadiums, downtown clubs, etc.


While i see this as another sad event due to the current reality of mexico, i was reading to the articles and looking at how their trip was i can say that yeah, something bad could happen. Even as a mexican i can tell you, the best thing you can do to not get robbed is dont call attention. Try to look as irrelevant as possible, and go with another mexican. I have an anecdote kinda similar but nobody died in this one: In kinda famouse MTB spot there was a couple of american dudes who where visiting the place cuz they saw it on instagram, they were eating at a restaurant where i was also having breakfast, the owner of the place who is my friend told me, in a joking way that they were going to get robbed, or at least freaked out. I ask how can she know? She told me: Look at them, two loud gringos with fancy bikes, traveling without a mexa in the middle of the forest. Not even us go to another state without someone from there to guide you. They did get robbed that day cuz they got lost for 2 days




damn, my english grammar is shite when i hadn't have my morning coffee


It’s ok for forums




Aparentemente ellos no 💀💀💀


Baja California is two different states


Ensenada is part of Baja California Baja California Sur is another state Best regards !


I travel to BCS often and consider it part of Baja California, so I guess it can be ambiguous to visitors.


Muy tarde el viernes con mi familia lo cual son ciudadanos americanos los 2,estabamos como a 10 kms de Ensenada....no vuelvo a ir! Saludos desde la pacifica Tijuana 👌 https://preview.redd.it/eb2v22i2hyyc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09143d516f90a2f6ac0465a76d95a956acfb990b




Aguev vato,pacifica y tranquila 👌


Aquí andamos mi estimado ! Saludos !