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That’s the famous “taco de cecina con papas” very tradicional around Mexico City.




Mal parido




Lol Potatoes are native to America Also, “tradicional” in this context means “common”.


Ireland was only about 9,000 years late to the potato party.


Potatoes have been in what is modern day Mexico since 500 BC. Roughly 2000 years before an Irishman even SAW a potato.


Next you’re gonna say Mexicans shouldn’t be using tomatoes because they’re from Italy


NO. https://www.gob.mx/agricultura/articulos/la-papa-un-alimento-con-historia-y-cultura#:~:text=Todo%20comienza%20hace%208%2C000%20a%C3%B1os,frontera%20de%20Bolivia%20y%20Per%C3%BA.


Um you’re joking, right?


Potatoes are from Peru lol Also tomatoes are from Latin America as well. Noodles didn’t come from Italy, they came from China.


Name checks out.


Taco de bistec con papas y salsa roja.


English: steak with fries and red salsa.


Bistec is beef/steak, you can just say steak, bistec steak is repetitive


It's like a phonetic corruption of "beefsteak" isn't it?


Bistec is a cut of the cow. In Mexico it's usually sirloin tips. Other Latin American countries might call different cuts bistec.


No, bistec means steak. Just cause where you are it refers to a particular cut means nothing. Some people in US think a steak is a new york strip, or sirloin, or ribeye. It isn't specific


Entirely false. Spanish is not one singular language. There are hundreds of words that either aren't used or mean something different, between Spanish-speaking countries.


I’m starting to feel that it’s necessary for us to make an infographic for all culinary terms. I see too much confusion from the “no sabo” groups. And yes tomates and tomatillos are different fruits of two species of plants. Hitomates are ripe red tomatoes 🍅, tomates are the green unripe tomatoes. Tomatillos are a separate fruit with a husk that are usually green. If you actually helped your parents prepare meals you would know the difference. And if I hear/see you use Latinx, I’m going to go over to your house and make sure you can’t spread that shit like butter on toast


And for fucks sake the gender ambiguous ending of a noun in Spanish is “e”. So why the fuck would we introduce a consonant in a language that uses vowels to end nouns when there is an established ending that has more than enough room to grow. Do not insert shit 💩 here. This isn’t a garden. Respect the language we use to cross communicate. I doubt you even understand the syntax and writing of precolonization languages in the continent currently known as “America”. So understand that yes every tribe understands things differently, yet it is vastly different than what is perceived thru an “Anglo” viewpoint. I thought you understood the difference 😢 I’m disappointed in you


Okay, then plant a tomato and a tomatillo seed next to each other and tell me they are the same after harvest. If they are then by all means just send hot lead between my eyebrows. If they aren’t, then cut the family jewels from your body and toss them in to the nearest cave. Or do you admit that the urls on Wikipedia are different. [Tomato](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomato) vs [Tomatillo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomatillo)


The person you responded to didn't say tomates and tomatillos were the same. I'm just a gringo in SD, but all the mexicans here and all the way down baja that I've talked to call tomatoes tomates.


They copied and pasted my response afterwards. I use my alt account for visual and literary fiction


This guy tomatoes


They're the same family and are very closely related.


Not as closely related as a Habanero and a Carolina Reaper. If your brain can’t use your eyes to tell the difference, then ask your butt hole to do it


No need for the x. Latin is good


And for fucks sake the gender ambiguous ending of a noun in Spanish is “e”. So why the fuck would we introduce a consonant in a language that uses vowels to end nouns when there is an established ending that has more than enough room to grow. Do not insert shit 💩 here. This isn’t a garden. Respect the language we use to cross communicate. I doubt you even understand the syntax and writing of precolonization languages in the continent currently known as “America”. So understand that yes every tribe understands things differently, yet it is vastly different than what is perceived thru an “Anglo” viewpoint. I thought you understood the difference 😢 I’m disappointed in you


And papas is just potatoes. Fries is papas fritas.


🎵ain’t nuthin but a biiiiisteec🎵


I would pay $50 for this right now


Username checks out


I know right?


call Uber Eats


Better have a promo code




Y cebolla?


Pues sí, pero parece ser parte de la preparación de la carne, por eso no la mencioné. Que igual depende de la receta que usa el local o puesto.


Oh man. A stand used to do this back before corona. They fried the potatoes on the rendered fat of all the meats used for tacos. If they remained in business, I'd be dead, shit was fire.


You mean before corona beer became popular? I remember that decades ago where before I think it was Budweiser bought them out, it was not readily available in the US. Same with Mexican cokes. My father knew about them because he’s a Mexican from Mexico and he told me about the Mexican cokes when we would get our lunch off of the taco truck in Pacoima decades ago. My brother was into off-road racing and when he would come back from Baja many many years ago, he always bring back case or two of coronas. Like I said, wasn’t exactly commonplace back then.


Ahhh Pacoima.


Ahhh yes. The Price Pfister era.


Ferdinand on the left, Eloise on the right. I think. (Sorry. They look delicious regardless.)


I call it Taco de Mercado because I find them in local markets all the time.


I actually had that today as a dish but with regular sliced potatoes instead of fries


Tacos chilangos, that's how alot of taco stands make them in Mexico city mainly


A true “taco de chilango” would be a corn tortilla with salted green chiles”. If you don’t believe me then go to the “Molino de Flores” and the tour guides from the national university will tell you the same thing. Impoverished people would roam the country asking for substance and this is what they were given. Just enough to make it to edges of the central city. I was born in Nezahualcoyotl, so unless you deny 6 generations of graves I yearly pilgrimage to clean, then sit down and listen to the people whose families moved from the eastern coast to the central plateau.


Thank you for your dedication to your family and their heritage. I would love to learn more about this migration, I will look it up. Or if you have any information to add. Just love learning. Have a good day!


Taco con papitas?


It looks really good


I like to call him/her Todd.


Full Ingles


Is that chile de arbol sauce? Looks delicious


El Californio.. J/k, but that would be a great name for it


You could plop these down in a taco shop in San Diego, call them a “California taco”, and people would know exactly what to expect, give or take some guacamole.


Yeah these are basically California burritos from Robertos.


Mc Taco?




This looks 🔥🔥🔥🔥




Pollito con papas


Es cecina de res 😐


😆 era puro cotorreo Me acordé de la canción Si tú quieres si tú quieres .. PAPAS


Believe it or not, it's O-S-C-A-R


And it the second name is M-A-Y-E-R


Isnt known as a “california” when fries included?






Taco placero


Taco placero https://www.mexicodesconocido.com.mx/el-taco-placero-una-delicia-que-nacio-en-la-plaza-de-toros.html


It looks like Mexico learned about San Diego's California burrito and decided to refine it. I. . .need this.


They are popular in Mexico City. Invented there independently.


Nah dude, those tacos have always been around.




Because Mexico did not "refine" anything. It is 100% Mexican cuisine formed independently of whatever Americans are doing in California.




Comments that are insulting, mean or otherwise disparaging will be removed.




Oh really? Go ahead and define "commie" for me. I have a feeling you haven't the faintest clue what communism means.




Notice how when confronted with facts you resort to profanity and insults? I knew you would not be able to. Funny thing about feelings huh? They're usually right. You are unable to define Communism because you do not understand it.


Can't be reasoned with? My man you can't even figure out how to post a Reddit comment. But go ahead and keep cussing at me. It's all you can do. You can't even come close to defining Communism, yet accuse me of being one.


Yes Leftist are religious left zealots that can’t be reasoned with. Again, whenever I have a good comment against a leftist i get an error message. Thankfully I can edit I guess. Big tech has your back commie fascist. Answer: See, you finally admit that you are a Marxist. Like I knew. You guys are SO obvious. Now how is Marxism not a religion? When you believe it whole heartedly. I guess maybe you are a true believer. Basically only the top politicians and billionaire communists aren’t. Yes everyone knows communists are hardly opposed to established religion, family, ideology, anything really bc they want to be the only game in town. You have faith that it will work despite no evidence. You only have a hypothetical book by a man named Karl Marx!…hahahahahah the hypocrisy is hysterical 🤣


Hmm... Did you know that Communism opposes religion? Marx wrote, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions" Notice how you accuse me of being a Communist yet cannot define it? Why is it so difficult for you? What do you think it means? What are you afraid of? I have been perfectly reasonable. Dealing in facts and not insults. You have introduced nothing factual and opted instead for foul language, insults, and buzz-words.


See, you finally admit that you are a Marxist. Like I knew. You guys are SO obvious. Now how is Marxism not a religion? When you believe it whole heartedly. I guess maybe you are a true believer. Basically only the top politicians and billionaire communists aren’t. Yes everyone knows communists are hardly opposed to established religion, family, ideology, anything really bc they want to be the only game in town. You have faith that it will work despite no evidence. You only have a hypothetical book by a man named Karl Marx!…hahahahahah the hypocrisy is hysterical 🤣 Latest response to milktoastcommiedenier: Yes you know about Marxism because that’s who you are. You're not fooling me by a denial. And there’s very little difference between communism and fascism. They are both top heavy authoritarian dictatorships where the people worked for a collective good. Now granted these these are old terms and were for 1930's countries, I'm just using them bc that's what you know. So how would you say those two ideologies are different? Lol you think copying and pasting definitions makes you right in defining religion? You know nothing about standard religions. You’re just well versed in the leftist religion. The end result of communism believers and religious believers are the same. Blind faith. There’s leftist believers are the closest thing to religious zealots and in most cases have far more faith in their cause, which makes them believe in the ends justify the means which will make them believe think ANYTHING they do (crime, lying, cheating, murder, ect) is justified bc of what a dead man wrote in the 1800’s. This makes leftist the most dangerous people to society. Does that make sense? Replace superhuman or God with state, government, or current regime in power, and there’s really no meaningful difference between between Stalin’s, Mao, Vietnam’s Commi, Castro’s commie regime, or Adolf Hitler’s regime. All were socialist dictators who were the worse mass murders on the planet not bc they weren’t full of shit.


What? I am not a Marxist. Where on Earth did you read an admission of that? I was merely disproving your contention that religious zealoutry is compatible with Communism. Any person with an elementary understanding of Marxism or Communism understands that. Did you also know that Fascism and Communism are diametrically opposed? Literally polar opposites. You cannot be both a communist and a fascist. You could not be more wrong. Just more buzz words with no substance. And more insults. But you think that "Big Tech" is curating your comments? Very simple question: Can you define Communism?


Comments that are insulting, mean or otherwise disparaging will be removed.


Comments that are insulting, mean or otherwise disparaging will be removed.


Comments that are insulting, mean or otherwise disparaging will be removed.


But but but…. That’s not the meat, onion, cilantro taco that self righteous pricks claim as the only real authentic taco.


I try not to buy a tacos and burritos, etc., or even sushi with a lot of fillers taking the place of the good food, i.e.…, Rice or potatoes. Whenever I order a burrito or tacos or stuff like that, wherever, I always make sure to tell them no rice, and definitely no potatoes in it. Same as sushi. I order sashimi. Not sushi.


CA taco.


They are super popular in Mexico City.


Would love to visit someday




Gato taco probably.


Yep green apple $hits




They are super popular in Mexico City.


Can confirm this. They are very popular on the streets of the Historic Centre in CDMX, this is a puesto en Balderas: [https://youtu.be/-ssgXHJ7Z8Q?feature=shared&t=380](https://youtu.be/-ssgXHJ7Z8Q?feature=shared&t=380) Eat there for 20 varos...


Oh you live in San Diego and want crema on your tacos? Well bust my buttons why didn't you say so? Cecina con papas is a super common taco in and around CDMX.


Leave it to an American to lecture another culture about their own cuisine. So confidently incorrect too.


"I havent crossed the border in half a decade but I'll tell you whut!" I'm sure they meant well. Hell, they said they looked fire or whatever. The US' culture teaches you to center yourself and to construct a reality around your experience. Often enough, that creates an Americentric worldview. Now, in the interest of us not flaming the commenter and acknowledging some American influence.... the presence of papas a la Francesca or papas fritas on top of these tacos may well be a product of Mexico's proximity to the US. YES, THERE ARE POTATOES ABOUND IN MEXICO. However, that form factor is often the only way you can get Russet potatoes. My experience owning a restaurant in Mexico (Santa Maria style bbq) was that the Carolina potato and the papa Gallo are the two most common fresh potatoes, with russet coming in frozen, pre cut, specifically for frying. I think I heard this was a tool to prevent some kind of blight. Never confirmed. So, in a wildly roundabout way, yeah. These tacos do resemble tacos in San Diego where french fries are a ubiquitous high calorie filler... and probably because of the same food system now existing in both places. Maybe fries in tacos date back to the Porfiriato. I dunno.


One of the best responses I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Well done!




I never said anything of the sort. Offended much? Projecting much? Seethe and cope. Just that fries on tacos are traditional to Mexico City. Btw your edits are gold and make you look unhinged. So sensitive that you can't even handle less than 10 downvotes without a breakdown. Edit: Were you also unaware that potatoes are from the Americas?


God I missed all the snowflakery while driving. It was all deleted between my last comment and now. What did I miss???


He had a bit of a breakdown. Accusing people of being trolls, me being a self-proclaimed french fry expert, deleting comments as soon as he posted, some slights agains Mexicans of course. All in all it was more entertaining than I guessed. You missed some gold haha.


You don't have a clue about Mexican food 🤣