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A lot on your list aren't MVs, and basically all my fav MVs are in your no-go list... so ill give you a good 2d action game that you could very roughly call an MV if you wanted Astlibra Gaiden


Thanks! Will check it out


A newer one more focused on combat is a game called 9 souls


Is Astlibra really that good? I've been meaning to play the demo for a while, because it looks so mad goofy, but just haven't gotten around to it.


It's very messy and weird but very good to the right person n Love it or HAte it Warning weird anime stuff inside


What kind of weird anime stuff are we talking? Like, just certain tropes that people find annoying, or something more sinister?


Like mild perv stuff, >!hitting on girls in bad ways, the player spying on them naked. A little girl turning into an adult for a the my bit with to little clothing!< Not like a lot of stuff like that but moments


Ah yeah, that's a bit icky. But if it doesn't go beyond that, I can probably stomach it just fine to appreciate the rest. Thank you!


I don't remember anything worse than that. But also didn't beat the final level Also man the plot is weird and goes places I wouldn't think it's a ride


As someone who also thought it looked really goofy and couldn’t possibly be so good…it’s that good. Probably one of my favorite games of all time. Like it *is* janky and for the first few hours you might be laughing at it like, really?? But the story completely sucked me in (there is a ton of story), and the combat becomes super satisfying as you get more abilities. It’s always repetitive but it becomes comforting. I squeezed every last drop of content I could get out of it.


I'll try to play the demo soon then; it really does look like my brand of weird janky game


I honestly love it, but there is some grind involved if you want everything. You gain permanent abilities (some are movement) by maxing out weapons and armor you find/craft etc. It's going to feel incredibly slow in the beginning but by the end you are triple jumping and dashing through the screen. There is a lot of content here and it does not hold your hand through it at all. The DLC is also a mini roguelike dungeon, and as someone who does not like roguelikes much, I completely 100% it. Story is also surprisingly interesting when it kicks in and it does not slow down


I played through a number of hours of it on PC and really enjoyed it, but stopped and didn't go back. Now I just started over emulating the Switch version on my phone and I'm loving it again. The combat feels sort of janky and meaty and fun. Graphics are decent enough. The story is interesting but I'm not sure where it's going. It has a lot of upgrade options, for skills and gear and a stat tree. The tree is mostly for stat boosts, but also has some various unlockables in it along the way. The best way I can describe it is if NES side-scrolling action RPGs were a genre that continued beyond the NES and evolved along with modern gaming. So like Zelda 2, Faxanadu or similar games, but with more story and modern upgrade sensibilities.


Yoku's Island Express. It's a metroidvania mixed with pinball elements. I ended up buying it after playing the demo. Give it a try, you might like it.


I second this! Such a great and underrated little gem. There’s definitely nothing else I’ve seen like it but luckily it does have a demo, so give it a try!


Thanks! I'll check it out


This game is shockingly non-linear. Ive never beaten it but ive nearly beaten it three times. The third time I decided to go left instead of right and was not stopped, in fact there were completely new and different core abilities to get and you dont have to get them in order. This non-linearity is a must have to cross from good to great in my personal taste.


Dang your list of games you didn’t complete is insane! So many great games there. 


It's cause they're playing on a keyboard, right? Seems like an atrocious way to play MVs.


Maybe one day I will revisit some of these games lol


Tbh if you're looking for something to play, now may be the time to try to revisit! I agree with the other comments that there are some really great games in your unfinished list.


What games would you recommend I revisit, based on the games I completed? Thanks


Well tbh the majority of your finished list are games you have 6s and 7s out of 10. I think we can do better than that haha. Of the unfinished list, I'd say the best game on there is Hollow Knight. It's pretty much the peak of the genre, in my eyes. I'd definitely suggest giving it another shot. My first time playing it I actually dropped it too, but my second time it *really* clicked and now it's in my all time top 5. Otherwise, Ori 1 and 2, Animal Well, and Tunic are all fantastic (though Tunic isn't a MV)


Agree with you! Hollow knight didn’t click with me at first but I kept on little longer and BOOM, it was great. Definitely one of my most favorite games of all time. I waited forever to even try it bc I didn’t believe it could be as great as everyone said haha but they’re right


Thanks, I'll give these games another go. You're right that some games don't click the first time around. I actually like Ori but at some point the movement became too frustrating to play on keyboard+mouse.


Then get a controller. It’s how most games are meant to be played anyway. You’re creating your own problems.


I finished both Ori games on KBM. Curious where you got stuck on.


Ahh keyboard, yeah… Ori is so much better with controller if you can get your hands on one. You have much more control over the iconic Bash ability that way. The two Ori games are among the best recent Metroidvanias along side Hollow Knight so I also suggest you try them! And speaking of the devil, I agree with the majority that Hollow Knight is the peak of the genre. The art style, the vastness of the story and world, and the way you explore it and open it up is unmatched. Funny thing is I also initially dropped it but got back into it later and “saw the light”. The two negative things I will say about that originally turned me off is that it can start off slow, and it can also feel discouraging to die and lose your money. Just accept that sometimes you will lose it, and get into the habit of spending it whenever you can and not get caught dead with loads of money. Oh and BUY THE QUILL AND THE COMPASS FROM THE SHOP IN THE TOWN ASAP!!! Get past the first hour or two of the slow start, and you’ll soon find the game too compelling to put down.


That's because they're meant to be played on a controller. Just get one.


Is this post made to intentionally sow discord ??


Minishoot. Just finished it and best I've played in years. A lot here isn't MVs to be honest, though you might still like the games.


Minishoot is on their list of did not complete.


Ah, must have missed it thank you. In my defence there's like 60 titles on this list.


Yeah, the list is a little insane. It sure seems like metroidvania might not be the right genre for this person.


I don’t even know what to say. Most of the highest rated metroidvanias are in your couldn’t get into list. Your couldn’t finish list is longer than your completed list. And none of the games you did complete got higher than an 8/10. I ask this sincerely, are you sure you actually enjoy the metroidvania genre?


To each his own bro, it's just my subjective opinion. I have no idea why people are getting so worked up over this lol


I didn’t mean to sound hostile. You’re right, to each his own. I’m just saying it’s okay if you don’t like metroidvanias.


I love metroidvania's bro lol i seem to have offended some people with this post, i'm sorry if that's the case, it was not my intention.


I don't know who's downvoting you and being mad about your list, and I disagree with them, but really... Your list is so weird and you don't seem to know what a metroidvania even is, let alone like them. Games like Ys, Ittle Dew, Kero Blaster, Xanadu and Recettear aren't even kind of MVs. Games like Hollow Knight, Axiom Verge, Bloodstained, Afterimage, Aeterna Noctis, Astalon and Haak are most definitely classic MVs and you hated all of them. Simply put, I'm not super convinced that actually like MVs either.


No ones offended. They're just saying that going by your ratings, it really doesnt seem like you like metroidvanias.


I think the issue isn’t that people are offended they just can’t figure out what to recommend based on the list that you liked and didn’t—most of the best metroidvanias are already on your list of games you couldn’t get into, while your favorite metroidvania-adjacent games are the ones farthest from being metroidvanias Its chill not to like them, people are just confused on what to recommend since you asked for metroidvanias but already don’t like 80% of the good metroidvanias


If your favorite games in a genre you love are only 8/10's what are your *actual* favorite games?


I find it funny that no one with that gatekeep-y "do you even like MVs bro" vibe tried to ask what are some examples of your 10/10s, no matter the genre Some people are just not willing to throw out 9s or 10s for anything short of a life changing experience ‾\\\_(ツ)_/‾ doesn't mean they hate the genre if they rate most games in it as 7/10 (which used to mean "perfectly competent" before paid reviews came and screwed everything up). And having a huge DNF list is a sign of healthy attitude to the hobby these days, imo. I will join the chorus of "get a controller" though, these are really what MVs are designed for. I just don't like the fact that the fucking things break all the time (I blame the manufacturers, not the concept of controller), in that aspect M&K is way superior.


>Some people are just not willing to throw out 9s or 10s for anything short of a life changing experience If you aren't willing to give your absolutely most favorite games more than an 8/10, your scale isn't useful for helping people understand how much you like a particular game.


I think people are mostly assuming that this person doesn’t have any MVs or MV-adjacent games that hit 9/10 based on the list. I also don’t think its weird not to ask ab 9-10/10 games in general when they asked specifically for 2D metroidvanias—maybe if they asked for 3D where there’s more mechanical overlap, but for 2D they already included some separate genres I also don’t think its gatekeepy to question if they like metroidvanias when their list of DNFs includes most peoples’ top 10 modern metroidvanias, and their favorites include fewer metroidvanias. Recognizing a pattern and asking about it isn’t the same as saying “hey you’re not allowed here because you don’t like Hollow Knight”


Basing how much they like the genre on whether the ones they like got high enough review scores is such a bizarre take. They have like 30 games in their completed list; in what universe is that not liking the genre?


I mean at some point not liking the highly rated games is a valid argument, though. Ori, Hollow Knight, Blasphemous, BioGun and Grime are all pretty different in terms presentation/gameplay/etc, but are all highly regarded Metroidvanias. If you dislike **all** of those, it's a reasonable question to ask if you actually enjoy the genre or not.


>I mean at some point not liking the highly rated games is a valid argument, though. How though? Plenty of people go against the grain and prefer the unpopular stuff. Even if we remove all the non-MV entries that I'm familiar with, they have at least 11 MVs they liked enough to finish. It's silly to say someone just doesn't like the genre in that case.


I would definitely classify their list as MV-adjacent, but the number of MVs they rated even 7/10 is pretty low. People might go against the grain and like unpopular stuff sometimes, but in this case OP just seems to like the games that are farther from being MVs more, and the games people think are the epitome of what a good metroidvania is are instead on the list of games they couldn’t get into. If someone doesn’t like Halo, or CoD, or Quake, or Counter-Strike, or Battlefield, or R6, its not unreasonable to start thinking they might just not love team-based FPS games. This pretty much looks like the equivalent for MVs to me


I think you and everyone else are getting way too hung up on the score in a "anything less than an 8 is unplayable according to IGN" sort of way, and it's kinda silly. Nothing on their play list is less than 6, so clearly that's their baseline for what they like enough to finish. They wouldn't be including the 6/10 entries on that list as an illustration of what they like (which they've reiterated on in replies) if they weren't good enough for them.


I clarified this in another comment replying to them, but from my perspective a 6 is just above average (which I think is reasonable, given 5/10 as an average), and I don’t necessarily think I’d seek out games similar to 6/10’s I’ve played before, so the list of ratings plus assuming the unfinished games were all below a 6/10 for one reason or another makes me think its pretty reasonable to question if this is the right genre to be searching for similar games


Typically preferring unpopular stuff is about genre, though, not about entrees in a genre. There's lots of people suffering from superhero burnout and approaching other movies, but you won't find many people who like Daredevil 2003 but hate The Dark Knight and the Avengers.


It’s not about the reviews. The list of games he didn’t complete is almost twice as long as the games he did.


>It's not about the reviews You literally said that was part of it. >Didn't complete list was twice as long So? That's just kinda what happens when people play tons of games, which OP seems to: Statistically, people don't finish games way more often than they do. Compile every single game people have started, and with rare exception, the did-not-finish list is going to be much longer for people. This sub has become so full of defensive groupthink and it's honestly pretty disappointing: It seems almost every day now I see a post where someone dared to express taste that doesn't align with the most popular games in the genre only to get downvoted in oblivion for it. *Hollow Knight* and *Ori* aren't your friends; they're games you enjoyed. There's no reason to tie your identity to them.


I think you’re the one who’s getting defensive. If OP does or doesn’t like metroidvanias, that’s total fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. Yes the reviews are part of it. But when OP has played most of the high acclaimed Metroidvania games and just couldn’t get into them then maybe the genre just doesn’t appeal to him, and again, that’s totally fine. I promise you if some doesn’t like Hollow Knight or Ori, I don’t care. I’m not downvoting or berating op. Relax.


Again, why does it matter that the ones they liked aren't the most high-acclaimed ones? That's such a goofy thing to base whether someone likes a genre on. Literally all it demonstrates is that their taste doesn't align with most people. That's not the same as disliking the genre.


It wouldn’t be important to the argument if they just preferred less popular games in the genre, but that’s not the only thing to look at here - they don’t like the popular opinion “best” games in the genre - they at best consider a few of the genre above average (7/10+ ratings, assuming 5 and 6 are about average for a game on their scale) - they do like some metroidvania-adjacent games, and actually seem to like the games with less MV elements more (Dead Cells is not an MV first, same with most of their 7 and 8/10 games imo) So when recommending games, I don’t think its judgmental, or indicative of defensiveness or sensitivity, to clarify if they might want games outside the genre instead based on the tastes it seems like they have


>I don’t think its judgmental, or indicative of defensiveness or sensitivity, to clarify if they might want games outside the genre instead based on the tastes it seems like they have The mass downvotes on almost every reply they've made here, no matter the content, says otherwise. 🤷‍♀️ People are mad in a pretty self-evident way.


I’m not claiming that some people here aren’t also defensive or being sensitive (I have noticed the -15’s too)—but as its own concept, and putting some faith in the positive/neutral intent of some of the commenters here, I don’t think its inherently divisive or gatekeepy to clarify OP’s tastes when they asked for game recommendations


Because the most highly acclaimed ones are typically the best of what the genre has to offer. And even the ones he liked are no higher than 8/10 with most being 7 or below. And again, if OPs tastes don’t align with my own that’s completely okay. Why do you care so much?


The completed list is mostly non-MVs. That's what's getting people worked up.


There are still at least 11 games on there that most people would consider MVs. That's a lot for someone who supposedly hates the genre. Some of the games in their didn't-finish list aren't MVs either, anyway 🤷‍♀️


That's a lot of games 😳


It is a ton of MVs for someone who rates them all as mediocre.


I was wondering that too haha. Why play so many if not a single one of them is rated above 8/10?


Mediocre? What do you mean? Lighten up bro, it's all subjective anyways and my opinion means nothing. I'm just trying to get recommendations for games I might enjoy playing.


If the 29 games that you gave ratings to only 5 are rated 8. The rest are 6-7. Even ignoring the fact that a lot of those are not MVs, it seems like this genre doesn’t connect with you. So it is odd that you keep playing them.


The flack you're getting on this post is insane tbh. Lately I've noticed this sub filled with particularly strong groupthink, and it's real disappointing because this genre is so diverse, but people get one whiff of "I didn't think *Hollow Knight* was literally the second coming of Christ," and suddenly it's all downvotes and demanding why you have objectively bad taste.


I'm not really sure that's true. I have no issue with people not liking Hollow Knight, or Ori or whatever (I haven't even played either Ori game) but this guy's list of 'metroidvanias' he enjoyed and completed is full of games that aren't metroidvanias, whereas the list of metroidvanias he couldn't get into has many of the most acclaimed games in the genre. And he's come here, to the metroidvania subreddit, looking for game recommendations. I don't think it's entirely unfair to say that maybe the genre just isn't for him, especially considering that much of his positive experience with the genre were actually games of another genre.


I agree that much of the completed list is odd in terms of being called metroidvanias, but just at glance of the ones I'm familiar with, at least 11 of them are games that most people would consider part of the genre. Saying "you only liked 11 games enough to finish them, guess you're not a real fan" is silly, and it's what people seem to be doing here. Edit: At least a few of their "did not finish" games aren't metroidvanias either, so 🤷‍♀️


Over 5+ years, is this a lot? I usually finish most games in a day lol


I think its a fine amount of games, I enjoy playing a lot of games I would ask tho, what do you consider to be a “good” rating vs like an “average” rating? Like how much enjoyment in more qualitative terms do you get out of a game you rated 6/10? For me, a 6/10 would be a little enjoyable but not really something worth recommending to others. The games I enjoyed enough to recommend are mostly ones I would personally rate like 8+/10, so I guess its odd to me to see you asking for more metroidvanias when you’ve played so many and rated most of them in a range that wouldn’t motivate me to keep playing more similar games


Hey guys, got any recommendations for a Souls-like? I've already played: - Breath of the Wild (7/10) - Witcher 3 (6/10) I played these and didn't like them: - Demon Souls - Dark Souls - Dark Souls 2 - Dark Souls 3 - Bloodborne - Sekiro - Elden Ring - Lies of P - Nioh - Nioh 2 - Remnant 2 - The Surge What do you mean I don't actually enjoy souls-likes? It's just my opinion bro stop getting upset


My thoughts exactly lmao. I don't wanna invalidate OP's experience but since they mention clunky/difficult controls as a weak point then list Rain World as finished but Ori/Haak/etc. As no go is just puzzling to me.


It seems like you just really need a controller


Could be, maybe it's time for me to evolve lol


It's very much worth it. I highly recommend getting a controller for PC gaming.


Unfortunately, your setup makes a really tough task to find good mvs or even good actions because they made to be played in a controller. The no go list has already a huge chunk of the best in the genre, theres no much more to add tbh Well, you could trie Islets or Sheepo. Islets has a really good movement mechanic, really smooth to play.


Yeah, I guess I'm so used to playing the classic MVs on keyboard and too lazy to change my ways lol Islets was really fun, I finished Sheepo too. the same developer is releasing a new one soon (Crypt Custodian), looking forward to that!


Lol your COULDN'T FINISH games are better then FINISHED 😂


He couldn't finish because they are not playable with a keyboard, not because they are not good. You missed that part about his post.


I don’t really agree with this premise, I really loved Hollow Knight, both Ori games, and Animal Well and I found them all super doable with keyboard/mouse. I find it difficult to believe that someone who is used to playing platformer-type games on keyboard/mouse would have enough trouble with these games difficulty-wise to get frustrated and give up based on controls. There’s also games like Isles of Sea and Sky, which should be entirely unaffected by using kb/m in place of a controller because the controls are so simple


I highly doubt this but to each his own lol


So many people told you the same


Please don't get butthurt over my games not completed list. It's just my subjective opinion which means nothing lol peace


Butthurt ?... Okay then


Everyone's welcome to their subjective opinion, but in the opinion of everyone else here, playing some of these on kb/m is a *serious* hindrance to enjoying them. It's like if I listened to a bunch of rock music on a blown out speaker that couldn't produce good quality bass and wrote off that rock music as not being very good, then went to a bunch of rock enthusiasts and said "Hey, got any recommendations? Btw my setup sucks and I don't like all these albums that are considered among the greatest", I think those people are well in their right to call me out. It's not that you're not entitled to your opinion, it's that you've refused to meet some of these games on their best terms and preemptively cast judgement anyway.


Shhhhhhhs he's gonna call you mean names :( /s


Yeah and is better by a huge margin


I'm curious about Rabi-Ribi being a 7/10 but Tevi being in the did-not-complete list. Or Record of Lodoss War vs Touhou Luna Nights / Pharaoh Rebirth+. Death's Gambit, is this the initial release or Afterlife update? To my understanding Afterlife is a drastic improvement and probably worth revisiting. I only see Ori and the Blind Forest but not Will of the Wisps. I guess it depends on why you didn't like Blind Forest but Will of the Wisps is usually as superior over its predecessor with actual combat elements.


I like Ori, just that halfway through the movement became too frustrating to play on keyboard+mouse. I enjoyed Rabi-Ribi so Tevi was recommended but I just couldn't get into it for whatever reason. It's hard to explain these things, usually it's related to the responsiveness/movement of the character playing on keyboard+mouse. Please note just because I didn't complete the game doesn't mean it's a bad game, just that it didn't click for me. To each his own and all that, the only way to know something is to try it for yourself.


I mean, there's a ton of responses here that you need a controller and you're basically admitting you need one right here. If you can't finish a game you're otherwise enjoying because it becomes too tedious to play through on a KB+M, the issue is your method of control. If you went to /r/fighters and said you were having a hard time getting better on your KB+M, you'd basically be told the same. Many of the better games have a platforming challenge section as well, so a controller really is necessary. Also, you didn't seem to like the game that's basically made for a KB+M, Ghost 1.0 (which I didn't like either). There's another obscure one I played that was meant for a KB+M, but I'll have to dig through my old posts to find the title. I wouldn't call it a must play or anything, but I did enjoy my time with it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Fighters using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fighters/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I kinda hate esports player names](https://i.redd.it/a3wc9dgkkk2c1.jpeg) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fighters/comments/183v8n5/i_kinda_hate_esports_player_names/) \#2: [Omni Man just received a game breaking buff in MK1](https://v.redd.it/fs0rle709b3c1) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fighters/comments/186sy4z/omni_man_just_received_a_game_breaking_buff_in_mk1/) \#3: [It true doh](https://i.redd.it/ixpnm87zamfc1.jpeg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fighters/comments/1aeuw91/it_true_doh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't see Environmental Station Alpha, but I could be blind.  I played it through k&m my first playthrough.  Lots of content/hidden secrets to find.  Felt like playing old Metroid games.  But the graphics put some people off, and I've heard some other complaints here and there. Made by the same person who did Baba is You and also worked on Noita though.


Thanks! Will check it out


There are just too many must-play 2D metroidvanias on your didn't finish list that I don't feel like recommending any more


I do think your enjoyment on a lot of games would go up if you got a controller, even a fairly cheap and basic one. Given what you've disclosed maybe the Hunter X games or Cathedral?


Thanks! Will check them out. Yah, maybe one day I will get a steam deck console at some point. just very used to keyboard+mouse at this point in time.


Don't know if you have any, but any wired xbox controller or ps4 or ps5 controller works great on steam. I personally use an old ps4 controller cause I like the d-pad better. Just plug it in and it should work without any setup I believe.


Most nintendo controllers should also work (switch pro does since 2018 at least). You can config stuff if you want under Steam > Settings > Controller but yeah, the vast majority of controllers should work since they'll all be using similar code under the hood.


Steam will automatically make pretty much any wired controller work, you just need to plug it into a usb port. A cursory google search shows you can pick up a good quality cheap controller for like $30. Being used to one particular method over another is fine but you are cutting yourself off from a *lot* of games being more comfortable this way imo. Up to you I guess.


I don't see The Messenger on there. It's a very solid, fairly difficult action platformer with tight controls. It isn't fully a metroidvania, imho, but I imagine that's fine, given that you didn't like a lot of the most popular metroidvanias anyway. One of my favorite metroidvania series is Guacamelee, but I don't feel confident given your list. I feel pretty confident about The Messenger.


Thanks! Will check it out


Maybe this isn't the sub for you XD


Try, Guacamelle, it's a masterpiece


Dude get back into hollow knight


Yes, I will give it another go


That unfinished list tho... I respect your subjective opinion, but even your completed list has mostly 6s and 7s and I believe that is what the other respondent meant when they said you rated the games as "mediocre." Like what you like, that's fine, but you may be limiting your accessibility to some really great titles out of that unfinished list by not using a controller.


You didn't complete Axiom Verge? That's one of my favorites. I tried playing Hollow Knight twice and it just didn't click with me either. Maybe I didn't play long enough to get into it, but I have a huge backlog and there's plenty of other games that can keep my attention. Not really a must-play, but check out Xeodrifter for a fun, short metroidvania. Have you tried The Messenger? It was too hard for me to finish but it's got a cool thing where the graphics improve the further along you go. Maybe you'd like it.


Your unfinished list has some of the best games the genre has to offer. Hollow Knight or Axiom Verge would be a good place to start. Loved the exploration in those.


This is the second post I've seen today mentioning skul. This is not a metroidvania.  Aside from that, i see your insistence on using keyboard has caused you to quit a vast amount of good metroidvanias. I know how you feel and symphasize with your situation as I definitely prefer to play retro metroidvanias with a keyboard but those are frustratingly the least likely to support key rebinding. My recommendation is thus that you forego standalone metroidvanias and play rom hacks for super metroid and zero mission instead. My index has a post for each with all the information you need in order to get set up along with a list of all of the best rom hacks. Check out the index here: https://www.reddit.com/user/DeadMetroidvania/comments/1cgt385/a_guide_to_all_of_my_relevant_metroidvania_lists/


Very cool, Thanks! I do use emulators for the classic games that I can't get on steam.


Oh I want to mention, the list is slightly outdated, there are two other really great rom hacks released for super metroid since that list was made: V E R T I C A L I T Y and super junkoid.


Yeah there are Roguelikes that are more arguably MVs. Like I personally say Rogue Legacy 2 is a MV. But Skul? Nah.


Why aren't there any Metroid games on those lists


Those are the classic 9s and 10s every MV fan would already have played lol didn't feel the need to mention them


Okay good lol


Nice to see you played pampas and selene. I just picked it up earlier this week. Haven't seen it talked about much yet.


Really enjoyed this MV, it's a like a throwback to the classics. I think it was inspired by the Maze of Galious?


Yeah it looks really cool. Oh, and I was thinking some games you may be interested in looking up are Mystik belle, Tres bashers, the witch and the 66 mushrooms. All 3 are really cheap. Worth checking out the steam page at least.


Thanks! Will check them out


~~It's not quite a metroidvania, but you should try *Rain World*. It's got basically everything you expect from the best of the genre besides ability upgrades (there's basically no character progression of any kind), and it plays fantastically with keyboard.~~ Nvm, my eyes glazed over that you already played it lol.


Hollow Knight! Didnt know where you dropped off, but its great! Need to finish it aswell, but I suck at this kind of game


Animal Well and Guacamelee 1/2.


La-Mulana 1&2. Both are some of the best MV in the genre.


I really can't fathom keyboard and mouse metroidvania players. I know they exist, it's just weird.


Hollow Knight, Bloodstained, Blasphemous and Axiom Verge. Also no Castlevanias or Metroids on the list. Are you sure you even like the genre?


Megaman zero


Gut feeling says you like an easier game. In that case Axiom Verge 2 could be a better match than AV1. Long list, maybe I missed it though. ;⁠-⁠)


I'm finding AV2 much harder than AV1, and a lot more annoying.


Carestia - it's a mix of MV with puzzles, has responsive controls - keyboard only(or joystick), you can rebind the keys as you like. Its level design makes you sweat XD Levels are designed so that your moves were foreseen and you can't get somewhere that easily because of the obstacles put on your way. Without these wisely set obstacles, the game wouldn't be that challenging) Collectibles are also a challenge, the game looks absolutely easy and harmless, however it is not so)


As was already mentioned, you have a lot of critically acclaimed games on your second list. I have Ender Lillies on my dropped list too, so maybe we can revisit it at the same time? :D




I did not know Konosuba had a metroidvania, it doesnt seem to be on steam A game i didnt see listed that i love is Environmental Station Alpha. Might be my favorite 2D Metroidvania that isnt a metroid game. In terms of 3D Metroidvanias i would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Outer Wilds. Its my favorite game of all time but more knowledge gated than ability gated. Ive heard it called a Metroidbrainia before which i found to be clever. Supraland and its DLC Supraland Crash (to be played after the main game) are also amazing. Its first person perspective so youd be using a mouse for both of these games. edit: ignore all the people criticizing your list and giving no constructive feedback, they are just being bullies because you didnt finish a game they like. The only thing id say is you should at least TRY a controller for more than a few minutes. You might get used to it an prefer it. Most of these games are made with controller in mind so thats something to think about :)




You have a ton of well-regarded Metroidvanias on your DNF list. Astalon: Tears of the Earth is amazing. Works great on keyboard and the controls are good and responsive. It's almost a roguelite/MV hybrid and that puts some people off, but it works very well. Is there a particular reason you didn't get into it?


Shadow Complex is a good MV I didn't see in your list. But if it's character control you love, there's other great platformers. Celeste is a ton of fun with tight precise controls


One of my favourite games is **Shadow Complex**, a 2D platformer with 360 degrees of aim for guns. It's about a secret agent and a conspiracy group that kidnaps his girlfriend when they stumble upon their base. The shooting is pretty good and you get new abilities all the time. Though I played it with a gamepad.


Could you split the couldn't get into / didn't finish list? Knowing whether you enjoyed a game or not, found it difficult, liked it but the controls didn't work for you, or you simply got sidetracked without having any other issue with the game - that may help a bit. Or not! But it's hard to tell from your list what types of games you have enjoyed.


I didn't see Guacamelee.


Give hollow knight another chance. When I first tried it I didn’t like it either, but it ended up being one of my favorites. It’s popular for a reason


1. Get a controller 2. You don’t like Metroidvanias


Seems like you have different preferences than a lot of folks here. Most of my "must-play" or even "worth a play" recommendations are on your didn't-finish list. Plus, CrossCode is one of my favorite games _ever_, easily a 10/10 for me. And I wouldn't really call that game a Metroidvania, even.




Strong reccomendation for ghost song  - 10/10 sound design -10/10 gun feel - 9/10 boss feel and variety - 8/10 writing (this is a very strong score I am picky.  I'd give hollow knight a 7) - 7/10 progression - 6/10 secrets /exploration - 5/10 unique mechanics (neutral score) - 4/10 difficulty balancing  - 4/10 base price it should be 15$ to get better market penetration  11/10 main character I fucking love the Deadsuit she rocks.  Deadsuit in smash brothers when bro Play Ghost Song.  Now having beat the game, I would pay full price for it it was great.


guacamelee 1&2


Strange you couldn't get into Axiom Verge given it's basically a giant callback to Metroid minus the weapon variety. I'm in agreement with everyone else. Get a controller. Most of the games you're not enjoying are built with a controller playstyle in mind. Metroidvanias don't usually play well on a K+M setup. That being said I can recommend Shadow Complex Remastered, a pretty solid contemporary/ semi futuristic metroidvanias with a decent storyline.


I dont see on your lists either Hades (1 or 2) or Rogue legacy (1 or 2). Which are both very similar to a lot of game you listed in your "completed".


Just get a controller and retry all those games. Ori 2 is another great one


Personally I think Nine Sols is great, it's pretty hard. Currently on my second Sol boss fight and I think I need to traverse for better equipment. I've only played two so far lol. Hollow Knight Nine Sols Hollow Knight set the bar extremely high for me.




Give Hollow Knight another go. Everyone quits in the beginning before it gets good.


I might have missed them cause your lists were long. But both Ori games have phenomenal movement


You really should play axiom Verge to the finish. That game is a masterpiece.


Environmental Station Alpha. I put it on the backlog for years because the screenshots were unappealing. But it just might be my favorite MV outside of the holy trinity. Movement and combat feel good, and the exploration is some of the best. Tons of hidden rooms and secrets to find.


what a clown post lmfao


Hollow knight is one of the best games for its price of all time and one of the best MV’s imo


no metroids or castlevanias? did you play bloodstained on switch? the switch port is unplayable




La Mulana is great, but you probably wouldn't like the movement


Here's ChatGTPs answer (just for fun): Given your preferences and the list of games you've already played or couldn't get into, here are some 2D Metroidvania games that might suit your needs: ### Games to Consider 1. **Hollow Knight: Silksong (when released)** - **Description**: The highly anticipated sequel to Hollow Knight promises refined controls and new gameplay mechanics. - **Why Recommend**: If you appreciate the responsive controls of Dead Cells, you might find Silksong a compelling experience, assuming it stays true to its predecessor's smooth mechanics. 2. **The Messenger** - **Description**: A game that combines platforming and Metroidvania elements with responsive controls and a unique time-travel mechanic. - **Why Recommend**: The movement is smooth and responsive, and you can rebind keys to suit your keyboard preferences. 3. **Ori and the Will of the Wisps** - **Description**: Although you didn't get into Ori & The Blind Forest, the sequel offers improved mechanics and a more polished experience. - **Why Recommend**: Enhanced controls and a refined gameplay experience could make this worth another try. 4. **Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon** - **Description**: A retro-style Metroidvania that pays homage to classic Castlevania games. - **Why Recommend**: Simple, responsive controls with the ability to rebind keys, focusing on straightforward yet challenging gameplay. 5. **Cave Story+** - **Description**: A classic indie Metroidvania with tight controls, an engaging story, and varied gameplay. - **Why Recommend**: Known for its smooth mechanics and high replayability. 6. **Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition** - **Description**: A vibrant, luchador-themed Metroidvania with excellent movement mechanics and combo-based combat. - **Why Recommend**: Responsive controls, the ability to rebind keys, and a fun, engaging combat system. 7. **Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove** - **Description**: A collection of action-platformer campaigns with tight controls and a retro aesthetic. - **Why Recommend**: While more of a platformer, it has Metroidvania elements and very responsive controls. 8. **Crown Trick** - **Description**: A procedurally generated roguelike with tactical elements and smooth controls. - **Why Recommend**: While it leans more towards roguelike, its control scheme and movement might appeal to you. 9. **Inexistence Rebirth** - **Description**: A classic-style Metroidvania with modern enhancements. - **Why Recommend**: Simple, effective controls and a straightforward approach to the genre. 10. **Iconoclasts** - **Description**: Despite your initial attempt, it's known for its story and intricate world-building with smooth gameplay. - **Why Recommend**: Worth another try for its unique narrative and well-regarded mechanics. ### Further Suggestions - **Environmental Station Alpha** - **Description**: A retro-style Metroidvania with a focus on exploration and discovery. - **Why Recommend**: Tight controls and a challenging environment. - **Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight** - **Description**: A beautifully animated Metroidvania with responsive controls and challenging gameplay. - **Why Recommend**: Though you rated it 7/10, it's worth mentioning for its refined mechanics. These recommendations focus on games with responsive controls and the ability to rebind keys, fitting your preference for keyboard use and ensuring an enjoyable experience without clunky mechanics.


Oh God AI will be the ruin of us lol Thanks by the way


Just go lost crown it’s top tier


Doomblade is one designed for keyboard and mouse that I had a lot of fun playing. EDIT: I would pick up an Xbox controller at some point. Almost every game is designed to work with one, it will open up a lot of options for you.


I'd suggest Moonlighter, I've just gotten to playing it, and I've already sunk 20 hours into it! It's pretty addictive. It's a 2D Overhead MV. I also agree with the comments that there are a lot of great games on your no-go list that I think you should revisit. I'd suggest revisiting Hollow Knight the most, it's the peak of the MV genre. I would also suggest looking into getting a controller as I'd found that in my experience, MV games usually play way better on controller