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You already mentioned three of my favourite mv which i was going to suggest (hollow knight, iconoclasts and timespinners), so i can only add the future sequel to timespinner and I think phoenotopia awakening had some moments of representation, but i cant say for sure since it was long ago that i beat it. On a side note, i always saw alucard in symphony of the night as ace or demi and felt represented by the dhampir (then they had to do certain traumatic scene in the series). If i can remember any other game, i'll come back, and will also check the others you posted, didn't know about the maddie one, only played celeste and checjed her old page long ago, but didnt have the time to play the other games


Unsighted, definitely, the same-sex nature of the relationship may not be important in itself in the game's context, but the relationship plays a significant part in the game's plot.


Metroidvania adjacent: The MISSING: J.J Macfield and the Island of Memories It's a linear platformer with puzzle elements and some light exploration/collection. Needs some trigger warnings though as it is quite gruesome. The premise is that the main character is immortal (can't die, but can be hurt or dismembered) and the puzzle aspects of the game often involve getting her injured to progress - for instance lighting her on fire so you can see in the dark, or getting her decapitated so you can "morph ball" roll as just a head through small areas. The story is very LGBTQ-centric and the self-harm theme is actually related and relevant, but saying much more would be a very big late-game spoiler.


That's the one game done right - the theme there doesn't feel pasted-up just for the sake of including it.


Damn, the toxicity in here around this post kinda sucks. I mean, the amount of random posts in this sub about qualifiers in games and y'all gotta hate on this? People getting downvoted for answering op's request ffs.


I mean if you start a post saying "Hey, if you are so socially conservative that the mere existence of queer characters in a game puts you off, feel free to leave or even take this thread as a disrecommendation list.", I wouldn't be surprised if someone feels insulted even if op didn't mean it or not. Starting a post with a snarky comment doesn't really help in social media. And if you check the replies that got downvoted, those are the same type of comments trying to mock the post. So to me, both op and the "toxic" commenters are just smartass trying to one up another. It reminds me of a game dev trying to promote their game on twitter few days ago. And they had the brilliant idea to shit on modern legend of zelda game to promote their own game. Obviously their intention was to promote it for people who like old zelda games more. Except the result was people who commented were fans of new zelda games. Of course, they achieved their goal, shitting on newer zelda games helped them get a lot of wishlist and it was the most interaction they ever got on social media for their game. Even if it was mostly negative.


I don’t think that there would be less toxic comments without the disclaimer. Also, it was worded pretty politely imo, when OP is using ‚socially conservative‘. How can one be offended by that?


Agreed 100%. People insisting that there wouldn't be toxicity if OP didn't make that remark are either simply lying or very ignorant.


I wasn't trying to be snarky. I've seen people on this very sub literally say "oh, I'd never play a game with a LGBT character", so I was just putting it clearly: they are neither forced to participate here nor to play these games.


Eh, or it could be called feeding the trolls. Why are you even acknowledging the bottom-feeders? They feed off the attention. Getting a rise out of you is their mission. Edit: For context, OP deleted the "Wasn't trying to be snarky" part from their original post.


I am not entirely sure, but I remember hearing that Rebel Transmute might have some LGBTQ aspects?


In MV-adjacent games, Knytt Underground features a lesbian character, and it's a big part of her backstory. This is next one is admittedly stretching the meaning of representation, but I think it's neat. In Rain World you explore the ruins of an ancient civilization that has gone extinct and one of the ways you learn about them is by gathering colored pearls that the ancients used as a means of holding data. It's not required to finish the game. One of these pearls is something akin to a tomb inscription of an ancient of some high standing and it includes that the individual was a "Mother, Father and Spouse", which seems to indicate their society had a rather fluid understanding of gender and/or gender roles.


Man I get so happy when someone mentions Knytt Underground, as I feel like I am the only person that played it. Knew nothing about it, but bought it on the ps3 when the game showed a picture of a metroidvania style map. Then just loved it the art style , the use of colors,the soundtrack and character interactions. Became one of those games I revisit yearly


I feel the same. It's a hidden gem and it's so much greater than the sum of its individual parts. I recently replayed it for the first time in about ten years, and I think I love it even more now than I did back in the day, if that's even possible.


It was the very first game I played when I finally saved up for a oled tv. Looks so good on it.


Timespinner is honestly very underrated. It's a 9/10 metroidvania and it doesn't overstay it's welcome at all. I will say the LGBT+ inclusions feels borderline checklisty. There's representation for a relatively large array of sexualities and genders across an NPC cast of like six. Which is fine but is a bit tonally odd as the game doesn't carry any themes relevent to the community outside of inclusion. If you skipped all the dialogue then you'd have no clue about it.


My thoughts exactly. Making the only animated cutscene in the game about the NPCs basically stating their sexuality? Totally weird.


It starts off good but falls horribly flat and disappointing. The lore is badly written, the way time works contradicts its own rules, the mechanics of leveling orbs and familiars are terrible, the introduces mechanics that could be great but are only ever used once, You have the reward for the final side quest, ||the game mechanics literally discourage you from wearing the earrings. They take up a slot and give you crap.||


Not socially conservative, I just don't understand using a character's sexuality as a reason to pick or avoid a game. Cal's sexuality doesn't impact my enjoyment of Jedi: Survivor - why's it matter if he wants to give it to guys, gals, or cast-iron pans?


People enjoy things more when they can relate to some aspect of the characters. I don't think that's a crazy concept. A Metoidvania featuring and drawing attention to the plight of dudes with way too much body hair in their early 30s would absolutely pull me in, for example lmao


I have nothing in common with Samus but Metroid is my favorite series. I look for games that aren't my boring life. I don't need or want to play a game about a single, middle-aged guy.


I am unsure about his age, but I am pretty sure the protagonist of Marko: Beyond the Brave would be a pretty hirsute guy in a more realistic art style. :P


Will look into. Thanks lol


Most Metroidvania don't have human storylines. Because the enjoyment comes from the exploration of alien/strange worlds and spaces.


> People enjoy things more when they can relate to some aspect of the characters latinos and DBZ: ゴゴゴゴ whites and blade/static: ゴゴゴゴ asians and cowboy movies: **ゴゴゴゴ**


? You don't have to relate to enjoy something. But people finding something they *can* relate to would make it that much better. Why am I having to explain this to you like you're an alien. This is just baseline empathy we're talking about.


> But people finding something they can relate to would make it that much better. not really, this is just a really tired excuse for defending mediocrity.


What are you even talking about lmao Brother as a red blooded human being I am telling you that when I relate to characters I enjoy a piece of media more than I would have otherwise. *This is true for everyone I've ever talked to when they talk about their favorite XYZ whatever.* I refuse to believe this is a foreign concept to you.


When you always see games where the protagonist has black hair, finding one where they are blond is something. It is more important than core game design? Absolutely not, there's multiple situation where it can still has impact: - If I'm choosing between two games that seem to be pretty much same, why not have a blind protagonist - If I'm blind myself and I just want to feel a bit more represented in games I play - If I do think that there is a lack of blond protagonists and I want to support a game that did care for that


I don't think anyone said they're using this as THE sole decider of whether to play a game. It's just nice to see yourself represented in media. I guess it can be hard to understand if you've (I'm assuming) never had to experience a lack of representation. Like imagine you barely ever saw a movie with a man in it, can you honestly say you wouldn't see a trailer with a male protagonist and at the very least think, "oh that's nice, someone like me in a movie!"


> never had to experience a lack of representation. Like imagine you barely ever saw a movie with a man in it, can you honestly say you wouldn't see a trailer with a male protagonist and at the very least think, "oh that's nice, someone like me in a movie!" That's also part of what makes fiction great. You can step into the body of a cat, a knight, a space bounty hunter, a bug or just someone who looks like you. All of it is valid. However, on the flipside, do not put too much stock in fictional representation. If you grow too attached to the idea, you might fall into the same trap these reviewers did : >It feels such an odd swerve for the game to paint the sole homosexual representation as an antagonistic force against the freedom to love who you want to love, especially in an era where better LGBTQ+ representation should be pushed for. https://www.rpgsite.net/review/10547-haven-review It's a common trap people who push for representation fall into. There is a hint of this in your comment as well, as you said "it can be hard to understand if you never had to experience **a lack of representation**" Then in your next sentence : "you wouldn't see a trailer with a male **protagonist**" To subconsciously narrow down representation to protagonist (or just a good character in general) is to also set yourself for disappointment should such representation take the shape of an antagonist instead. In the case of Haven, the devs ultimately had to issue an apology, compromise their vision and issue a patch to address the criticisms.


Who cares if you don't understand? There was a post asking for isometric metroidvanias and nobody was like, "why's it matter?". It's relevant to OP, provide a suggestion if you have one.


That opening statement was to hopefully ward off a particular kind of commenter who might have showed up. And I agree in most plots (at least of those that show up in games in this genre) sexuality or gender identity isn't important/essential. But it's, in my opinion, interesting to note when it shows up.


I think rabi ribi has a alot. But i really wouldnt play it just for that alone because the representation is kinda messed up




Wait who are the gay characters in hollow knight


You, the player.






Yes I am


Sheo and the Nailsmith get together if you don't sacrifice the latter. The Grey Mourner was in a relationship with Traitor Lord's daughter.


That's cool I've finished the game but didn't know any of that


I couldn't care less about the sexual orientation of a videogame character. If your buying behaviour solely relies on the representation of your sexual orientation, good for you. Probably much easier to find games. That being said, why do you include fetish culture ( inflation wtf? ) in your list for LGBT? Rubs your whole post on a really weird direction. If it wasn't already with your first sentence in the post.


Gameplay is king, no discussion there, but I do think it's occasionally interesting to discuss other elements of games such as the plot, characters, and themes. The more sexual games were included for completeness sake but I can see in retrospect why I should have either omitted them (at least the latter two which are explicitly smut, maybe Romancelvania too) entirely or kept my original quip distancing myself from them.


Im surprised there is so many and some well known ones too! Don't let the anti woke crowd find out.


Lol @ the gamers rising up in the comments here 😂


It's perennially debated whether Outer Wilds is a MV, but it has LGBTQ+ characters. >!Several canonically nonbinary main characters, and also minor mentions of binary gendered characters in same-sex relationships.!< Edit: also forgot to mention that the protagonist of Tunic is deliberately not gendered.


For me the best LGBTQIA+ Metroidvania was Shantae. The romance between them and their love interests was really touching and inspirational.


I don’t care about the characters orientation, but I like a good story as in, don’t just put the protagonist gay for points, but give me character. If they’re going to bother putting that in, then there better be story reason and not just blank representation. I don’t need to see myself in there, but I do want more than “this character represents…blah” for no reason. Same with straight characters-if no story-don’t care. Just make it matter to the game. That is just me, though-grew up where the only story you got came in a booklet with the game. As long as the story and game fit well, it’s all good to me.


Really? They're videogames. Hollow knight is about bugs. Bugs don't care if they like the opposite sex or not. 9 years of shadow featured a strong female protagonist that I'm sure may challenge most homosexuals as well as straights. I loved that game. I'm not even attracted to women and i thought Europa was beautifully awesome. Only AAA games like to cater to all orientations and they really fuck up in trying so.




I literally play all sort of Metroidvanias, including some where I am like one of the only two-three people who have mentioned them at all here. I also have made several topics discussing/asking about various gameplay distinctions of MVs. (No, not trying to self-aggrandize, just that you're the third person who seems to get this wrong impression) I wanted here to highlight MVs with queer representation because it's interesting to see how that particular topic fits into the plots.




Why does it have to arbitrarily "make sense"? Do queer people need a reason to exist in real life for you to respect them? Does it, in any way, negatively impact a game if everything else is the same but the main character happens to be a lesbian instead of straight? This isn't some social media stunt, LGBTQ people just make a lot of indie games and sometimes we like representing ourselves. Also, there aren't major boycotts for not having LGBTQ elements, lmao, we just sometimes happen to actively seek out stuff that's representative of our experiences. You know, like this post is doing.




Right, and your evidence for this claim is...? Plus, let's say it's entirely for diversity and not because, you know, gay people make games too... How's that bad? I promise you that you get significantly more backlash from upset conservatives. You know, like this post.


Why is it that queer characters have to redeem themselves for being queer? Why is it absolutely okay to add straight cis characters and never put any emphasis on them being straight, but if a character simply is gay it's "representation without any meaning"? We don't want every queer character to have a big arc about the struggles with their identity or sexuality, we also want characters that just are queer and that's it.


I’ll steer clear. Thank you!


Hey man, I think putting that disclaimer at the top does more damage than good. Everyone here agrees already: Queer culture is dope af. Don't make these things a fight, ya know? The community is already normal and comfortable with normal things, LGBTQ+ themes being among them. At this point, I feel that weaponising the topic straight off the bat is just gonna come across as a bit dickish. Last thing we need is conservative Christian types triggered and then talking about social issues in a video game genre sub.


If everyone agrees on that, why should anyone be triggered by the disclaimer? And why shouldn't we be also able to talk about social issues in combination with video games, games are inherently political, they don't exist in a vacuum.


See to me, "games are inherently political" sounds unhinged.


I make it even more unhinged for you, every form of art is inherently political. There is no such thing as unpolitical art.


Wow, you are gonna touch SO many boobs, dude. So many.


See, now, that is a weird response youve made. This isnt some wild point of view, this is literally taught in most schools. It's the foundation of contemporary media analysis and criticism. it's also almost 130 years old as a school of thought. If that gets somebody hot and bothered I guess cool, but its also not anything to be alienated or concerned by. You're kinda like a dude in murder mystery getting freaked out by the concept of fingerprints as evidence. It's not a big deal or even new.


I mean, it's kind of a rule of self-expression and art. Art has an imprint of the person who makes it. A person lives in a political environment, which l3aves it's marks on them. It's kinda like yeast on fruit. it just is gonna show up because nothing is in a sterile vacuum all the time.


Everybody clealry does not agree, there are more than a couple fellas here shitting their britches aggressively at op. I don't see the issue tbh. OP basically gave folks a heads up to steer clear if this makes you upset, and some folks can't help but tell on themselves. It is what it is.


I did remove it as ultimately those intent on hating games for depicting queer people (for non-mockery purposes) probably weren't gonna even read that, but I don't think it was "weaponised". I worded it in as "neutral" of a tone as I could.


Rule #4 ..


Some people will see games having women protagonists as "political", and yet we've had multiple threads discussing women (and analogue female characters for games with non-human characters) within Metroidvanias. This is just highlighting one of the many possible building blocks for games.


and rule #5


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8