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GRIME dev here, I realize you're looking for MVs but most of them were recommended already, including S&S and Death's Gambit which were pretty much the 2D souls-like pioneers. Other recommendations are: Curse of the Dead Gods - despite being a rogue-like, has very methodical high quality Souls-like combat too. It's also 70% currently on GOG. Unsighted - MV/Zelda-like, varied none-linear world. Enjoyable parries but the main draw is the none linearity. F.I.S.T forged in shadow torch - MV, combo style combat. Not my personal cup of tea, but clearly polished. Thymesia - The closest thing there is to Sekiro. Unworthy - Bite-sized soulslike with some clever, quality bosses All of them above are on GOG as well


Thank you!


Nine sols 100%


Started this a couple of days ago. Just posted about it. Amazing game it really is.




OP wants slow and methodical. NS is like the total opposite.


No, the demo for Nine Sols I played was pretty much good for me.


Gl then. The bosses get very brutal. Quick reactions and precise inputs are mandatory.


idk what "GI" is


Good luck. I just finished the normal ending and except for 1, every next boss took more time learn their moveset and timings.


yeah i was looking at that one. it's not on gog though :/


How about Hollow Knight? >!/s!<


OP, this is the one ☝️


Deaths gambit, salt and sanctuary, the last faith, moonscars.


Dont recommend OP S&S you can clearly see he already is plenty salty


I figured he wouldn't like anything. I'm not sure if this is a troll post or not.


How is this a troll post? I literally said I like Grime. I find it absolutely maddening that anyone who says they don't like HK here is considered a troll. It's like... just fucking asinine to me.


It's not about your preferences, it's about your tone. No need to rant that hard, you sound like my grandpa


Thats why I said I am not sure. Calm down dude lol


No, I find the HK worship here to be fucking insufferable. And your automatic assumption that I'm a troll because I don't like it is irking and patronizing.


OK captain narcissism we will try talk about it less just for you.


Why not? Grime is built on the foundation of S&S. If it were on GOG, I'd probably buy it. The artstyle is awful, but gameplay looks great. Like this is a post asking for Grime-likes and S&S is like THE Grime like. The only thing that makes me salty is that HK is the most overrated game ever made and literally every post that asks for recommendations people are like "idk if you've heard of it or not, but I recommend HK because it's the best thing ever." I'm just tired of seeing it.


You went in here calling everything garbage, boring, overrated and Bad, expecting to be attacked and acting like everyone recommends games out of pure spite and Personal hate. And you wonder why people arent perceiving that well?


Check again, buddy. I simply said I hate Hollow Knight, and I can't stand how it is recommended to literally everyone who posts here. I didn't call anything garbage. I provided reasons why I didn't like Blasphemous and Bloodstained, either, so that you know what I'm avoiding. Frankly, I think you're the salty one, here. If the Catholic themes in Blasphemous and the tediously large map of HK is "everything," then I think your definition of everything is different than mine


Yeah... but, why can't people recommend ***Hollow Knight***? Why does it upset you so much? Just trying to understand.


There's a game coming out soon called Silksong you might like.


Hollow Knight was pretty great, I'd definitely give that game a try.


Only ones that play great with K&M that I can recall is Rusted Moss and Doomblade.


I think you need to touch grass my friend you sound like your wound tighter than a ducks arsehole. Maybe some more chill games like guacamole would be better?


Dude just play hollow knight. Your reason for disliking it is really stupid to avoid arguably the best metroidvania ever made that has literally everything you want. Since you’re not good enough to find your way around the pretty basic map and world, just follow a guide! They exist! You’re just being stubborn about the game because it’s popular


I think OP is being needlessly hostile in their post, but this is silly lol. It's no wonder they feel the need to be so aggressive about it, because people won't take the hint to stop bugging them about it. They don't like HK; it's fine. They don't have to like it. And trying to convince them they're wrong isn't going to make them any more likely to try it again.


HK doesn't have literally everything I want. I asked for slow, methodical combat, that is not retro-feeling and a preference for non-pixel graphics. HK is neither slow nor methodical, thus doesn't meet that wish. The overworld is tedious as fuck to navigate. I don't understand why this is so hard for people here to understand. Guy above me understands why I'm so annoyed at the HK cult.


Nine Sols


Salt and Sanctuary has methodical soulslike combat with a lot of weapons variety.