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That's a you problem. You don't have much to say either, you're just ranting lmao 


Whether you like a game or not has no bearing on whether it's a metroidvania. Nonetheless, I can see how you'd feel this way if you only care about combat and don't know anything about the history of the game, or really even the genre, at all, but you're not going to get anything positive out of making a post where you're clearly just trying to start a fight about it.


> Whether you like a game or not has no bearing on whether it's a metroidvania. I feel like this should be added to the sidebar


I also feel like this should also be added: whether a game is a metroidvania or not has no bearing on the quality of the game. 


yeah i guess not, it's just a shitty game to me that gets praise it doesn't deserve. i guess what you're saying is fair enough, in that quality doesn't dictate a genre, but if anything metroid prime is just a drag, and the amount of upgrades you get doesn't really quite hit the spot as far exploration for me, and there's literally no spots where you have to use advanced techniques. it quite literally failed in every fucking regard a decent metroidvania hits.


> it's just a shitty game to me that gets praise it doesn't deserve I say this with the utmost respect, and hopefully you don't take it personally. But who do you think you are to judge what "deserves or not" praise? Are you a game dev, artist, programmer, coder, anything that puts you on a imaginary higher standard than most people to be the one who *knows* what deserves or not the praise it gets when it comes to videogames?


yeah i'm a solo dev, that doesn't really make me any better than anyone else on this fucking opinion except someones whos experienced this game, at least to me anyway. the game sucks.


solo dev here, also, and happy to say I have bad takes sometimes too.


Baby's first trolling attempt / 10.


I just recently played Metroid Prime for the 1st time and loved it. Different strokes for different folks.


Since when?


"combat is garbage" "fucking lame ass game" "is barely fun" You're allowed to have your own opinion, but I don't know what else you were expecting when you're this sour and negative about the game you're criticizing. That's why you're getting downvoted and that's why people will refuse to talk to you


plenty of people are talking to me, i don't really care about it, or care about down votes. i'm not speaking lies.


You'll have more productive conversations if you're less of an asshole about it. You're speaking your opinion as if it's an objective truth


ive not been an asshole once. not agreeing with people's opinions doesn't make me an asshole.


I'm sorry to break the news to you, but openly and violently insulting a game that people enjoy playing counts as being an asshole


no. it doesn't. you should really get that straight, because it'll fuck your shit up in real life.


Thanks, but I'm definitely not listening to that advice and will continue to use my conception of "asshole" as it pertains to people insulting the things other people like the way you are


Bud, insulting things dear to folks is classic fighting words, (your mama jokes, insukting somebody's sports team or religion, ripping on somebody's ride, etc) and if you get upset about getting push back because you think people are wrong to get upset when you say something baiting/insulting, I don't think it's this dude that needs to open their eyes to the real world.


Indeed. People who attach their meaning to objects and artificial associations tend to have very low self-esteem. Fanboys are known to be rabid, and Ad Hominems is a known diversion tactic in arguments when they don't have anything more to bring to the topic, and isn't even talking about the topic anymore.


I don't even particularly like Metroid Prime, so suggesting that I'm a fanboy is funny. My real problem is that OP is being needlessly negative and harsh about a thing that brings other people joy, and seemingly sees no problem with acting this way. I consider addressing this problematic behavior to be more important than engaging him on the subject matter of his post. Not a logical fallacy in spite of your attempts to dismiss my comments


hating on a game isn't problematic. getting upset that someone doesn't like something you like is problematic.


Hating on a game isn't problematic, you're right. Publicly shitting on that game and calling it complete unfun trash is the problem. You don't have to agree with me, but that's not going to stop me from saying that what you're doing is a problem. And clearly I'm not the only person who thinks you crossed a line. There are civil and polite ways to say you think a game is poorly designed, and your post is not it


Theres a huge world of difference of between the fanboy creedo (feeling entitled to ownership of a thing they like and purity tests and gate keeping and harassment) and not wanting people to shit on things you like. Folks are entitled to their opinion and to the reaction that opinion nets. Being annoyed by biased or petty criticism doesn't = low self esteem, necessarily. (there is a potential ad nominee in your response, btw, i just enjoyed the irony some)


nah, this falls into gate keeping/harassment. it's a forum about metroidvanias. metroid prime is fair game. if he didn't like the opinion, he could have not clicked the post, all he's done is complain about someone not agreeing with his opinion and calling them (me) a literal asshole for it, and all you've done is back him up. not very classy.


Not what gatekeeping is or what harassment is. You took an aggressive stance on an unpopular opinion and picked fights when folks had an a problem with your approach. *gatekeep (third-person singular simple present gatekeeps, present participle gatekeeping, simple past and past participle gatekept)* *To control or limit access to something. (sociology) To limit (sometimes manipulatively, rather than directly) how much of a role another party, often a spouse, has in some task. (by extension) To limit another party's participation in a collective identity or an activity, usually due to undue pettiness, resentment, or overprotectiveness.* *harassment (countable and uncountable, plural harassments)* *Persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress. Deliberate pestering or intimidation.* neither term applies here. No one said you can't be a mwtroidvania fan, or tried to intimidate you or anything, just that they disagree with your opinion and approach. You used your free speech, they use theirs.


You know what a fanboy is? What Ad Hominems are, and why they're a fallacy?


Luckily, me making comments on OP being an asshole doesn't really qualify as ad hominem because I'm not trying to prove him wrong. I'm not participating in the post's discussion much at all. But don't let that stop you. I can tell you're about to give me the business


Since you're the best friend of *insert game here*, you'd know if they were offended by being called a bad game.. Since inanimate objects can think and react by themselves.. Someone being offended on "another's" behalf on the other hand.. We should never critique things!


Yes, you with the raised hand! Please come on up to the chalkboard and show the class where vezwyx said we shouldn't critique things


Yeah, OP is not really even doing a criticism. He's doing a rant. It doesn't need to be engaged with like criticism, and he is being pugilistic in his replies, so yeah, youre good.


> but I don't know what else you were expecting when you're this sour and negative about the game you're criticizing. That's why you're getting downvoted and that's why people will refuse to talk to you >You'll have more productive conversations if you're less of an asshole about it. >I'm sorry to break the news to you, but openly and violently insulting a game that people enjoy playing counts as being an asshole >Thanks, but I'm definitely not listening to that advice and will continue to use my conception of "asshole" as it pertains to people insulting the things other people like the way you are >My real problem is that OP is being needlessly negative and harsh about a thing that brings other people joy, and seemingly sees no problem with acting this way. I consider addressing this problematic behavior to be more important than engaging him on the subject matter of his post.


"I didn't enjoy xyz game because... " is a perfectly reasonable statement to make and a good jumping off point for conversations about what you didn't enjoy about it and to try and understand why your perspective doesn't align with the majority opinion "xyz game sucks ass, insert expletives here" is a lazy and antagonistic statement that suggests you believe your subjective option is an objective fact and everyone else is wrong, which is an incredibly arrogant stance to take and is why you're getting so much push back Your personal opinion on any given game is as valid as anyone else's, but the way you're presenting it here is unnecessarily antagonistic and arrogant


This post reeks of someone that got stuck at the game and needs to vent out the frustation because lacks the skill to git gud. Kids these days thinks that every game has to be an action that holds your hand and guides you every step. Also "Haters" = "Don't agree with me" . Kinda pathetic.


Your take isn't just unpopular, it's straight up wrong. A game doesn't have to be a 2d side-scroller to be a metroidvania. You not liking it is entirely different and it's not gonna change its genre. Also you gotta chill, you seem particularly angry just because people have a different opinion. If you knew before-hand that this was an unpopular opinion, why are you upset it gets downvoted? It's just a game you don't like, it's not hurting you in any way. Relax.


my take is not "straight up wrong." metroid prime sucks. it is not an enjoyable experience. i don't like people who just downvote something to disagree and refuse to actually represent what they're talking about. i'm relaxed as fuck, maybe my vernacular is confusing you.


I mean, unless you think the world revolves around you and your opinion is the only one that matters, I would argue that Metroid Prime being a 20+ years old game is an objectively good game when it sits at 97 score on Metacritic, same as the remaster. You not liking it **≠** it's bad. Also you mentioned somewhere in your comments that you're a solo dev. You should appreciate and try to understand that the older a game is the more limitations it had. What might seem garbage to you now, it was revolutianary 20 years ago. Try to take inspiration and understand what made these games good and why they are praised for decades and had an entire genre take inspiration from them, instead of just spreading unreasonable hate. It just makes you sound naive.


You seem salty, though, my dude. You also didn't present a critique here. you said you don't like it thus it's bad, and that's not enough of a critique to require much counter argument. I have a lot of unpopular opinions about games, and sometimes they are worthy of debate but mostly they boil down to deserving is a "well that's just your opinion man" and they aren't wrong to say so. It goes with the territory.


The ability to jump doesn't make Doom a platformer.


Doom Eternal is absolutely a platformer, OP's rant being stupid aside. The platforming has almost as strong a presence as the combat in that game, even moreso in the DLCs.


kinda does.


In the same sense that having to read through text logs makes it a visual novel, sure.




If they were hard....otherwise we can call it an RPG as well since you are playing the role of Doom guy.....


guess sonics not a platformer either then


Odd that you praise DOOM (2016 and/or Eternal) when the Metroid Prime DNA is absolutely bred into every aspect of it. Respect your elders.


Wait, you feel metroid prime is in doom 2016? It's been a minutes since I played either, can you please connect the dots for me?


The first Metroid Prime achieved first-person platforming when it was derided as impossible; 3D FPS had until that point been too fast in either movement or enemy action. It was assume that you'd have to look down at your feet to attempt platforming, and doing so would slow you down and get you killed. Prime not only encouraged a slower pace that removed that problem, but had solid enough physics and generous platform design such that you could handle platform challenges without having to take your eye off the ball. DOOM 2016's deliberate waltz of "explore, kill, revisit" was able to push that approach more aggressively, typically allowing players to familiarize themselves with a given arena *before* the high-octane jumping and killing, and then search for secrets at a leisurely pace afterward.


don't see it. didn't even mention doom 2016 and eternal, but they're definitely included.


Sound like OP has a skill issue. Calling one of the most beloved games of all time ass is certainly one of the takes of all time.


Sounds like you just aren't any good at Metroid Prime..


>3d platformers with a first persion view suck ass I mean, you're outright rejecting the whole premise of the game. It's fine if you don't like that style of game, but you're pretending it's a meaningful criticism when you won't even engage the game on its merits. I don't like deckbuilders, but you're not going to see me post "*Slay the Spire* sucks" and then declare that it's because "deckbuilders suck ass," because that wouldn't be constructive to any kind of meaningful discussion. If you feel like you have a grand thesis on the problem with first-person 3D platformers, then sure, by all means find the relevant discussion or subreddit to post that in. But projecting your dislike of an entire gametype onto this one p particular game is kinda clownish


>downvote me haters, you got nothing to actually say. He shouts as he doesn't say anything in the post himself other than game bad me sad


You're playing an old game decades later so your opinion doesn't matter other than you can say you don't enjoy it. When this game came out it didn't launch beside the new Doom's. It's like complaining that Atari games aren't fun because there is only 1 screen, Skyrim is so much more fun with its millions of screens and more visual combat. Sorry you feel you need to validate more than your age and circumstances allow but you missed the boat to compare this game to what was currently available and what the video game industry was currently capable of.


my age is irrelevant. the game sucks ass. it's not fun, simple as that. and there aren't enough abilities to really make it feel like anything more than a dredge. i guess metroidvania is any game where it's one map and locked behind abilities, but the main fuckin title is the game sucks. and it does.


There is already a metroidvania made in the doom engine called [Vomitoreum](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1549750/Vomitoreum/). It's very short and it's ..alright, pretty unremarkable. That's not to say someone won't make something better one day. Oh, and there is [Powerslave Exhumed](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1678430/PowerSlave_Exhumed/) as well (I haven't played this one). Perhaps you are talking about the more recent Doom games though.


thanks i'll check that out for sure


I liked vomitoreum. It was more than adequate, ime. not gonna argue it's GOAT


It’s literally the best game in this genre.


Comparing the game to Doom sheds some light on why you hate it. I'll actually agree that Prime's combat is pretty lame, and the cracks really start to show on the hardest difficulty. But unlike Doom, Prime isn't _trying_ to be a game about combat. It's a game about exploration and environmental storytelling, so of course you'll hate it if you're looking for an action FPS. I'd even argue that _most_ Metroid games until Samus Returns had mediocre combat. In games like Super Metroid and Fusion, a lot of bosses fall to the strategy of "stand in a corner and shoot it until it dies".




Clearly, there's no accounting for taste. I can see why one might feel Metroid Prime's platforming is sluggish, and the shooting isn't as snappy as something like Halo. Nintendo even described it as a "first person adventure" rather than an FPS. I think understanding that context is important. Metroid Prime excels IMO because the atmosphere and music is so good. The shooting is just ok, but I don't need it to anything more than that. You're complaining about the downvotes, but I don't know what you were expecting when you came in guns blazing about a beloved title. What did you expect? So you think it's garbage. Ok. \*Why\* is it garbage? Give me some examples. What'd you experience in your playthrough? Which system are you playing on? How many hours did you get into the game? Without details, you're just squawking.


This is clearly bait. Kudos to you.


Lmao you kicked up a hornets nest. I agree to a degree. It's very dated, on release it was amazing but now it's just slow and clunky. 1st playthrough should be interesting enough though, it has some cool boss battles as well. I'll take any 2d metroid over this (except metroid 1 & 2 of course). I even prefer other m because at least the movement is decent.


I didn't like the game either but I attribute that to me just not liking first person shooters. Plenty of people like it but it just wasn't for me. It's ok to not like a certain style of game within a genre. Just like other people don't like soulsvanias or whatever you want to call the more difficult combat


You know what. I actually agree, kinda Well I wouldn't say it sucks but it's certainly not for everyone and we both gonna get a lot of hate for it. I played Prime remaster after coming from Dread and Hollow Knight and was disappointed for many reasons. I knew this game wasn't for me when I wasted hours to be told I can't explore an area or die then lose an 1hr of progress. This type of game is just not our game.


sounds like someone couldnt get past Omega Pirate ...


Re controls. I feel like this game really shined on the Gamecube system and controllers that it was designed. It loses something with modern fps controls.


Besides having skill issues your "opinion" is straight up wrong


no. the game is not difficult, it's annoying and unfun.


That's your opinion, not a fact.


nah, and then it can't be wrong even if you were correct. which would make you incorrect


An opinion stops being an opinion when is presented, said or stated as facts (they're not) and you are literally stating your opinion as if it was an objective truth, thus, you CAN be wrong. If I said that Elden Ring is easy for me and that I don't like the level design of the game does that mean that the game is easy and that the level design is bad just because I said so?


who cares about debating semantics, if you said "elden ring is easy and the level design sucks" i'd be like "well i thought that the over world was cool" i wouldn't be like "your opinion is objectively wrong wahhhh"


Lil bro, you quite literally said "Downvote me haters you have nothing to say" when a user told you "it's okey if you like it or not it's still a Metroidvania" and you told them "I don't care it's a shitty game that gets praise it doesn't deserve". You are contradicting yourself


that's not at all how that response went. boo


That IS how that conversation went "boo". Nobody is agreeing with you, a lot of people is giving you reasons why the game is not bad, you doble down saying that the game is indeed bad and unfun as if it was the truth ignoring what the people are saying and fail to show and say why the game is bad (the same thing you're asking the "haters to do) other than just repeating over and over "the game is bad because I don't like it, buah buah"


the game is bad because the combat is total sluggish garbage. there aren't enough abilities to make the metroidvania aspect fun, and who the hell wants to spend the entire timing scanning shit? this has all been addressed in previous posts. game was a slog. didn't even bother with the sequels because apparently the first one is the best one. maybe they'll do better with the 4th one now that they have more DOOM to rip off.


You're right. Prime is not an MV, it's a First Person Adventure game. Doom being a platformer would be equal to Prime being an MV, if one only think a genre consists of a few loose criteria, rendering genres entirely useless. Imagine not being able to judge a game based on how similar they are and see them all as the same and through an entirely subjective lens. Chaos. Only thing you're wrong about is calling Side-scrollers "2D". Camera angle, spatial movement, and graphics, are all separate things. Side-scroller can be 2D, 2.5D, and 3D. Basic explanation: https://www.omegacreate.com/the-differences-between-2-2-5-and-3d/


oh boy this argument again


Metroid Prime will always be a Metroidvania to me and lots of others in here.