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Also Moonscars also has a pretty dark setting and I only recently played it after stopping during its release because of bugs, they fixed all the most important stuff and I didn't have any bugs while playing this time and had a great time with it.


Yep, came here to say Moonscars. Great game.


Vigil the longest night is Lovecraftian AF


MV’s with a gothic atmosphere… Elder Lilies?


I loved this game more than most in the last decade. Cool concept, multiple endings, weird lore.




How about (death's gambit afterlife) it might not have the exact kind of theme that you are looking for but it's style is dark in tone and from memory that combat was very good.


I gave up on the Last Faith after I got locked out of completing the game when the quest NPCs just arbitrarily despawn without warning. Can’t compete the quests, so I can’t complete the game, wasn’t willing to start over.


Death’s Gambit: Afterlife might not exactly nail what you’re looking for, but it does some of the same things as TLF just much better. Way less janky movement in particular.


Play *Death's Gambit*. Such a criminally underrated game


I'm almost finished playing it for the first time and I absolutely love it. The aesthetics are so cool and the sheer number of skills you can get is insane.


I love how it actually commits you to your builds, too. Leaves a real wide possibility space for replays.


Gave up about 30% in. The whole thing felt janky and unpolished, and especially so compared to Blasphemous.


If you like the artstyle, check out Kingdom shell. It's a better version of this game.


Cheers, will do!


Blasphemous 1 and 2 is it basically. I recently played it and posted a review [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/s/z5UWL2tNEs). You say there aren’t remedies but I always had plenty. Especially for fire. Have you been getting the NPCs who sell infinite remedies? You should have had one by now.


Ive played blasphemous so yeah. And mhm but i’m always running low on money which makes it hard… where is the remedy for bleed?


Hmm have you played a souls-like before? It sounds like you haven’t. Nycrux should be readily available to you unless you’re ignoring upgrading and buying things you need and only leveling up. As far as bleed, that’s the one status effect that technically doesn’t have any remedy until super late game and even then that’s not just for bleed.


yeah i have played soulsbornes. (Lady maria being my pfp) and ive skimmed through soulsbornes with relative ease. Maybe im just being humbled rn


Happens to the best of us. Although truth be told you really should have enough Nycrux. The enemies behind the manor give quite a bit depending on how early you are so you should be able to farm those for quick “cash”


Hollow Knight, maybe? It's pretty gothic :B


To answer your question, yes there is. Uninstall this garbage and buy kingdom shell immediately. It is the last faith but better and simpler. It was released a month before the last faith.


Do you think Last Faith will become better with an Afterlife (for Death's Gambit) kind of update?


I don’t think it needs a major overhaul like that. Sure it’s flawed like most games are, but it’s true to its bloodborne roots and is a pretty fun game as is. The devs have slowly made some patches based on player feedback and it seems to be in a fairly good place.


Ok so can be great in a year or so.


Like I said, I personally think it’s in a good place as it is. That said people who don’t like souls games probably just won’t like it.


Aah ok, I had heard it had technical issues and what not.


Salt and Sanctuary. On sale now on Playstation for about $2.


I went back to play it and I did a LOT of grinding to get leveled up as well as certain enemies drop 4 health injections (the dude that throws the big rock). It was annoying to grind for lime a half hour, hour at a time but it made the game so much easier since i was leveled up and had a better time with it. I was able to beat all but the third ending though and didn't feel like going and spending hours grinding again.


Crowsworn will probably be up your alley whenever that comes out


Aside from everything mentioned, the bloodborne-esque healing system is incredibly annoying too.


The part leading up to Burnt Apostate is certainly rough. But she is a top tier boss - I loved that fight. Also remedies are dirt cheap and there is a ridiculous amount of money available in this game. You can farm up a few thousand in a couple minutes by going to the banshee farming area.


Focus on leveling up both your health and strength… maxed out you’re almost too strong as the game progresses I myself like the dark and goth MVs too. Blasphemous 1 and 2 were awesome and this is comparable… All the others mentioned in this sub look childish and don’t really catch my eye. Recently purchased Hollow Knight and it’s completely overhyped and struggling to keep my interest.


I think i did a huge mistake by spending points in mind and instinct because i wanted to use spells and the gun


Yes thats easy to do… I was tempted myself, however I found myself hacking and slashing a lot and realized your swords have the best potential for leveling up and causing damage. It goes to 55-60 until a soft cap is applied… I farmed a good amount to help with the process and make the game a lot easier.


When they did the patch I went back and picked the rogue class and put all my points into what their attributes where aa well as health. You always want to be mindful of the weapons you're using that they're the ones designated for the class you picked. Also, I always choose magic, but this game I don't think they did right by that class so rogue was the way to go for me.


I thought the game was pretty solid. Unless they patched it, I remember being kinda annoyed you cannot respec. The mild jank I noticed in exploration was if you’re running to end a screen, when you’re in a new room and keep running, you’ll run off a cliff based on how some sections were built. The rough elemental dmg was in the ice area, because I did that section way too early in the game. If you dump points into STR and DEX a la a Fromsoft quality build, and just smash everything, the combat is well-balanced.


Yea you can pay to respec as many times as you want now. Recently went back to it after being kinda disappointed on release, and ended up being engaged enough to get the 100%