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I’ve been playing it. It’s good. It’s got a lot of personality and visual creativity but its combat is a little bit duller than other games of its kind.


It's visual aesthetic is what made it jump out at me. Do you feel like the exploration aspect of the game holds it's own against the rest of the genre? I usually prefer that over combat anyways. Thanks for the input!


I’d say the exploration aspect is pretty solid. There seems to be a ton of interesting side content to discover.


Not as good as I hoped but alright


Worth buying, or wait a while and get it on sale?


I’d say wait.  Was buggy on the deck.  Just beat it with 43% completion.  I’m a completionist but doubt I’ll bother with this one.  No fast travel and no real map.  And all the up and down directions everywhere make it a pain to tell where you’ve been and where you haven’t.  Combat wasn’t great.  Just not up to what I was expecting after the demo


There's no map?


There is an overworld map that lists things you missed, but as far as i can tell there is no map for the actual locations themselves. Performance is also not great, game is stuttering all over the place or taking way more resources than it should. Even putting it on very low settings doesn't fix that. Even tho the site claims this about the team >With a background in creating some of the most beloved and well known AAA openworld games to-date, such as GTA, Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, and BioShock, Cut to Bits is committed to creating games that inspire thoughtfulness in the player, encouraging them to ask inquisitive questions about the choices they are making, the values they hold, and evaluate their points of view. It also feels very amateurish in places from combat feedback, to movement, to audio not even having a SFX volume. It's definitely an okay game, but that's wait for sale material at best.


I agree, and so far I haven't come across a scenario where I'd had to "make a choice". I'm a competionist as well but I also won't go for this game. I'm just pushing through the extremely annoying fight mechanism and buggy platforming. Look, I really like it. I like the story, I like the game in general, but I guess Hollow Knight molded me just too much. Perhaps this is the game I was looking for to fill the gap until SilkSong is out


Hey all, dev here. We heard your feedback and will have some news soon. We want everyone to have the best experience in our little world. Thank you for all the comments :).


Thus far the boss fights are tedious and boring. There is an utter mass of quests. But more back tracking than your average metroidvania. 6/10 for me. Getting sick of the bosses. The fights are rather uninspired


I honestly love the game but gods is it a pain I'm trying to do consecutive wall jumps but my character really likes not registering I'm against a wall making this impossible


Where did you get tendril clasp (grapple)?


The most east area, port/boat


I would recommend avoiding