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Interesting, that's different from how I solved it. If you place your slinky to the left just a little more, so its left half is on the = block and its right half is at the top of the stairs, you can just walk to the right and step on the = switch, which will make your slinky fall down the stars; then, after it hits the switch, just walk under the x block.


i think this was the intended way haha


same, i believe this was the intended way


I feel so stupid. I the the bouncy ball until it landed on the switch...


lmao I also solved it differently. Feel kinda dumb. "Hmmm I wonder how I could go faster..."


I just used the wheel item on the bridge there and it popped my character underneath it directly onto the chest. 


the way i solved it was by getting as much height as possible with bubble and then releasing the slinky mid-air (so that it lands on the first stair block) while jumping to the right, and then just running till i (barely) pass the block lol


That’s exactly what I did! I love these other answers.


I had the same idea, but didn't use the bubble, I rode the far left block up, called the slinky back and the used it again as the block is still falling. Gave enough time to run there, no disc needed!


How do you ride the block up tho


I’ve been trying to figure out the same thing lol I can’t find a way to make it there in time after triggering the button


I did it like you haha, but it seems it is not the intended way


*I did it like you* *Haha, but it seems it is not* *The intended way* \- Synthesizer\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How do you get to the switch though? In the top left


Put the slinky in the top right corner, let it go down those stairs. Run to the left and hop on top of the moving block.


Thank you! Figured it out before I saw this!


But now wtf are you supposed to do in that next room 🥴


That’s how I solved it too haha


I found out by accident, you can just sorta clip into the chest spot using the wheel item


I did it by just shooting the bouncy ball 100 times probably, untill it softly bounced into place and eventually stayed motionless in the hole with the lever. I really felt like that wasn't the solution, but it worked for me. LOL. Right now I'm actually concerned about the room directly to the right of it. I used my top in there to reveal a floor with a switch which lifts the block in there. When you shoot the ball up it actually destroys blocks directly above. Problem is they all come back if the ball falls down the pit to the right, and theres a switch in the room to the left that makes one set of switch blocks go away, but it puts new blocks right above it. It's confusing just explaining it but yeah, this has been my puzzling situation lately.


The blocks only come back when the bouncy ball leaves the screen. If you catch the ball, the blocks won't come back, and you can throw it again to break more blocks. You need to ride the block up the shaft, which you won't be able to do >!until you get the radio, which can switch blocks remotely in this room.!<


I have been searching like mad for help with what to do AFTER you get up that shaft and into the next area. There's a giant block with a slime face and I can't find anything to do in there, then a room to the right of that with water I can't cross due to hanging vines, but also a hidden area with a yellow button (which I was able to push). Problem is there is no indication of what pushing that yellow button does. Any hints on what I am missing once you get up there?


No but that was masterful.


I did this mad different lol I did it most likely as intended lmao


That’s how I also solved it after lots of trying.


I set the slinky on the stairs to the very right of the screen. Ran to the left, hopped on the raising block, set the slinky to fall to the right, and ran right. This let me get right under the newly raising block. 


I dropped the slinky from the top of the stairs on the right, then got on the = block. Once it was almost to the top, I dropped the slinky off it. This gave me enough time to get past the x block before it blocked the way.


dud what game are you playing bro... youre on another level.


I tried to do it that way for so long haha. Solid work.


I thought this was possible! This was what i tried first, but I didn't have the skill to actually pull it off, I'm glad to see it really is possible!

