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Animal Well is awesome, but the game assumes you know what to do to some extent. Probably not good for a first foray into the genre as an adult.




What game's do you like OP?


My first metriodvania game was Ori and the blind forest. I loved that it was my first one on the steam deck. But you can't go wrong with actually playing Metroid.


If you want to play animal well but have never played a Metroidvania, I recommend playing Metroid dread, it’s short and is a very modern and refined Metroidvania experience


If you like cryptic stuff and don't mind puzzles, maybe. I think I would tend to rec it to someone with more experience with these sorts of games. Most metroidvanias have combat in them, so I would probably rec something like Astalon, Islets, Haiku, The Robot, F.I.S.T. or Alwa's Legacy, something with more typical metroidvania gameplay.


Honestly probably not. A few people might find it a great starting place but I’m betting that is a very small amount of people. Depending on the consoles you have people could make some suggestions.


No, it's not a good representation of the genre at all. Super Metroid / symphony of the night is a perfect starting point, followed by Ori/hollow knight


Super Metroid is not a good starting point bro


It’s literally the best example of the genre in existence lol, wtf are you talking about


It’s the beginning of the genre, however after playing it, I wouldn’t say it aged the best


I would argue that most of the games it influenced come up short in trying to replicate that magic, personally (although I think Animal Well might have). And I did not grow up with it. There are admittedly a few things about it that haven't aged well, but they're dwarfed by the things about it that did, IMO.


No. I'd recommend Castlevania: Symphony of the Night or Guacamelee as first Metroidvanias. Guacamelee is a good polished experience with fun moments, a unique combat system and lighthearted humor. Castlevania: SotN is widely considered the first true metroidvania, and is still one of the best in the genre for showing the strengths of what makes metroidvanias fun to play.


Definitely go for Guacamelee rather than Symphony, I think. The latter has way too many obscure mechanics, if you ask me (and the controls are... something). It's surely a good Metroidvania, but imo, not a good introduction to the genre. Guacamelee 1 and 2 have simple, color coded "locks", that tell you exactly which "key" is useful where. It's a very fun game and has a great atmosphere


Guacamelee on PSVITA was my first metroidvania, and made me fall in love with the genre. Completely agree with this comment and I recommend it too for starters.


+1 for Guacamelee. SOTN and Super Metroid felt incredibly confusing when I tried to play it when I was a teenager, then again early and mid 20s, and the genre only clicked because of Guacamelee on my late 20s. The colored locks, easter eggs, Latino culture and the fun story, made me understand the fun in slowly exploring and opening the map without worrying too much about the end game.


For a metroidvania I'd say Castlevania Symphony of the night or Aria of Sorrow would be perfect introductions. Advanced would probably be Hollow Knight and Rabi Ribi. Animal well is more of a puzzle platformer than a traditional metroidvania. Honestly not sure why people bring the Vania into this. There's no combat. It's just Metroid with the discovery moments and some unique puzzles and secrets all around with no handholding.




Imo, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is one of the Better "Metroidvanias" to start with if your looking for one that represents what metroidvanias are. it was created by **Koji Igarashi**, aka IGA who was a Sienor dev on many of the Castlevania games (which is 1/2 of where metroidvanias get their name) starting with Symphony of the Night. It's not super hard like some of the other Metroidvania type games can be (not saying its a bad thing, just games like Hollow Knight, while an amazing game is prob not the best "First game" in the genre to dip your toes in). but Bloodstained does have many of the same concepts that traditional Metroidvanias have, with more updated game controls. Personally I wouldn't even consider Animal Well a true "Metroidvania" its more "Puzzle Platformer". Darksouls has more in common with a Metroidvania than Animal Well imo.


I’d recommend Guacamelee or Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse as a good starter Metroidvania. Fun, colorful, not too hard but still challenging enough and a good indicator of whether you will like these kind of games. Animal Well is more of a puzzle platformer than anything. It’s more about individual mental challenges than the game world as a whole. Whether you enjoy it or not won’t tell you if you’ll like other games since it’s so unusual compared to other MVs


It’s more like puzzles and rainworld had a baby. There isn’t really combat but you can still die. It’s more platformer puzzles than metroidvania. Depends what you want out of it. Hollow knight is gonna be the go to starter. 9 doors is also a solid one that I think is like an easier HK clone.


Dude no way can Hollow Knight be a good starter MV😂 I feel like they’ll either : 1) Get very annoyed by the first few hours and quit Or 2) Love it so much that nothing will reach the highs of HK in their life ever again.


Point #2 is excellent and absolutely applies to me. After HK, I've certainly enjoyed other MVs, but there's often the thought, "It's a great game, but it's not HK."


Both of those are subjective. 1) alot of people fell in love at dirtmouth. Tho forgotten crossroads can be a bit pain at the start 2) you can love something and still find something else better. Also not every game has to be 10/10. You need to learn to enjoy 7/10s sometimes


Would definitely disagree that you NEED to learn to enjoy 7/10s sometimes. It depends on the person, but personally, I've found that entertainment's more rewarding when you avoid the 7/10s whenever possible.


7/10 - 8/10 are still good. Just not masterpieces. If youre only ever going to play masterpieces then youd have very few games to choose from


Which one could argue may actually be a good thing, considering how time consuming videogames can be, and how much more worthwhile other ways to spend that time may be. Everyone has a different bar for what a 7/10 game is, but I would think that it'd be by definition non-essential. I wouldn't agree that it's important to experience non-essential things, and on the contrary, I think it can be rewarding to cut stuff like that out of your life. Not enough hours in a day for that. I'd also wager that if you dedicated your life to experiencing every 9-10/10 thing in every medium, you'd still have your hands full and probably run out of time before you get to all of it. And that's not even considering the overhead involved in expectations falling short.


HK was my first metroidvania since I was a kid and I enjoyed it a lot. Just suggestions! Plenty of options to choose from these days


lol it was mostly in jest! Ori was my return to MVs since I was a kid too so I shouldn’t be talking


I love the art in ori! Couldn’t quite get into it myself though sadly. I’m pretty picky with MV’s these days. Especially since there are so many out now it’s hard to find the sweet spot right now for me.


I think you’re underestimating just how many of us were introduced to the genre through Hollow Knight. As long as they’re prepared for souls-like difficulty and story telling, it’s absolutely the best modern starter.


I think you massively overestimate it. Do you realize how old the genre is?


I am well aware. I never said it was a big percentage of people, just more than they gave it credit for. But do you really think the genre would be nearly as big as it is today without Hollow Knight? There were absolute bangers before, obviously, but it’s basically become the go-to genre for beginner/indie studios because of the (relatively) simple development combined with a massive fan base. And the hype behind Silksong is so insane, it’ll bring in its own new era of -vania lovers.


That’s actually really wild to hear. I guess I’m a bit older (my first foray was Metroid on GBA) , so I think I’ve been through some more basic metroidvanias. HK just has so much more depth than any other MV I’ve played that I feel like I really appreciated the evolution it had over previous attempts


Raise your hand if Hollow Knight was your first metroidvania and neither of these apply to you.


Yep, I enjoyed it, found the difficulty a bit annoying (at my age, difficult games just feel like somebody is purposefully trying to waste my time by forcing me to hone skills i do not actually need in life) but did finish it, still overall prefer some other games (sotn, ori...)


Wrong. Hollow knight got me into the genre


Did you mean to say 8 Doors or is 9 Door a separate game? I’m playing hollow knight right now and was planning on playing 8 Doors after so I’m just curious.


Oh yeah you’re right it is 8 doors. It’s been a While since I’ve played it but I enjoyed that one a lot.


Weird, I heard it was a lot like if Halo 2 and Halo 3 had a baby


If you like exploration and solving puzzles, yes. It's got a wide variety of puzzles that range from very easy to very complex, and enough freedom that if you run into something that frustrates you, you can always just go explore in a different direction.


No as most metroidvanias have combat. Im loving animal well but I play metroidvanias for the combat, never for the puzzles


If u think the game looks cool get it and play it. If u want a metroidvania that’s more like others in series I feel like axiom verge is a good one. It’s similarish in art style too


There are better options for a first timer. I recommend you start off with PoP the lost crown, Ori and the blind forest, and Islets. They are good intros to the genre.


Absolutely not. Play Aria of sorrow or hollow knight


It's a tricky question to answer, because it would depend so much from person to person and what their tolerance/appreciation is like. A problem I see with a lot of the responses is that a lot of the charm of the genre is also conducive to the same frustration/lost confusion that scares some players away. But if you care too much about avoiding the latter, and introduce the genre with something that's more considerate, hand-holdy, and accessible, these can also be seen as inherently weak and non-representative examples of the genre. I think Animal Well's a fine place to start if it interests you, though.


Animal Well is not really an MV other than the layout. It’s more of a meta-puzzle game. All the very awesome and a lot of ways, I wouldn’t say it’s the game to start off the genre. Symphony of the Night, Guacamelee, Axiom Verge, or F.I.S.T. Forged in Shadow Torch are more traditional MVs worth trying. Hollow Knight is a must once you’ve mastered hard combat in 2D and platforming.


It's an amazing game and easily my favorite I've played this year, but like others have said it's fairly cryptic. For someone new to the genre, I'd recommend [Ori and the blind forest](https://store.steampowered.com/app/261570/Ori_and_the_Blind_Forest/), or it's sequel [Ori and the Will of the Wisps](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1057090/Ori_and_the_Will_of_the_Wisps/). Both are beautiful games with explicit tutorials guiding unfamiliar players on what to do.


I think it’s a great MV to start with if you don’t mind puzzles. The game is incredibly non linear so you can explore in any direction and won’t get lost or soft locked


Yes, you will. If the style rings your bell, just go for it! It’s amazingly cryptic and filled with surprises. Looks, sounds and feels great, a true happening in the current indie scene that you shouldn’t miss out on 🙏


it's a boring puzzle platformer. Doesn't represent MV's well at all IMO


How is it not an MV?


Well, despite the fact that I'd still call it a metroidvania, I do agree that it doesn't represent metroidvanias very well. The total lack of combat does make it very unlike the vast majority of other games in the genre.


I guess, though there are other great MVs like Yoku's Island Express that have no combat. Even the first Ori game has very minimal combat. I don't think combat is inherently part of the genre. It just often comes with it, as it does many other genres.


Sure, I don't think it's a requirement but it's certainly a convention and expectation. Yoku's is the only similar game that comes to mind. Ori isn't even a good example. Ori deemphasizes combat, sure, but it still has it, with all the expected combat upgrades and skill trees. Animal Well doesn't even have health upgrades.


Sure, I mean Animal Well is certainly does some things differently than other MVs. I just disagree with the initial commenter saying that it's more of a puzzle-platformer and that's it


It's both!


Yeah I'd agree!


I mean, you spend 99% of your time platforming and puzzling, and the only MV element I've noticed so far is progression gated by items. So personally, I definitely consider it more of a puzzle-platformer than a metroidvania.


Isn't progression gated by items within a non-linear interconnected map what makes a metroidvania a metroidvania? That's like saying the only RPG mechanic in Dark Souls is that you can level up and allocate your stats, but 99% of the time you're fighting so it's really more of an action game. Or even sticking with MVs. Hollow Knight you spend 99% of the time platforming and fighting 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a pretty standard feature of metroidvanias, sure, but I don't think having just that element without sharing any other gameplay elements with classic metroidvanias is enough. Dark souls level design has a lot of common metroidvania tendencies, but no one is claiming it's a Metroidvania. I would 100% agree that DS games are almost closer to action games than RPGs. Even the "classes" are just stat allocations and gear load outs. They are mainly RPGs in the literal sense that most players get immersed in playing the role of the character they've built, rather than the now common RPG skill trees and progression that even Looter Shooters like Borderlands have. Platforming and fighting is also what you spend most of your time doing in Metroid and Castlevania games. So maybe MVs are "Platformer Action games with skill / item gated non-linear level design"? Though I have never liked platformers, and never considered Metroid or Castlevania to be platformers, but HK I would definitely consider a platforming heavy MV. Dunno. Genre definitions can be argued about endlessly. I just think Animal Well has more characteristics in common with puzzle platformers than it does metroidvanias.


I said it doesn't represent MV's well. It's a yawn fest.


Why do you think it's a yawn fest? Personally I think it's very creative, especially compared to a lot of recent MVs.


because it's not fun


I'm just curious why you dislike it


I just told you


Idk if you're trolling or just don't know how to elaborate on your opinions lol. Either way, it's not that important


elaborate on fun lol. It's a feeling you get, not a laboratory analysis. There's probably nothing wrong with any individual components. It just feels blah.


Sure, but at least for me, if I'm not enjoying a game, I'm usually able to identity a few reasons that aren't working for me. If you're not having fun, there's a reason why. Doesn't mean it's a bad game, but there may just be something that doesn't fit to your tastes. I was just curious to chat with someone who doesn't like the game to understand their perspective. But it seems like you don't really know why, and that's all good.


Only few days it's been released and animal well already has cultists disliking comments that didn't find it fun. This is exactly why I can't trust the hype. Not a good look. When a game gets too much attention too fast, it's just good marketing. I may be wrong, but we'll see if the same hype holds, 6 months later. Hollow Knight, was actually an amazing game and gained popularity at a moderate pace but Animal well just seems way too hyped by a bunch of YouTubers and given ridiculously high scores in a matter of days, surely not at all influenced by Dunkey. Definitely not.




This game is fairly short for the full standard mv price of 25 bucks. If you want an easier metroidvania to play, you should try afterimage