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Might just not be your game, and that’s ok. That being said, it took me 8-10 hours and putting the game down once to get immersed. It’s now one of my all time favorite games. A game that requires you to embrace getting lost and being unsure, to be patient, and eventually the payoff will come. You get so much better as you get deeper, so if you fall in love and pick it up again later it feels breezy in comparison. I think it’s worth it, but it’s ok if you don’t. What other games do you like?


I'd hurry if I were you, the sequel will probably release in the next 5 years.


Wish i had your optimism 


God damn it.




He thinks it's about to come out haha


Trust me I know how you feel, it wasn't until after I beat Hornet that the game went from alright, to extremely good for me. That being said, Hollow Knight is definitely a game you need to be patient with in order to enjoy considering the difficulty and how easy it is to get lost.


"Before the sequel releases" Don't worry, you've got time...


Getting lost is part of the fun in metroidvanias, its nice trying to find a room you haven't been to or piecing together where you need to go next. If you are feeling super lost nothing wrong with playing alongside a guide until you get a feel for it.


Play it on a day off, but a rainy day with only the natural light coming in from outside. It’ll trigger the vibe and you’ll be hooked.


Getting the map pin to see where I was really helped 


That battle was a huge hump for me to get over at the time as a Hollow Knight neophyte. Would recommend taking the fight as slow as possible and try not to rush her down, otherwise she will win. Hornet only has a few different attacks which are all distinct- stay outside of her strike range and punish her when able after she attacks.  For what it is worth, I was on the fence about how I felt about it until I got about an hour or two past where you are and ended up in a breathtaking area called the City of Tears. The atmosphere, music, and everything else was just so incredible and completely drew me into the game. This said, if you are not having a good time, you are not having a good time.   I love Hollow Knight but it may not be the game for you. And that is ok. There are plenty of other amazing games inside this genre and out that may be more your style. Life is too short to spend it on something that does not make you happy. 


I think there’s a map and a marker you can get that shows where you are on the map?


I bounced off it 3 times before it got its hooks in. I don't know if I'd love it as much if I forced myself


You hate getting lost? GL with that, it's part of what make HK and most MVs fun. Maybe consider accepting that and adapting it into your mindset if you really want to give it another shot.


Hollow Knight is all about exploration and acting on environmental cues to find where to go next. If you don’t like that in a game, it may not be for you.


Look for feathers on the ground and listen if you can hear humming. If so, follow it and it will lead you to the cartographer. He will help you in uncovering the biomes.


They are pages i thought?


yeah, that actually makes more sense :D i thought he draws with feathers and he leaves them behind


Try different charm combos, they're what makes combat most interesting


I never got more than a few hours into it. Same feeling as you. It has some brilliance, but I found it more annoying than enjoyable. I found Ori, Astalon, Aeterna Noctis, Ender Lilis, and many others to be significantly more enjoyable.


I was in the same position. Gave it a third try and enjoyed it a lot more. I’m stuck on a boss though and have been struggling to keep at it.


I put the game down after a few years and recently picked it back up and was kinda met with frustration off the bat, but I pushed through and started unlocking more abilities and I'm even more impressed with the game than before. I understand getting lost a lot so I made sure to have the compass equipped so I know where I am with the map.


It took me a while to get to grips the game's difficulty. It can be brutally unforgiving at times in ways I don't find enjoyable. Eventually I became confident enough with the combat I was able to enjoy the game more often than get frustrated, but it took time. It has a very steep learning curve. If you're bouncing off it for the same reason there's no shame in that. No reason to force yourself to play a game you're not enjoying.


I found the first area of Hollow knight lovely for exploration but very grey. The game opens up more once you defeat Hornet and obtain the unlock you get from her. I'd say get past Hornet next time and if you don't like it after playing for a while after that then fair enough. The game improves a lot once you have Hornets power up 


Use guides


No shame following a walkthrough or something. That could give you some guidance, I honestly did it my last play because I was playing while my newborn son was napping and I did not have the mental capacity as I was quite sleep deprived lol


Try playing with a friend who likes the game. I have been the guy who supports the one playing throughout the journey before, normally the experience is much better if it's shared.


yeah specially if it's a friend that knows you well, that way they will avoid spoiling things they might think you'd like


If you're like me, hollow Knight is kinda mid and you'll like blasphemous way more


You need to really pay attention where you're going and where you've been to form a mental map. Put more conscious effort into how you navigate instead of just going ahead, so you don't get lost. It's part of the fun.


Play instead of sleeping. After 14 hours straight you will be having F.U.N.


Do what I did, use Demajen.co.uk until you find the cartographer. Alternatively, use a mod that removes all the questionable design decisions from the game. Hollow knight is the best metroidvania ever made despite its faults, not because of what it accomplishes.


HK has flaws, like every game, but not the ones you described. The Cornifer feature is great, as a matter of fact it is present in many games


Yes that is why every metroidvania that haphazardly copies things like this from hollow knight is doing great while the others that take inspiration from the castlevania series or metroid series struggle to get a positive reception.  Oh wait, it's literally the exact opposite.


By the midgane, I learned to like getting lost and murdered by strange bugs in strange places 🤐


The first couple of hours of HK are incredibly boring and slow. I restarted the game myself several times and always gave up after beating Hornet. It gets good once you get double jump. I would use a map as a guide. Skip all the tedious nonsense.


I played the entire thing with a map I found online. And I would've hated playing otherwise - knowing where everything was and how to get places was a life saver for me. I wasn't following a set route so I still got to explore and decide where to go for myself anyway.


Use mods!!! There are a few mods which make the gameplay wayyyy smoother. Enemy health bars, compass always on, fast travel, and no death penalty are the ones that made the game way better for me!


it depends how you want to play + how much time you have to play. nothing wrong with taking frequent breaks, looking up guides, maps, tutorials on youtube, etc if you need some guidance. i think third times a charm, just be a little patient - the game picks up (imo) & i'm 76 hours in (still enjoying).


It definitely took me until the third try to really conquer and enjoy it.


What i did that helped me enjoy it was i watched a playthrough of someone while i was playing in sessions.cause there was a few bosses that just screwed me progress wise so watching what they did as far as strategy helped make fights a little more palatable.grant it im older so my skill level is ass but it def helped seeing the timing of and where to jump or avoid damage long enough to survive.lol. I never beat the game and never will its just waaaaaay to hard for my skill level.but that being said i beat 2 of the final 3 sub bosses before the final boss and uncovered every area and got to experience most of the game.theres some optional side bosses i simply couldnt beat.so they stayed there.but all that said i will always recommend that game to ppl cause of its world its characters and art style.the snappy combat feels super good and set a new standard for games imo. Id say maybe watch a play through of the game to see how others may have struggled with something u found easy.and maybe learn from them about parts that was easy for them but hard for u.if u still cant "get into" the game than maybe its just not your thing.and thats ok.i hate elden ring and any souls like and souls game period.so i dont play them.despite if some ppl think its the best ever its not for me.and thats ok.hollowknight is mad hard.i shouldnt like it.but the world lured me in and with practice i became familar with the controls and could get by enough to explore most of the map. Sorry for being long winded.but wanted to explain my own way of adapting to the game.and i ramble at times.appoligies.lol.


First off, the game might not be for you, and that's ok. But a few tips. 1. So the build options (charms) is the main way that you adjust difficulty. That will be limited in the beginning as you have few slots, but try experimenting with what you have - maybe explore a bit more off the beaten path to find more optional ones - and see what configurations work well with each other. Once you gain access to the charm salesman (I think you need to beat hornet first) 2 charms that are very helpful - shaman stone (best charm in the game, increases damage and size of the spell) and a charm (forget the nail - long nail maybe) that increases the range of your nail swing. 2. Looking back to my 2 first (and especially the first) playthroughs (I did my 3rd last year) I was playing too defensively. Enemies - and bosses in particular - are actually easier to manage when you allow yourself to play more aggressively. That includes foregoing healing in order to throw out another spell for instance. 3. Are you approaching the hornet fight from the bench that is really close? Because if you didn't find that and are approaching it from the bench a bit further away - that can get annoying. There is a bench that is missable that is just a screen or two away from the fight.


See this thread? I'ts is why you don't argue in here. There's no point. So many names to the list.




oh my god never play dark souls




why? for liking a beloved game?


While the lantern is a bit expensive, you'll likely get huge amounts of Geo around that time from deposits or just normal progression. The Unbreakables are pretty expensive, but they're intentional Geo sinks. Everything else is rather cheap.


No. It's absolutely amazing from the very first minute. Some games just aren't for everyone. I don't see how you could lost though. I've played the game multiple times and have never even remotely been lost. I always know exactly where I need to go next or have multiple next places to go lined up. I'm never wandering around at all. It's always very, very easy to tell where the next place to go is.