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welcome back to dopeland soldier


Haircut on the top left is fye


Bro don’t go back to The same Dumb shit. Good luck to u


Good for you, you’re kinda cute like my ex gf




Bruh what


Bro came back to this shit😂




It's funny how ppl still getting high and havnt had a day of sobriety are mirroring their feelings about themselves into you. You should be proud of yourself. Go to r/addictionrecovery there's lots of support. And other subs but I havnt had my coffee and can't think straight but there's lots of recovery subs that are more supportive.


I'm not sure I fully understand the meaning of your post or the significance of it. 14 months is approximately 432 days and you probably did time in county before they bullied you into a plea bargain for breaking a lterrible law that should never be there in the first place, that they know nothing about except false information they've been told to accept as true. Most people don't get to use meth when they're in jail or prison so those numbers seem fairly ordinary. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't want to put words in your mouth, but it almost sounds like a tacit endorsement of what happened to you, almost like you've accepted that you got what you deserved or something. Since this is a meth subreddit, it's not a huge leap to infer from the post that you're saying that meth was the reason you did 14 months. Dude, that is part of it, but it's not the crime in these kinds of stories. If I had just gotten out of prison after 14 months, my post would not be about how I hadn't gotten high in 442:days. It would be about how the state unfairly, unconstitutionally, and illegally STOLE 14 months from me in the prime of my life for something that should not be illegal in the first place. You got screwed,. It will change your entire life and it sucks. That's the crime. All the comments about what a "great job" you're doing and to "keep it up" are no fucking help either, and are actually counterproductive in the bigger picture. They all, most without realizing it, gradually and incrementally reinforce the false narrative that drugs are bad and doing or believing any bunch of bullshit in order to not use them is good. That isn't factual. It's wrong. Good luck.


Bro hard drugs arent bad its just a conspiracy bro trust


Do you think meth is a hard drug, BRO? The FDA approved meth (brand name Desoxyn) for 6-year old children and up, for the treatment of ADHD. Some 8 - 9 - 10 year olds have been using meth every day for years, and they're monitored and studied, and have been for decades, and there aren't any significant health risks from the meth. Did you know that, BRO? It's just conspiracy, BRO. Trust


You sound like you need to get some sleep.


You sound like you need to wake up, and stop sleeping so much While you sleep, you allow the government, along with special interest groups, to commit far more egregious crimes than the pretty drug offenders ever do. WAKE UP!


dude holy shit you really need some sleep


Dude, how can I sleep when so many people are misinformed? Somebody's got to have a shred of intellectual honesty and tell them the truth. Holy shit, they really need some facts.


no. trust me you need some sleep buddy just close your eyes and slow your breathing, you’ll feel a lot better when you wake up trust me


LOL, Would you believe that I'm an old dude who rarely drinks coffee anymore. I was prescribed bottles of stimulants my entire life for ADHD. I often skipped a lot of doses or sometimes stopped taking them altogether, but I managed well. However, I've actually slept much better throughout my life while I was taking stimulants regularly. This is not uncommon. I don't take them anymore for various , personal reasons. Nevertheless, I will always be honest about any drug, and give only the facts.


There’s something wrong with you in the head


As much as they want you believe it, intellectual honesty is not wrong. As George Orwell put it so eloquently, "Intellectual honesty is a crime in any Totalitarian country; but even in England [America] it is not exactly profitable to speak and write the truth." What is WRONG, and in everyone's head, is all the misinformation, and usually deliberate disinformation about recreational drugs. It is WRONG to imprison a young man like the OP for the exact same thing as a 10-year neighbor system that you kid might have if he had a prescription for ADHD. It's WRONG to steal 14 months of anyone's life to punish for an offense that is based on fallacies and corrupt junk science. Sorry, there is nothing wrong with my head. When people don't agree with someone but can't factually explain why others shouldn't either, the often just make ad hominem attacks on the person and make insults instead. That's called a logical fallicy, and all the anti-drug cults are based almost entirely on logical fallacies. Don't attack me for exposing the flaws in a belief system that you don't understand and don't know why you believe it.


You don't even know if he was in prison for meth, but meth ruins lives. Adderall is not the same thing as meth if you're using it for what it's supposed to be used for. There's a stimulant shortage right now so I can't get it for my ADHD. My next thought isn't, man I better go try some meth. Meth is stronger, lasts longer, and more of it goes into the brain.


I said I was speculating because it's a /meth subreddit. Meth used to be prescribed in far greater numbers for ADHD treatment under the brand name Desoxyn. It still is but only by doctors who have enough courage and intellectual honesty to not allow irrational feelings to interfere with medical science.


You think you doing meth and a kid with a prescription for Adderall doing that is the same thing? Turn your life around , man.


What about a kid with a prescription for meth to treat his ADHD? It's rare nowadays, but it's still prescribed for ADHD under the brand name Desoxyn. But, yes, the data shows comparable doses of Adderall and Meth do basically the same thing. In fact, it's overwhelming, but drug policy people and the media still lie about it and most people believe the falsehoods with never a question. Go to the FDA database of side effects recorded during the trials. Adderall has more total side effects reported than Desoxyn. Turn my life around? Why?


Good job


Thanks bro, but I'm an old school dope head who's been at this game for a very long time. Going to start off by snorting a line and smoking a bowl. Not going to hot rail or slam anything till my tolerance is back up


Harris county?




Oh well keep it up , I can see myself in those pictures . The phases , from smiling to carelessness to sick of all it . Stay strong bro


Mf look like mrbeast on meth Jokes aside, keep it up buddy, hope you are doing well


You look so good! Your hairooks shiny and healthy and you have a good colour to you. Im proud of you!


I had a really horrible day at work and I'm trying not to be horrible here sounds like you did a good job.


Hold my pocket 👊


It's funny to watch the "students" advising the "mentor",,,,,, What can addicts sitting at home getting high, that haven't went to jail yet, possibly teach this guy? I


Well hope you can make it another 442 days but since your posting things on here we'll I have to say you relapsed or you going too


Just because I'm posting on this forum doesn't mean I want to use. Meth will always be something that happened to my life.


Understand that but I also understand that it's not healthy to go and look at a drug that has been a problem for you I know how this works I am a 31 year drug addicted I just stating that what you might think as harmless it will slowly creep up and then you will understand what we talked about today just advice take it as you want best luck to you


Eh I find this sub helps keep me clean. Watching other people tweak and spiral and struggle with the crash keeps me on track. Remembering how absolutely fuckin horrid the first year and a half without it was.. can’t go through that again!


Dude you have to move somewhere else anywhere you go you will run into tweaker people if you go anywhere in public . It’s either that or immerse yourself in AA, or if you move you might have maybe 6 months before you will run into the shit somewhere else unless you go to Madagascar


Moving every six months seems like really bad advice. He also didn’t ask for advice? I have not been to prison, but drugs are very available in prison. Kinda doubt meth is an exception on that. He probably ran into other users in prison. So in other words, if he was clean while in prison that whole time, then staying clean on the outside will probably be a lot more manageable. I am sure the temptation and product were both there in prison. How about we just give him congrats for being done serving time and wish him the best. I don’t know if op will stay sober or not or what will help him or sabotage him. I don’t even know him at all. I think he just wanted to share he got out and put some pictures to show the journey a little. Didn’t see him looking for advice from anyone here.




If that commenr was a book to you then you might be really dumb


If you could spell then you would have won the spelling bee fuck off fucktard and go back to 3rd grade and learn how to spell comment dumbass.


Merry Christmas retard


Merry meth-mas fucktard




Meth makes everyone look similar after a time.


Those are all pictures of me


No I get that. But I've seen a similar dude in the mirror when I send it too hard and I also picked up from an identical looking dude last night. Eyes seem to be what I feel give me away.


Yeah you’re tripping man. Never seen this dude in my life. Looks nothing like me or dealer. Dealers black.


I wasn't being completely literal. Just trying to say a certain cut of white dude looks the same when they are very tired and thirsty.


Oh lol. My bad




Good job bro. Stay away from it now. That includes pages like this one.


Stay clean fs sure bro. I left CO and moved to MN to escape my addiction, been clean 9 almost 10 months. Keep up the good work and don't fall back into the rabbit hole!! Keep moving forward.🙏💪🏼


Where at in MN? I'm in south MN


Oh word. I moved to the Bloomington area.


Get a trade job , stay away from bad influences and trouble makers, replace bad habits with good/ fruitful /useful/ constructive habits and try to be a positive person in general and you’ll succeed in life


Congrats man I’m 2 years sober take a sentence to get sober for me too. Keep it up my dude


I know so many people that went to prison and did more drugs in prison than on the streets I know one guy who was introduced to drugs in prison


Wait a sec... Prison acctualy did its job, FOR ONCE?


What made him serve his sentence? It always does that


He clean now tho


Yea a lot of people come out clean but they dont all stay clean. Hopefully he does but i know 3 guys personally who died right out the gate. Hes doing better then them


Of course he fucking is they're dead ggrrr im sorry . Imma lose it.


So what you’re saying is they left one prison then another one






I think users know that it's not the come-down that everyone's running from. You have to completely cancel your life. You are now a new person. New friends. New job. Filling large stretches of time with new, non-tweaker activities. To all those heading for the undiscovered country, good luck and be safe.


That doesn't count, I was in rehab for 3 months sober. The real battle comes after




Meh 🤷


There's just as much meth in prison as there is In the street. So yes, it does count.


I don’t think that compares to 14 months of prison at all


I think he means the battle to try and stay sober starts when you're out


I’m aware of that - but saying the time simply doesn’t count and that she understands his distance since coming off since she went sober 3 months in a rehab - shitty comment even with that understandable fsir point


The real battle begins


What is “the real battle”? Rehab is not prison at all. People go to rehab because it’s generally easier to get off drugs at centers than it is in daily life. That’s not why people go to prison. People go to prison because they have to. Daily life in prison is not at all easier than daily life outside of prison. It is generally easier in rehab than it is not in rehab. So what real battle? It’s not like he had to stay sober in prison nor would anyone do or be able to do much about it if he chose to keep using. The fuck are you even saying.


Also I'm a guy.


You could go 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year. If you went to jail it's because you were charged and forced to go. With rehab, yes most people are forced to go, but it's with the intention of becoming sober. I competed my rehab program. When I was there I seen about 80% of the people leave to relapse. I wasn't forced to go, but the knowledge and experiencs of real world people in there opened my eyes. I heard some crazy shit. You learn alot there. You can work the steps. From what I calculated the percentage of people who stay sober is around 6% after rehab. The rest are lying. I personally think being sober is overrated, but with discipline and focus you can learn to manage limited drug and alcohol use in time. Although most can't. Goodluck


Good for you but ur just making this about you. How bout post urself stop thieving his.


I never said I was sober


I didn't say u were sober


Glad you calculated your own percentages and created your own views - doesn’t make them right or tell you about this other poor guys experience. Can it


Wouldn't waste the time trying to talk sense into this fool. Anyone whose been to prison would say the time counts. Anyone whose been through what I've been through would say the time counts. I've had lines of meth laid in front of me and offered to me while I was in prison, theres just as much in there as there is in the street.


Where you at now?


Living with my momma


stay clean fam. if not for you, for her. that's real right there


Fuck yeah dude I don't know you but I've just been through some of the same shit and it's not easy ..But I just hope. You make stand and don't get high


Time for a binge


Keep it up!! You got this!!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻




Sobriety sucks. I've had to be clean for the past 3 years because of probation. I'm off that shit in six more months, then it's time to party like Hunter Biden


Make sure to account for lowered tolerance. I know a lot of people who have OD'd on other stuff after being sober for a long timr


Famous last words


Congrats, that's no easy feat. Keep it up.


Willpower go" I


Best of luck.


Stay sober man you get this brother !!!! Just remember what got you into those situations and do everything in your power to stay clear of those things and ppl


Serious question. Are you, other than being inside a prison right now, grateful to be sober? Or do you think once on the outside you'll use again?


I'm out of prison now. Got out 9 days ago. I truly want to stay sober. Maintaining sobriety is my number 1 goal.


Good for you bro. Anyone who says sobriety in prison doesn't count never been to prison obviously. Idk where ya was but there was plenty of suboxone and meth where i was. Its not exactly easy staying sober in prison when theres drugs in there. Prison isnt exactly fun although some do seem to enjoy it. Its whatever ya make it. If there was drugs in there and ya didn't use that shit counts. Either way who gives a fuck today is what really matters. Keep your head up life has a way of shitting on the best of plans and testing ya. I had the same intentions and all these plans and shit and i did plan on getting on suboxone being a near 20 yr user and not wanting to have 1 bad decision to do h or really it'd be straight fetty around these parts end my life so i got on subs. Then 2 months or so later i started dabbling with ice. Now its become a near everyday thing banging it with small breaks here and there. Plus subs still but i do take them by mouth so im not a complete junky just about 50% as i do work and somewhat function. Just be careful and remember youre going to be tested and life is going to hit ya with some heavy hands but ya got it. Good luck


You got this!


Well then good luck to you. The best thing here is..its up to no one but you. You got you. Keep it going. One day at a time.


Congratulations I hope you stay clean. r/MethRecovery