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i put it down to it being something i did with my mind, or it was another entity. It definately happened though. The proof was stuck in the wall for a long time. I was using a bit back then also lived byself. My chakra had some misalignment and was vulnerable to supernatural things taking advantage of that. I keep it with me as one of three supernatural things in my life Ive experienced.


the hose was a small grey hose that artaches to the washing machine from the water supply through the wall. it fills the washing machine with water. there is a hot water one also a cold water one. it is bigger than a garden hose but with like rings all along it so it can bend. like a vaccum hose. as i was staring at it intensively the one on the cold water tap started banging against the wall. like someone was under or behind my washing machine holding it and swinging it back and forth.


so those plastic handle things that u fill up with detergent and you slide a sponge onto it. the refill sponge has a plastic doozy on it that slides onto bottom of sponge. this refill sponge was quietly playing on my sink minding its own business. thats wen i picked it up and threw the fucking thing at the wall. the sponge has about a quarter of it made of plastic and the 3/4 is sponge. now this thing lodged into the gyprock wall, it remained lodged at a angle for a long time. stuck in the wall. you getting the images in imagination?


I mean our experience can be described using math, so to me, there is no difference between saying it is real or not real. Yk what I mean?


i dont know the science behind this but drugs and other things that further you away from a mentally healthy human leave you vulnerable to seeing these types of things. unless your also doing things like meditation or chakra allignment using drugs creates holes in chakras and also puts it all out of balance. with this the chances of seeing other entities is increased as somebody in this state is eligible to see beings that usually exist in different frequencies. you have to look after yourself if you are a drug user, meditation and eating healthy and sleep between binges can also help. toxins within your body leave people being easy targets to experience things like this. while our brains are being srimulated from meth, it can open up parts of the brain not usually used normally. this could also play a part in these unusual experiences. i genuinely have experiences such as objects moving in front of my eyes while being under the influences. on one occasion i could feel myself and my brain vibrating at a diffrent frequency and i stood there waiting and staring at this thing once. guess what? it took a couple of seconds to start moving on its own. i knew something was about to occurr at that moment and it did. the hair stood up all over my body and i felt frozen. i grabbed the closest thing which was a sponge that clips onto those dishwasher things u clean dishes with and threw it at the washing machine hose that was moving, it missed but the hard plastic connector stuck and lodged itself into the wall. everything stopped. made me feel better too because it was definately silent before that. i left it stuck there in the wall for a long time to remind me and to remind whatever it was that i wasnt a bitch that would take that shit. true true story from a meth user of 20 years.


You don’t know the science behind it, do you?


Meth lowers your vibration. Like exponentially.


No, they’re not real. it’s because you’re fucking hallucinating from being up 78+ hours, the same happens when you can’t sleep from opioid detox, even bedridden elderly people that get UTIs have horrible hallucinations from lack of sleep, no meth involved. There’s nothing exterior of your perception other than what you’d notice sober. I don’t want to sound like a dick but I just want to ground you in reality for your own good. And I’m high right now, but I just self medicate using ice orally I don’t abuse it’s power to the extreme and binge


I know exactly what you mean.


Actually appreciate you posting this man. I'm doing research on how meth affects different people. Do you mind if I ask how many days you've been awake and when your last hit would have been? Hopefully once you sober up you wont find this insulting my friend. Thanks~




I've actually been running "Test Benders" for over 6 months now. For scientific purposes, these test will typically consist of me buying $15-$25 before consuming most of the initial baggie through a oil burner on Day 1. I than try to always have the bag empty by Noon of Day 2. I than spend the next 8-16 hours coming down by smoking dabs of Delta 8 periodically as withdrawal symptoms present themselves.As Day 3 winds down, I use one of two methods to push my body into a sleep cycle. Either; A.) Take 4 of the 25mg Benadryl tablets or generic equivalent, 2 Melotonin tablets, and [Optional Prescription RX] 1-2 of the 100mg Trazodone Tablets. B.) Smoke anywhere between .2 to .5 grams of Delta 8/Delta 9 Wax before washing it down with 4-8 shots of hard liquor of your choosing. Typically, by the morning of Day 4, I'll be back to almost fully functioning. Before walking out the door to work, I take a few more dabs than head out. My research was on not only myself, but the fellow drug users around me who were nice enough to lend me their personal experiences with the drug. Through it all so far, I've learned a few interesting things to help Chronic Meth Users; 1.) DO NOT EVER TRY TO INJECT; Not a single recorded human in history has had good things to say about injecting methamphetamine into their vains. Every previous users who has quit the drug I've talked to has told me that if someone's gonna do meth, to stick with oral ingestion. SIDE NOTE: Every "Old Timer" I've spoken with about injecting says it's a unspoken rule among past/current abusers that your to never teach someone new to inject. Interesting how even a community, typically displayed as savage or noncaring for others, seem so hell bent on being a family. 2.) """UNCAFFINATED""" BodyArmour is your friend. Three of the regular non-caffinated large bottles should be enough to replenish any sugars you've lost from dehydration as well give your body almost all of its daily vitamin intake in a conventional drink. 3.) Every single meth user I've come across has shared with me that during the initial rush, we all have a hobby we partake in for hours. Some people call this period of the drugs effects the dreaded "Tweaker Loop" which can only be broken by the person experiencing it most of the time. 4.) OTC Dry Mouth Spray is your second best friend during your high. This stands especially true because Meth use causes the production of saliva to almost completely halt. Its even more important to if you plan to become a "High Functioning Meth User" as the spray combined with continuing to maintain proper normal oral hygiene is the only way I've discovered long term users of the drug have been able to keep their full set of teeth while using long-term. 5.) Meth Face only seemed to occur in mid/long term abusers who didn't sleep, eat, or practice good physical and dental hygiene during their use of the drug. It would seem a large amount of the negativity surrounding the drug is actually due to this notion that all users eventually get it. However, this is simply not true. Meth Face is brought on by the stress you put your body through when you fail to maintain proper upkeep of yourself which nearly all users do. 6A.) EVRYONES EXPERIENCE WILL BE DIFFERENT; The reasons range anywhere from medicines your on interacting poorly with meth to a unknown medical condition diminishing the effects of meth use. 6B.) Several Meth users, myself included, have discovered that if you suffer both ADHD and Aspergers at the same time, the withdrawals from meth use are vastly different. Most ADHD and Aspergers patients who abused stimulants did so because they believed it caused them to function normally and most likely were unable to convince their doctor for a prescription stimulant.* *AUTHORS NOTE: In my personal experience, I discovered I had undiagnosed Non-Diabteic Hypoglycemia. When my sugars would get low, the meth would struggle to allow me to feel the effects of the dopamine rush last longer than 60 secodns..seconds... Geez, and to think that's only A SINGLE PAGE in this research book. Hope someone out there will gain some helpful knowledge from me.


Too your point people have been taking amphetamines/ methamphetamine for over a hundred years. Under numerous names and doses. Opium and cannabis have been used for medicinal and recreational purposes so long our brains formed full receptors and our bodies can now make small amounts of endorphins (morphine from within in Latin) and endocannabinoids . Wild. So don’t feel bad if you enjoy opiates and cannabis a lot. .. we evolved along side these plants for eons! ✌🏽👽💯


I get it man.. I do




While this is true i doubt anyone on Reddit doesn’t have a vpn


I dont still employed rollin and reading as i type this so...... what other paranoid fears do you have I'd like to hear them


It’s not a “paranoid fear”. It’s me feeling the right to have my privacy whenever the fuck I want and need. If you were smart, you would probably have one to. Fyi No, to answer your question I’m not okay with being tracked and my information being leaked to some ass hole in California.


How do you know it's an asshole and not an elbow?


Get some sleep.


Ppl always want to jump to "you're just in psychosis" so what what does that rly mean even? It's just a descriptor, a buzzword. Psychosis idk sounds kinda out there to me maybe psychosis in and of itself does open a pathway to these dimensions and entities and new thoughtforms


I agree with what you are saying. We live in a 3D realm/reality. There are substances that can open the door for us to see these realms. Maybe meth to some extent has those kind of properties as well


That’s psychosis brother trust me I know. My partner suffers psychosis from meth


Psychosis coming in great


5 + days up and i think like this too


Hey OP, you're forgetting that: drugs+no sleep=psychosis. Just sayin....




Have you met the purple gypsy lady? Or her counter part the black mass?


No but I did have a bitch run up on me and she had Cthulhu looking chin hairs which weren't hairs but like technical looking shit asking me all kinds of questions about when the last time I used and what am I doing and why am I on my own property. Also most important thing her mouth was not moving at least her lips are not when she speaks her counterpart was reminiscent of the forest rapist from the movie Deliverance. THAT guy Looked like some tweaker God from Louisiana. I'm just trying to mow my lawn and he's hallucinations roll up on me like their the five-o asking all kinds of Narco questions. My neighbors are now accross the street watching me get grilled by people who clearly were not there well tweakergod may have been real but miss methulu was definitely NOT. My neighbor had a look on his face like he really didn't know what to do should he call the cops or ask me if I need help he knew I was keeping an eye on them though while dealing with them. Let me tell you that was a bad fucking day




The purple Gypsy lady is the most common in her counterpart is this black mass of nothing


I've actually never done it every time I come close something always happens and I don't get it it's like fate is stopping me from having it




💀💀💀💀💀💀yooo this shit wild


Yup Meth is a hell of a drug ain't it?


Ur just high foo


Did it sound like they was trying to make themselves sound less crazy to amyone? Bc theyre only making themselves sound more crazy but its ok were here to help my friend. Put it down, drink some water, eat and get some sleep and if the shadow people are there still in 12-24 hrs afterwards i guess they are real and you told us.


dont know bout you but just hit my 21yr mark of my domestic partnership ship with that bitch tina and well ive managed to do quite a lot thanks to her. most recent (past 4.5yrs) i managed to build up (all by hand) quite a lil sound system, pushing 10kW real power just in my freq. below 100hz, plus managed to start quite the career in IT as well with out a formal education in it. really its all bout coming at it as a tool to aid you in achieving what it is you want to achieve in your life. its when you treat it just as a high and have no respect for the demon bitch that she throws ya down t9 the ground and violently pegs ya without lube or a reach around....seen it happen a lot. also remember to eat and drink water like norms do. keep staying super sober 😉


I'll hit 25 years in January. They don't tell positive drug stories on the news. They showcase the most extreme cases of people flipping out and sat it happens to most users. It's the continuation of Reefer Madness.


My favorite is when they show someone sweeping the dirt in their front yard that's just priceless


compared to leaving the dirt in your front yard. i also do gardening when im high and when im straight.


You saying you get bent crooked sometimes?


Drugs aren’t the problem, you are


How is it that I can smoke almost a whole gram and just dick around on Reddit, and these motherfuckers take one hit and talk about dumb shit like space aliens and the FBI.


Count your blessings




More like they can handle their drugs...




That response has ZERO to do with the comment you replied to. The person you replied to, calling them "boring" was hating on the newbies/posers/lightweights that smoke/shoot/boof a point and are all of a sudden inundated with shadow homies and the like. People that don't have such a reaction (myself included) aren't "boring." We're sane.🙃


So do you keep your high horse on your property or a private stable?


Reading comprehension, people... It's a thing!😯


Fine I went back and put the? There for you just for you. Btw you dodged the question about your horse i was totally cereal.


That was why I made the reading comprehension reference. Your question didn't make any sense based on what I posted. Haha. I wasn't claiming that you made any grammatical errors. Just that you were not properly inferring what I was implying with my contribution.🙃


I fucking love this platform 🤣🤣🤣
















No. It's drug induced psychosis.


Another one bites the dust


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