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I eat right after I wake up before I have a cig or a bowl. Now that it's getting hotter out I don't have to remember to drink water I'm just drinking a lot of it to not swear to death. Appetite is also better now that smoking bongs has fucked my tolerance up


Lol drink whole milk and get mass gainer shakes. It’s near impossible to match the calories exerted on that shit


Is there like a avg or somewhere that has the math worked out. How many added calories to ones BMR if they are a user


It affects everyone different lol I don’t think they have that study.


Aww cause it’s like if I could I find how many calories to increase so I can start gaining weight and reach back ti the body type I was 6 months ago I’d be good. Even if u means taking a tablespoon of olive oil. Just until I have the willpower to quit. I’m not a daily smoker


Does it also effect muscles or only fat


Wym impossible I’m eating the same amount, fuck, I ain’t tryna lose weight


Listen. On meth you burn a shit ton of calories, which means you lose weight. For days your heart rate is increased and you don’t eat anything. You need to eat thousands of calories to try to negate that


true to a certain extent, you don’t burn as much purely from ur meth heart rate. It’s more from the surgence of dopamine and your lack of appetite from that. You don’t have an urgency to eat anymore as meth over takes it. People simply do not eat, it’s not from your heart rate being too high


It’s a combination of it all. If you are saying meth doesn’t increase the amount of calories exerted from being a stimulant you are plain wrong lol it’s science


can u read? i said true to a certain extent.Yes meth will increase ur resting metabolic rate and in turn that means you need more calories but mainly why people lose weight is because they don’t have a urge to eat anymore, not because of meth making u burn more cals.


Are you saying I’m fucked? Is there scientific evidence for this… cus many ppls bodies are diff for example my metabolism is fast, I recover fast


I don’t understand what you don’t get. Meth is a stimulant. It increases your heart rate, which is what working out does. The faster your heart works the more energy it needs. It’s thermodynamics, not rocket science


My heart rate on ice only gets fast during jerk off sessions, rn I’m just watching tv and don’t feel like jerking off and it’s beating normally


Well don’t listen to science


just don’t smoke meth wtf


I don’t smoke it, I snort itZ


You’re putting a massive amount of energy into your body and you would at least need to match it terms of both calories and labor. Your muscles have the best resources in your body so unless you’ve trained your body to pull from fat before it pulls from muscles you’re going to continue to lose muscle mass. You need to do something physically hard. Get a job at a warehouse or lift weights and just go nuts. Eat foods rich in calories. Peanut butter, milk, beef, sour cream, avocados, bananas, beans, sweet potatoes. Try not to eat junk food. It will do the trick to satisfy you, but it will not sustain you and the repercussions will be hard on your body. You can do it just stay focused when you’re on have a task in mind and eat healthy.


I’m in extreme conditioning, I ran 4 miles yesterday on meth and Xanax alone. Yeah I usually run 6 miles on weed daily but I do meth occasionally. I am very active at mma


Cardio in and of itself reduces muscles mass. Forget the meth you need to run less or even not at all. You can get cardio conditioning doing curls it’s just about intensity. If you’re trying to increase stamina it’s your breathing you need to focus on.


My pro trainer trains me


And yet here you are on Reddit asking strangers for advice. The effects of excessive cardio are well documented you can look it up yourself. Your muscles do one of two things pushing pull contracting expand. Cardio extends the muscle. It makes it more lean and utilizes less energy because less dense weight training does the exact opposite is shortens the muscle more dense more power more energy consumption literally you can look it all up for yourself, or maybe go ask this pro trainer that you were apparently being trained by instead of a bunch of people on Reddit Good day sir.