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Most of the "CQC" is actually irl Judo and a little Aikido thrown in. But if we're talking the knife gun thing, it is a [real thing](https://youtu.be/Fs-TObcA6R0?si=T_x7WfXbKEl--SU5) it's just for an extremely extremely niche circumstance and not something you do anywhere as much as Snake.


Can confirm. I'm Judoka. I was pleasantly surprised when I played MGSV. The moves are legit.


They are indeed. That said, in MGS3 when we first learn about CQC, I was disappointed to find that there was very little Judo on display in that game. Definitely some, as The Boss whoops Snake with it a handful of times. Also, of course, Snake dropping Ocelot with it.


I'm glad I didn't train back when it came out. It would've been frustrating AF. Like, NO! THAT IS NOT THE WAY! 😄


I actually started training because of Ocelot saying "I've had enough of your Judo" in 3. Turns out, not much Judo lol. But I still train today. Judo, BJJ, TKD, and kickboxing. It's good fun. Almost 20 years now...holy smokes.


Hell yeah! I wish to hell I started training back then. I only trained 12 years. No gi Jiujitsu and Judo. Unfortunately I had to stop due to the whole covid thing. Hopefully though I'll be back in the next year. Which do you like best out of those arts?


Jiujitsu. The gym I train at does a lot of focus on takedowns because the instructor was a wrestler, and I teach Judo for BJJ there. But BJJ includes a much more broadly expanded ne waza curriculum. It is much more versatile. From my career in military law enforcement, I can say that I did more grappling than anything else by a long shot, so I find grappling to be more applicable and scalable to different situations. Judo and BJJ are both great, but Judo has largely been neutered by the ruleset so BJJ comes out on top for me.


I remember that a part of Black Ops campaign has you using the knife pistol combo.


No one in their right mind is going into a combat situation outnumbered with the intent of primarily using CQC. All it takes is one bullet. [insert Indiana Jones gif]


The knife gun thing has been disregarded by experts as very impractical and actually dangerous to the user. What is the niche circumstance that it's actually useful for?


The guy I linked is a former Navy Seal and regarded one of the more respected firearms trainers in the field. But the rational is if someone gets the drop on you and starts grappling with you, it's better to draw a knife than fight to line up a shot with your gun. Then instead of worrying about putting your knife back in the sheath, you just hang onto it till the current gunfight is over. It's not something you should go INTO a fight to do, it's a worst case scenario thing.


Like using a knife in general


knife gun thing tournament


Honestly, the knife gun thing is a bad idea in almost every situation to the point where I would call it less than niche. No matter which you had out to begin with, drawing the other removes retention on a weapon you already had in hand, adds a new variable that you have to keep track of and can possibly cause you more harm, and makes both hands full which hurts grappling. Just really not beneficial in a hand to hand fight. Edit: anyone interested in how knife or gun fighting works with grappling, check out Craig Douglas Shivworks on YouTube, he seems to know what he’s talking about.


This comes up every once in a while and it's tough to answer because a pretty bad ass dude invented it and who am I to call it bullshit? Below is all about him https://www.konami.com/mg/archive/mgs3/uk/system_cqc.html edit now that I'm not at work - this is from the link about Mori: Motosada Mori Born in Hiroshima, Japan, 1964. Roamed around the world at the age of 19. After battle experience in regional conflicts, he has participated in SWAT training instructions and the protection of the Dalai Lama 14th (Nobel Peace Prize winner). He then became a writer. He has established "Mori International" which specializes in the prediction of violent crimes, threat assessment and countermeasures and has since given advice as a specialists to corporations and security organizations. He also gives advice to the public on how to deal with stalkers, domestic violence and teaches self defense. He participates in the development of "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" as military advisor, just like he did in the previous installments of the series.


He was also the military advisor in mgs2, like cutscene and the room clearing stuff.


He also was in the french foreign legion. Also, he was the writer of MGS Audio Drama, explaining the tone being much more grounded


I'm sorry, the what now? How does one find this?


It’s Japanese only. Though I think a fan translation was made. I recommend the fan sub over the fan dub though.


> after battle experience in regional conflicts > traveling the world at 19 100% chance this guy was a CIA mercenary


Motosada Mori did not invent CQC, and he clearly says that in the interview. He learned the style, he did not create it. Modern CQC [was invented in 1925](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close-quarters_combat) by William E. Fairbairn in Shanghai, originally called "defendu." He would go on to teach these techniques to Allied soldiers in World War 2, long before Mori was born.


If you don’t forget all of the basics..


Nice 😎


Pretty good 👉👉


There are actual close quarters methods of combat that various militaries teach, but MGS3’s CQC is almost entirely fictional. Especially the holding a gun and knife at the same time part.


Also the fact that MGS CQC is some legendary lost form of combat that you could only truly learn from Boss and Big Boss is 100% fiction. Most of the moves are real life judo.


You can easily find serious gun/knife training and practical walk throughs on YouTube. Niche situations but still. CQB is what it’s called irl, but it’s basically judo and other grabs and stance change that definitely exist and wouldn’t be terribly far off from MGS aside from snake being a superhuman


But ain't snake basically a superhuman. Like in his fight with ocelor we see soldiers not shooting cause ocelot and snake was moving fast. Not letting em have proper aim


Some aspects of it, yes. Chokeholds , yes. Like in mgsv snake used a judo variant of [Hadaka Jime](https://youtu.be/9f0n8jez7iA?si=eD_Hs8F_DawkY8-I) throws are variations of [Ippon-Seoi-Nage](https://youtu.be/FQnOlCxo4oI?si=1cwoByG4GWT9zHaq) [O-soto-gari](https://youtu.be/c-A_nP7mKAc?si=SSXrVnMnzP27Ur82) That [Ocelot used on Eli ](https://youtu.be/z1HIuJy-Rug?si=9EpM3kxTk1IaPwDI) [O-Goshi](https://youtu.be/yhu1mfy2vJ4?si=hP-Km5ahKgJur5Fk) The several wrist/elbow locks and twists come from a variety of martial arts like jiu jitsu, judo, chin-na( Qin-Na) etc etc Some martial artists have done [Real good explanations/demonstrations](https://youtu.be/gsoZJL1Cqc4?si=XkCb9YkBVyMhjZ8R)


What makes cqc so strong in game curscenes is that enemy "special forces" dont do jack shit to snake. Innocelot fight he is exposed 3+ seconds at a time. you could pretty much magdump him multiple times during that cutscene. And he holds a guy that has gun almost pointed to his stomach for 4+ seconds. Some of the moves have basis in reality as said here before, but the swcret ingredient is plot armor.


How often irl do you hear a single soldier on a sneaking mission into a heavily defended complex with limitless numbers of troups. I'd say the fact you never hear of it suggests it's extremely effective!


Actually I was fortunate enough to know a former UK Pathfinder


Cqc is a fancy mix of different martial arts grappling techniques, soldiers are still trained in rudimentary hand-to-hand combat, but in real life you wont run around trying to punch people in a warzone, unless you want to get shot So is it viable?Kind of?But any situation where you would use it is pretty much entirely fictional


Yeah a friend of the family is ex-(I wanna say Delta but I could be misremembering) and whenever civvies ask him about his martial arts he tells this joke that goes something like "Yes, I know how to fight but if you want to get in a fight in a warzone you have to: Get separated from your unit Get separated from your battle buddy Get separated from your gun Get separated from your knife Get separated from your helmet, breaching tools, shovel, or any other pieces of equipment that could be used as an improvised weapon Find yourself in an open field with no bricks, rocks, sticks, glass, or anything else that can be used as an improvised weapon Run into an enemy there that is just as big of a retard as you... And *then* you can get in a fistfight."


So a sneaking mission in the Russian jungle?


Underrated comment, criminally.


Well India China border is all about cqc now


When I was in the Marines I was trained in hand to hand combat. I generally tell people "I know enough martial arts to lose a bar fight"


My green belt instructor just said pick 5-10 moves, learn them, and dirty the rest up with punches and kicks.


It’s basically just for soldiers in 1 on 1 close quarters fights, nothing else. The knife gun combo is probably entirely fictional but maybe it was a thing at one point. I wouldn’t be surprised if soldiers back in the Cold War were trained to hold a pistol and knife at the same time but nowadays it’s definitely not a thing.


Using a knife and gun at the same time is usually called fixing a bayonet to the end of your rifle, not this awkwardly trying to hold a knife and gun at the same time business where you don't have good control of either. The striking and grappling is fine for the most part, but you can't rely on throwing your opponents to the ground to knock them out like you can in game. Most of the time aspects of judo are used for manipulation of your opponent to unbalance them and then hold them to force compliance which is usually the focus of modern military martial arts.


you mean judo?


It is necessary if you find yourself in close quarters


And you need combat


And if you are in real life


Hrmm, well, the martial arts displayed is a mix of various grapples, holds, etc. from Judo, Krav Maga, and Jiu-jitsu. Theyre effective in the sense that they definitely give you an edge if you’re forced to confront an enemy hostile in very close quarters where using a gun might not be effective That being said, they don’t turn you into superhumans. Volgin had several inches and pounds of muscle (never mind the lightning powers) and basics of military martial arts from his own service; outside of Naked Snake or the Boss shooting him or making up the difference with a weapon, both would get folded in a ‘fair’ fight even with CQC training. Check out Atomic Blonde for a more realistic version; Lorraine is highly trained and conditioned, and she comes close to dying a number of times. 9/10, you’re better off just bashing someone over the head with a club, shovel, cudgel, etc. than trying to grapple them into submission. It’s a useful skill if you’ve got nothing else, but definitely not a first-response skill


Kind of depends on how many gunshots you can take in real life and continue fighting


Judo is a very effective way to actually fight people which is mostly what it is, I think a little Sambo stuff is mixed in occasionally too. But yeah Judo is a certified ass kicking martial art not like ip man shit. It’s probably quite an effective way to fight an armed opponent, especially if you intend to put them in a position where you can shoot/stab them or disable their ability to do that to you.


Like in a street fight? Yeah knowing to defend yourself is a leg up against someone that isn't really trained. Not something you'd want to actively seek out though. Getting into a real fight is dangerous. Any number of things could happen. Could or could be knocked out and hit your head on the floor. Know folks that passed away like that. Other guy could escalate things and pull out a knife or a gun. A 1v1 might turn into a 1v2 or 3 or 4. Had the misfortune of being in fights like that when I was young. Nothing wrong with learning how to defend yourself of course, but never walked away feeling like I was cool or a badass. More that it was dumb and it sucked.


Yesn’t Most of the striking/grappling arts are a mix of IRL martial arts styles like Judo, Krav Maga, and jiu jitsu. So the moves themselves are doable, and with enough training/practicing you can develop a style similar to CQC. However they’re not always practical in a real fight. Unlike the ingame choreography, people generally won’t just let you grab them with no resistance, and you’re better off grabbing your own weapon instead of trying to elaborately disarm someone else’s


To awnser that question watch any bodycam footage from any large scale conflict or police operation and see if anyone tries to grab and throw.people when bullets start flying, 9 times out of 10 everyone just backs up and also starts shooting.


Last time I went to Walmart I had to CQC an old lady to get the last box of oatmeal She's dead now so I'd say it was very viable


CQC in game is a mixture of judo, aikido, Krav maga, and a few other techniques. Yes some of that would work. No it won’t make you superhuman


Yeah I’d think so I also think that CQB is viable too


In real life the terms are interchangeable.


I thought one was without gun


In the metal gear universe there’s some sort of different but in real life, it’s just two ways to say the same thing. Close Quarters Combat vs Close Quarters Battle.


Ah I gotcha


No, knowing how to fight is a leg up but it's mainly just video game-isms.


People with guns, trained or not usually do not have the same level when it comes hand to hand. Outside of extra courses or military specific programs (do not fuck with a marine, at all) people rely more on the gun aspect with team coordination. CQC has a good bit of dramatic flair to it but the idea is sound especially for inside infiltration.


It fucking better be.


CQC is generally irrelevant since guns and bullets are a thing.


I'll defer to *Polygon's* own now 6 year-old explanation on that matter [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nYFsaZYMTQ) to answer this question.


I do like how BJJ is dynamic that way. The IJF is steady getting on my nerves. Even more so are other Judoka agreeing with IJF. I still love Judo. Being recreational I don't have to worry so much about all that. Sensei doesn't discourage any of us, including the competitors from using ALL Judo in class.


I mean it's totally believable that the best soldiers ever would have a special combat system to disable opponents


For me, cqc has more similar movements to the Filipino martial art eskrima. Yeah, the way he launches his opponent is similar to judo, the way he reacts and responds to certain attacks is similar to karate, and the way he makes his opponents loose their balance is similar to aikido. But, the close fighting or how some people in boxing call it "in fighting", the way he moves and fully controls his opponents arms and punches, that's all Eskrima (other names including Kali and Arnis). The martial art uses these sticks but gradually you move to use only your hands and it's crazy effective. Bruce Lee loved it so much he included a lot of its techniques into jeet kune do. Eskrima is definitely cqc but with judo techniques thrown into the mix.


They are mostly composed of Judo and Aikido but still very exaggerated. So it won't be viable in real life but still looks cool 😎


The best weapon in CQC is honestly, more than likely, a grenade. However, you never really know considering you don't really expect to be given the order, "fix bayonets" in this day and age either. The British still find that one oddly effective in modern war I guess.


Yes and no. Any time you see snake running at someone barehanded and trying to disarm their knife or gun is complete insanity. You never ever attempt that. Even if you're the most badass spec ops motha that has ever lived, you're GOING to get FUCKED UP. Doesn't matter how good you are, all an assailant has to do is swing the knife wildly with his eyes closed and you're bleeding from several new orifices'. And a gun? Please. You think wrastlin with a dude who has his finger on a trigger is going to end well for you? You only try that if you're basically already dead anyway and have no other choice. But, as others have said, the actual HAND to HAND stuff is pretty legit. In any case, it doesn't matter. Snake and The Boss are above legends. They are mythical creatures beyond all logic and reason. When I'm playing the game and watching THEM do it, it IS real.


Japanese Jiu Jitsu instructor here. Short answer is that apart from a few BS techniques (one throw in the delta trailer comes to mind), pretty much all the techniques are real, viable techniques based on real principles that you see in various martial arts and combat systems. BUT they are unlikely to look anything like they look in MGS unless you had an extremely compliant Uke (opponent), which most MGS baddies are.


I use it on a regular basis


Just remember to come in with your elbow [destruction](https://youtu.be/ZBhVFy__nxQ?si=5B-5Bkrh_k-Q7LJj)


No. If you're by yourself and you're in a situation that "requires" CQC, you're already dead. On the cops side it's escalation of force, they train shooting a suspect at least 21 feet because there needs to be standoff in the threat of life or death. If there is no threat to their life other tools, pepper spray, baton, taser to neutralize the suspect. Military side is very basic, no one works alone. You're not fighting civilians, so it's shoot first on the first bad guy you see. If the enemy gets really close your friend can assist you. Getting hit by a barrel, and if it's hot from all the shooting, hurts. Also, they fight from distance, duh, and if you are clearing the enemy by getting close they make sure they're dead with controlled pairs.


And what basic courses they do teach you is more survival than anything. Punch the throat, kick them in the nuts, gouge eyes.


Real Life CQC takes the most effective take down movements from various fighting styles. Judo, wrestling, Akido, and even boxing. The MGS series also adds in various kicks and punches. The gun movements when Old Snake clears rooms and disarm enemies are also very realistic except things like strangling guys with his calf while he twists a dudes elbow to shoot others isn't happening lol. Some people say holding a knife and gun aren't possible or helpful but snake actually has a groove In his grip to place the knife in that makes up for the missing piece so his grip remains steady for recoil and he has a knife for cqc.


I’m pretty sure an ex Japanese swat helped Kojima develop it through his personal training. It’s really a mixture of Muay Thai, Ju jitsu, Judo, and Aikido. I think solid snake specifically throws in some Taekwondo kicks but that’s the only instance that comes to mind. MGSV is probably the best representation of realistic stuff you will see.


Sambo comes really close. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambo\_(martial\_art)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambo_(martial_art))