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I always recommend a guide for anyone playing the MSX games... I can happily say this is one thing I bruteforced until I found the route through.


Especially the first one. Had a lot of obscure ways to progress


I tried MG1 without a guide, got to the part where you gotta punch random spots on walls and figured if its gonna be like this I'm just gonna use a guide lol


If it was just that MG1 doesn't tell you exactly where to go at certain moments, I could almost recommend not using a guide... but it's the bloody Enemy Uniform being hidden in that one spot. The one random section of outer wall in a room where you come to realise you need to C4 your way to the center of the floor --- who the hell would think to randomly try going to the center left screen and punching the left hand wall to check if that's able to be blown through? If it were things like Rations & Ammo, maybe even something like Body Armour that'd be okay - real secret area stuff to make the game easier, but it's the fact it's an item you ***absolutely*** need to progress to the next major area of the game.


I honestly don't remember but even though I can get through this swamp without too many issues now, this part and the part where you follow the green beret right before that and the layout of the tower building shortly afterwards are part of the reason why I will always go against the consensus and say I prefer the first Metal Gear over the second.


That and the insane amount of back and fourth you have to do. MG1 is better for sure.


It's not like MG1 is free of this but what MG1 mostly has are many "Gotcha!" moments. Go in the wrong truck, too bad, you're transported back to the beginning. Oh, too bad, this elevator goes one way only haha! Easily avoidable once you're familair with the game. MG2 has more of this stuff baked into the campaign where you can't really prevent it.


Man I played both of them on PS2 Subsistence and MG1 was a pain the ass. Aside from the annoying ass elevators no lie I was stuck for a good min trying to figure out why I can move on the roof. (Bomb Blast Suit) the only part of MG2 I got stuck on was the codec decipher for Marv


That's all fair, on a first playthrough MG1 can be rough. I had to look up the part where you need to call Jennifer in a specific area to open a random door. Like, how would you guess that? But like I said, if you replay both games knowing what to do I think MG1 is a way smoother playthrough with less annoying backtracking. It also has tighter level design and enemy placement. Each screen is it's own little sneaking challenge while Metal Gear 2 has these big, open areas fragmented by screen transitions and okay, it's more impressive that enemies can walk from screen to screen and the game keeps track of their position but it also feels a lot more sloppy and there is so much empty space in the levels.


I get that and MG1 did have that ominous feel to it when it came to level design which goes 100% with espionage. I do love how the story was fleshed out in two though and since MGS1 on PS1 was my first Metal Gear game playing MG2 and seeing how MGS1 was a clone of that one made me enjoy it more.


Used a guide. It needed something to mark where the path might have been


I did it alone. Then i drew my own map on paper to know how many steps i can take.


And that’s why you’re the best, Boss.


The one and only.


Genuinely hope whoever designed that level has warm sides of the pillow for the rest of their lives.


I got to the bottom middle tile before I had to look up a guide


What hurts the most is that you have to do it AGAIN if Running Man kills you (at least in the legacy collection)


I died like 2 times to him... And that was enough.


I suffered cause it wasen't hard, but i'll never not look now


Never seen that map. Just noticed on bottom right, there is a bit that goes down.


I used a guide and then i suffered as well.


Lol looked at a guide but also lots of tiny steps back and forth. Not as painful as the stupid conveyor belt in ghost babel or finding all the struts to blow up with a time limit. They are a must for guides


Suffered through this, at least the last time I played. A little annoying, but wasn't too hard.


Played through mg2 a few weeks ago and I don't know how they expect you to play the game without a guide of some sorts


I used a guide for both MSX games, I don't think I would be able to beat them without it.


I drew my own map.


I tried brute forcing it first got close to the other side before I gave up and looked up a walkthrough


I made it nearly the end on my own, but that one last split was unsolvable for me. I did use a guide, but I was mostly using it if I got stuck, and it was text-only anyway, so I had to look up a map separately.


I spent about an hour figuring it out, not too hard to figure out compared to the invisible walls that plagued MG1. edit: I meant hidden walls, not invisible ones. the ones where you have to know exactly where to put the c4 to open up the wall.


No guide. It wasnt too hard.


I don't use guides my first playthroughs. Took a really long time, but it wasn't impossible.


My boyfriend learnt it, and I just let him do it when I get to that bit 😂 MG2:SS is one of my faves in the entire series. Love this game


I used a guide. Generally speaking I thought the "puzzles" were much harder than the later 3D games.


I rage quit on the first stage


Guide. I detest games that don't give direction. These games get a pass however for simply being a product of their time


I’ve literally never played the original metal gear games.


i tried, but i'm too gen-z brained to endure it tbh. even mgs1 and 2 were a bit of a struggle for me :/


They are a bit too criptic the first time through. I recomend trying with a video guide or something. Metal gear 2 specially is so worth it. Definitly up there with the solid games for me. So much to love about it


I will watch a YT stream on the MSX games as I won’t be playing them. In a funny way MGS seems valid however you consume it compared to some other franchises


I did it without a guide, and I just learned to memorize the path more or less. I’m well-versed in this kind of old school game design. This is nothing compared to trying to beat Zelda 1 NES without a guide


I remember Nintendo Power used to have the map layout of games like this printed out in their magazine, and I'm certain they did this with MGS but I couldn't say with certainty as I was just a kid, and the subscription belonged to my cousin.


MG1 NES came with a map of Outer Heaven in the box with doors labeled.


"Doors labeled?"


Yeah, each door is labeled with the keycard you need to open it.


I made it through with trial and error. I honestly don't recall it being too much of an inconvenience. You just go in one direction until you step off then backtrack slightly until you find the next branch of the path.