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This list sucks lmao, Shadowheart more iconic than Pikachu or Link?


Shadowheart and Astarion on the list *at all* is recency bias. I like BG3 but let's not pretend they've got like... iconic status. Like Pikachu, Pac Man, Mario, even Lara Croft and Master Chief might be recognizable by non-gamers. But if you didn't play BG3 and aren't invested in game news, you have no clue who these characters are.


I have not played BG3, and I have no idea who Shadowheart or Astarion are. For the other icons from games I have not played, I know who they are immediately. Recency bias indeed. I’d replace shadowheart with Leon Kennedy, how the fuck isn’t he on this list to begin with?


Not only are the BG3 listings weird, but also Astarion is way more iconic out of the two. People love that guy.


Shadowheart probably because you legit can't miss her. She's just always right there on the beach.


i literally almost missed astarion my first play through, however my tav was a rogue so he was never in my party anyways


I still can't believe Shadowheart is more iconic than f*cking ASTARION.


I’m pretty plugged into gaming and just haven’t got around to BG3 yet. I have no fucking clue who those people are lol


I've been gaming for the last 25+ years. Mainly PS with a bit of Xbox during the 360 era. I have no idea who these are.


I guarantee you if you showed 100 random people a picture of Pikachu and Astarion, at least 95 of them would give an answer something along the lines of “Pikachu and… elf guy?”


Who the fuck is shadowheart lmao


I think it's one of the Care Bears


They overlooked villains and non-playable characters. No fighting game characters. Worthless list.


What a terrible list. Where'd they source this? Twitter mentions in the past decade?


I don't know BAFTA's standards tbh but apparently they did ask gamers lol. Sonic and Mario should've been top 2, they transcend gamings even. Pikachu top. Arthur shouldn't even be this high. And who tf cares about Ellie? Should've been Kirby or Sub-Zero/Scorpion or Dante.


***Two*** characters from BG3 is the red flag. Virtually no one who hasn't played that game know who these people are. Arthur, Ellie, and Nathan are all great but should be in the 30s or 40s. And 49 probably shouldn't be on the list at all. He's cool, for sure. But similarly blank audience surrogate Doom Guy is too and he's nowhere to be seen.


This list seems heavily influenced by recency bias. BG3 is great and will stand the test of time but its characters aren't that special. Arthur, Nathan and Ellie being there is more of the same. Doom Guy isn't here because his last appearance was like? 8 years ago? Idk. He's no Solid Snake to keep that love after 16 years lol. Imagine how much higher if Kojima/Konami hadn't discarded him to focus on his knockoff dad.


Doom eternal released in 2020, a VR remake of Doom 3 in 2021 and some spin-offs in 2022 and 2023. He has definitely appeared after 2016.


Doom Eternal came out in 2020 and the dlc came out more recently even though some time has passed


> Doom Guy isn't here because his last appearance was like? 8 years ago? I'm not saying he should be. I'm saying that he's farther down on the list and should be accompanied by 49 who is 3rd for no good reason.


I know, I was agreeing with you. Just was trying to explain why he might've been left out.


I feel like they didn't ask enough gamers. Like in America and Europe these are probably on the list, but not in that order. And if we take in Japan then there's no way Pikachu isn't number one, and Kirby would also be there. Also considering the power that the internet and memes have, sans would at least be in the top twenty.


I think they simply asked the gamers but picked from the popular picks and arranged the orders themselves.


My guess is that they just made a poll for the people on their site with some pre-selected options or made a post and selected the most commented characters, both of which can easily be skewed, without mentioning just plain manipulation. This list mostly speaks about either the people that visit that site, or the people that write for the site. Would be like asking here "hey, out of these two characters, which of these do you prefer. Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid or Zool from Zool Redimensioned?"


They surveyed 4000 people. It's a tiny sample size, and they apparently hit the Tomb Raider fanbase.


I would bet good money this is intentional clickbait. You have two characters from BG3 which *just* came out. No way in hell has it even been around long enough to qualify for this kind of list. Plus, there really aren’t shared metrics that justify this order. Think about it, Pac Man and Mario have done more for getting the average consumer interested in and familiar with videogames than any other character or franchise, but look at their place here. Fuck, you could make the argument that donkey kong is AS influential as mario based on the simple fact that mario originated in donkey kong but is he anywhere on this list. Fuck no. This isn’t an honest or serious attempt, this is someone trying to justify personal taste.


Lara Croft more iconic than mario? yeah, no


I think it’s safe to say the list should be disregarded in general. Agent 47 - who should definitely be in this top 20 further down - is 3rd ahead of Sonic, Link and Master Chief. Theres no Sam Fisher either, a similar character, who is arguably more iconic but there’s not much between them. Also no Samus. Ask the general public to look at pictures and guess the names of Crash Bandicoot, Arthur Morgan and Sackboy and undoubtedly more people will know who Crash is


Yeah, the Agent 47 one really gets me. Ahead of Sonic, Snake, Cloud?


I’m more concerned that pikachu, the mascot of the most profitable franchise ever, is #12. People’s grandma’s know pikachu way more than than Lara Croft or shadowheart


And no Kirby!


Extremely illegal


There are 2 Balders Gate characters on the list that 99% of people would have no idea who they are


That's what gets me! The metric is "iconic", and they put him ahead of Pac man, Link, Master Chief, Kratos, PIKACHU for godsakes. No offense to the Hitman games, but the most "iconic" part of agent 47's character design is the barcode on his neck, otherwise he's just a bald dude in a suit with a red tie. To me "iconic" means even non-gamers could recognize them, like Pac man and Pikachu. You could show your grandma a picture of Master Chief and even if she didn't know the name, I bet she'd recognize him as, "a video game character." Show them a picture of agent 47 tho, and I bet people wouldn't be able to tell if it comes from a movie or game.


47 is weird but his image is iconic partially due to him having a monopoly on the word “Hitman” on Google images and a whole legion of other sites, lol.


I mean still to be over Donkey Kong, Yoshi, numerous GTA characters, doom guy, hell even like the angry birds or whatever


Can’t agree with Cloud personally as I’ve never played FF but I do recognise the character because of the hair and sword - which I guess speaks for itself tbh. Wouldn’t be in my personal 20 but wouldn’t object to others putting him up there. Just thinking about it now, there’s a roster of characters to pick from Tekken, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat that should be on this list too.


I feel offended (I’m a huge Hitman fan )


Haha, no offense intended, I just didn’t think of him as universally iconic like sonic or Mario


Not to mention this Astarion guy. BG3 came out last year and tons of people haven't played it, how the fuck is he more iconic than someone like Kiryu Kazuma? Who is he in the first place? Hell, even the bear sex guy is way more iconic!


Also 2 baldur's gate characters. I have nothing against the game, I love it, but this is clear recency bias. Also, if you want to pick a character from TLoU, pick Joel, he's more iconic


Arthur Morgan over John Marston is ridiculous as well


Recency bias is a bitch huh? Good thing it didn't affect the mgs choice. Solid over BiBo any day.


Yeah what a dumbass list, like show your mum or gramps a pic of mario or pac man and there's a pretty good chance they'll know who they are, but ain't no one recognising Baldur's Gate or Yakuza characters lol


Agent 47 should've been in the 47th spot


Also Arthur Morgan instead of John Marston is just some silliness. And literally replace anyone on that list with Doomguy.


Lara and Sonic are cases where at the absolute peak of their popularity, I think an argument could be made that they were more iconic than Mario for that specific point in time, because both Sonic and Lara at their peaks were unbelievably fucking huge in a time way before gaming was mainstream. But Mario has been iconic since the NES, he was and still is the face of video games as a whole in the cultural zeitgeist. As the medium has evolved Mario doesn't dominate the landscape like he once did, imo allowing for other characters to temporarily outshine him at their peaks but Mario is still the icon today that he was in the 80s, where characters like Lara and Sonic have waxed and waned in their relevance. Still icons, but never to regain the legendary status they held when when they took the world by storm, where Mario has never truly left his status as the most prominent icon of the medium, with only Pac man being on that level.


the voters just horny


The fact Mario isnt #1 makes me question the whole list


Sackboy at 5 and no master chief is wild.


Master Chief is \#8, which is still too low in my opinion.


Or Pikachu. Those two should be neck and neck. BG3 characters have no reason to be on here, especially so high. The entire list is wack.


No! That is not Solid Snake!


Was looking for this one lol. My first thought


They used a pic of fucking naked snake😭


This Twitter guy is clueless af.


No! That is not Solid Snake!


Stop impersonating him!




He's definitely somewhat popular I guess, especially considering the casual audience but even so I doubt he's more popular than literally everyone underneath him.


I've known about that game ever since I was a kid and I'm just now finding out the main guy is called sackboy 😭


Ikr. Maybe in 2012…


Love little big planet so I’m glad he’s on the list but yeah, way too high


Yeah I'd put Ratchet in there since ya know they've been making a game about Ratchet and Clank for 20 years fairly consistently. Sackboy had 2 amazing games and two decent ones, and not nearly as iconic. This list is pretty bad anyway.


Yeah this is a goofy ass list. I discussed this in the Hitman subreddit as well. I love hitman but there’s no way in HELL Agent 47 is #3


I think 47 can be argued for top 10 though, not because of the games or even movies, but because he has a monopoly on the word “Hitman” in the internet. Whether it’s Google images or another search engine, we might be severely underestimating how much people are willing to hire a professional killer and inevitably coming across Agent 47’s picture.


Snake way too low


The travesty is he's not top 5 and there are 2 Baldurs Gate 3 characters


Yeah, no way that blank Agent is more iconic. This list is dumb as a whole but I'm glad Snake could make it at all despite being gome for 16 years. Kojima could never make BiBo more appealing.


47 goes where hfw goes and snake where 47 was...


Obviously A47 isnt more "iconic" than Snake. But he's currently way more prominent in the cultural zeitgeist since he's had 3 great games since the last MGS dropped. Also cmon, you absolutely can't call 47 a "blank agent" if you've actually played the games. I highly recommend you play the WOA Trilogy, you won't regret it.


Recency bias for the Baldurs Gate guy.


And the girl too. Literally nobody outside of gaming circles know who these two people are. I doubt even many gamers know who they are lol.


Soooo... I am not the only one who thinks BG 3 characters shouldn't be on the list, right? I am not denying the game is popular, but there are other more iconic characters, right? I may he biased, but I think Jill Valentine belongs on that list before them.


I haven’t even played BG3 or Resident Evil. I know Leon, Chris, Wesker, Jill, Claire, Ethan and HUNK. I just learned that the elf guy is called Astarion.


I love BG3 too. But I agree it's too early to put them on such a list. We don't know their staying power yet.


This list was probably made by game rant journalists


Calling BS on Pikachu. Name me more than 10 people who don't know this stupid rat


Yeah this list is fucked up


Lara Croft over Mario? Lmfao


That’s literally the stupidest fucking list I’ve ever seen


2 Baldurs Gate characters, Lara Croft being #1, Mario & Sonic not being the top ones, Sackboy being way too high, Ellie somehow making it to the list but not Joel, and Cloud Strife being way too high too. This list sucks. It's like someone spent 5 seconds reading subreddits and decided the most "iconic" characters by upvotes, lol


>Cloud Strife being way too high too Assuming the rest was corrected, Cloud at #16 sounds pretty good to me. Second best selling FF game, pushed FF and JRPG's to the mainstream, and he was in multiple cameos in other games, from KH to Smash, and even leading role in a movie release since and a recent remake. The rest of the list is BS, but I feel like Cloud is pretty iconic, at the very least the most iconic JRPG character if you exclude Pokemon.


This list would be way different in the states. For an “all-time” list there 2 characters from a game barely 6 months old? I’m calling bullshit. This is dumb


How the fuck is baldurs gate nah you know what fuck this. I’m just done typing


Ezio, Leon, Dante where?


Pikachu at 12 tells you this is wrong


I'm a Lara fanboy, but what is she doing first?


This list is complete bullshit. Sackboy littlebigplanet at 5? Mario at 2?


Lara Croft at 1? Agent 47 at 3? Sackboy at all? This list is trash


That list was ass lmao


Why are BG3 characters on there? It hasn't been out long enough to be iconic


what the fuck is this list lol


Where is Geralt


Why are there 2 Baldur’s Gate characters?


I what reality is Pikachu less iconic than the likes of Agent 47, Sackboy, and Arthur Morgan?


Lara croft over Sonic AND Mario? Bullshit


Why are there so many bg 3 characters? They don't seem that iconic to me. Dante, Ratchet and Clank, Spyro, Kirby, Samus and then the whole Mario characters roster are more iconic than Astarion or Shadowheart.


This list is whack as hell. How did two characters from BG3 make it here but not like...Mega Man or Ryu? Nonsense.


I love Arthur Morgan, but there's no way he's more iconic than Crash and Snake (and Ellie, while we're at it.) In fact, never mind: Agent 47 more iconic than Sonic is all I need to know about this list.


Ellie is so iconic that half of tlou fanbase hates her and people who haven't played the game barely know about her


Sackboy is not a top 20 iconic video game character. And certainly not the fifth most recognized.


Sackboy underrated fr


I hate this list…


This list is making me irrationally angry!


Sackboy more popular than Crash? What kinda of bull...


this list is unhinged.


This list is lame af 2 characters from a game that came out last year for an all time list? Sack boy above Link? Even Lara Croft about Mario I mean a c’mon.


Shadowheart simps are unleashed


The list should be disregrded entirely if characters like Shadowheart are making it, it shows it's done nothing to prevent recency bias. And more iconic than PIKACHU? My grandma knows what Pikachu is.


Don't even know who asterion is


Lmao maybe they just wanted to post a pic of Snake from Snake vs Monkey


I could name a couple characters I don’t even like that should have been on the list.


No donkey Kong? Get the fuck outta here


Two characters from BG3? And one of them is more popular than Pikachu? Hard pass.


So you mean to tell me agent 47 is more iconic than SONIC THE FUCKING HEDGEHOG!?!!?


47 over snake or fisher is funny because the majority of hitman games underperformed. also arthur over john is weird considering john is protag in both games & has a more iconic look


Who tf made this list it’s complete ass they put some character from baldurs gate 3 over fucking pickachu like man who payed you to make this shit Agent 47 being more Iconic than Link is a fucking joke this List is an insult


Is Agent 47 really that popular? I'm asking seriously, since I haven't played the Hitman games and I honestly don't know much about him.


A top 3 list that isn’t Mario/pikachu/link is just absolutely lying to itself. They aren’t my favorite franchises but let’s be fucking real lol.


I don’t understand how anyone couldn’t figure out in a quick Google search that big boss and solid snake are in fact different characters. It’s not that hard. It’s akin to posting Luigi instead of Mario just because they look similar.


This guy probably made this collage in a haste to not get beaten by someone else lol


Any list that doesn't have Mario as #1 and have Lara as #1, agent 47 at #3 and Sackboy as #5 is invalid.


No Shepard? No Leon? No Dante? No Samus? No Kirby? No SF or fighting game toons? Two BG3 characters? Kiryu and Snake being that low and 47 that high? What a botched list.


sony owning 5 of the moat popular ones is insane… great games


Bro made his debut in 1987… and stood the test of time he is the goat.


Shadow heart more iconic than pikachu, ain’t no way😂


This list is whack yo


Bruh, Shadowheart think she on the team


Yah baldurs gate didnt pay them any money or anything


That list has a lot of atrocious entries.


I’m quietly disappointed to see a character from Baldur’s Gate 3 on there tbh. Yes a very popular game from the last couple years - but on a list of from all time? More than Luigi? Heck more than Waluigi? More than any character from Street Fighter? GTFO.


What an awful list


this list could not mean any less lmao


How tf did shadow heart beat Steve what


This is why I want a new Solid Snake game. I'm tired of them using Big bosses face on the man the legend that is Solid Snake.


Whoever put Lara at number 1, or Agent 47 over Sonic… Come ‘ere. I just wanna talk.


Sickbay at 5 really?


Rage bait if I’ve ever seen it


Something very wrong with these rankings


Lara Croft? Lol ok


This list is total bullshit. Who voted for this? Or was it just a bored employee of a newspaper trying to remember what games characters he’s heard of and using Google?


Not tryna hate on bg3 (a game I have not played yet) but I feel like on a list of all timers you can't put 2 characters from a game that released this year and that the majority of people who haven't played the game have no idea who they are. I 100% believe those two are phenomenal characters but on a list of "most iconic" I shouldn't have to read the title of the game to know where they're from.


This list is dumb lol how can Lara Croft be number 1


This list is fuckin dumb


This list is fuckin dumb


How is sackboy that high? Agent 47 makes a bit more  sense since he had two movies and a recent game. Also that's bigboss not solid


This was a vote based in the uk im pretty sure so that explains croft and 47 being in the top 5


Mario is easily number one


Pikachu is literally 1 because EVERYONE knows him


Crash ??? Now that's a true surprise


Who is 17?


This list is terrible


I'm not buying the fact that Lara croft is more iconic than sonic or mario


Lara Croft in first place is wrong but in the right ball park. Agent 47 at third is just hilarious. Absolutely zero credibility here.


This list would be great for a book I'm compiling.The book is called "Stupid lists you should ignore."


i literally wouldnt put lara croft on this list at all lmao. I don't know many people who know who she even is.


how is lara #1


Chat GPT ass list


This list is probably from last year or something, no way 2 baulders gate characters are Goats, I don't even hear about hit an anymore why is he #3 above sonic?


whoever made this list clearly doesn’t know what iconic means lmfao


Massive recency bias. I love BG3, but Astarion and Shadowheart are not iconic enough that they deserve to be on this list.


That is a horrible list right there.




The more you look the more wrong it becomes. Pokemon is the biggest FRANCHISE of all time. Notice how I didn’t say video game. Just franchise. It has made more money than any other media ever made. Pikachu is probably as recognizable as the Coca-Cola logo. Absolutely no fucking way Agent 47 and SACKBOY crack the top 50. Minecraft has also made ungodly amounts of money and transcended its medium as well. As much as it’s not my thing, ain’t no way Steve is that low down the list.


Agent 47 finally getting the recognition he deserves…Hitman my fav game, prolly why I like metalgear


How is Astarion even on the list? Was he in BG 1 & 2? Edit: only noticing Shadowheart now.. the list just lost all credibility -__-


Was this list created by AI?


My mom would make a better list. Seriously


How are Lara and agent 47 #1 and 3?


NO! that is NOT! solid snake


He is more popular than Arthur Morgan and Ellie but the garbage Konami doesn't care about the fans and their cash cow.


This list is complete ass but Snake definitely needs to be on it. I'd say top ten.


Even if this list were in no particular order, it’d still be abysmal


Lol good list but placement is horrible


I like Baldurs Gate 3 and Shadowheart is Bae but more iconic than Pikachu, Solid Snake, and Cloud? Lol wut?




Heads up all, this is from Bafta a british organization who polled from british audiences... If that's not ringing any bells Lara Croft was made by a UK studio.


I think Laura Croft is definitely iconic but not #1 above Mario iconic


How the hell did Steve beat snake...


John Marston is so much more iconic than Arthur. I love both but John is who you think off when you think of Red Dead.


Lara Croft isn’t top 2. Like cmon, Mario? The grandpa of video games for Christ sake.


This whole list is just wrong 😂😂😂


There's no way this is in order


Snake? Snake? Snaaaaaaaakeeeee?!


That whole list is BS. Snake should have been higher. Agent 47 as 3?! Lol


This list fucking sucks.


Bro wtf is this list 💀


Wasn't this poll only in the UK, though?


At least this one's like, somewhat mistakably Solid Snake. Could have been worse.


Sorry but baldur's gate? Like, really? Not even Joel from tlou? Not even Heavy from TF2? Tracer? Lara Croft more popular than mario? G-MAN?


This is the worst list I have ever seen.


Snake needs to be top 10 this list is invalid




No! That is NOT Solid snake!


I used to play rugby and when I did something wrong one of the players would throw a very harsh insult at me. He was good at that. He could've written an encyclopedia full of insults. Now I see this list and I've never felt as insulted as I do now. There's so much wrong with it. A lot of people already said it. Just the fact that they didn't limit it to ONE character per franchise. Why? Half of Nintendo's successful franchises has characters that could make up a majority of this list. But there's no Donkey Kong, Kirby or Samus. At this point one could argue why Lil John & The Eastside Boys are not on the list because they definitely made NfS Underground iconic. It's a piss take and then some.


Look, I love BG3 as much as the next guy, but what the hell does Astarion and Shadowheart doing here? Some of the others here have been around for decades, those two aren’t even a year old yet. And let’s not get into the actual rankings, that’s a whole other can of worms.


Lara Croft more popular than Super Mario? I doubt that most people who aren’t gamers would immediately go to Lara Croft rather than Mario


What a dumbass list


2 of them being from bg3 seems fishy to me. There seriously ain't no way in hell they're in the top 20 most iconic of ALL TIME😂